'''OpenGL extension SGIX.resample This module customises the behaviour of the OpenGL.raw.GL.SGIX.resample to provide a more Python-friendly API Overview (from the spec) This extension enhances the unpacking resampling capabilities of the SGIX_subsample extension. When pixel data is received from the client and an unpacking upsampling mode other than PIXEL_SUBSAMPLE_RATE_4444_SGIX is specified, the upsampling is performed via one of two methods: RESAMPLE_REPLICATE_SGIX, RESAMPLE_ZERO_FILL_SGIX. Replicate and zero fill are provided to give the application greatest performance and control over the filtering process. However, when pixel data is read back to the client and a packing downsampling mode other than PIXEL_SUBSAMPLE_RATE_4444_SGIX is specified, downsampling is performed via simple component decimation (point sampling). That is, only the RESAMPLE_DECIMATE_SGIX is valid. The official definition of this extension is available here: http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/SGIX/resample.txt ''' from OpenGL import platform, constant, arrays from OpenGL import extensions, wrapper import ctypes from OpenGL.raw.GL import _types, _glgets from OpenGL.raw.GL.SGIX.resample import * from OpenGL.raw.GL.SGIX.resample import _EXTENSION_NAME def glInitResampleSGIX(): '''Return boolean indicating whether this extension is available''' from OpenGL import extensions return extensions.hasGLExtension( _EXTENSION_NAME ) ### END AUTOGENERATED SECTION