import logging import os from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Iterable import numpy as np import openai import pandas as pd import promptlayer from openai.embeddings_utils import cosine_similarity, get_embedding from buster.documents import get_documents_manager_from_extension from buster.formatter import ( Response, ResponseFormatter, Source, response_formatter_factory, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # Check if an API key exists for promptlayer, if it does, use it promptlayer_api_key = os.environ.get("PROMPTLAYER_API_KEY") if promptlayer_api_key:"Enabling prompt layer...") promptlayer.api_key = promptlayer_api_key # replace openai with the promptlayer wrapper openai = promptlayer.openai openai.api_key = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY") @dataclass class ChatbotConfig: """Configuration object for a chatbot. documents_csv: Path to the csv file containing the documents and their embeddings. embedding_model: OpenAI model to use to get embeddings. top_k: Max number of documents to retrieve, ordered by cosine similarity thresh: threshold for cosine similarity to be considered max_words: maximum number of words the retrieved documents can be. Will truncate otherwise. completion_kwargs: kwargs for the OpenAI.Completion() method separator: the separator to use, can be either "\n" or

depending on rendering. response_format: the type of format to render links with, e.g. slack or markdown unknown_prompt: Prompt to use to generate the "I don't know" embedding to compare to. text_before_prompt: Text to prompt GPT with before the user prompt, but after the documentation. reponse_footnote: Generic response to add the the chatbot's reply. """ documents_file: str = "buster/data/document_embeddings.tar.gz" embedding_model: str = "text-embedding-ada-002" top_k: int = 3 thresh: float = 0.7 max_words: int = 3000 unknown_threshold: float = 0.9 # set to 0 to deactivate completion_kwargs: dict = field( default_factory=lambda: { "engine": "text-davinci-003", "max_tokens": 200, "temperature": None, "top_p": None, "frequency_penalty": 1, "presence_penalty": 1, } ) separator: str = "\n" response_format: str = "slack" unknown_prompt: str = "I Don't know how to answer your question." text_before_documents: str = "You are a chatbot answering questions.\n" text_before_prompt: str = "Answer the following question:\n" response_footnote: str = "I'm a bot 🤖 and not always perfect." class Chatbot: def __init__(self, cfg: ChatbotConfig): # TODO: right now, the cfg is being passed as an omegaconf, is this what we want? self.cfg = cfg self._init_documents() self._init_unk_embedding() self._init_response_formatter() def _init_response_formatter(self): self.response_formatter = response_formatter_factory( format=self.cfg.response_format, response_footnote=self.cfg.response_footnote ) def _init_documents(self): filepath = self.cfg.documents_file"loading embeddings from {filepath}...") self.documents = get_documents_manager_from_extension(filepath)(filepath)"embeddings loaded.") def _init_unk_embedding(self):"Generating UNK embedding...") self.unk_embedding = get_embedding( self.cfg.unknown_prompt, engine=self.cfg.embedding_model, ) def rank_documents( self, query: str, top_k: float, thresh: float, engine: str, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Compare the question to the series of documents and return the best matching documents. """ query_embedding = get_embedding( query, engine=engine, ) matched_documents = self.documents.retrieve(query_embedding, top_k) # log matched_documents to the console"matched documents before thresh: {matched_documents}") # filter out matched_documents using a threshold if thresh: matched_documents = matched_documents[matched_documents.similarity > thresh]"matched documents after thresh: {matched_documents}") return matched_documents def prepare_documents(self, matched_documents: pd.DataFrame, max_words: int) -> str: # gather the documents in one large plaintext variable documents_list = matched_documents.content.to_list() documents_str = " ".join(documents_list) # truncate the documents to fit # TODO: increase to actual token count word_count = len(documents_str.split(" ")) if word_count > max_words:"truncating documents to fit...") documents_str = " ".join(documents_str.split(" ")[0:max_words])"Documents after truncation: {documents_str}") return documents_str def prepare_prompt( self, question: str, matched_documents: pd.DataFrame, text_before_prompt: str, text_before_documents: str, ) -> str: """ Prepare the prompt with prompt engineering. """ documents_str: str = self.prepare_documents(matched_documents, max_words=self.cfg.max_words) return text_before_documents + documents_str + text_before_prompt + question def get_gpt_response(self, **completion_kwargs) -> Response: # Call the API to generate a response"querying GPT...") try: response = openai.Completion.create(**completion_kwargs) except Exception as e: # log the error and return a generic response instead. logger.exception("Error connecting to OpenAI API. See traceback:") return Response("", True, "We're having trouble connecting to OpenAI right now... Try again soon!") text = response["choices"][0]["text"] return Response(text) def generate_response( self, prompt: str, matched_documents: pd.DataFrame, unknown_prompt: str ) -> tuple[Response, Iterable[Source]]: """ Generate a response based on the retrieved documents. """ if len(matched_documents) == 0: # No matching documents were retrieved, return sources = tuple() return Response(unknown_prompt), sources"Prompt: {prompt}") response = self.get_gpt_response(prompt=prompt, **self.cfg.completion_kwargs) if response:"GPT Response:\n{response.text}") relevant = self.check_response_relevance( response=response.text, engine=self.cfg.embedding_model, unk_embedding=self.unk_embedding, unk_threshold=self.cfg.unknown_threshold, ) if relevant: sources = ( Source(dct["source"], dct["url"], dct["similarity"]) for dct in matched_documents.to_dict(orient="records") ) else: # Override the answer with a generic unknown prompt, without sources. response = Response(text=self.cfg.unknown_prompt) sources = tuple() return response, sources def check_response_relevance( self, response: str, engine: str, unk_embedding: np.array, unk_threshold: float ) -> bool: """Check to see if a response is relevant to the chatbot's knowledge or not. We assume we've prompt-engineered our bot to say a response is unrelated to the context if it isn't relevant. Here, we compare the embedding of the response to the embedding of the prompt-engineered "I don't know" embedding. set the unk_threshold to 0 to essentially turn off this feature. """ response_embedding = get_embedding( response, engine=engine, ) score = cosine_similarity(response_embedding, unk_embedding)"UNK score: {score}") # Likely that the answer is meaningful, add the top sources return score < unk_threshold def process_input(self, question: str, formatter: ResponseFormatter = None) -> str: """ Main function to process the input question and generate a formatted output. """"User Question:\n{question}") # We make sure there is always a newline at the end of the question to avoid completing the question. if not question.endswith("\n"): question += "\n" matched_documents = self.rank_documents( query=question, top_k=self.cfg.top_k, thresh=self.cfg.thresh, engine=self.cfg.embedding_model, ) prompt = self.prepare_prompt( question=question, matched_documents=matched_documents, text_before_prompt=self.cfg.text_before_prompt, text_before_documents=self.cfg.text_before_documents, ) response, sources = self.generate_response(prompt, matched_documents, self.cfg.unknown_prompt) return self.response_formatter(response, sources)