import whisper import gradio as gr model = whisper.load_hf_model(repo_id="jerpint/whisper", filename="") def transcribe(audio, translate): task = "translate" if translate else None result = model.transcribe(audio, task=task) return result["text"] title = "BabelFish" description = "Record your voice in any language, babelfish will output a transcript of what was said. Check 'Translate to english' to get an english transcription. Based on the OpenAI Whisper model" gr.Interface( fn=transcribe, inputs=[ gr.Audio(source="microphone", type="filepath"), gr.Checkbox(label="Translate to english"), ], title=title, description=description, examples=[ ["samples/french_hello.wav", True], ["samples/english_hello.wav", True], ["samples/hebrew_hello.wav", True], ["samples/spanish_hello.wav", True], ], outputs="text", ).launch()