import altair as alt import pandas as pd import panel as pn pn.extension('vega') # Selection widgets 1 subgroup_select1 = pn.widgets.Select(name='Layers', options=["conv2d5", "conv2d6", "conv2d7", "conv2d8", "conv2d9", "linear1", "linear2"]) # Selection widgets 2 subgroup_select2 = pn.widgets.Select(name='Layers', options=["conv2d5", "conv2d6", "conv2d7", "conv2d8", "conv2d9", "linear1", "linear2"]) # Bind the widgets to the create_plot function def create_plot(subgroup_select): @pn.depends(subgroup_select.param.value) def _plot(layers): df_train_umap = pd.read_csv(f"{layers}.csv").sample(n=5000, random_state=19) color_dict = { "ClassifierA_Cr203_C6": "#B3262A", "ClassifierA_test_stim": "#2f559a", "ClassifierA_test_unstim": "#5AADC5", } # Define a selection for zooming and panning (interval) zoom = alt.selection_interval(bind='scales') # Define a selection for the legend legend_selection = alt.selection_multi(fields=['class_label'], bind='legend') # Create the Altair chart object chart = alt.Chart(df_train_umap).mark_circle(size=4, opacity=1).encode( x=alt.X("UMAP_1:Q", scale=alt.Scale(zero=False)), y=alt.Y("UMAP_2:Q", scale=alt.Scale(zero=False)), color=alt.Color("class_label:N", scale=alt.Scale(domain=list(color_dict.keys()), range=list(color_dict.values()))), tooltip=['UMAP_1', 'UMAP_2', 'class_label'], opacity=alt.condition(legend_selection, alt.value(1), alt.value(0)) # Use the selection here to control opacity ).properties( title=f"UMAP Test Data Labels - {layers}", ).add_selection( legend_selection, # Add the selection to the chart zoom ).configure_axis( grid=False ).configure_view( strokeWidth=0 ) return chart return _plot # # Combine everything in a Panel Column to create an app # app = pn.Column("# UMAP Data Interactive Visualization", subgroup_select, pn.panel(create_plot, reactive=True)) # # Set the app to be servable # app.servable() # Create two instances of the main layout # Main layout 1 main_layout1 = pn.Column( "# Data Interactive Visualization (SPARCS)", subgroup_select1, pn.panel(create_plot(subgroup_select1), reactive=True), ) # Main layout 2 main_layout2 = pn.Column( "# Data Interactive Visualization (SPARCS)", subgroup_select2, pn.panel(create_plot(subgroup_select2), reactive=True), ) # Place layouts side by side using pn.Row side_by_side_layout = pn.Row(main_layout1, main_layout2) # Create a basic template template = pn.template.BootstrapTemplate(title='SI649 Project 2') template.main.append(side_by_side_layout) # Serve the application template.servable()