from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO import base64 import torch from transformers import StoppingCriteria from llava.constants import IMAGE_TOKEN_INDEX import numpy as np from llava.model.data_3d_util import ( compute_max_extent_and_centroid, unit_cube_normalization_in_place, ) def prepare_3d_input_minkowski(pcd_file: str, input_color: bool, voxelizer): pcd_data_np = np.load(pcd_file) # (num_points, 6) locs_in = pcd_data_np[:, 3:] rgb = np.rint(pcd_data_np[:, :3] * 255).astype(int) # common trick to change the range of [-1, 1] feats_in = rgb / 127.5 - 1 # keep this operation if we have other data format feats_in = (feats_in + 1.0) * 127.5 labels_in = torch.ones(locs_in.shape[0]).int() locs, feats, labels, inds_reconstruct = voxelizer.voxelize(locs_in, feats_in, labels_in) coords = torch.from_numpy(locs).int() coords =[0], 1,, coords), dim=1) if input_color: feats = torch.from_numpy(feats).float() / 127.5 - 1.0 else: feats = torch.ones(coords.shape[0], 3) return coords, feats, inds_reconstruct def prepare_3d_input( pcd_file: str, max_num_points: int, is_normalize_points_to_unit_cube: bool, mm_vision_tower: str, ) -> torch.Tensor: # TODO: add support for MinkNet if mm_vision_tower == "pointcloud-perceiver": pcd_data = np.load(pcd_file) # (num_points, 768) # note that the convention of the last 3 dimension of any npy flle is x, y, z pcd_data_xyz = pcd_data[:, -3:] max_extent, centroid = compute_max_extent_and_centroid(pcd_data_xyz, epsilon=1e-4) if is_normalize_points_to_unit_cube: unit_cube_normalization_in_place(pcd_data_xyz, max_extent, centroid) pcd_data = torch.from_numpy(pcd_data).float() pcd_attention_mask = torch.ones(pcd_data.shape[0], dtype=pcd_data.dtype) # truncate or pad to NUM_POINTS datapoints along dim 0 if pcd_data.shape[0] > max_num_points: pcd_data = pcd_data[:max_num_points, :] pcd_attention_mask = pcd_attention_mask[:max_num_points] elif pcd_data.shape[0] < max_num_points: padding = torch.zeros( ( max_num_points - pcd_data.shape[0], pcd_data.shape[1], ) ) pcd_data =, padding), dim=0) # extend the attention mask with zeros for the padding points attention_mask_padding = torch.zeros(padding.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool) pcd_attention_mask =, attention_mask_padding)) # output shape: (num_points, 768 + 1) where the last dimension is the attention mask output_tensor =, pcd_attention_mask.unsqueeze(1)), dim=1) return output_tensor.unsqueeze(0) # add batch dimension def load_image_from_base64(image): return def process_images(images, image_processor, model_cfg): return image_processor(images, return_tensors="pt")["pixel_values"] def tokenizer_image_token( prompt, tokenizer, image_token_index=IMAGE_TOKEN_INDEX, return_tensors=None ): prompt_chunks = [tokenizer(chunk).input_ids for chunk in prompt.split("")] def insert_separator(X, sep): return [ele for sublist in zip(X, [sep] * len(X)) for ele in sublist][:-1] input_ids = [] offset = 0 if ( len(prompt_chunks) > 0 and len(prompt_chunks[0]) > 0 and prompt_chunks[0][0] == tokenizer.bos_token_id ): offset = 1 input_ids.append(prompt_chunks[0][0]) for x in insert_separator(prompt_chunks, [image_token_index] * (offset + 1)): input_ids.extend(x[offset:]) if return_tensors is not None: if return_tensors == "pt": return torch.tensor(input_ids, dtype=torch.long) raise ValueError(f"Unsupported tensor type: {return_tensors}") return input_ids def get_model_name_from_path(model_path): model_path = model_path.strip("/") model_paths = model_path.split("/") if model_paths[-1].startswith("checkpoint-"): return model_paths[-2] + "_" + model_paths[-1] else: return model_paths[-1] class KeywordsStoppingCriteria(StoppingCriteria): def __init__(self, keywords, tokenizer, input_ids): self.keywords = keywords self.keyword_ids = [] for keyword in keywords: cur_keyword_ids = tokenizer(keyword).input_ids if len(cur_keyword_ids) > 1 and cur_keyword_ids[0] == tokenizer.bos_token_id: cur_keyword_ids = cur_keyword_ids[1:] self.keyword_ids.append(torch.tensor(cur_keyword_ids)) self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.start_len = input_ids.shape[1] def __call__(self, output_ids: torch.LongTensor, scores: torch.FloatTensor, **kwargs) -> bool: assert output_ids.shape[0] == 1, "Only support batch size 1 (yet)" # TODO offset = min(output_ids.shape[1] - self.start_len, 3) self.keyword_ids = [ for keyword_id in self.keyword_ids] for keyword_id in self.keyword_ids: if output_ids[0, -keyword_id.shape[0] :] == keyword_id: return True outputs = self.tokenizer.batch_decode(output_ids[:, -offset:], skip_special_tokens=True)[0] for keyword in self.keywords: if keyword in outputs: return True return False