from sklearn.decomposition import PCA import plotly.graph_objects as go import torch def visualize_features_PCA( xyz: torch.Tensor, features: torch.Tensor, ): """visualize the features using PCA Args: xyz (torch.Tensor): [num_points, 3] features (torch.Tensor): [num_points, feature_dim] """ xyz = xyz.cpu().numpy() features = features.cpu().numpy() pca = PCA(n_components=3) pca_result = pca.fit_transform(features) # (N, channel) # Normalize the results between 0 and 1 for color mapping pca_result -= pca_result.min(axis=0) pca_result /= pca_result.max(axis=0) # Scale to 0-255 for RGB pca_result = (pca_result * 255).astype(int) # Convert to a format Plotly understands color = ["rgb({},{},{})".format(r, g, b) for r, g, b in pca_result] # Create interactive 3D scatter plot fig = go.Figure( data=[ go.Scatter3d( x=xyz[:, 0], y=xyz[:, 1], z=xyz[:, 2], mode="markers", marker=dict( size=5, color=color, # set color to an array/list of desired values opacity=0.8, ), ) ] )