""" talking_video_dataset.py This module defines the TalkingVideoDataset class, a custom PyTorch dataset for handling talking video data. The dataset uses video files, masks, and embeddings to prepare data for tasks such as video generation and speech-driven video animation. Classes: TalkingVideoDataset Dependencies: json random torch decord.VideoReader, decord.cpu PIL.Image torch.utils.data.Dataset torchvision.transforms Example: from talking_video_dataset import TalkingVideoDataset from torch.utils.data import DataLoader # Example configuration for the Wav2Vec model class Wav2VecConfig: def __init__(self, audio_type, model_scale, features): self.audio_type = audio_type self.model_scale = model_scale self.features = features wav2vec_cfg = Wav2VecConfig(audio_type="wav2vec2", model_scale="base", features="feature") # Initialize dataset dataset = TalkingVideoDataset( img_size=(512, 512), sample_rate=16000, audio_margin=2, n_motion_frames=0, n_sample_frames=16, data_meta_paths=["path/to/meta1.json", "path/to/meta2.json"], wav2vec_cfg=wav2vec_cfg, ) # Initialize dataloader dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=4, shuffle=True) # Fetch one batch of data batch = next(iter(dataloader)) print(batch["pixel_values_vid"].shape) # Example output: (4, 16, 3, 512, 512) The TalkingVideoDataset class provides methods for loading video frames, masks, audio embeddings, and other relevant data, applying transformations, and preparing the data for training and evaluation in a deep learning pipeline. Attributes: img_size (tuple): The dimensions to resize the video frames to. sample_rate (int): The audio sample rate. audio_margin (int): The margin for audio sampling. n_motion_frames (int): The number of motion frames. n_sample_frames (int): The number of sample frames. data_meta_paths (list): List of paths to the JSON metadata files. wav2vec_cfg (object): Configuration for the Wav2Vec model. Methods: augmentation(images, transform, state=None): Apply transformation to input images. __getitem__(index): Get a sample from the dataset at the specified index. __len__(): Return the length of the dataset. """ import json import random from typing import List import torch from decord import VideoReader, cpu from PIL import Image from torch.utils.data import Dataset from torchvision import transforms class TalkingVideoDataset(Dataset): """ A dataset class for processing talking video data. Args: img_size (tuple, optional): The size of the output images. Defaults to (512, 512). sample_rate (int, optional): The sample rate of the audio data. Defaults to 16000. audio_margin (int, optional): The margin for the audio data. Defaults to 2. n_motion_frames (int, optional): The number of motion frames. Defaults to 0. n_sample_frames (int, optional): The number of sample frames. Defaults to 16. data_meta_paths (list, optional): The paths to the data metadata. Defaults to None. wav2vec_cfg (dict, optional): The configuration for the wav2vec model. Defaults to None. Attributes: img_size (tuple): The size of the output images. sample_rate (int): The sample rate of the audio data. audio_margin (int): The margin for the audio data. n_motion_frames (int): The number of motion frames. n_sample_frames (int): The number of sample frames. data_meta_paths (list): The paths to the data metadata. wav2vec_cfg (dict): The configuration for the wav2vec model. """ def __init__( self, img_size=(512, 512), sample_rate=16000, audio_margin=2, n_motion_frames=0, n_sample_frames=16, data_meta_paths=None, wav2vec_cfg=None, ): super().__init__() self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.img_size = img_size self.audio_margin = audio_margin self.n_motion_frames = n_motion_frames self.n_sample_frames = n_sample_frames self.audio_type = wav2vec_cfg.audio_type self.audio_model = wav2vec_cfg.model_scale self.audio_features = wav2vec_cfg.features vid_meta = [] for data_meta_path in data_meta_paths: with open(data_meta_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: vid_meta.extend(json.load(f)) self.vid_meta = vid_meta self.length = len(self.vid_meta) self.pixel_transform = transforms.Compose( [ transforms.Resize(self.img_size), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.5], [0.5]), ] ) self.cond_transform = transforms.Compose( [ transforms.Resize(self.img_size), transforms.ToTensor(), ] ) self.attn_transform_64 = transforms.Compose( [ transforms.Resize( (self.img_size[0] // 8, self.img_size[0] // 8)), transforms.ToTensor(), ] ) self.attn_transform_32 = transforms.Compose( [ transforms.Resize( (self.img_size[0] // 16, self.img_size[0] // 16)), transforms.ToTensor(), ] ) self.attn_transform_16 = transforms.Compose( [ transforms.Resize( (self.img_size[0] // 32, self.img_size[0] // 32)), transforms.ToTensor(), ] ) self.attn_transform_8 = transforms.Compose( [ transforms.Resize( (self.img_size[0] // 64, self.img_size[0] // 64)), transforms.ToTensor(), ] ) def augmentation(self, images, transform, state=None): """ Apply the given transformation to the input images. Args: images (List[PIL.Image] or PIL.Image): The input images to be transformed. transform (torchvision.transforms.Compose): The transformation to be applied to the images. state (torch.ByteTensor, optional): The state of the random number generator. If provided, it will set the RNG state to this value before applying the transformation. Defaults to None. Returns: torch.Tensor: The transformed images as a tensor. If the input was a list of images, the tensor will have shape (f, c, h, w), where f is the number of images, c is the number of channels, h is the height, and w is the width. If the input was a single image, the tensor will have shape (c, h, w), where c is the number of channels, h is the height, and w is the width. """ if state is not None: torch.set_rng_state(state) if isinstance(images, List): transformed_images = [transform(img) for img in images] ret_tensor = torch.stack(transformed_images, dim=0) # (f, c, h, w) else: ret_tensor = transform(images) # (c, h, w) return ret_tensor def __getitem__(self, index): video_meta = self.vid_meta[index] video_path = video_meta["video_path"] mask_path = video_meta["mask_path"] lip_mask_union_path = video_meta.get("sep_mask_lip", None) face_mask_union_path = video_meta.get("sep_mask_face", None) full_mask_union_path = video_meta.get("sep_mask_border", None) face_emb_path = video_meta["face_emb_path"] audio_emb_path = video_meta[ f"{self.audio_type}_emb_{self.audio_model}_{self.audio_features}" ] tgt_mask_pil = Image.open(mask_path) video_frames = VideoReader(video_path, ctx=cpu(0)) assert tgt_mask_pil is not None, "Fail to load target mask." assert (video_frames is not None and len(video_frames) > 0), "Fail to load video frames." # 提前加载的位置,确认长度 audio_emb = torch.load(audio_emb_path) # print(len(video_frames), len(audio_emb)) # 避免长度不一致,超索引范围 video_length = min(len(video_frames), len(audio_emb)) assert ( video_length > self.n_sample_frames + self.n_motion_frames + 2 * self.audio_margin ) start_idx = random.randint( self.n_motion_frames, video_length - self.n_sample_frames - self.audio_margin - 1, ) videos = video_frames[start_idx : start_idx + self.n_sample_frames] frame_list = [ Image.fromarray(video).convert("RGB") for video in videos.asnumpy() ] face_masks_list = [Image.open(face_mask_union_path)] * self.n_sample_frames lip_masks_list = [Image.open(lip_mask_union_path)] * self.n_sample_frames full_masks_list = [Image.open(full_mask_union_path)] * self.n_sample_frames assert face_masks_list[0] is not None, "Fail to load face mask." assert lip_masks_list[0] is not None, "Fail to load lip mask." assert full_masks_list[0] is not None, "Fail to load full mask." face_emb = torch.load(face_emb_path) indices = ( torch.arange(2 * self.audio_margin + 1) - self.audio_margin ) # Generates [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2] center_indices = torch.arange( start_idx, start_idx + self.n_sample_frames, ).unsqueeze(1) + indices.unsqueeze(0) audio_tensor = audio_emb[center_indices] ref_img_idx = random.randint( self.n_motion_frames, video_length - self.n_sample_frames - self.audio_margin - 1, ) ref_img = video_frames[ref_img_idx].asnumpy() ref_img = Image.fromarray(ref_img) if self.n_motion_frames > 0: motions = video_frames[start_idx - self.n_motion_frames : start_idx] motion_list = [ Image.fromarray(motion).convert("RGB") for motion in motions.asnumpy() ] # transform state = torch.get_rng_state() pixel_values_vid = self.augmentation(frame_list, self.pixel_transform, state) pixel_values_mask = self.augmentation(tgt_mask_pil, self.cond_transform, state) pixel_values_mask = pixel_values_mask.repeat(3, 1, 1) pixel_values_face_mask = [ self.augmentation(face_masks_list, self.attn_transform_64, state), self.augmentation(face_masks_list, self.attn_transform_32, state), self.augmentation(face_masks_list, self.attn_transform_16, state), self.augmentation(face_masks_list, self.attn_transform_8, state), ] pixel_values_lip_mask = [ self.augmentation(lip_masks_list, self.attn_transform_64, state), self.augmentation(lip_masks_list, self.attn_transform_32, state), self.augmentation(lip_masks_list, self.attn_transform_16, state), self.augmentation(lip_masks_list, self.attn_transform_8, state), ] pixel_values_full_mask = [ self.augmentation(full_masks_list, self.attn_transform_64, state), self.augmentation(full_masks_list, self.attn_transform_32, state), self.augmentation(full_masks_list, self.attn_transform_16, state), self.augmentation(full_masks_list, self.attn_transform_8, state), ] pixel_values_ref_img = self.augmentation(ref_img, self.pixel_transform, state) pixel_values_ref_img = pixel_values_ref_img.unsqueeze(0) if self.n_motion_frames > 0: pixel_values_motion = self.augmentation( motion_list, self.pixel_transform, state ) pixel_values_ref_img = torch.cat( [pixel_values_ref_img, pixel_values_motion], dim=0 ) sample = { "video_dir": video_path, "pixel_values_vid": pixel_values_vid, "pixel_values_mask": pixel_values_mask, "pixel_values_face_mask": pixel_values_face_mask, "pixel_values_lip_mask": pixel_values_lip_mask, "pixel_values_full_mask": pixel_values_full_mask, "audio_tensor": audio_tensor, "pixel_values_ref_img": pixel_values_ref_img, "face_emb": face_emb, } return sample def __len__(self): return len(self.vid_meta)