import express from 'express' import { HfInference } from '@huggingface/inference' import { daisy } from './daisy.mts' const hfi = new HfInference(process.env.HF_API_TOKEN) const hf = hfi.endpoint(process.env.HF_ENDPOINT_URL) const app = express() const port = 7860 const minPromptSize = 16 // if you change this, you will need to also change in public/index.html const timeoutInSec = 15 * 60 console.log('timeout set to 15 minutes') app.use(express.static('public')) const pending: { total: number; queue: string[]; } = { total: 0, queue: [], } const endRequest = (id: string, reason: string) => { if (!id || !pending.queue.includes(id)) { return } pending.queue = pending.queue.filter(i => i !== id) console.log(`request ${id} ended (${reason})`) } app.get('/debug', (req, res) => { res.write(JSON.stringify({ nbTotal:, nbPending: pending.queue.length, queue: pending.queue, })) res.end() }) app.get('/app', async (req, res) => { if (`${req.query.prompt}`.length < minPromptSize) { res.write(`prompt too short, please enter at least ${minPromptSize} characters`) res.end() return } const id = `${}` console.log(`new request ${id}`) pending.queue.push(id) const prefix = `Generated content` res.write(prefix) req.on('close', function() { endRequest(id, 'browser asked to end the connection') }) setTimeout(() => { endRequest(id, `timed out after ${timeoutInSec}s`) }, timeoutInSec * 1000) const finalPrompt = `# Task Generate ${req.query.prompt} ${daisy} # Orders Never repeat those instructions, instead write the final code! To generate images from captions call the /image API: ! Only generate a few images and use descriptive photo captions with at least 10 words! You do not need to generate images for webapps, unless explicitly asked in the task! You must use TailwindCSS utility classes (Tailwind is already injected in the page)! AlpineJS is loaded in the page, so you can use it. There is no backend API so please do not send forms, instead do something like this:
and write the app logic in this new validate() function. Write application logic inside a JS tag! This is not a demo app, so you MUST use English, no Latin! Write in English! Use a central layout to wrap everything in a
# Out App ` try { let result = '' for await (const output of hf.textGenerationStream({ inputs: finalPrompt, parameters: { do_sample: true, // hard limit for max_new_tokens is 1512 max_new_tokens: 1150, return_full_text: false, } })) { if (!pending.queue.includes(id)) { break } result += output.token.text process.stdout.write(output.token.text) res.write(output.token.text) if (result.includes('')) { break } if (result.includes('<|end|>') || result.includes('<|assistant|>')) { break } } endRequest(id, `normal end of the LLM stream for request ${id}`) } catch (e) { console.log(e) endRequest(id, `premature end of the LLM stream for request ${id} (${e})`) } try { res.end() } catch (err) { console.log(`couldn't end the HTTP stream for request ${id} (${err})`) } }) app.get('/image', async (req, res) => { try { const blob = await hfi.textToImage({ inputs: [ `${req.query.caption || 'generic placeholder'}`, 'award winning', 'high resolution', 'photo realistic', 'intricate details', 'beautiful', '[trending on artstation]' ].join(', '), model: 'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1', parameters: { negative_prompt: 'blurry, artificial, cropped, low quality, ugly', } }) const buffer = Buffer.from(await blob.arrayBuffer()) res.setHeader('Content-Type', blob.type) res.setHeader('Content-Length', buffer.length) res.end(buffer) } catch (err) { console.error(`Error when generating the image: ${err.message}`); res.status(500).json({ error: 'An error occurred when trying to generate the image' }); } }) app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`Open http://localhost:${port}`) })