import path from "node:path" import { postDirFilePath } from "../config.mts" import { readPostFile } from "./readPostFile.mts" import { Post } from "../types.mts" const cache: { [key: string]: { timestamp: number, post: Post }} = {}; export const getPost = async (appId: string, postId: string): Promise => { /* const cacheKey = `${appId}_${postId}`; const now =; // this is a tight cache (5 seconds) if (cache[cacheKey] && (now - cache[cacheKey].timestamp) < (5 * 1000)) { // return the cached data if it is less than 5 minutes old return cache[cacheKey].post; } */ const postFileName = `${appId}_${postId}.json` const postFilePath = path.join(postDirFilePath, postFileName) try { const post = await readPostFile(postFilePath) // if successful, cache the post and its fetch time // cache[cacheKey] = { timestamp: now, post }; return post } catch (err) { throw new Error(`couldn't find post ${postId} for app ${appId}`) } }