import { UUID } from '@aitube/clap' import { FFmpeg } from '@ffmpeg/ffmpeg' import { toBlobURL } from '@ffmpeg/util' const TAG = 'io/createFullVideo' export type FFMPegVideoInput = { data: Uint8Array | null startTimeInMs: number endTimeInMs: number durationInSecs: number } export type FFMPegAudioInput = FFMPegVideoInput /** * Download and load single and multi-threading FFMPeg. * MT for video * ST for audio (as MT has issues with it) * toBlobURL is used to bypass CORS issues, urls with the same domain can be used directly. */ async function initializeFFmpeg() { const [ffmpegSt, ffmpegMt] = [new FFmpeg(), new FFmpeg()] const baseStURL = '' const baseMtURL = '' ffmpegSt.on('log', ({ message }) => { console.log(TAG, 'FFmpeg Single-Thread:', message) }) ffmpegMt.on('log', ({ message }) => { console.log(TAG, 'FFmpeg Multi-Thread:', message) }) await ffmpegSt.load({ coreURL: await toBlobURL(`${baseStURL}/ffmpeg-core.js`, 'text/javascript'), wasmURL: await toBlobURL( `${baseStURL}/ffmpeg-core.wasm`, 'application/wasm' ), }) await ffmpegMt.load({ coreURL: await toBlobURL(`${baseMtURL}/ffmpeg-core.js`, 'text/javascript'), wasmURL: await toBlobURL( `${baseMtURL}/ffmpeg-core.wasm`, 'application/wasm' ), workerURL: await toBlobURL( `${baseMtURL}/ffmpeg-core.worker.js`, 'text/javascript' ), }) return [ffmpegSt, ffmpegMt] as [FFmpeg, FFmpeg] } /** * Get loaded FFmpeg. */ let ffmpegInstance: [FFmpeg, FFmpeg] export async function loadFFmpegSt() { if (!ffmpegInstance) ffmpegInstance = await initializeFFmpeg() return ffmpegInstance[0] } export async function loadFFmpegMt() { if (!ffmpegInstance) ffmpegInstance = await initializeFFmpeg() return ffmpegInstance[1] } /** * Creates an exclusive logger for the FFmpeg calls inside the provided method, * it calculates the progress based on raw FFmpeg logs and the provided `totalTimeInMs`. * * @param totalTimeInMs * @param method * @param callback * @param {number} callback.progress - The progress of the FFmpeg process from 0 to 100. * @returns */ async function captureFFmpegProgress( ffmpeg: FFmpeg, totalTimeInMs: number, method: () => any, callback: (progress: number) => void ): Promise { const extractProgressTimeMsFromLogs = (log: string): number | null => { // `frame` for videos, `size` for audios if (!log.startsWith('frame') && !log.startsWith('size')) return null const timeRegex = /time=(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.(\d{2})/ const match = log.match(timeRegex) if (match) { const hours = parseInt(match[1]) const minutes = parseInt(match[2]) const seconds = parseInt(match[3]) const centiseconds = parseInt(match[4]) const totalMilliseconds = hours * 3600000 + minutes * 60000 + seconds * 1000 + centiseconds * 10 return totalMilliseconds } return null } let ffmpegLog = true ffmpeg.on('log', ({ message }) => { if (!ffmpegLog) return const timeInMs = extractProgressTimeMsFromLogs(message) if (timeInMs) callback((timeInMs / totalTimeInMs) * 100) }) const result = await method() ffmpegLog = false return result } /** * It will calculate a proportional progress between a targetProgress and a startProgress * * @param startProgress e.g. 50 * @param progress e.g. 50 * @param targetProgress e.g. 70 * @returns e.g. 60, because 50% of progress between 70% and 50%, would result on 60% */ function calculateProgress( startProgress: number, progress: number, targetProgress: number ): number { return startProgress + (progress * (targetProgress - startProgress)) / 100 } /** * Creates an empty black video and appends it to the * provided `fileListContentArray`. * * @param duration time in milliseconds * @param width * @param height * @param filename * @param fileListContentArray fileList.txt where to append the file name * @param onProgress callback to capture the progress of this method */ export async function addEmptyVideo( durationInSecs: number, width: number, height: number, filename: string, fileListContentArray: string[], onProgress?: (progress: number, message?: string) => void ) { const ffmpeg = await loadFFmpegMt() let targetPartialProgress = 0 // For some reason, creating empty video with silent audio // in one exec doesn't work, we need to split it. console.log( TAG, 'Creating empty video', filename, width, height, durationInSecs ) let currentProgress = 0 targetPartialProgress = 50 await captureFFmpegProgress( ffmpeg, durationInSecs * 1000, async () => { await ffmpeg.exec([ '-f', 'lavfi', '-i', `color=c=black:s=${width}x${height}:d=${durationInSecs}`, '-c:v', 'libx264', '-t', `${durationInSecs}`, '-loglevel', 'verbose', `base_${filename}`, ]) }, (progress) => { onProgress?.((progress / 100) * targetPartialProgress) } ) console.log( TAG, 'Adding silent audio to empty video', filename, width, height, durationInSecs ) currentProgress = 50 targetPartialProgress = 100 const exitCode = await ffmpeg.exec([ '-i', `base_${filename}`, '-f', 'lavfi', '-i', 'anullsrc', '-c:v', 'copy', '-c:a', 'aac', '-t', `${durationInSecs}`, '-loglevel', 'verbose', filename, ]) if (exitCode) { throw new Error(`${TAG}: Unexpect error while creating empty video`) } console.log(TAG, 'Empty video created', filename) fileListContentArray.push(`file ${filename}`) } /** * Creates the full mixed audio including silence * segments and loads it into ffmpeg with the given `filename`. * @param onProgress callback to capture the progress of this method * @throws Error if ffmpeg returns exit code 1 */ export async function createFullAudio( audios: FFMPegAudioInput[], filename: string, totalVideoDurationInMs: number, onProgress?: (progress: number, message: string) => void ): Promise { console.log(TAG, 'Creating full audio', filename) const ffmpeg = await loadFFmpegSt() const filterComplexParts = [] const baseFilename = `base_${filename}` let currentProgress = 0 let targetProgress = 25 // To mix audios at given times, we need a first empty base audio track await captureFFmpegProgress( ffmpeg, totalVideoDurationInMs, async () => { await ffmpeg.exec([ '-f', 'lavfi', '-i', 'anullsrc', '-t', `${totalVideoDurationInMs / 1000}`, '-loglevel', 'verbose', !audios.length ? filename : baseFilename, ]) }, (progress) => { onProgress?.( calculateProgress(currentProgress, progress, targetProgress), 'Creating base audio...' ) } ) // If there is no audios, the base audio is the final one if (!audios.length) return onProgress?.(100, 'Prepared audios...') currentProgress = targetProgress targetProgress = 50 // Mix audios based on their start times const audioInputFiles = ['-i', baseFilename] for (let index = 0; index < audios.length; index++) { onProgress?.(currentProgress, 'Creating base audio...') console.log(TAG, `Processing audio #${index}`) const audio = audios[index] const expectedProgressForItem = ((1 / audios.length) * targetProgress) / 100 if (! continue const audioFilename = `audio_${UUID()}.mp3` await ffmpeg.writeFile(audioFilename, audioInputFiles.push('-i', audioFilename) const delay = audio.startTimeInMs const durationInSecs = audio.endTimeInMs - audio.startTimeInMs / 1000 filterComplexParts.push( `[${index + 1}:a]atrim=0:${durationInSecs},adelay=${delay}|${delay}[delayed${index}]` ) currentProgress += expectedProgressForItem * 100 } const amixInputs = `[0:a]${, index) => `[delayed${index}]`).join('')}amix=inputs=${audios.length + 1}:duration=longest` filterComplexParts.push(`${amixInputs}[a]`) const filterComplex = filterComplexParts.join('; ') currentProgress = targetProgress targetProgress = 100 const createFullAudioExitCode = await captureFFmpegProgress( ffmpeg, totalVideoDurationInMs, async () => { await ffmpeg.exec([ ...audioInputFiles, '-filter_complex', filterComplex, '-map', '[a]', '-t', `${totalVideoDurationInMs / 1000}`, '-loglevel', 'verbose', filename, ]) }, (progress) => { onProgress?.( calculateProgress(currentProgress, progress, targetProgress), 'Mixing audios...' ) } ) if (createFullAudioExitCode) { throw new Error(`${TAG}: Error while creating full audio!`) } onProgress?.(targetProgress, 'Prepared audios...') } /** * Creates the full silent video including empty black * segments and loads it into ffmpeg with the given `filename`. * @param onProgress callback to capture the progress of this method * @throws Error if ffmpeg returns exit code 1 */ export async function createFullSilentVideo( videos: FFMPegVideoInput[], filename: string, totalVideoDurationInMs: number, width: number, height: number, excludeEmptyContent = false, onProgress?: (progress: number, message: string) => void ) { const ffmpeg = await loadFFmpegMt() const fileList = 'fileList.txt' const fileListContentArray = [] // Complete array of videos including concatenated empty segments // This is helpful for cleaner progress log let lastStartTimeVideoInMs = 0 let videosWithGaps: FFMPegVideoInput[] if (!videos.length) { videosWithGaps = [ { startTimeInMs: 0, endTimeInMs: totalVideoDurationInMs, data: null, durationInSecs: totalVideoDurationInMs / 1000, }, ] } else { videosWithGaps = videos.reduce((arr: FFMPegVideoInput[], video, index) => { const emptyVideoDurationInMs = video.startTimeInMs - lastStartTimeVideoInMs if (emptyVideoDurationInMs) { arr.push({ startTimeInMs: lastStartTimeVideoInMs, endTimeInMs: lastStartTimeVideoInMs + emptyVideoDurationInMs, data: null, durationInSecs: emptyVideoDurationInMs / 1000, }) } arr.push(video) lastStartTimeVideoInMs = video.endTimeInMs if ( index == videos.length - 1 && lastStartTimeVideoInMs < totalVideoDurationInMs ) { arr.push({ startTimeInMs: lastStartTimeVideoInMs, endTimeInMs: totalVideoDurationInMs, data: null, durationInSecs: (totalVideoDurationInMs - lastStartTimeVideoInMs) / 1000, }) } return arr }, []) } onProgress?.(0, 'Preparing videos...') // Arbitrary percentage, as `concat` is fast, // then estimate the generation of gap videos // as the 70% of the work let currentProgress = 0 let targetProgress = 70 for (const video of videosWithGaps) { const expectedProgressForItem = (((video.durationInSecs * 1000) / totalVideoDurationInMs) * targetProgress) / 100 if (! { if (excludeEmptyContent) continue let collectedProgress = 0 await addEmptyVideo( video.durationInSecs, width, height, `empty_video_${UUID()}.mp4`, fileListContentArray, (progress) => { const subProgress = progress / 100 currentProgress += (expectedProgressForItem * subProgress - collectedProgress) * 100 console.log(TAG, 'Current progress', currentProgress) onProgress?.(currentProgress, 'Preparing videos...') collectedProgress = expectedProgressForItem * subProgress } ) } else { const videoFilename = `video_${UUID()}.mp4` await ffmpeg.writeFile(videoFilename, fileListContentArray.push(`file ${videoFilename}`) currentProgress += expectedProgressForItem * 100 console.log(TAG, 'Current progress', currentProgress) onProgress?.(currentProgress, 'Preparing videos...') } } onProgress?.(targetProgress, 'Concatenating videos...') currentProgress = 70 targetProgress = 100 const fileListContent = fileListContentArray.join('\n') await ffmpeg.writeFile(fileList, fileListContent) const creatBaseFullVideoExitCode = await captureFFmpegProgress( ffmpeg, totalVideoDurationInMs, async () => { await ffmpeg.exec([ '-f', 'concat', '-safe', '0', '-i', fileList, '-loglevel', 'verbose', '-c', 'copy', filename, ]) }, (progress: number) => { onProgress?.( calculateProgress(currentProgress, progress, targetProgress), 'Merging audio and video...' ) } ) if (creatBaseFullVideoExitCode) { throw new Error(`${TAG}: Error while creating base full video!`) } onProgress?.(targetProgress, 'Concatenating videos...') } /** * Creates full video with audio using `@ffmpeg/ffmpeg` multi-core, * emits progress via callback. * */ export async function createFullVideo( videos: FFMPegVideoInput[], audios: FFMPegAudioInput[], width: number, height: number, totalVideoDurationInMs: number, onProgress: (progress: number, message: string) => void ): Promise { const ffmpeg = await loadFFmpegMt() const fullVideoFilename = `full_video_${UUID()}.mp4` const fullAudioFilename = `full_audio_${UUID()}.mp3` const fullSilentVideoFilename = `full_silent_video_${UUID()}.mp4` onProgress?.(0, 'Creating silent video...') console.log(TAG, 'Creating silent video...') // Split the work in 3 units, each one of 33.3%, // each unit will emit a sub progress. let currentProgress = 0 let targetProgress = 33.3 await createFullSilentVideo( videos, fullSilentVideoFilename, totalVideoDurationInMs, width, height, false, (progress, message) => { onProgress?.( calculateProgress(currentProgress, progress, targetProgress), message ) } ) onProgress?.(targetProgress, 'Creating full audio...') console.log(TAG, 'Creating full audio...') currentProgress = targetProgress targetProgress = 66.6 await createFullAudio( audios, fullAudioFilename, totalVideoDurationInMs, (progress, message) => { onProgress?.( calculateProgress(currentProgress, progress, targetProgress), message ) } ) // The audio is saved in FFmpegST, let's share it to FFmpegMT const ffmpegSt = await loadFFmpegSt() const fileFromFfmpegSt = await ffmpegSt.readFile(fullAudioFilename) await ffmpeg.writeFile(fullAudioFilename, fileFromFfmpegSt) onProgress?.(targetProgress, 'Merging audio and video...') console.log(TAG, 'Merging audio with video...') currentProgress = targetProgress targetProgress = 100 const createdFullVideo = await captureFFmpegProgress( ffmpeg, totalVideoDurationInMs, async () => { return await ffmpeg.exec([ '-i', fullSilentVideoFilename, '-i', fullAudioFilename, '-map', '0:v', '-map', '1:a', '-c:v', 'copy', fullVideoFilename, ]) }, (progress: number) => { onProgress?.( calculateProgress(currentProgress, progress, targetProgress), 'Merging audio and video...' ) } ) if (createdFullVideo) { throw new Error(`${TAG}: Error while adding audio into full video!`) } onProgress?.(targetProgress, 'Full video was successfully created') console.log(TAG, `Full video was successfully created`) const data = await ffmpeg.readFile(fullVideoFilename) return data as Uint8Array }