import { newClap } from "./newClap" import { newSegment } from "./newSegment" import { ClapProject } from "./types" let defaultSegmentDurationInMs = 2000 // const demoPrompt = "closeup of Queen angelfish, bokeh" // const demoPrompt = "portrait of a man tv news anchor, pierre-jean-hyves, serious, bokeh" const demoPrompt = "dogs and cats, playing in garden, balls, trees" export function getMockClap({ prompt =demoPrompt, showDisclaimer = true, }: { prompt?: string showDisclaimer?: boolean } = { prompt: demoPrompt, showDisclaimer: true, }): ClapProject { const clap = newClap({ meta: { streamType: "interactive" } }) let currentElapsedTimeInMs = 0 let currentSegmentDurationInMs = defaultSegmentDurationInMs if (showDisclaimer) { clap.segments.push(newSegment({ startTimeInMs: currentElapsedTimeInMs, endTimeInMs: currentSegmentDurationInMs, category: "interface", prompt: "", label: "fish", outputType: "interface", })) currentElapsedTimeInMs += currentSegmentDurationInMs } /* clap.segments.push( newSegment({ // id: string // track: number startTimeInMs: currentElapsedTimeInMs, endTimeInMs: currentSegmentDurationInMs, category: "interface", // modelId: string // sceneId: string prompt: "a hello world", label: "hello world", outputType: "interface" // renderId: string // status: ClapSegmentStatus // assetUrl: string // assetDurationInMs: number // createdBy: ClapAuthor // editedBy: ClapAuthor // outputGain: number // seed: number }) ) currentElapsedTimeInMs += currentSegmentDurationInMs */ clap.segments.push(newSegment({ startTimeInMs: currentElapsedTimeInMs, endTimeInMs: currentSegmentDurationInMs, category: "video", prompt, label: "demo", outputType: "video", })) return clap }