--- title: AI App Factory emoji: 🧑‍💻🦙 colorFrom: blue colorTo: yellow sdk: docker pinned: false app_port: 7860 --- Generate Hugging Face Spaces using meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct The apps may not always work and usually human work is necessary to finish them. See this project as "Hugging Face Space templates on steroids". # Examples ## Local prompt examples ``` http://localhost:7860/?prompt=A%20simple%20page%20to%20compute%20the%20BMI%20(use%20SI%20units) ``` # Installation ## Building and run without Docker ```bash nvm use npm i npm run start ``` ## Building and running with Docker ```bash npm run docker ``` This script is a shortcut executing the following commands: ```bash docker build -t space-factory . docker run -it -p 7860:7860 space-factory ```