import json import whisper import requests large_v3 = whisper.load_model("large-v3") # def send_results_to_api(data, result_url): # headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json"} # response =, json= data, headers=headers) # if response.status_code == 200: # return response.json() # else: # return {"error": f"Failed to send results to API: {response.status_code}"} def process_audio(params): try: params = json.loads(params) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: return {"error": f"Invalid JSON input: {e.msg} at line {e.lineno} column {e.colno}"} audio_files = params.get("urls", []) # api = params.get("api","") # job_id = params.get("job_id","") solutions=[] for audio in audio_files: result_large = large_v3.transcribe(audio) text = result_large['text'] answer_dict = {} answer_dict.update({'url':audio, 'answer':text}) solutions.append(answer_dict) # result_url = f"{api}/{job_id}" # send_results_to_api(solutions, result_url) return json.dumps({"solutions":solutions}) import gradio as gr inputt = gr.Textbox(label = "Parameter in json format Eg. {'audio_files':['file1.mp3','file2.wav'], 'api':'', 'job_id':'1001'}") outputt = gr.JSON() application = gr.Interface(fn=process_audio, inputs = inputt, outputs= outputt, title="Hindi 2 Hindi Audio transcription with API Intergration") application.launch()