--- - name: Set up Controller Server hosts: all become: yes vars_files: - ../vars/secrets.yml tasks: - name: Update apt cache apt: update_cache: yes become: yes - name: Install required packages apt: name: - apt-transport-https - ca-certificates - curl - gnupg - git - ansible state: present become: yes - name: Check if Tailscale GPG key exists stat: path: /usr/share/keyrings/tailscale-archive-keyring.gpg register: tailscale_key - name: Download Tailscale GPG key get_url: url: https://pkgs.tailscale.com/stable/ubuntu/jammy.noarmor.gpg dest: /usr/share/keyrings/tailscale-archive-keyring.gpg mode: '0644' become: yes when: not tailscale_key.stat.exists - name: Add Tailscale repository ansible.builtin.apt_repository: repo: deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tailscale-archive-keyring.gpg] https://pkgs.tailscale.com/stable/ubuntu jammy main state: present filename: tailscale become: yes - name: Update apt cache again apt: update_cache: yes become: yes - name: Install Tailscale apt: name: tailscale state: present become: yes - name: Check Tailscale status command: tailscale status register: tailscale_status changed_when: false ignore_errors: yes - name: Run tailscale up with pre-authentication command: tailscale up --authkey={{ tailscale_authkey }} register: tailscale_result changed_when: "'Success' in tailscale_result.stdout" become: yes when: tailscale_status.rc != 0 or 'Tailscale is stopped' in tailscale_status.stdout - name: Check if repository exists stat: path: /opt/CS_553 register: repo_check - name: Remove existing repository if it exists file: path: /opt/CS_553 state: absent become: yes when: repo_check.stat.exists - name: Clone the Git repository git: repo: 'https://github.com/jake-molnia/CS_553' dest: /opt/CS_553 version: main become: yes - name: Set permissions for the cloned repository file: path: /opt/CS_553 owner: ubuntu group: ubuntu mode: '0755' recurse: yes become: yes - name: Ensure .ssh directory exists file: path: /home/ubuntu/.ssh state: directory owner: ubuntu group: ubuntu mode: '0700' become: yes - name: Copy ED25519 private SSH key from vault copy: content: "{{ vault_ssh_private_key }}" dest: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_ed25519 owner: ubuntu group: ubuntu mode: '0600' become: yes - name: Ensure correct permissions on ED25519 key file: path: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_ed25519 owner: ubuntu group: ubuntu mode: '0600' become: yes - name: Ensure SSH config file exists file: path: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/config state: touch owner: ubuntu group: ubuntu mode: '0600' become: yes - name: Add turing.wpi.edu to SSH config blockinfile: path: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/config block: | Host turing.wpi.edu User jrmolnia Hostname turing.wpi.edu IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK FOR TURING" become: yes become_user: ubuntu - name: Add app server to SSH config blockinfile: path: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/config block: | Host app Port 22018 Hostname paffenroth-23.dyn.wpi.edu IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK FOR APP SERVER" become: yes become_user: ubuntu - name: Check if initial setup script has been run stat: path: /home/ubuntu/.initial_setup_complete register: setup_check - name: Run initial setup shell script with Tailscale key command: > /opt/CS_553/deployment/02_deploy_to_controller/scripts/initial_ssh_config.sh -k {{ tailscale_authkey }} args: chdir: /opt/CS_553/deployment/02_deploy_to_controller become: yes become_user: ubuntu when: not setup_check.stat.exists - name: Ensure .ansible directory exists file: path: /home/ubuntu/.ansible state: directory owner: ubuntu group: ubuntu mode: '0700' become: yes - name: Copy vault password file from local machine copy: src: /path/to/local/vault_password.txt dest: /home/ubuntu/.ansible/vault_password.txt owner: ubuntu group: ubuntu mode: '0600' become: yes - name: Run Ansible playbook for app server setup command: > ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.ini playbooks/main.yml --vault-password-file /home/ubuntu/.ansible/vault_password.txt args: chdir: /opt/CS_553/deployment/01_deploy_to_app become: yes become_user: ubuntu environment: ANSIBLE_CONFIG: /opt/CS_553/deployment/01_deploy_to_app/ansible.cfg