b" + "171216151413231822212019".substr((((sSqrContent & 15) * 3 + (sSqrContent & 7)) >> 1) - 2, 2) + ";<\/span>";
if (nSquareId === lastStart || nSquareId === lastEnd) { oSquareCell.style.backgroundColor = (nSquareId * 11 - nSquareId % 10) / 10 & 1 ? "#c0a1a1" : "#e8c9c9"; } else { oSquareCell.style.backgroundColor = ""; }
if (!bAI || flagHumanBlack !== flagWhoMoved) {
for (var iThreat = 0; iThreat < etc.aThreats.length; iThreat++) {
nMenacedSq = etc.aThreats[iThreat];
nConst = (nMenacedSq * 4 - (nMenacedSq % 10) * 9) / 5;
aFlatSquares[etc.bBlackSide ? nConst - 8 : 71 - nConst].style.backgroundColor = (nMenacedSq * 11 - nMenacedSq % 10) / 10 & 1 ? "#adafce" : "#dadcfb";
nFrstFocus = 0;
function squareFocus(nPieceId, bMakeActive) {
var oSelCell = aFlatSquares[etc.bBlackSide ? ((nPieceId - nPieceId % 10) / 10 - 1 << 3) - nPieceId % 10 : (9 - (nPieceId - nPieceId % 10) / 10 << 3) - 1 + nPieceId % 10];
if (bMakeActive) { sLstSqColr = oSelCell.style.backgroundColor; }
oSelCell.style.backgroundColor = bMakeActive ? "#4cff4c" : sLstSqColr;
function createFlatCoord(nNewHeaderId, bVertOri) {
var oNewCoord = document.createElement("th");
oNewCoord.className = bVertOri ? "vertCoords" : "horizCoords";
oNewCoord.innerHTML = bVertOri ? nNewHeaderId : String.fromCharCode(97 + nNewHeaderId);
function updateFlatCoords() {
for (var iCoord = 0; iCoord < 8; iCoord++) {
aCoords[iCoord].innerHTML = aCoords[iCoord | 16].innerHTML = String.fromCharCode(etc.bBlackSide ? 104 - iCoord : 97 + iCoord);
aCoords[iCoord | 8].innerHTML = aCoords[iCoord | 24].innerHTML = String(etc.bBlackSide ? iCoord + 1: 8 - iCoord);
function showFlatBoard() {
if (oBoardTable) {
// flat chessboard will be updated
if (!etc.bFlatView) {
etc.bFlatView = true;
} else {
// flat chessboard will be created
aCoords = [], aFlatSquares = [], oBoardTable = document.createElement("table");
var iGridRow, iFlatSquare, iHorHeadr, iVerHeadr, newSquareId, newSquareCell, gridBody = document.createElement("tbody"), gridAngle = document.createElement("td");
iGridRow = document.createElement("tr");
gridAngle.className = "boardAngle";
for (var iNewCoordX = 0; iNewCoordX < 8; iNewCoordX++) {
iHorHeadr = createFlatCoord(etc.bBlackSide ? 7 - iNewCoordX : iNewCoordX, false);
for (var iNewCoordY = 0; iNewCoordY < 8; iNewCoordY++) {
iGridRow = document.createElement("tr");
iVerHeadr = createFlatCoord(etc.bBlackSide ? iNewCoordY + 1: 8 - iNewCoordY, true);
aCoords[iNewCoordY | 8] = iVerHeadr;
for (var iNewRowX = 0; iNewRowX < 8; iNewRowX++) {
newSquareId = 91 - iNewCoordY * 10 + iNewRowX;
newSquareCell = document.createElement("td");
newSquareCell.className = (newSquareId + (newSquareId - newSquareId % 10) / 10) & 1 ? "blackSquares" : "whiteSquares";
newSquareCell.id = "flatSq" + newSquareId;
newSquareCell.onclick = getSqFnc;
iVerHeadr = createFlatCoord(etc.bBlackSide ? iNewCoordY + 1: 8 - iNewCoordY, true);
aCoords[iNewCoordY | 24] = iVerHeadr;
iGridRow = document.createElement("tr");
for (var iNewCoordX = 0; iNewCoordX < 8; iNewCoordX++) {
iHorHeadr = createFlatCoord(etc.bBlackSide ? 7 - iNewCoordX : iNewCoordX, false);
aCoords[iNewCoordX | 16] = iHorHeadr;
oBoardTable.id = "flatChessboard";
oBoardTable.style.width = String(nFlatBoardSide) + "px";
oBoardTable.style.height = String(nFlatBoardSide) + "px";
etc.bFlatView = true;
// Solid chessboard functions
function runComponents() {
if (graphicsStatus === 15) {
try {
etc.aPiecesLab = (new Function("return [function() {" + etc.aFncBodies.slice(0, 6).join("}, function() {") + "}];"))();
(new Function(etc.aFncBodies.slice(6, 12).join("\n")))();
updateViewSize(true, false);
oSolidBoard = (new Function(etc.aFncBodies[12])).call(etc);
} catch (oErr2) { alert("Sorry, but your browser does not support 3D canvas."); }
delete etc.aFncBodies;
delete etc.oCurtain;
oBoardsBox.style.width = nDeskWidth + "px";
function loadCom(nIndex) {
if (graphicsStatus === 0) { return; }
etc.aFncBodies[nIndex] = this.responseText;
function showSolidBoard() {
if (graphicsStatus === 0) {
graphicsStatus = 1;
etc.oCurtain = document.createElement("div");
etc.oCurtain.id = "chessCurtain";
etc.oCurtain.innerHTML = "Loading…<\/div>";
etc.aFncBodies = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null];
XHR("meshes/board.json", function() {
if (graphicsStatus === 0) { return; }
etc.tmp3DBoard = eval("(" + this.responseText + ")");
XHR("meshes/pawn.jscn", loadCom, 0);
XHR("meshes/king.jscn", loadCom, 1);
XHR("meshes/knight.jscn", loadCom, 2);
XHR("meshes/bishop.jscn", loadCom, 3);
XHR("meshes/rook.jscn", loadCom, 4);
XHR("meshes/queen.jscn", loadCom, 5);
XHR("canvas3dengine/scene.jsfb", loadCom, 6);
XHR("canvas3dengine/vec3.jsfb", loadCom, 7);
XHR("canvas3dengine/matrix3.jsfb", loadCom, 8);
XHR("canvas3dengine/camera.jsfb", loadCom, 9);
XHR("canvas3dengine/mesh.jsfb", loadCom, 10);
XHR("canvas3dengine/light.jsfb", loadCom, 11);
XHR("solidView.jsfb", loadCom, 12);
} else {
updateViewSize(true, true);
function updatePGNHeader() {
sPGNHeader = new String();
for (var iHeadKey in oGameInfo) { sPGNHeader += "[" + iHeadKey + " \"" + oGameInfo[iHeadKey] + "\"]\n"; }
function updatePGNLink() { oPGNBtn.setAttribute("href", "data:application/x-chess-pgn;US-ASCII," + escape(sPGNHeader + "\n" + sMovesList.replace(/¶/g," ") + (aHistory.length > 0 ? " " : "") + oGameInfo.Result)); }
function runAlgebraic(sAlgMove, nColorFlag, bGraphRendrng) {
try {
var nAlgStartSq = 0, nAlgEndSq, nAlgPromo, nAlgPiece, nAlgTarget;
if (sAlgMove === "O-O" || sAlgMove === "O-O-O") {
nCastlType = sAlgMove === "O-O" ? 1 : -1;
nAlgStartSq = kings[nColorFlag >> 3];
nAlgPromo = nColorFlag + 2;
nAlgPiece = nAlgPromo | 16;
nAlgTarget = 0;
nAlgEndSq = nAlgStartSq + nCastlType * 2;
etc.aBoard[nAlgStartSq + 3 + (nCastlType - 1) * 7 / 2] = 0;
etc.aBoard[nAlgStartSq + nCastlType] = nColorFlag + 5;
kings[nColorFlag >> 3] = nAlgEndSq;
} else {
var nAlgPcType, nAlgStartX = nAlgStartY = 8, rPromo = /(\=.+)/, nAlgPcIndex = sAlgMove.replace(rPromo, "").search(/[A-Z]/), aYCoords = sAlgMove.match(/\d/g), aXCoords = sAlgMove.replace(/x/g, "").match(/[a-z]/g), nAlgEndX = aXCoords[aXCoords.length - 1].charCodeAt(0) - 97, nAlgEndY = aYCoords[aYCoords.length - 1] - 1;
if (aXCoords.length > 1) { nAlgStartX = aXCoords[0].charCodeAt(0) - 97; }
if (aYCoords.length > 1) { nAlgStartY = aYCoords[0] - 1; }
if (nAlgPcIndex > -1) { nAlgPcType = "PKNBRQ".indexOf(sAlgMove.substr(nAlgPcIndex, 1)) + 1; } else { nAlgPcType = 1; }
var nAlg4btsPiece = nAlgPcType | nColorFlag, nAlgPromoIndex = sAlgMove.search(rPromo);
nAlgEndSq = nAlgEndY * 10 + nAlgEndX + 21;
if (nAlgStartX < 8) {
if (nAlgStartY < 8) {
if (etc.lookAt(nAlgStartX, nAlgStartY) && etc.isValidMove(nAlgStartX, nAlgStartY, nAlgEndX, nAlgEndY)) {
nAlgStartSq = nAlgStartY * 10 + nAlgStartX + 21;
nAlgPiece = etc.aBoard[nAlgStartSq];
else { return(false); } // piece not found!!!
} else {
for (var iFoundY = 0; iFoundY < 8; iFoundY++) {
iFoundPc = etc.lookAt(nAlgStartX, iFoundY);
if ((iFoundPc & 15) === nAlg4btsPiece && etc.isValidMove(nAlgStartX, iFoundY, nAlgEndX, nAlgEndY)) {
nAlgStartY = iFoundY;
nAlgStartSq = iFoundY * 10 + nAlgStartX + 21;
nAlgPiece = iFoundPc;
} else {
if (nAlgStartY < 8) {
for (var iFoundX = 0; iFoundX < 8; iFoundX++) {
iFoundPc = etc.aBoard[nAlgStartY * 10 + iFoundX + 21];
if ((iFoundPc & 15) === nAlg4btsPiece && etc.isValidMove(iFoundX, nAlgStartY, nAlgEndX, nAlgEndY)) {
nAlgStartX = iFoundX;
nAlgStartSq = nAlgStartY * 10 + iFoundX + 21;
nAlgPiece = iFoundPc;
} else {
for (var iFoundSq = 21; iFoundSq < 99; iFoundSq += iFoundSq % 10 < 8 ? 1 : 3) {
iFoundPc = etc.aBoard[iFoundSq];
if ((iFoundPc & 15) === nAlg4btsPiece && etc.isValidMove(iFoundSq % 10 - 1, (iFoundSq - iFoundSq % 10) / 10 - 2, nAlgEndX, nAlgEndY)) {
nAlgStartX = iFoundSq % 10 - 1;
nAlgStartY = (iFoundSq - iFoundSq % 10) / 10 - 2;
nAlgStartSq = iFoundSq;
nAlgPiece = iFoundPc;
if ((nAlgPiece & 7) === 1 && (nAlgEndY + 1 | 9) === 9) {
if (nAlgPromoIndex === -1) { nAlgPromo = 22 - etc.nPromotion ^ nColorFlag; }
else { nAlgPromo = "KNBRQ".indexOf(sAlgMove.substr(nAlgPromoIndex + 1, 1)) + nColorFlag + 18; }
else { nAlgPromo = nAlgPiece; }
nAlgTarget = etc.aBoard[nAlgEndSq];
if (nAlgStartSq === 0) { return(false); } // piece not found!!!
var hisKing = kings[nColorFlag >> 3 ^ 1];
if ((nAlgPiece & 7) === 1 && (nAlgStartSq + nAlgEndSq & 1) && nAlgTarget === 0) { etc.aBoard[nAlgStartSq - nAlgStartSq % 10 + nAlgEndSq % 10] = 0; } // en passant
etc.aBoard[nAlgStartSq] = 0;
etc.aBoard[nAlgEndSq] = nAlgPromo;
if ((nAlgPiece & 7) === 2) { kings[nColorFlag >> 3] = nAlgEndSq; }
bCheck = isThreatened(hisKing % 10 - 1, (hisKing - hisKing % 10) / 10 - 2, nColorFlag);
nFrstFocus = nAlgStartSq;
nScndFocus = nAlgEndSq;
nPawnStride = (nAlgPiece & 7) === 1 && (nAlgStartY - nAlgEndY + 2 | 4) === 4 ? nAlgEndSq : 0;
fourBtsLastPc = nAlgPiece & 15;
writeHistory(bGraphRendrng, nAlgStartSq, nAlgEndSq, nAlgPiece, nAlgTarget, nAlgPromo);
catch (oErr1) { return(false); }
function readHistory(nRelPt, bSynchrList) {
var iSigned, nExprs1, nExprs2, iHistPiece, iHistTarg, iHistPromo, bitBackward = 0, nMvsDiff = Math.abs(nRelPt), iHistPts = [null, null];
if (nRelPt < 0) { bitBackward = 1; }
nFrstFocus = nScndFocus = 0;
flagWhoMoved ^= nMvsDiff << 3 & 8;
for (var iNav = 0; iNav < nMvsDiff; iNav++) {
iSigned = aHistory[iHistPointr + 1 - bitBackward];
iHistPts[0] = iSigned & 127;
iHistPts[1] = iSigned >> 7 & 127;
iHistPiece = iSigned >> 14;
iHistTarg = iSigned >> 19 & 31;
iHistPromo = iHistPiece > 1023 ? (bitBackward ? 9 - (iHistPts[1] - iHistPts[1] % 10 & 8) : iSigned >> 24) : false;
if ((iHistPiece & 7) === 2) {
if ((iHistPts[1] - iHistPts[0] + 2 | 4) === 4) { // castling
nExprs1 = iHistPts[1] - iHistPts[1] % 10 + (iHistPts[1] - iHistPts[0] > 0 ? 8 : 1);
nExprs2 = iHistPts[1] - iHistPts[1] % 10 + (iHistPts[1] - iHistPts[0] > 0 ? 6 : 4);
etc.aBoard[bitBackward ? nExprs1 : nExprs2] = 5 + (iHistPts[1] - iHistPts[1] % 10 & 8) + (bitBackward << 4);
etc.aBoard[bitBackward ? nExprs2 : nExprs1] = 0;
kings[iHistPointr + 1 + bitBackward & 1] = iHistPts[bitBackward ^ 1];
etc.aBoard[iHistPts[bitBackward ^ 1]] = iHistPromo || (iHistPiece & (15 + (bitBackward << 4)));
etc.aBoard[iHistPts[bitBackward]] = bitBackward === 1 ? iHistTarg : 0;
if ((iHistPiece & 7) === 1 && (iHistPts[1] - iHistPts[0] & 1) && iHistTarg === 0) { etc.aBoard[iHistPts[0] - iHistPts[0] % 10 + iHistPts[1] % 10] = bitBackward ? 1 | (iHistPiece & 8 ^ 8) : 0; } // en passant
iHistPointr += 1 - (bitBackward << 1);
if (iNav === nMvsDiff - 1) { getInCheckPieces(); }
if (etc.bSolidView) { oSolidBoard.move(bitBackward, iHistPts[0], iHistPts[1], iHistTarg, iHistPromo); }
if (iHistPointr === -1) {
fourBtsLastPc = nPawnStride = lastStart = lastEnd = 0;
} else {
if (bitBackward) {
iSigned = aHistory[iHistPointr];
iHistPts[0] = iSigned & 127;
iHistPts[1] = iSigned >> 7 & 127;
iHistPiece = iSigned >> 14;
nPawnStride = (iHistPiece & 7) === 1 && ((iHistPts[0] - iHistPts[1] - iHistPts[0] % 10 + iHistPts[1] % 10) / 10 + 2 | 4) === 4 ? iHistPts[1] : 0;
lastStart = iHistPts[0];
lastEnd = iHistPts[1];
fourBtsLastPc = iHistPiece & 15;
if (etc.bFlatView) { writeFlatPieces(); }
if (bSynchrList) { oMovesSelect.selectedIndex = iHistPointr + 2 >> 1; }
function histClearIter() {
if (!bMotion) { return; }
oMovesSelect.disabled = bMotion = false;
if (bBoundLock) { bReady = true; }
function sendAlgebraic(sMove) {
if (!bReady) { return(false); }
if (iHistPointr + 1 < aHistory.length) {
if (confirm("Moving now all subsequent moves will be lost. Do you want try to move?")) { trimHistory(); } else { return(false); }
if (!runAlgebraic(sMove, flagWhoMoved ^ 8, true)) { return(false); }
if ((fourBtsLastPc & 7) === 1 & (nScndFocus < 29 | nScndFocus > 90)) { fourBtsLastPc = 14 - etc.nPromotion ^ flagWhoMoved; }
flagWhoMoved ^= 8;
if (etc.bFlatView) { writeFlatPieces(); }
if (bAI && flagWhoMoved === flagHumanBlack) { bReady = false; window.setTimeout(engineMove, 250); }
// DOM private APIs
function closeMsg(oMsgNode, nEventId) {
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window.setTimeout(function() { oMsgNode.style.opacity = "0"; oNtfArea.removeChild(oMsgNode); iNtfs--; if (iNtfs === 1) { oNtfClsAll.style.display = "none"; } if (iNtfs === 0) { document.body.removeChild(oNtfArea); oNtfArea = null; oNtfClsAll = null; aCloseCalls = []; } }, 250);
aCloseCalls[nEventId] = false;
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for (var iEventId = 0; iEventId < aCloseCalls.length; iEventId++) { if (aCloseCalls[iEventId] !== false) { window.clearTimeout(aCloseCalls[iEventId]); } }
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window.setTimeout(function() { oNtfArea.style.opacity = "0." + String(85 - (17 * iFrameC1)); iFrameC1++; }, iFrameC2 * 50);
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setStyles.call(oNewMsg, ["display", "block"], ["opacity", "0"]);
function returnFalse() { return(false); }
function getSqFnc() {
var getId = parseFloat(this.id.substr(this.id.search(/\d+/)));
etc.makeSelection(etc.bBlackSide ? 119 - getId : getId, false);
function synchrMovesList() {
var nRelMoves = (this.selectedIndex << 1) - iHistPointr - (this.selectedIndex > 0 && flagHumanBlack ? 2 : 1);
if (bMotion || nRelMoves === 0) { return; }
readHistory(nRelMoves, false);
function resizeFilm(oMsEvnt2) {
if (!oMsEvnt2) { oMsEvnt2 = window.event; }
var iMsWidth = oMsEvnt2.clientX + nPageX + nDscrsX - iBoardsBoxX, iMsHeight = oMsEvnt2.clientY + nPageY + nDscrsY - iBoardsBoxY;
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nDeskHeight = iMsHeight < nMinHeight ? nMinHeight : iMsHeight - 1 | 1;
oFilm.style.width = nDeskWidth + "px";
oFilm.style.height = nDeskHeight + "px";
function updateViewSize(bCrushFlatWidth, bResizeSolidB) {
var eachViewWidth = bCrushFlatWidth ? nDeskWidth / 2 : nDeskWidth;
nFlatBoardSide = (eachViewWidth < nDeskHeight ? eachViewWidth : nDeskHeight) - nFlatBVMargin;
etc.i3DWidth = etc.bFlatView ? nDeskWidth / 2 : nDeskWidth;
if (etc.bFlatView) {
etc.oFlatVwArea.style.width = eachViewWidth + "px";
etc.oFlatVwArea.style.height = nDeskHeight + "px";
oBoardTable.style.marginTop = oBoardTable.style.marginBottom = String((nDeskHeight - nFlatBoardSide) / 2) + "px";
oBoardTable.style.width = nFlatBoardSide + "px";
oBoardTable.style.height = nFlatBoardSide + "px";
if (bCrushFlatWidth && bResizeSolidB) { oSolidBoard.updateSize(); }
function stopResizing() {
Canvas3D.removeEvent(document, "mousemove", resizeFilm);
Canvas3D.removeEvent(document, "mouseup", stopResizing);
etc.i3DHeight = nDeskHeight;
updateViewSize(etc.bSolidView, true);
oBoardsBox.style.width = nDeskWidth + "px";
oBoardsBox.style.height = nDeskHeight + "px";
function startResizing(oMsEvnt1) {
var iParent = oBoardsBox;
nMinWidth = etc.bFlatView && etc.bSolidView ? nMinHeight << 1 : nMinHeight;
if (!oMsEvnt1) { oMsEvnt1 = window.event; }
nPageX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft;
nPageY = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
iBoardsBoxX = 0;
iBoardsBoxY = 0;
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iBoardsBoxY += iParent.offsetTop;
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nDscrsY = iBoardsBoxY - nPageY + oBoardsBox.offsetHeight - oMsEvnt1.clientY;
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Canvas3D.addEvent(document, "mouseup", stopResizing);
function capitalize(sText) { return(sText.toUpperCase()); }
function changeTagName() {
var sOldName = this.innerHTML;
if (sOldName === "Result") { alert("You can not change this key."); return; }
if (bCtrlIsDown) {
bCtrlIsDown = false;
if (confirm("Do you want to delete this tag?")) {
delete oGameInfo[this.innerHTML];
} else {
var sNewName = prompt("Write the new name of the key.", sOldName);
if (!sNewName) { return; }
sNewName = sNewName.replace(/^[a-z]/, capitalize);
if (sNewName === sOldName || sNewName.search(rDeniedTagChrs) > -1 || oGameInfo.hasOwnProperty(sNewName)) { return; }
var oCleanInfo;
for (var iInfoKey in oGameInfo) {
oNewInfo[iInfoKey === sOldName ? sNewName : iInfoKey] = oGameInfo[iInfoKey];
delete oGameInfo[iInfoKey];
oCleanInfo = oGameInfo;
oGameInfo = oNewInfo;
oNewInfo = oCleanInfo;
this.innerHTML = sNewName;
function changeTagVal() {
var sParent = this.previousSibling.previousSibling.innerHTML;
if (sParent === "Result") { alert("You can not change the result of the game!"); return; }
var sNewValue = prompt("Write the new value.", this.innerHTML);
if (sNewValue === null) { return; }
oGameInfo[sParent] = this.innerHTML = sNewValue || "?";
function addInfoTag() {
var newTagK = prompt("Write the name of the new tag.");
if (!newTagK || newTagK.search(rDeniedTagChrs) > -1) { return; }
newTagK = newTagK.replace(/^[a-z]/, capitalize);
var bExists = false;
for (var iExistTag in oGameInfo) {
if (iExistTag.toLowerCase() === newTagK.toLowerCase()) { bExists = iExistTag; break; }
if (bExists) { alert(iExistTag + " already exists!"); return; }
newTagV = prompt("Write the value of the new tag.");
if (!newTagV) { return; }
oGameInfo[newTagK] = newTagV;
var oFocusNode = this.previousSibling;
this.parentNode.insertBefore(setAttribs.call(document.createElement("span"), ["className", "infoKey"], ["onclick", changeTagName], ["innerHTML", newTagK]), oFocusNode);
this.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(": "), oFocusNode);
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this.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement("br"), oFocusNode);
function showInfo() {
if (bInfoBox) { return; }
var oInfoPar = document.createElement("p"), oNewField = document.createElement("span"), oCloseInfo = document.createElement("span");
for (var iTagTxt in oGameInfo) {
oInfoPar.appendChild(setAttribs.call(document.createElement("span"), ["className", "infoKey"], ["onclick", changeTagName], ["innerHTML", iTagTxt]));
oInfoPar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(": "));
oInfoPar.appendChild(setAttribs.call(document.createElement("span"), ["className", "infoVal"], ["onclick", changeTagVal], ["innerHTML", oGameInfo[iTagTxt]]));
oInfoPar.title = "Hold down the ctrl button and click the tag name to remove all its contents.";
setAttribs.call(oNewField, ["className", "chessCtrlBtn"], ["onclick", addInfoTag], ["innerHTML", "Add tag"]);
setAttribs.call(oCloseInfo, ["className", "chessCtrlBtn"], ["onclick", hideInfo], ["innerHTML", "Close"]);
oInfoPar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
bInfoBox = true;
function hideInfo() {
oInfoBox.innerHTML = "";
bInfoBox = false;
function algBoxListener(oKeyEvnt1) {
if (oKeyEvnt1.keyCode === 13 && sendAlgebraic(this.value)) { this.value = ""; }
function algBoxFocus() {
this.style.borderColor = "#ffff00";
if (this.value === sAlgBoxEmpty) { this.value = ""; }
if (bUseKeyboard) { etc.bKeyCtrl = false; }
function algBoxBlur() {
this.style.borderColor = "";
this.value = this.value || sAlgBoxEmpty;
if (bUseKeyboard) { etc.bKeyCtrl = true; }
function minMaxCtrl() {
if (oCtrlForm.style.display) {
oCtrlForm.style.display = "";
this.innerHTML = "–";
} else {
oCtrlForm.style.display = "none";
this.innerHTML = "+";
function getCtrlDown(oKeyEvnt2) { if (oKeyEvnt2.keyCode === 17) { bCtrlIsDown = true; } }
function getCtrlUp(oKeyEvnt3) { if (oKeyEvnt3.ctrlKey) { bCtrlIsDown = false; } }
// Public APIs
return {
help: function() {
if (!bReady) { return; }
bReady = false;
window.setTimeout(engineMove, 250);
if (etc.bFlatView && nFrstFocus) { squareFocus(nFrstFocus, false); }
organize: function(bHB) {
flagHumanBlack = bHB ? 8 : 0;
if (bHumanSide) { etc.bBlackSide = bHB; }
if (bInfoBox) { hideInfo(); }
if (etc.bSolidView) { oSolidBoard.update(true); }
if (etc.bFlatView) { updateFlatCoords(); writeFlatPieces(); }
if (bHB && bAI) { bReady = false; window.setTimeout(engineMove, 250); }
place: function(oWhere) {
if (oBoardsBox) { oBoardsBox.parentNode.removeChild(oBoardsBox); }
else {
var oSizeHandle = document.createElement("div"), oCtrlPanel = document.createElement("div"), oMnMxCtrl = document.createElement("div"), oAlgBox = document.createElement("input"), oMovesPar = document.createElement("p"), oPGNPar = document.createElement("p"), oInfoBtn = document.createElement("span");
etc.oFlatVwArea = document.createElement("div");
etc.oSolidVwArea = document.createElement("div");
oBoardsBox = document.createElement("div");
oPGNBtn = document.createElement("a");
oInfoBox = document.createElement("div");
oCtrlForm = document.createElement("form");
oMovesSelect = document.createElement("select");
oFilm = document.createElement("div");
setAttribs.call(oAlgBox, ["type", "text"], ["id", "chessAlgebraic"], ["value", sAlgBoxEmpty], ["onkeypress", algBoxListener], ["onfocus", algBoxFocus], ["onblur", algBoxBlur]);
setAttribs.call(oInfoBtn, ["className", "chessCtrlBtn"], ["onclick", showInfo], ["innerHTML", "Game info"]);
oInfoBox.id = "chessInfo";
oBoardsBox.id = "chessboardsBox";
oBoardsBox.onmousedown = returnFalse;
oBoardsBox.style.width = nDeskWidth + "px";
oBoardsBox.style.height = nDeskHeight + "px";
setAttribs.call(oSizeHandle, ["id", "chessSizeHandle"], ["innerHTML", "◢"], ["onmousedown", startResizing]);
setAttribs.call(oMnMxCtrl, ["id", "chessClosePanel"], ["onclick", minMaxCtrl], ["onmousedown", returnFalse], ["innerHTML", "–"]);
oPGNPar.className = "ctrlBtns";
etc.oFlatVwArea.id = "chess2DBox";
etc.oSolidVwArea.id = "chess3DBox";
oCtrlForm.onsubmit = returnFalse;
oFilm.className = "chessFilmBox";
setAttribs.call(oMovesSelect, ["id", "chessMoves"], ["size", 10], ["onchange", synchrMovesList]),
oPGNBtn.className = "chessCtrlBtn";
oPGNBtn.innerHTML = "Save as PGN";
oCtrlPanel.id = "chessCtrlPanel";
oPGNPar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
Canvas3D.addEvent(document, "keydown", getCtrlDown);
Canvas3D.addEvent(document, "keyup", getCtrlUp);
setView: function(nView) {
if (!bReady) { return(false); }
var bUpdateSize = false, bShow2D = Boolean(nView & 1), bShow3D = Boolean(nView & 2), bChanged2D = Boolean(nView & 1 ^ etc.bFlatView);
if (bShow2D && bShow3D && nDeskWidth < nMinHeight << 1) {
nDeskWidth = nMinWidth = nMinHeight << 1;
oBoardsBox.style.width = nDeskWidth + "px";
if (bShow2D) {
if (!etc.bFlatView) {
bUpdateSize = true;
} else if (etc.bFlatView) {
etc.oFlatVwArea.style.width = "0";
etc.bFlatView = false;
bUpdateSize = true;
if (bShow3D) { if (!etc.bSolidView) { showSolidBoard(); bUpdateSize = false; } }
else if (etc.bSolidView) { oSolidBoard.hide(); bUpdateSize = true; }
if (bUpdateSize) { updateViewSize(bShow3D, bChanged2D); }
showHide2D: function() {
if (!bReady) { return(false); }
if (etc.bFlatView) {
etc.oFlatVwArea.style.width = "0";
etc.bFlatView = false;
else {
if (etc.bSolidView && nDeskWidth < nMinHeight << 1) {
nDeskWidth = nMinWidth = nMinHeight << 1;
oBoardsBox.style.width = nDeskWidth + "px";
updateViewSize(etc.bSolidView, true);
showHide3D: function() {
if (!bReady) { return(false); }
if (etc.bSolidView) {
updateViewSize(false, false);
} else {
if (etc.bFlatView && nDeskWidth < nMinHeight << 1) {
nDeskWidth = nMinWidth = nMinHeight << 1;
oBoardsBox.style.width = nDeskWidth + "px";
lock: function() { if (bMotion) { bBoundLock = false; } else { bReady = false; } },
unlock: function() { histClearIter(); bReady = true; },
useAI: function(bMachine) { bAI = bMachine; },
placeById: function(sNodeId) { this.place(document.getElementById(sNodeId)); },
setPlyDepth: function(nLevel) {
var nDepth = new Number(nLevel);
if (isNaN(nDepth) || nDepth < 0) { return(false); }
nPlyDepth = nDepth + 2;
setPromotion: function(nPromotion) { etc.nPromotion = nPromotion & 3; },
navigate: function (nHowMany, bIterate, nTmpSpeed) {
var nMoveFor = Number(nHowMany), bBackward = nMoveFor < 0, nHistLen1 = aHistory.length;
if (bMotion || nMoveFor === 0 || nHistLen1 === 0) { return; }
if (bIterate) {
oMovesSelect.disabled = bMotion = true;
if (bReady) { bBoundLock = true; bReady = false; }
nMotionId = window.setInterval(function() {
var nHistLen2 = aHistory.length;
if (iHistPointr + nMoveFor < -1 || nMoveFor + iHistPointr > nHistLen2 - 1) {
oMovesSelect.disabled = bMotion = false;
if (bBackward && iHistPointr > -1) { readHistory(~iHistPointr, true); }
else if (!bBackward && iHistPointr < nHistLen2 - 1) { readHistory(nHistLen2 - iHistPointr - 1, true); }
if (bBoundLock) { bReady = true; }
readHistory(nMoveFor, true);
}, nTmpSpeed || nFrameRate);
} else {
if (iHistPointr + nMoveFor < -1 || nMoveFor + iHistPointr + 1 > nHistLen1) {
if (bBackward && iHistPointr > -1) { readHistory(~iHistPointr, true); }
else if (!bBackward && iHistPointr < nHistLen1 - 1) { readHistory(nHistLen1 - iHistPointr - 1, true); }
readHistory(nMoveFor, true);
stopMotion: histClearIter,
backToStart: function() {
if (bMotion || iHistPointr === -1) { return; }
readHistory(~iHistPointr, true);
returnToEnd: function() {
var nHistLen3 = aHistory.length;
if (bMotion || iHistPointr === nHistLen3 - 1) { return; }
readHistory(nHistLen3 - iHistPointr - 1, true);
// it's for developpers only: do not uncomment this function, please!
// runInside: function(sJSCode) { eval(sJSCode); },
readPGN: function(sPGNBody, bHumanBlack) {
var iInfoField, iAlgMoves, cleanPGN = sPGNBody.replace(/\{.*\}/g, "").replace(/\s*;[^\n]\s*|\s+/g, " "), sFieldFence = "\\[[^\\]]*\\]", aFlatHeadr = cleanPGN.match(new RegExp(sFieldFence, "g")), aMovesLoaded = cleanPGN.replace(new RegExp("^\\s*(" + sFieldFence + "\\s*)*(\\d+\\.\\s*)?|\\+|\\s*((#|(\\d+(\/\\d+)?\\-\\d+(\/\\d+)?)|\\*).*)?$", "g"), "").split(/\s+\d+\.\s*/);
for (var iOldKey in oGameInfo) { delete oGameInfo[iOldKey]; }
if (aFlatHeadr) {
for (var iField = 0; iField < aFlatHeadr.length; iField++) {
iInfoField = aFlatHeadr[iField].replace(/^\[\s*|"\s*\]$/g, "").split(/\s*"\s*/);
if (iInfoField.length > 1) { oGameInfo[iInfoField[0]] = iInfoField[1]; }
for (var iDblMove = 0; iDblMove < aMovesLoaded.length; iDblMove++) {
iAlgMoves = aMovesLoaded[iDblMove].split(/\s+/);
if (!runAlgebraic(iAlgMoves[0], 0, false)) { break; }
if (iAlgMoves.length < 2 || !runAlgebraic(iAlgMoves[1], 8, false)) { flagWhoMoved = 0; break; }
flagHumanBlack = bHumanBlack ? 8 : 0;
if (bHumanSide) { etc.bBlackSide = bHumanBlack || false; }
if (bInfoBox) { hideInfo(); }
if (etc.bSolidView) { oSolidBoard.update(false); }
if (etc.bFlatView) { writeFlatPieces(); }
if (bAI && bGameNotOver && flagWhoMoved === flagHumanBlack) { bReady = false; window.setTimeout(engineMove, 250); }
readAlgebraic: sendAlgebraic,
setFrameRate: function(nMilliseconds) { nFrameRate = nMilliseconds; },
setDimensions: function(nNewWidth, nNewHeight) {
nDeskWidth = nNewWidth < nMinWidth ? nMinWidth : nDeskWidth = nNewWidth - 1 | 1;
nDeskHeight = etc.i3DHeight = nNewHeight < nMinHeight ? nMinHeight : nNewHeight - 1 | 1;
updateViewSize(etc.bSolidView, true);
oBoardsBox.style.width = nDeskWidth + "px";
oBoardsBox.style.height = nDeskHeight + "px";
getDimensions: function() { return[nDeskWidth, nDeskHeight]; },
setSide: function(nSide) { // 0: white side, 1: black side, 2: human side.
var bWasBlack = etc.bBlackSide;
bHumanSide = Boolean(nSide >> 1);
if (bHumanSide) { etc.bBlackSide = Boolean(flagHumanBlack) }
else { etc.bBlackSide = Boolean(nSide & 1); }
if (etc.bBlackSide !== bWasBlack) {
if (etc.bFlatView) { updateFlatCoords(); writeFlatPieces(); }
if (etc.bSolidView) { oSolidBoard.updateView(); }
useKeyboard: function(bActive) { etc.bKeyCtrl = bUseKeyboard = bActive; }
})(), Canvas3D = {
addEvent: function(oObject, strEvent, fncAction) {
if (oObject.addEventListener) { oObject.addEventListener(strEvent, fncAction, false); }
else if (oObject.attachEvent) { oObject.attachEvent("on" + strEvent, fncAction); }
removeEvent: function(oObject, strEvent, fncAction) {
if (oObject.removeEventListener) { oObject.removeEventListener(strEvent, fncAction, false); }
else if (oObject.detachEvent) { oObject.detachEvent("on" + strEvent, fncAction); }