FIELD_OFFSET_X = 180; FIELD_OFFSET_Y = 12; function TetrisControl() { var tetris = new Tetris(this); this.setup = function () { tetris.setup(); }; this.update = function () { tetris.update(); }; this.draw = function () { tetris.draw(); }; this.restart = function() { // create a new Tetris object tetris = new Tetris(this); // emulate an initial setup condition and the first loop tetris.setup(); tetris.update(); }; } function Tetris(controller) { var background = null, game = null, timeOffset = 0, lastEscapeState = false, startPauseTime = 0, paused = false, lastPaused = false, gameOver = false, mouseClick = null, self = this, continueButton = null, restartButton = null, lastTime = null, dTime = null, gameEndTty = new TtyBlock('gameEndDiv', 10, 20, 1); this.setup = function () { // find the keys to stop var stoppedKeys = [], curAction, i; for (curAction in inputAssignments) { stoppedKeys = stoppedKeys.concat(inputAssignments[curAction]); } jaws.preventDefaultKeys(stoppedKeys); Tetris.currentInstance = self; game = new Game(inputAssignments, autoRepeatConfig, thresholdConfig); continueButton = new Button({image: 'media/buttons/continue.png', x: 250, y: 150}); restartButton = new Button({image: 'media/buttons/restart.png', x: 250, y: 200}); background = new Background(); timeOffset = (new Date()).getTime(); }; this.update = function() { var realTime = (new Date()).getTime(), escapePressed = jaws.pressed('esc'), scoreObject; if (lastTime === null) { dTime = 0; lastTime = realTime; } else { dTime = realTime - lastTime; lastTime = realTime; } if (!paused && !gameOver) { // see if the game should be pased if (escapePressed && (!lastEscapeState)) { // go into pause mode startPauseTime = realTime; paused = true; } else { game.update(realTime - timeOffset); // see if the game is over scoreObject = game.getResults(); if (scoreObject) { gameOver = true; // make the game end visible document.getElementById('gameEndContainer').setAttribute('class', 'gameEndOutputVisible'); gameEndTty.addLine('GOOD GAME!!!'); gameEndTty.addLine(''); gameEndTty.addLine(''); if (scoreObject.won) { gameEndTty.addLine('You Win!'); } else { gameEndTty.addLine('Better Luck Next Time'); } gameEndTty.addLine(''); gameEndTty.addLine(''); /* gameEndTty.addLine('Re-directing you to'); gameEndTty.addLine('the score screen...'); */ gameEndTty.addLine('Your score was:'); gameEndTty.addLine(scoreObject.score.toString()); gameEndTty.addLine(''); gameEndTty.addLine(''); //sendScoreRequest(scoreObject.score); window.setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById('gameEndContainer').setAttribute('class', 'gameEndOutputHidden'); controller.restart(); }, 6000); } } } else if (paused) { // see if the escape key was hit if (escapePressed && (!lastEscapeState)) { // change the time offset timeOffset += realTime - startPauseTime; paused = false; } // see if any buttons were pressed if (mouseClick) { if (continueButton.isClicked(mouseClick.x, mouseClick.y)) { // change the time offset timeOffset += realTime - startPauseTime; paused = false; } if (restartButton.isClicked(mouseClick.x, mouseClick.y)) { // restart the game controller.restart(); return; } } } else { // TODO: nothing??? } lastEscapeState = escapePressed; mouseClick = null; }; this.draw = function() { if (!paused && !gameOver) { // draw the game background.draw(lastPaused); if (lastPaused) { lastPaused = false; Block.invalidateAll(); } game.draw(dTime); Block.invalidFlushed(); } else if (paused) { // draw the game background.draw(); game.draw(dTime); //draw the pause menu continueButton.draw(); restartButton.draw(); lastPaused = true; } else { // continue to draw the game for game over // draw the game background.draw(); game.draw(dTime); } gameEndTty.draw(dTime); }; this.mouseClicked = function(x, y) { mouseClick = {x: x, y: y}; }; } window.onload = function () { loadGameControls(); jaws.assets.add('media/blueblock.png'); jaws.assets.add('media/cyanblock.png'); jaws.assets.add('media/greenblock.png'); jaws.assets.add('media/orangeblock.png'); jaws.assets.add('media/purpleblock.png'); jaws.assets.add('media/redblock.png'); jaws.assets.add('media/yellowblock.png'); jaws.assets.add('media/greyblock.png'); jaws.assets.add('media/emptyblock.png'); jaws.assets.add('media/buttons/continue.png'); jaws.assets.add('media/buttons/restart.png'); jaws.assets.add('media/background/backdrop.png'); jaws.assets.add('media/background/topbar.png'); jaws.start(TetrisControl); }; var redirCode; function redirectToScore() { window.location.replace('/scoreScreen.html?tempRef=' + redirCode); } function sendScoreRequest(score) { var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) { redirCode = xmlhttp.responseText; setTimeout('redirectToScore();', 4000); } } // World's 3rd most piss-poor obfustication technique // A serious real-time/replay game monitor is needed"POST", "/score/reportScore?gthbyu="+(score*17), true); xmlhttp.send(); }