from utils import get_obj_pos, get_obj_names, parse_obj_name, bbox_contains_pt, is_obj_visible objects = ['yellow bowl', 'blue block', 'yellow block', 'blue bowl', 'fruit', 'green block', 'black bowl'] # is the blue block to the right of the yellow bowl? ret_val = get_obj_pos('blue block')[0] > get_obj_pos('yellow bowl')[0] objects = ['yellow bowl', 'blue block', 'yellow block', 'blue bowl', 'fruit', 'green block', 'black bowl'] # how many yellow objects are there? yellow_object_names = parse_obj_name('the yellow objects', f'objects = {get_obj_names()}') ret_val = len(yellow_object_names) objects = ['pink block', 'green block', 'pink bowl', 'blue block', 'blue bowl', 'green bowl'] # what are the blocks left of the green bowl? block_names = parse_obj_name('the blocks', f'objects = {get_obj_names()}') green_bowl_pos = get_obj_pos('green bowl') left_block_names = [] for block_name in block_names: if get_obj_pos(block_name)[0] < green_bowl_pos[0]: left_block_names.append(block_name) ret_val = left_block_names objects = ['pink block', 'yellow block', 'pink bowl', 'blue block', 'blue bowl', 'yellow bowl'] # is the sun colored block above the blue bowl? sun_block_name = parse_obj_name('sun colored block', f'objects = {get_obj_names()}') sun_block_pos = get_obj_pos(sun_block_name) blue_bowl_pos = get_obj_pos('blue bowl') ret_val = sun_block_pos[1] > blue_bowl_pos[1] objects = ['pink block', 'yellow block', 'pink bowl', 'blue block', 'blue bowl', 'yellow bowl'] # is the green block below the blue bowl? ret_val = get_obj_pos('green block')[1] < get_obj_pos('blue bowl')[1]