# Import the necessary libraries from transformers import pipeline # Initialize the text classification model with a pre-trained model model_text_emotion = pipeline("text-classification", model="j-hartmann/emotion-english-distilroberta-base") # Initialize the audio classification model with a pre-trained SER model model_speech_emotion = pipeline("audio-classification", model="aherzberg/ser_model_fixed_label") # Initialize the automatic speech recognition model with a pre-trained model that is capable of converting speech to text model_voice2text = pipeline("automatic-speech-recognition", model="openai/whisper-tiny.en") # A function that uses the initialized text classification model to predict the emotion of a given text input def infere_text_emotion(text): return model_text_emotion(text)[0]["label"].capitalize() # A function that uses the initialized audio classification model to predict the emotion of a given speech input def infere_speech_emotion(text): # Dict that maps the speech model emotions with the text's ones emotions_dict = {"angry": "Anger", "disgust": "Disgust", "fear": "Fear", "happy": "Joy", "neutral": "Neutral", "sad": "Sadness"} inference = model_speech_emotion(text)[0]["label"] return emotions_dict[inference] # A function that uses the initialized automatic speech recognition model to convert speech (as an audio file) to text def infere_voice2text(audio_file): return model_voice2text(audio_file)["text"]