from .image_classification import CIFAR10DataModule from argparse import ArgumentParser from functools import partial from torch import LongTensor from import default_collate, random_split, Sampler from torchvision import transforms from torchvision.datasets import VisionDataset from typing import Iterator, Optional import itertools import random import torch class CIFAR10QADataModule(CIFAR10DataModule): @staticmethod def add_model_specific_args(parent_parser: ArgumentParser) -> ArgumentParser: parser = parent_parser.add_argument_group("Visual QA") parser.add_argument( "--class_idx", type=int, default=3, help="The class (index) to count.", ) parser.add_argument( "--grid_size", type=int, default=3, help="The number of images per row in the grid.", ) return parent_parser def __init__( self, class_idx: int, grid_size: int = 3, feature_extractor: callable = None, data_dir: str = "data/", batch_size: int = 32, add_noise: bool = False, add_rotation: bool = False, add_blur: bool = False, num_workers: int = 4, ): """A datamodule for a modified CIFAR10 dataset that is used for Question Answering. More specifically, the task is to count the number of images of a certain class in a grid. Args: class_idx (int): the class (index) to count grid_size (int): the number of images per row in the grid feature_extractor (callable): a callable feature extractor instance data_dir (str): the directory to store the dataset batch_size (int): the batch size for the train/val/test dataloaders add_noise (bool): whether to add noise to the images add_rotation (bool): whether to add rotation augmentation add_blur (bool): whether to add blur augmentation num_workers (int): the number of workers to use for data loading """ super().__init__( feature_extractor, data_dir, (grid_size**2) * batch_size, add_noise, add_rotation, add_blur, num_workers, ) # Store hyperparameters self.class_idx = class_idx self.grid_size = grid_size # Save the existing transformations to be applied after creating the grid self.post_transform = self.transform # Set the pre-batch transformation to be the conversion from PIL to tensor self.transform = transforms.PILToTensor() # Specify the custom collate function and samplers self.collate_fn = self.custom_collate_fn self.shuffled_sampler = partial( FairGridSampler, class_idx=class_idx, grid_size=grid_size, shuffle=True, ) self.sequential_sampler = partial( FairGridSampler, class_idx=class_idx, grid_size=grid_size, shuffle=False, ) def custom_collate_fn(self, batch): # Split the batch into groups of grid_size**2 idx = range(len(batch)) grids = zip(*(iter(idx),) * (self.grid_size**2)) new_batch = [] for grid in grids: # Create a grid of images from the indices in the batch img = torch.hstack( [ torch.dstack( [batch[i][0] for i in grid[idx : idx + self.grid_size]] ) for idx in range( 0, self.grid_size**2 - self.grid_size + 1, self.grid_size ) ] ) # Apply the post transformations to the grid img = self.post_transform(img) # Define the target as the number of images that have the class_idx targets = [batch[i][1] for i in grid] target = targets.count(self.class_idx) # Append grid and target to the batch new_batch += [(img, target)] return default_collate(new_batch) class ToyQADataModule(CIFAR10QADataModule): """A datamodule for the toy dataset as described in the paper.""" def prepare_data(self): # No need to download anything for the toy task pass def setup(self, stage: Optional[str] = None): img_size = 16 samples = [] # Generate 6000 samples based on 6 different colors for r, g, b in itertools.product((0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1)): if r == g == b: # We do not want black/white patches continue for _ in range(1000): patch = torch.vstack( [ r * torch.ones(1, img_size, img_size), g * torch.ones(1, img_size, img_size), b * torch.ones(1, img_size, img_size), ] ) # Assign a unique id to each color target = int(f"{r}{g}{b}", 2) - 1 # Append the patch and target to the samples samples += [(patch, target)] # Split the data to 90% train, 5% validation and 5% test train_size = int(len(samples) * 0.9) val_size = (len(samples) - train_size) // 2 test_size = len(samples) - train_size - val_size self.train_data, self.val_data, self.test_data = random_split( samples, [ train_size, val_size, test_size, ], ) class FairGridSampler(Sampler[int]): def __init__( self, dataset: VisionDataset, class_idx: int, grid_size: int, shuffle: bool = False, ): """A sampler that returns a grid of images from the dataset, with a uniformly random amount of appearances for a specific class of interest. Args: dataset (VisionDataset): the dataset to sample from class_idx(int): the class (index) to treat as the class of interest grid_size (int): the number of images per row in the grid shuffle (bool): whether to shuffle the dataset before sampling """ super().__init__(dataset) # Save the hyperparameters self.dataset = dataset self.grid_size = grid_size self.n_images = grid_size**2 # Get the indices of the class of interest self.class_indices = LongTensor( [i for i, x in enumerate(dataset) if x[1] == class_idx] ) # Get the indices of all other classes self.other_indices = LongTensor( [i for i, x in enumerate(dataset) if x[1] != class_idx] ) # Fix the seed if shuffle is False self.seed = None if shuffle else self._get_seed() @staticmethod def _get_seed() -> int: """Utility function for generating a random seed.""" return int(torch.empty((), dtype=torch.int64).random_().item()) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[int]: # Create a torch Generator object seed = self.seed if self.seed is not None else self._get_seed() gen = torch.Generator() gen.manual_seed(seed) # Sample the batches for _ in range(len(self.dataset) // self.n_images): # Pick the number of instances for the class of interest n_samples = torch.randint(self.n_images + 1, (), generator=gen).item() # Sample the indices from the class of interest idx_from_class = torch.randperm( len(self.class_indices), generator=gen, )[:n_samples] # Sample the indices from the other classes idx_from_other = torch.randperm( len(self.other_indices), generator=gen, )[: self.n_images - n_samples] # Concatenate the corresponding lists of patches to form a grid grid = ( self.class_indices[idx_from_class].tolist() + self.other_indices[idx_from_other].tolist() ) # Shuffle the order of the patches within the grid random.shuffle(grid) yield from grid def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.dataset)