# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import gradio as gr # ChatGPT 设置 initial_prompt = "You are a helpful assistant." API_URL = "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions" BALANCE_API_URL="https://api.openai.com/dashboard/billing/credit_grants" USAGE_API_URL="https://api.openai.com/dashboard/billing/usage" HISTORY_DIR = "history" TEMPLATES_DIR = "templates" # 错误信息 standard_error_msg = "☹️发生了错误:" # 错误信息的标准前缀 error_retrieve_prompt = "请检查网络连接,或者API-Key是否有效。" # 获取对话时发生错误 connection_timeout_prompt = "连接超时,无法获取对话。" # 连接超时 read_timeout_prompt = "读取超时,无法获取对话。" # 读取超时 proxy_error_prompt = "代理错误,无法获取对话。" # 代理错误 ssl_error_prompt = "SSL错误,无法获取对话。" # SSL 错误 no_apikey_msg = "API key长度不是51位,请检查是否输入正确。" # API key 长度不足 51 位 no_input_msg = "请输入对话内容。" # 未输入对话内容 timeout_streaming = 10 # 流式对话时的超时时间 timeout_all = 200 # 非流式对话时的超时时间 enable_streaming_option = True # 是否启用选择选择是否实时显示回答的勾选框 HIDE_MY_KEY = False # 如果你想在UI中隐藏你的 API 密钥,将此值设置为 True CONCURRENT_COUNT = 100 # 允许同时使用的用户数量 SIM_K = 5 INDEX_QUERY_TEMPRATURE = 1.0 title = """

川虎ChatGPT 🚀

""" description = """\
该ChatGPT由ixiaocang(radish/修兮求索)部署,小白部署耗费了不少时间,请不要乱传,不要过度依赖他哦 chatGPT点击看高级使用指南 部署自Bilibili [土川虎虎虎]和 [明昭MZhao]开发的客户端调用版, 修习求索 自己的密钥chatGPT在OpenAi是免费程序,但由于国内环境限制几乎无法使用, 固使用b站大佬做出的客户端(有很多客户端,但这是非常好用且开源的客户端)调用OpenAI的API使用。 API为付费资源:上下文长度为8K(约13页文本)的,将按0.03$/1k prompt tokens,0.06$/1k completion tokens计费。 所以请收到本人免费送出账户的朋友不要公开分享,恶意传出的话本人会重置密钥 此App使用 `gpt-3.5-turbo` 大语言模型
""" footer = """\
""" summarize_prompt = "你是谁?我们刚才聊了什么?" # 总结对话时的 prompt MODELS = [ "gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-3.5-turbo-0301", "gpt-4", "gpt-4-0314", "gpt-4-32k", "gpt-4-32k-0314", ] # 可选的模型 MODEL_SOFT_TOKEN_LIMIT = { "gpt-3.5-turbo": { "streaming": 3500, "all": 3500 }, "gpt-3.5-turbo-0301": { "streaming": 3500, "all": 3500 }, "gpt-4": { "streaming": 7500, "all": 7500 }, "gpt-4-0314": { "streaming": 7500, "all": 7500 }, "gpt-4-32k": { "streaming": 31000, "all": 31000 }, "gpt-4-32k-0314": { "streaming": 31000, "all": 31000 } } REPLY_LANGUAGES = [ "简体中文", "繁體中文", "English", "日本語", "Español", "Français", "Deutsch", "跟随问题语言(不稳定)" ] WEBSEARCH_PTOMPT_TEMPLATE = """\ Web search results: {web_results} Current date: {current_date} Instructions: Using the provided web search results, write a comprehensive reply to the given query. Make sure to cite results using [[number](URL)] notation after the reference. If the provided search results refer to multiple subjects with the same name, write separate answers for each subject. Query: {query} Reply in {reply_language} """ PROMPT_TEMPLATE = """\ Context information is below. --------------------- {context_str} --------------------- Current date: {current_date}. Using the provided context information, write a comprehensive reply to the given query. Make sure to cite results using [number] notation after the reference. If the provided context information refer to multiple subjects with the same name, write separate answers for each subject. Use prior knowledge only if the given context didn't provide enough information. Answer the question: {query_str} Reply in {reply_language} """ REFINE_TEMPLATE = """\ The original question is as follows: {query_str} We have provided an existing answer: {existing_answer} We have the opportunity to refine the existing answer (only if needed) with some more context below. ------------ {context_msg} ------------ Given the new context, refine the original answer to better Reply in {reply_language} If the context isn't useful, return the original answer. """ ALREADY_CONVERTED_MARK = "" small_and_beautiful_theme = gr.themes.Soft( primary_hue=gr.themes.Color( c50="#02C160", c100="rgba(2, 193, 96, 0.2)", c200="#02C160", c300="rgba(2, 193, 96, 0.32)", c400="rgba(2, 193, 96, 0.32)", c500="rgba(2, 193, 96, 1.0)", c600="rgba(2, 193, 96, 1.0)", c700="rgba(2, 193, 96, 0.32)", c800="rgba(2, 193, 96, 0.32)", c900="#02C160", c950="#02C160", ), secondary_hue=gr.themes.Color( c50="#576b95", c100="#576b95", c200="#576b95", c300="#576b95", c400="#576b95", c500="#576b95", c600="#576b95", c700="#576b95", c800="#576b95", c900="#576b95", c950="#576b95", ), neutral_hue=gr.themes.Color( name="gray", c50="#f9fafb", c100="#f3f4f6", c200="#e5e7eb", c300="#d1d5db", c400="#B2B2B2", c500="#808080", c600="#636363", c700="#515151", c800="#393939", c900="#272727", c950="#171717", ), radius_size=gr.themes.sizes.radius_sm, ).set( button_primary_background_fill="#06AE56", button_primary_background_fill_dark="#06AE56", button_primary_background_fill_hover="#07C863", button_primary_border_color="#06AE56", button_primary_border_color_dark="#06AE56", button_primary_text_color="#FFFFFF", button_primary_text_color_dark="#FFFFFF", button_secondary_background_fill="#F2F2F2", button_secondary_background_fill_dark="#2B2B2B", button_secondary_text_color="#393939", button_secondary_text_color_dark="#FFFFFF", # background_fill_primary="#F7F7F7", # background_fill_primary_dark="#1F1F1F", block_title_text_color="*primary_500", block_title_background_fill="*primary_100", input_background_fill="#F6F6F6", )