# # number of samples in each train loop. -1 for all, otherwise a number like 50, 100, 300 n_stocks = 50 # model training epochs on the current stock sample in a training loop n_epochs = 20 # number of epochs patience without validation loss progress n_epochs_patience=3 # the earliest date to gather stock market data train_date_start='1991-01-01' # number of outer training loops for train task n_outer_train_loop=1000 # file name with stock tickers to work with in data/data-3rd-party dir stocks_train_list= "IBD50.csv" # "all_stocks.csv" # "IBD250.csv" # "IBD50.csv" logging_dir="tmp" # Number of trials to run hyperparam search with Optuna n_optuna_trials=50 # Hugging Face repo id prefix to upload/download model and data to/from repo_id = "ivelin/canswim" # main dir for data storage data_dir="data" # subdir for 3rd party data storage data_3rd_party="data-3rd-party"