Plant,Count of Images,PlantName,Disease,How to Identify?,Management Apple___Apple_scab,630,Apple,Apple_scab,"Leaf spots are round, olive-green in color and up to ½-inch across. Spots are velvet-like with fringed borders. As they age, leaf spots turn dark brown to black, get bigger and grow together. Leaf spots often form along the leaf veins. Leaves with many leaf spots turn yellow and drop by mid-summer. Infected fruit have olive-green spots that turn brown and corky with time. Fruit that are infected when very young become deformed and cracked as the fruit grows.","Clean up leaves in fall Remove fallen leaves in fall to get rid of places where the fungus can survive the winter to re-infect trees the next year. Even with good fall clean up of fallen leaves, spores from nearby apple trees could travel to your property, starting the infection cycle again. Plant and prune correctly The apple scab fungus needs moisture on the leaves to start a new infection. A well pruned tree with an open canopy allows air to move through the tree and dry the leaves quickly. This can help reduce the severity of apple scab in a tree. Fungicides can be used: To protect fruit trees from leaf loss and fruit infection, on trees where fruit quality is important (i.e. apples for eating fresh) and the tree has a history of severe apple scab. To improve the health of a tree that has lost the majority of its leaves to apple scab over 3 years in a row." Apple___Black_rot,621,Apple,Black_rot,"Leaf symptomsInfected leaves develop ""frog-eye leaf spot.”The se are circular spots with purplish or reddish edges and light tan interiors.","Practice good sanitation Reduce sources of spores for future infections: Prune out dead or diseased branches. Pick all dried and shriveled fruits remaining on the trees. Remove infected plant material from the area. All infected plant parts should be burned, buried or sent to a municipal composting site. Be sure to remove the stumps of any apple trees you cut down. Dead stumps can be a source of spores. Fungicide sprays are usually not needed for managing black rot. Consider using fungicides only after you’ve used good cultural practices and the disease hasn’t gone away. Captan and sulfur products are labeled for control of both scab and black rot. A scab spray program including these chemicals may help prevent the frog-eye leaf spot of black rot, as well as the infection of fruit. These sprays will not control or prevent infection of branches. " Apple___Cedar_apple_rust,275,Apple,Cedar_apple_rust,"On apple and crab-apple trees, look for pale yellow pinhead sized spots on the upper surface of the leaves shortly after bloom. These gradually enlarge to bright orange-yellow spots which make the disease easy to identify. Orange spots may develop on the fruit as well. Heavily infected leaves may drop prematurely.","Treatment Choose resistant cultivars when available. Rake up and dispose of fallen leaves and other debris from under trees. Remove galls from infected junipers. In some cases, juniper plants should be removed entirely. Apply preventative, disease-fighting fungicides labeled for use on apples weekly, starting with bud break, to protect trees from spores being released by the juniper host. This occurs only once per year, so additional applications after this springtime spread are not necessary. On juniper, rust can be controlled by spraying plants with a copper solution (0.5 to 2.0 oz/ gallon of water) at least four times between late August and late October. Safely treat most fungal and bacterial diseases with SERENADE Garden. This broad spectrum bio-fungicide uses a patented strain of Bacillus subtilis that is registered for organic use. Best of all, SERENADE is completely non-toxic to honey bees and beneficial insects. Containing sulfur and pyrethrins, Bonide® Orchard Spray is a safe, one-hit concentrate for insect attacks and fungal problems. For best results, apply as a protective spray (2.5 oz/ gallon) early in the season. If disease, insects or wet weather are present, mix 5 oz in one gallon of water. Thoroughly spray all parts of the plant, especially new shoots." Cherry___Powdery_mildew,1052,Cherry,Powdery_mildew,"Initial symptoms, often occurring 7 to 10 days after the onset of the first irrigation, are light roughly-circular, powdery looking patches on young, susceptible leaves (newly unfolded, and light green expanding leaves). Older leaves develop an age-related (ontogenic) resistance to powdery mildew and are naturally more resistant to infection than younger leaves. Look for early leaf infections on root suckers, the interior of the canopy or the crotch of the tree where humidity is high. In contrast to other fungi, powdery mildews do not need free water to germinate but germination and fungal growth are favored by high humidity. The disease is more likely to initiate on the undersides (abaxial) of leaves but will occur on both sides at later stages. As the season progresses and infection is spread by wind, leaves may become distorted, curling upward. Severe infections may cause leaves to pucker and twist. Newly developed leaves on new shoots become progressively smaller, are often pale and may be distorted. Early fruit infections are difficult to identify and you will need a hand lens to identify the start of fungal growth in the area where the stem connects to the fruit.","Manage irrigation. In the arid west in a typical dry spring, early irrigation may stimulate early cherry powdery mildew infections. Pruning. Humid conditions favor cherry powdery mildew. A well pruned canopy will promote more air flow and leaf drying, reducing these humid conditions favorable for disease. Pruning will also help to achieve good spray coverage. Root sucker management. Root suckers are a preferred by powdery mildews since they are comprised of highly susceptible leaf tissue. Root suckers are close to the irrigation and high humidity levels favor the onset and spread of infections. Additionally, sprays aimed at the canopy often do not protect root suckers allowing fungal inocula to survive all season. Remove root suckers to eliminate this source for infection of the canopy and fruit. The key to managing powdery mildew on the fruit is to keep the disease off of the leaves. Most synthetic fungicides are preventative, not eradicative, so be pro-active about disease prevention. Maintain a consistent program from shuck fall through harvest. Consider post-harvest preventative measures (e.g. application of sulfur, prevent trees from pushing for leaf growth) to obstruct the fungus from overwintering " Corn___Northern_Leaf_Blight,985,Corn,Northern_Leaf_Blight,"The tan lesions of northern corn leaf blight are slender and oblong tapering at the ends ranging in size between 1 to 6 inches. Lesions run parallel to the leaf margins beginning on the lower leaves and moving up the plant. They may coalesce and cover the enter leaf. Spores are produced on the underside of the leaf below the lesions giving the appearance of a dusty green fuzz","Northern corn leaf blight can be managed through the use of resistant hybrids. Additionally, timely planting can be useful for avoiding conditions that favor the disease." Corn___Common_rust,1192,Corn,Common_rust,"Common rust produces rust-colored to dark brown, elongated pustules on both leaf surfaces. The pustules contain rust spores (urediniospores) that are cinnamon brown in color. Pustules darken as they age. Leaves, as well as sheaths, can be infected. Under severe conditions leaf chlorosis and death may occur. Common rust can be differentiated from Southern rust by the brown pustules occurring on both top and bottom leaf surfaces with common rust.", Corn___Cercospora_leaf_spot Gray_leaf_spot,513,Corn,Cercospora_leaf_spot Gray_leaf_spot,"The best management practice is to use resistant corn hybrids. Fungicides can also be beneficial, especially if applied early when few pustules have appeared on the leaves.", Grape___Black_rot,1180,Grape,Black_rot,"Disease development is favored by warm and humid weather. Symptoms of black rot first appear as small yellow spots on leaves. Enlarged spots (lesions) have a dark brownish-red border with tan to dark brown centers. As the infection develops, tiny black dots appear in the lesion, usually in a ring pattern near the border of the lesion. These dots are fungal structures (pycnidia), which contain thousands of spores (conidia) that can infect new tissue. New infections can occur in less than 10 hours at temperatures between 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Lesions on shoots, cluster stems, rachises and tendrils are oval shaped and sunken with a purple to black color. Fruit symptoms don’t usually begin to appear until the grape berries are pea size or larger. Brown spots form on the fruit and then the fruit start to shrivel and turn black. The berries will eventually shrivel into hard raisin-like structures called mummies. The mummies usually remain attached to the cluster. Pycnidia also form in shoots, cluster stems, rachises, tendrils and mummies, and are a source of conidia (and infections) the following spring. A second type of spore, an ascospore, is also produced in fruit mummies. In the spring, ascospores are forcibly released into the air and spread to new tissues.","All cultivated varieties (American, French Hybrid or vinifera) of grapes are susceptible to infection by the black rot fungus. However, over the growing season, berries become resistant to black rot infections. Concord is one of the first varieties to become resistant, while V. vinifera varieties are the latest to obtain resistance. Across the varieties, resistance occurs four to six weeks after bloom. Sanitation plays an important part in limiting the amount of black rot inoculum found in a vineyard. If only a few leaf lesions appear in the spring, these should be removed. The removal of diseased tendrils and canes through pruning during the dormant season will reduce the amount of spores available to cause infections in the spring. However, the removal of mummies either on the vineyard floor or remaining in the canopy, will have the largest impact in reducing black rot disease in the vineyard. Mummies in the canopy provide inoculum much later into the season than those that have fallen to the vineyard floor and thus should be given priority for removal. In small plantings, removal of diseased fruit when they are first observed is encouraged. Any mummies remaining in the canopy at the end of the season should be dropped to the ground and buried. Fungicides, applied early in the growing season, are a critical component of a black rot management program. The most effective spray program targets the period prior to bloom when spore production peaks. Fungicides should be sprayed during the period from early bloom through three to four weeks after bloom." Grape___Esca_(Black_Measles),1383,Grape,Esca_(Black_Measles),"The foliar symptom of Esca is an interveinal ""striping"". The ""stripes"", which start out as dark red in red cultivars and yellow in white cultivars, dry and become necrotic. Foliar symptoms may occur at any time during the growing season, but are most prevalent during July and August. They are often restricted to an individual shoot or to shoots originating from the same spur or cane.","Presently, there are no effective management strategies for measles. Wine grape growers with small vineyards will often have field crews remove infected fruit prior to harvest. Raisins affected by measles will be discarded during harvest or at the packing house, while table grape growers will leave affected fruit on the vine. Current research is focused on protecting pruning wounds from fungal infections to minimize suspect fungi from colonizing fresh wounds." Grape___Leaf_blight_(Isariopsis_Leaf_Spot),1076,Grape,Leaf_blight_(Isariopsis_Leaf_Spot),"Grape black rot is a severe disease that attacks the grape plant and appears clearly on its leaves. It is caused by the Guignardia Bidwell fungus. Black rot is a severe threat to grape production, with losses in the range of 5–80%.","The most widely used fungicide to control diseases of grapevine is Bordeaux mixture, a copper fungicide. However, like all copper compounds, this fungicide may produce symptoms of toxicity in young plant tissues, and the corrosive action of the fungicide may compromise the structure of the vine. Accordingly, it is necessary to use alternative methods to control diseases that occur in organic agriculture. Among these alternative methods are the induction of resistance in plants and the use of natural bioactive substances with antimicrobial activity. In this context, the use of essential oils extracted from medicinal plants that contain secondary compounds can have both fungitoxic actions (antimicrobial action) and facilitate resistance by activating defense mechanisms in plants (indirect antimicrobial action). For these reasons, the use of these essential oils may represent a promising alternative in organic agriculture." Orange___Haunglongbing_(Citrus_greening),5507,Orange,Haunglongbing_(Citrus_greening),"In the early stages of the disease, it is difficult to make a clear diagnosis. HLB symptoms are more apparent during cooler seasons, more so than in warmer months. It is uncertain how long a tree can be infected before showing the symptoms of the disease but, when it eventually becomes symptomatic, symptoms appear on different parts of the tree. Infected trees generally develop some canopy thinning, with twig dieback and discolored leaves, which appear in contrast to the other healthy or symptomless parts of the tree. The symptomatic leaves can be normal-sized, showing yellow coloration or a blotchy-mottle or they can be small, upright and show a variety of chlorotic patterns resembling those induced by zinc or other nutritional deficiencies . The root systems are poorly developed, showing very few fibrous roots, likely due to nutrient starvation.","Current management strategies focus on vector control, avoiding the spread of infection, or management of infected trees. The success of individual or combined approaches depends on the infestation level. In regions where disease incidence is low, the most common practices are avoiding the spread of infection by removal of symptomatic trees, protecting grove edges through intensive monitoring, use of pesticides, and biological control of the vector ACP. The management of infected trees includes enhanced nutrition by foliar sprays of readily absorbable nutrients and phytohormones, or regulating soil pH to enhance nutrient uptake, and precision irrigation based on soil moisture sensing and needs of HLB-affected trees. However, the control of HLB is still difficult, especially if bacteria are widespread and their vectors are well established. Diseased trees in abandoned citrus groves act as abundant sources of CLas inoculation and insect vectors, and this has been a particularly prevalent problem in Florida. The most effective control strategy has been to remove infected trees in an area and then replant with CLas-free trees. Current recommendations are that control of the psyllid vector should be done as soon as its presence is noticed in citrus groves, even in regions free of HLB." Peach___Bacterial_spot,2297,Peach,Bacterial_spot,"The earliest evidence of bacterial leaf spot is the presence of water soaked spots on leaves. The spots are generally concentrated near the tips of the foliage but may also run along the mid-vein or edge of the leaf. As the spots enlarge, they darken, becoming purple and eventually necrotic. Spots may abscise and drop out, leaving shot-holes in affected leaves. Severely infected leaves may turn yellow and fall to the ground. On sensitive varieties, this may lead to severe defoliation. Heavy defoliation early in the summer can reduce the size of the fruit and weaken the tree. Leaf spots similar to bacterial spot can be caused by a variety of other factors, including X-disease, ""Shot Hole"" caused by the fungus Wilsonomyces carpophilus, water stress, nitrogen deficiency, and spray injury from chemicals (such as captan). Bacterial spot can usually be distinguished from the others by the angular nature of the lesions and by the fruit symptoms. The conditions which favor disease development include warm, moderate temperatures, frequent light rains, heavy dew, and considerable winds. If all, or most, of these conditions prevail, severe infection can be expected. When weather favors it, infection by these bacteria may occur anytime from shuck split until post-harvest. Hard, driving rains are more important in starting new infections, thus the disease can be proportionally more severe on one side of the tree than the other","Vigorously growing peach trees are less susceptible to infection than weak ones. Good tree vigor should be maintained by proper pruning, judicious application of fertilizer, and watering when necessary. Excess nitrogen may aggravate the disease. Planting susceptible trees in close proximity to one another can contribute to the buildup of the disease. This disease usually is not devastating in the home orchard and is usually more of a problem in warmer, downstate locations and/or in wet years. In the home orchard, some registered products may be labeled for managing the disease or simply for suppression. For a list of specific products, please refer to the newest version of our fruit fungicide table. Please note that some restrictions or warnings may apply to products that may be registered for either commercial or home garden use." "Pepper,_bell___Bacterial_spot",997,"Pepper,",Bacterial_spot,"The typical symptoms of bacterial spot are necrotic lesions on leaves, stems, and fruit. The symptoms on leaves first appear as small, water-soaked spots that expand into angular or irregular necrotic lesions 1/16 to 1/4 inch in diameter. These lesions have light gray centers and dark brown margins surrounded by narrow yellow halos. Tissue in the center of a lesion can dry and break away, giving a ""shot-hole"" appearance. Under continuous rain and wet conditions, lesions expand fast and remain dark-green and water-soaked without ecoming necrotic. Several lesions may coalesce and result inlarge necrotic lesions. Eventually the leaves turn yellow and drop off prematurely. ","Resistance of pepper to bacterial leaf spot is race-specific. Several races with differing levels of pathogenicity have been identified in the pathogen. Therefore, effective use of resistant varieties requires knowing which races of the pathogen are likely to be present in a certain area. For a preventative purpose, use pathogen-free seed and transplants. Rotate with non-host plants to avoid carryover of the pathogen on volunteers and crop residue. Do not rotate pepper with tomato, eggplant, or potato, and do not grow these crops together. Avoid overhead irrigation. Do not work on wet plants in fields. Control nightshade, horsenettle, jimsonweed, and all other solanaceous weeds. A spray program should be initiated before the early stages of disease development. " Potato___Early_blight,1000,Potato,Early_blight,"Spots begin as small, dark, dry, papery flecks, which grow to become brown-black, circular-to-oval areas. The spots are often bordered by veins that make them angular. The spots usually have a target appearance, caused by concentric rings of raised and depressed dead tissue. A yellowish or greenish-yellow ring is often seen bordering the growing spots. As the spots become very large, they often cause the entire leaf to become yellow and die. This is especially true on the lower leaves, where spots usually occur first and can be very abundant. The dead leaves do not usually fall off. Dark brown to black spots can occur on stems.","Varieties resistant to this disease are available. In general, late maturing varieties are more resistant than the earlier maturing varieties. Keep plants healthy; stressed plants are more predisposed to early blight. Avoid overhead irrigation. Do not dig tubers until they are fully mature in order to prevent damage. Do not use a field for potatoes that was used for potatoes or tomatoes the previous year. Keep this year’s field at least 225 to 450 yards away from last year’s field. Surround the field with wheat to keep wind-blown spores from entering. Use adequate nitrogen levels and low phosphorus levels to reduce disease severity. See current recommendations for chemical control measures." Potato___Late_blight,1000,Potato,Late_blight,"Leaf spots begin as small, pale to dark green, irregularly shaped spots. The spots often have pale green to yellow rings surrounding them. The spots are not bordered by veins but can grow across them. In cool, moist weather, the spots grow rapidly into large brown to purplish black areas. The disease may kill entire leaflets or grow down the petioles and into the stem, killing the plant above it. When the weather is moist, a white fungal growth appears on the edges of the dead areas, usually on the undersides of the leaves. In the field, plants often give off a distinctive fetid or decaying odor. On susceptible potato varieties, the tubers can become infected. Small to large, slightly depressed areas of brown to purplish skin can be seen on the outside of the tuber. When the tuber is cut open, there is a tan-brown, dry, granular rot, which extends ½” to ¾” into the tuber. The border of this area is indistinct. If potatoes are stored under warm or humid conditions, the rot will continue to progress. Often secondary rot organisms set in and completely destroy the tubers.","Use disease-free seed potatoes. Keep cull/compost piles away from potato growing areas. Destroy any volunteer potato plants. Keep tubers covered with soil throughout the season to prevent tuber infection. Remove infected tubers before storing to prevent the spread of disease in storage. Kill vines completely before harvest to avoid inoculation of the tubers during harvest. Resistant varieties are available, although some fungicides must still be applied to resistant cultivars. See current recommendations for chemical control measures." Squash___Powdery_mildew,1835,Squash,Powdery_mildew," Powdery mildew on squash (and other plants) is pretty simple to identify. The first thing you'll probably notice is blotchy patches of white-gray powdery spots that are dry to the touch on the surface of leaves. These quickly spread out and can cover most of the leaves and stems. Leaves turn yellow, then brown and brittle, and finally curl up and fall off. Diseased plants usually produce fewer and smaller fruit. Loss of leaves can expose fruit to too much sun, and they may become scorched. If the powdery mildew continues to spread, the entire plant may turn brown and die. Some varieties of squash have leaves that naturally feature white markings. It's easy to distinguish those natural, healthy markings from powdery mildew on squash by rubbing them with your fingers. If the markings don't budge, you're ok. However, your plants have powdery mildew if the white comes off the leaves as a powder on your fingers. "," The best way to protect your plants from powdery mildew damage is to prevent the disease from infecting plants in the first place. There are several good strategies you can follow to avoid infection, including: Plant-resistant varieties. There are lots of resistant varieties of both winter and summer squashes; they're often marked ""PMR,"" indicating their resistance to powdery mildew (see the list below) Use the recommended seed spacing. Powdery mildew can easily spread from leaf to leaf and plant to plant. Spacing plants so that they have good air circulation will reduce the spread and increase light to leaves. Plant squash in full sun. Shady conditions increase spore germination. Do not overfertilize plants. This overstimulates tender new growth that gets infected more easily. Spray plants with water. Unlike most fungal diseases, powdery mildew spreads most quickly in hot, dry weather. Overhead watering or spraying plants with a hose can minimize disease development. Be sure to water in the morning so that leaves dry off before night to avoid encouraging other plant diseases from taking hold. Rotate crops. Because powdery mildew spores can survive winter in the soil, plant squash in different locations on a three- to four-year rotation schedule. Several organic sprays can help minimize the disease. They're most useful early in the infection; they won't cure powdery mildew once it's severe. One of the most effective sprays is neem oil, an extract from the tropical neem tree. It's a good control for mild to moderate powdery mildew infections. Spray both upper and lower surfaces of leaves. Apply every week until you detect no more symptoms, then every two weeks to avoid the mildew's return. Sulfur sprays and stylet oil fungicides will also reduce the spread of powdery mildew. " Strawberry___Leaf_scorch,1109,Strawberry,Leaf_scorch,"Leaf scorch symptoms are very similar to the early stages of common (Mycosphaerella) leaf spot, with irregular dark purple spots being scattered over the upper leaf surface. As the spots enlarge, they begin to look like drops of tar, and are actually the accumulations of black fruiting bodies (acervuli) of the fungus. The centers of the spots remain purple (in Mycosphaerella leaf spot they are white) and there is no well-defined lesion border. In heavy infections, these regions coalesce and the tissue between the lesions often takes on a purplish to bright red color that is dependent on cultivar, temperature, or other factors. The leaves eventually turn brown, dry up, and curl at the margins giving the leaf a scorched appearance. Examination of the acervuli and conidial morphology can help to distinguish between leaf spot and leaf scorch at this advanced stage of disease. On the upper leaf surfaces of leaf scorch lesions, the acervuli are dark with glistening spore masses and dark apothecia. Petiole lesions are elongate, sunken, with a purplish to brown color and can kill the leaf by girdling the petiole. Runners, fruit stalks, fruit and caps can also become infected. Plants may become weakened and the number and vigor of crowns reduced. Infection predisposes the plants to winter and drought stress. In severe infestations, flowers and fruit may die. Overall, there can be a serious reduction in yield in matted row systems. It has not been observed as a yield-reducing problem in annual production systems.","In matted row or perennial strawberry systems, select a planting site with good air drainage and sun exposure. Cultivars resistant to leaf scorch may be available and need to be evaluated for specific horticultural characteristics. Plant new transplants frequently, and allow adequate spacing between them to increase airflow. Control weeds. Avoid amendment with supplemental nitrogen in spring, as this may enhance disease. Keep moisture levels down and avoid long wetness periods by monitoring irrigation schedules; if possible, use drip irrigation rather than overhead. Remove foliage and crop residues after picking or at renovation to remove inoculum and delay disease increase in late summer and fall. Fungicide treatments are effective during the flowering period, and during late summer and fall. In annual plasticulture production systems, the disease has not been observed to cause economic damage in fruiting fields and generally does not require action. Although symptoms may be on plants at the time of planting or soon after, the levels of disease are typically low and do not persist into the spring. In plug production facilities, high disease levels may affect the look of the plants and this decreased aesthetic value may impact sales." Tomato___Tomato_Yellow_Leaf_Curl_Virus,5357,Tomato,Tomato_Yellow_Leaf_Curl_Virus,"The most obvious symptoms in tomato plants are small leaves that become yellow between the veins. The leaves also curl upwards and towards the middle of the leaf. In seedlings, the shoots become shortened and give the young plants a bushy appearance. In mature plants only new growths produced after infection is reduced in size. Although tomato production is reduced by the infection, the fruit appears unaffected."," Management of TYLCV is a multi-step strategy. Plants suspected of TYLCV infection should be rogued from the garden and destroyed in the following manner: Symptomatic plants should be carefully covered by a clear or black plastic bag and tied at the stem at soil line. Cut off the plant below the bag and allow bag with plant and whiteflies to desiccate to death on the soil surface for 1-2 days prior to placing the plant in the trash. Do not cut the plant off or pull it out of the garden and toss it on the compost! The goal is to remove the plant reservoir of virus from the garden and to trap the existing virus-bearing whiteflies so they do not disperse onto other tomatoes. If symptomatic plants have no obvious whiteflies on the lower leaf surface, these plants can be cut from the garden and BURIED in the compost. Although the silverlef whitefly feeds on more than 500 plants, some of its more favorite vegetable hosts other than tomatoes include the squash and cucumber family of plants, okra, beans, peanuts & eggplant. Favorite landscape plants include hibiscus, poinsettia, Gerbera daisy and many bedding plants. Inspect plants for whitefly infestations two times per week. If whiteflies are beginning to appear, spray with azadirachtin (Neem), pyrethrin or insecticidal soap. For more effective control, it is recommended that at least two of the above insecticides be rotated at each spraying. Follow label directions closely for dosage rates, spray intervals and precautions. Spray the undersides of the leaves thoroughly." Tomato___Target_Spot,1404,Tomato,Target_Spot,"The disease starts on the older leaves and spreads upwards. The first signs are irregular-shaped spots (less than 1 mm) with a yellow margin. Some of the spots enlarge up to 10 mm and show characteristics rings, hence the name of 'target spot'. Spread to all leaflets and to other leaves is rapid, causing the leaves to turn yellow, collapse and die. Spots also occur on the stems. They are long and thin. Small light brown spots with dark margins may also occur on the fruit. The spores are spread by wind-blown rain, and if windy wet weather continues for a few days, spread is fast and plants lose their leaves quickly. The source of the fungus is from other crops, the remains of the previous crop and, perhaps, other host species. The fungus is very common on papaya leaves causing angular, light brown or grey spots, 2 mm diameter, sometimes surrounded by a yellow margin; the centres of the spots often fall out producing a 'shot-hole' effect.","Cultural control is important. The following should be done: Before planting: Do not plant new crops next to older ones that have the disease. Plant as far as possible from papaya, especially if leaves have small angular spots (Photo 5). Check all seedlings in the nursery, and throw away any with leaf spots. During growth: Remove a few branches from the lower part of the plants to allow better airflow at the base Remove and burn the lower leaves as soon as the disease is seen, especially after the lower fruit trusses have been picked. Keep plots free from weeds, as some may be hosts of the fungus. Do not use overhead irrigation; otherwise, it will create conditions for spore production and infection. After harvest: Collect and burn as much of the crop as possible when the harvest is complete. Practise crop rotation, leaving 3 years before replanting tomato on the same land. RESISTANT VARIETIES Trials have been done in Solomon Islands with lines of tomatoes from AVRDC (now known as The World Vegetable Center). One variety has been released and this has some tolerance to the disease, BUT is not resistant. It has the number CLN2585D. CHEMICAL CONTROL Warm wet conditions favour the disease such that fungicides are needed to give adequate control. The products to use are chlorothalonil, copper oxychloride or mancozeb. Treatment should start when the first spots are seen and continue at 10-14-day intervals until 3-4 weeks before last harvest. It is important to spray both sides of the leaves." Tomato___Spider_mites Two-spotted_spider_mite,1676,Tomato,Spider_mites Two-spotted_spider_mite,"Tomato red spider mite feeding causes whitening or yellowing of leaves, which then dry out and eventually fall off. In the case of severe attacks, plant damage progresses very quickly, and hosts may die within 3–5 weeks, if no management actions are taken. In less intense infestations the top side of leaves appear speckled, as a result of the mites sucking the contents out of individual plant cells. This can reduce the growth rate of plants and can have a negative impact on plant health and crop yield. When present in low numbers tomato red spider mite infestation may produce no symptoms. As populations increase, plant damage should be more easily seen on leaves.","Sulfur dust prevents spider mites from attacking tomatoes. Whether you see problems or not on your tomato plants and you are almost certain to see some kind of fungus. Apply a light coating of sulfur dust 2-3 weeks after planting to stop any fungus that has started on your plants and to prevent a spider mite infestation. If you wait until you see the spider mites, it’s usually too late. Phytoseiulus persimilis is a specialist predator of spider mites, such as the twospotted spider mite (TSSM, Tetranychus urticae Koch). It is a highly voracious and effective predator on a number of horticultural and ornamental crops and has become a key tool for managing spider mites in greenhouses for several decades." Tomato___Septoria_leaf_spot,1771,Tomato,Septoria_leaf_spot,"Septoria leaf spot is caused by the fungus Septoria lycopersici. This fungus can attack tomatoes at any stage of development, but symptoms usually first appear on the older, lower leaves and stems when plants are setting fruit. Symptoms usually appear on leaves, but can occur on petioles, stems, and the calyx. The first symptoms appear as small, water-soaked, circular spots 1/16 to 1/8"" in diameter on the undersides of older leaves. The centers of these spots then turn gray to tan and have a dark-brown margin. The spots are distinctively circular and are often quite numerous. As the spots age, they sometimes enlarge and often coalesce. A diagnostic feature of this disease is the presence of many dark-brown, pimple-like structures called pycnidia (fruiting bodies of the fungus) that are readily visible in the tan centers of the spots. When spots are numerous, affected leaves turn yellow and eventually shrivel up, brown, and drop off. Defoliation usually starts on the oldest leaves and can quickly spread progressively up the plant toward the new growth. Significant losses can result from early leaf-drop and often leads to the subsequent sunscalding of the fruit when plants are prematurely defoliated. Septoria leaf spot is favored by warm, wet, humid conditions. Although the fungus can survive in or on seed and in weed hosts, the main source of inoculum is from leaf fragments and other plant debris from diseased plants that ""overwinter"" in the soil.","The effects of Septoria leaf spot can be minimized by following a multifaceted approach to disease management that includes sanitary, cultural, and chemical methods. It is very important to eliminate initial sources of inoculum by removing or destroying as much of the tomato debris as possible after harvest in the fall. Alternatively, in large fields where plant removal is not practical, plant debris can be covered and buried by deep plowing. These simple sanitary practices can significantly reduce disease development the following year since they remove sources of the fungus that overwinter in the soil. During the growing season, it is important to start with healthy, disease-free transplants. If infected plants are found, rogue the seedlings before transplanting them into the field. It is also helpful to practice crop rotation with a non-Solanaceous crop, if possible. Since water is important to both the spread and development of this disease, it is helpful to avoid overhead watering or to water early in the day so that the leaves dry more quickly than with nighttime watering. In addition, it is helpful to avoid working with plants when they are wet. Although resistance to Septoria leaf spot has been tentatively identified in several lines of tomato used for breeding, no cultivars with resistance are commercially available to date. Fungicides are very effective for control of Septoria leaf spot and applications are often necessary to supplement the control strategies previously outlined. The fungicides chlorothalonil and mancozeb are labeled for homeowner use. Since these are protectant materials, they should be applied as soon as symptoms are observed and repeated as necessary when conditions are favorable for disease development and spread. In Connecticut, the first sprays are usually needed by mid-July. The fungicide labels contain information on dosage rates, spray intervals, days-to-harvest intervals, and safety precautions." Tomato___Bacterial_spot,2127,Tomato,Bacterial_spot,"Bacterial spot can affect all above ground parts of a tomato plant, including the leaves, stems, and fruit. Bacterial spot appears on leaves as small (less than ⅛ inch), sometimes water-soaked (i.e., wet-looking) circular areas. Spots may initially be yellow-green, but darken to brownish-red as they age. When the disease is severe, extensive leaf yellowing and leaf loss can also occur. On green fruit, spots are typically small, raised and blister-like, and may have a yellowish halo. As fruit mature, the spots enlarge (reaching a maximum size of ¼ inch) and turn brown, scabby and rough. Mature spots may be raised, or sunken with raised edges. Bacterial spot symptoms can be easily confused with symptoms of another tomato disease called bacterial speck. ","A plant with bacterial spot cannot be cured. Remove symptomatic plants from the field or greenhouse to prevent the spread of bacteria to healthy plants. Burn, bury or hot compost the affected plants and DO NOT eat symptomatic fruit. Although bacterial spot pathogens are not human pathogens, the fruit blemishes that they cause can provide entry points for human pathogens that could cause illness. Plant pathogen-free seed or transplants to prevent the introduction of bacterial spot pathogens on contaminated seed or seedlings. If a clean seed source is not available or you suspect that your seed is contaminated, soak seeds in water at 122°F for 25 min. to kill the pathogens. To keep leaves dry and to prevent the spread of the pathogens, avoid overhead watering (e.g., with a wand or sprinkler) of established plants and instead use a drip-tape or soaker-hose. Also to prevent spread, DO NOT handle plants when they are wet (e.g., from dew) and routinely sterilize tools with either 10% bleach solution or (better) 70% alcohol (e.g., rubbing alcohol). Where bacterial spot has been a recurring problem, consider using preventative applications of copper-based products registered for use on tomato, especially during warm, wet periods. Keep in mind however, that if used excessively or for prolonged periods, copper may no longer control the disease. Be sure to read and follow all label instructions of the product that you select to ensure that you use it in the safest and most effective manner possible. Burn, bury or hot compost tomato debris at the end of the season. Wait at least one year before planting tomatoes in a given location again, and remove and burn, bury or hot compost any volunteer tomatoes that come up in your garden." Tomato___Late_blight,1909,Tomato,Late_blight,"The first symptoms of late blight on tomato leaves are irregularly shaped, water-soaked lesions, often with a lighter halo or ring around them; these lesions are typically found on the younger, more succulent leaves in the top portion of the plant canopy. During high humidity, white cottony growth may be visible on underside of the leaf, where sporangia form. Spots are visible on both sides of the leaves. As the disease progresses, lesions enlarge causing leaves to brown, shrivel and die. Late blight can also attack tomato fruit in all stages of development. Rotted fruit are typically firm with greasy spots that eventually become leathery and chocolate brown in color; these spots can enlarge to the point of encompassing the entire fruit."," Plant early in the season to escape high disease pressure later in the season Do not allow water to remain on leaves for long periods of time Scout plants often and remove infected plants, infected fruit, volunteers and weeds Plant resistant varieties when possible. Protect the crop with fungicides Before disease occurs, apply fungicides at 7-10 day intervals. After disease is detected in your area, apply fungicides at 5-7 day intervals. Alternate products and tank mix with chlorothalonil to avoid generating fungicide-resistant strains. Organic growers have fewer chemical options that are effective; the only OMRI labeled active ingredients that have decent efficacy against late blight are fixed copper formulations. Organic growers should plant susceptible varieties early in the season or select a late blight resistant variety." Tomato___Early_blight,1000,Tomato,Early_blight,"Initially, small dark spots form on older foliage near the ground. Leaf spots are round, brown and can grow up to 1/2 inch in diameter. Larger spots have target-like concentric rings. The tissue around spots often turns yellow. Severely infected leaves turn brown and fall off, or dead, dried leaves may cling to the stem. Seedling stems are infected at or just above the soil line. The stem turns brown, sunken and dry (collar rot). If the infection girdles the stem, the seedling wilts and dies. Stem infections on older plants are oval to irregular, dry brown areas with dark brown concentric rings. Fruit can be infected at any stage of maturity. Fruit spots are leathery and black, with raised concentric ridges. They generally occur near the stem. Infected fruit may drop from the plant.","Use pathogen-free seed, or collect seed only from disease-free plants. Rotate out of tomatoes and related crops for at least two years. Control susceptible weeds such as black nightshade and hairy nightshade, and volunteer tomato plants throughout the rotation. Fertilize properly to maintain vigorous plant growth. Do not over-fertilize with potassium and maintain adequate levels of both nitrogen and phosphorus. Avoid working in plants when they are wet from rain, irrigation, or dew. Use drip irrigation instead of overhead irrigation to keep foliage dry. Stake or trellis and prune the plants to increase airflow around the plant and facilitate drying. Staking will also reduce contact between the leaves and spore-contaminated soil. Carefully prune infected leaves, take care to wash and sanitize tools as you prune, and dispose of infected leaves far away from your tomato production areas. Apply plastic or organic mulch to provide a barrier between contaminated soil and leaves.In the fall, remove or bury infected plants to reduce the likelihood of the pathogen surviving into the following year. For greenhouse production, early blight has been reduced by as much as 50% by covering houses with UV-absorbing vinyl film. " Tomato___Tomato_mosaic_virus,373,Tomato,Tomato_mosaic_virus,"The foliage of affected tomato plants shows mottling, with alternating yellowish and darker green areas, the latter often appearing thicker and raised giving a blister-like appearance. The leaves tend to be fern-like in appearance with pointed tips and younger leaves may be twisted. The fruit may be distorted, yellow blotches and necrotic spots may occur on both ripe and green fruit and there may be internal browning of the fruit wall. In young plants, the infection reduces the set of fruit and may cause distortions and blemishes. The entire plant may be dwarfed and the flowers discoloured. Environmental conditions influence the symptoms. These include temperature, day length and light intensity as well as the variety, the age of the plant at infection and the virulence of the strain of ToMV.","For several tomato viruses, there are cultivars that are resistant. Seek out disease-resistant seed varieties marked with catalog codes and abbreviations like ToMV and TMV. The resistant tomato varieties can be found here: If you have any plants in your garden that you suspect may be infected, remove them immediately to prevent the spread of the virus. Don’t throw them in the compost. Infected plants should be uprooted entirely and burned. Always go through reliable retailers while purchasing transplants. Make sure to inspect transplants before buying them. Be sure there are no obvious symptoms before selecting a transplant. Infected plants often exhibit no visible signs of illness, therefore it’s important to frequently disinfect tools, ideally between each plant. There are currently no effective chemical solutions against any other virus. The control of aphids and thrips during the production of transplants can aid in preventing the spread of plant viruses." Tomato___Leaf_Mold,952,Tomato,Leaf_Mold,"The oldest leaves are infected first. Pale greenish-yellow spots, usually less than 1/4 inch, with no definite margins, form on the upper sides of leaves. Olive-green to brown velvety mold forms on the lower leaf surface below leaf spots. Leaf spots grow together and turn brown. Leaves wither and die but often remain attached to the plant. Infected blossoms turn black and fall off. Fruit infections start as a smooth black irregular area on the stem end of the fruit. As the disease progresses, the infected area becomes sunken, dry and leathery.","Use drip irrigation and avoid watering foliage. Space plants to provide good air movement between rows and individual plants. Stake, string or prune to increase airflow in and around the plant. Sterilize stakes, ties, trellises, etc. with 10% household bleach or commercial sanitizer. Circulate air in greenhouses or tunnels with vents and fans and by rolling up high tunnel sides to reduce humidity around plants. Keep night temperatures in greenhouses higher than outside temperatures to avoid dew formation on the foliage. Remove crop residue at the end of the season. Burn it or bury it away from tomato production areas. Clean the high tunnel or greenhouse walls and benches at the end of the season with a commercial sanitizer. Fungicide applications should be made prior to infection when environmental conditions favor disease to be the most effective. Fungicide applications should be repeated according to label instructions. It is important to alternate between different chemical families to avoid the development of pathogen resistance to particular active ingredients. For organic growers, copper-based product Champ can give some level of control. When using copper hydroxide for tomato leaf mold, make sure the product is labeled for organic use. Formulations with higher percentages of copper will be more effective but have an increased re-entry interval (REI / the amount of time you must wait between applying and re-entering the area for safety reasons). "