import sys import torch from transformers import ClapModel, ClapProcessor from config import config models = dict() processor = ClapProcessor.from_pretrained("./emotional/clap-htsat-fused") def get_clap_audio_feature(audio_data, device=config.bert_gen_config.device): if ( sys.platform == "darwin" and torch.backends.mps.is_available() and device == "cpu" ): device = "mps" if not device: device = "cuda" if device not in models.keys(): models[device] = ClapModel.from_pretrained("./emotional/clap-htsat-fused").to( device ) with torch.no_grad(): inputs = processor( audios=audio_data, return_tensors="pt", sampling_rate=48000 ).to(device) emb = models[device].get_audio_features(**inputs) return emb.T def get_clap_text_feature(text, device=config.bert_gen_config.device): if ( sys.platform == "darwin" and torch.backends.mps.is_available() and device == "cpu" ): device = "mps" if not device: device = "cuda" if device not in models.keys(): models[device] = ClapModel.from_pretrained("./emotional/clap-htsat-fused").to( device ) if text == "开心": text = "happy, enthusiastic, joyful" elif text == "伤心": text = "sad, gloomy, devastating" elif text == "恐惧": text = "fearful, anxiety, scared" elif text == "愤怒": text = "angry, mad, hysteric" elif text == "平静": text = "calm, normally, peaceful" elif text == "低语": text = "whisper, slightly, calmly" else: pass with torch.no_grad(): inputs = processor(text=text, return_tensors="pt").to(device) emb = models[device].get_text_features(**inputs) return emb.T