# # Copyright (C) 2023, Inria # GRAPHDECO research group, https://team.inria.fr/graphdeco # All rights reserved. # # This software is free for non-commercial, research and evaluation use # under the terms of the LICENSE.md file. # # For inquiries contact george.drettakis@inria.fr # from errno import EEXIST from os import makedirs, path import os def mkdir_p(folder_path): # Creates a directory. equivalent to using mkdir -p on the command line try: makedirs(folder_path) except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5 if exc.errno == EEXIST and path.isdir(folder_path): pass else: raise def searchForMaxIteration(folder): saved_iters = [int(fname.split("_")[-1]) for fname in os.listdir(folder)] return max(saved_iters)