diff --git "a/datasets/mgtv/unique_translations.csv" "b/datasets/mgtv/unique_translations.csv" new file mode 100755--- /dev/null +++ "b/datasets/mgtv/unique_translations.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,2721 @@ +chinese,english +是,Yes +不是,No +不重要,It doesn't matter +回答正确,Correct answer. +问法错误,The method of interrogation was wrong +狗,Dog +猫,cat +男的,The man +女的,The girl +是鱼,A fish +哭声,Cries +亲情,Family ties +夫妻,A couple +老师,Teacher +母亲,Mother +他杀,Killed +妻子,His wife +自杀,To Suicide +意外,Accident +红汤吗,Is it red soup? +猜不到,Cannot guess +是蛇吗,Was it a snake? +是龟吗,Is it a turtle? +他杀吗,Was he killed? +它是龙,It's a dragon. +是人吗,Was it a human? +是水葬,It was a water burial. +是病死,It was a corpse. +意外吗,Was it a surprise? +它是鸟,It's a bird +家人?,'Your family?' +是姐姐,bigger sister +是妈妈,It was Mom. +是妹妹,little sister +是爸爸,It was Dad. +是爷爷,It was Granddad. +他很渴,He was very thirsty. +它是虾,It's a shrimp. +是悲伤,Sadness +夫妻?,A couple? +它死了,It was dead +媽媽嗎,Is she your mother? +溺死吗,To drown? +它是狗,It's a dog +他孩子,His child +是藕吗,Is it lotus? +它大吗,How big is it? +朋友?,A friend? +很珍贵,It was very valuable. +情侣?,A couple? +死人了,He was dead. +吓唬人,To scare people +它是猫,It's a cat +母子?,A mother and child? +溺水吗,Was it drowning? +有人吗,Who's there? +自杀吗,To commit suicide? +找到了,Found +它是鱼,It's a fish +母女?,Mother and daughter? +男孩在哭,The boy was crying +它是人么,Is it a human? +是男孩?,Was it a boy? +是尸体吗,Was it a corpse? +两个男人,The two men +他死了吗,Was he dead? +有人死吗,Did anyone die? +它有问题,It had a problem +它受伤了,It was wounded. +它遇害了,It was killed. +意外死亡,Death by Accident +死人了吗,Is he dead? +它不正常,It was abnormal +是男人吗,Was he a man? +男人死了,The man was dead +它是珊瑚,It's coral. +是他杀嘛,Was it murder? +是自杀嘛,It must be suicide. +他是鱼吗,Was he a fish? +别人受伤,Someone got hurt +是珠宝吗,Was it jewelry? +它是水怪,It's a water spirit +它是鳄鱼,It's a crocodile. +它是水蛇,It's like a water snake. +它是乌龟,It's a turtle. +是他杀吗,Was it murder? +是自杀吗,Was it suicide? +在湖边吗,On the shore? +是父母吗,Are they your parents? +它是人吗,Is it a human? +它是珍珠,It's like a pearl. +怎么还原,How do I restore it? +被人阻挠,Interception +他溺水了,He was drowned. +他是男生,He was a boy +主人自杀,The owner committed suicide +他死亡了,He died +他受伤了,He was wounded. +有人死了,Someone was dead +它是动物,It is an animal +它是宠物,It's a pet +男人在哭,The man was weeping. +自杀了吗,Did she commit suicide? +它是只猫,It was a cat +跳湖了吗,Did you jump into the lake? +它是小孩,It's a child. +谁的哭声,Who was crying? +小孩的吗,Is it a baby? +是婴儿吗,Was it a baby? +是女的嘛,It was a girl. +是妈妈吗,Is it Mom? +是意外吗,Was it an accident? +是爸爸吗,Is it Dad? +它是狗吗,Was it a dog? +是湖龟吗,Was it a lake turtle? +是植物吗,Was it a plant? +它死了吗,Was it dead? +有人死亡,Someone was dead +它是猫吗,Was it a cat? +抽筋了吗,Did you have a spasm? +是河豚吗,Is it a pufferfish? +他喝了水,He drank some water. +有血书?,Blood? +是谋杀吗,Was it murder? +死者梦游,The Dead Sleep Away +是摔死吗,Was she crushed to death? +放在湖边,On the shore +是刚死吗,Was it just dead? +有死人吗,Were there any dead bodies? +甄是死者,Zhen was the dead man. +有人跳湖,Someone jumped into the lake +是中毒吗,Was it poisoning? +是水蛇吗,Was it a water snake? +人死了吗,Is the person dead? +死在湖里,He died in the lake +是湖水吗,Is it the water? +是动物吗,Was it a beast? +甄庄哭声,Zhen Zhuo's wails +湖畔迷影,A Misty Shadow on the Lake +湖畔之谜,The Mystery of the Lake's Edge +海岸之谜,The Mystery of the Coast +掉水里了,Trapped in the water +救人了吗,Did you save anyone? +是小男孩?,Was it a boy? +人死了吗?,Is the person dead? +哭的是男人,It was a man's weeping. +孩子死了吗,Was the child dead? +死者是自杀,The victim was suicide. +死者是穷人,The dead was a poor man +哭的是女人,It was a woman's weeping. +是人的哭声,It was human wailing. +晚上时间线,The Time Line at Night +尸体在湖边,The body was on the shore. +小男孩是谁,Who was the boy? +甄锐在哭嘛,Zhen was crying. +是女的吗?,Is it a girl? +是甄锐吗?,Is it Zhen Rui? +他很穷吗?,Was he poor? +湖边有音响,There is music by the lake. +他被绑架了,He was kidnapped. +湖边住着谁,Who does the people on the shore belong to? +甄是被杀吗,Was Jin killed? +他的妈妈?,His mother? +甄是好人嘛,He was a good person. +它是死物吗,Is it a dead thing? +它是活物吗,Was it alive? +溺水而死吗,Did he drown? +湖边风大吗,Is the wind strong by the lake? +它是鲸鱼么,Was it a whale? +是哭死的吗,Was it from crying? +它是指湖吗,Was it the lake? +它是乌龟吗,Was it a turtle? +妻子去世了,His wife had died +两人是恋人,The two were a couple +自己的遗物,His own belongings +湖有故事吗,Does the lake have a story? +哭声不是人,The wails were not human. +人是村民吗,Are people villagers? +有人落水吗,Was anyone in the water? +死者是他杀,The victim was killed in self-defense +是意外吗?,Was it an accident? +甄锐死了吗,Did Zhen died? +有尸体吗 ,Was there a body? +有人死了嘛,Someone did die. +它还活着吗,Was it still alive? +小男孩死了,The little boy was dead +有人走丢吗,Did anyone get lost? +帽子是谁的,Who's this hat of yours? +被人杀害的,The one who had been murdered +它没被找到,It was never found +主人很爱它,The owner loved it very much. +它出现了吗,Was it there? +是村里人吗,Were they villagers? +石头是碑吗,Was the stone a monument? +孩子还在吗,Is the child still alive? +它被禁锢了,It was confined +它不能移动,It can't move. +它不想离开,It didn't want to leave. +它杀了主人,It killed the owner +主人不想死,The owner didn't want to die. +它依赖这里,It depends on this place. +有人死了?,Is someone dead? +主人思念它,The master misses it. +主人想离开,The master was about to leave. +是人在哭嘛,Was it people crying? +它原本是人,It was originally a human +哭声是人吗,Was it a human cry? +它离开过水,It had left the water +它是美人鱼,It's a mermaid. +它认识主人,It knew its owner +有人自杀?,Someone commit suicide? +有人受伤吗,Were there any injuries? +有人跳湖嘛,Someone jumped in the lake. +他是自杀吗,Was he suicide? +他中毒死亡,He died of poisoning +那是父子吗,Was it father and son? +主人的宠物,The Master's Pet +有外村人吗,Were there outsiders? +他要游泳吗,Did he swim? +他会游泳吗,Did he swim? +是他的亲人,They were his relatives. +它是一只鱼,It was a fish +哭泣是吓哭,Crying was from fright. +是自杀吗?,Was it suicide? +是情侣关系,A romantic relationship +有第三者吗,Was there a third party? +小孩死了吗,Did the child die? +有两个人吗,Were there two of them? +它是活的吗,Is it alive? +它是个怪物,It was a monster. +它是小动物,It's a small animal. +是凶手的吗,Was he the murderer? +是死人了吗,Was it a corpse? +帽子是线索,The hat was the clue. +甄郝是中毒,Zhen Hao was poisoned. +是人在哭吗,Was it people crying? +死者是男的,The dead was a man +生物有毒 ,Biological Poison +它有生命么,Does it have life? +是他的母亲,It was his mother. +是他的弟弟,It was his brother. +男人跳海了,The man jumped into the sea. +是他的养父,It was his fosterfather. +两人是朋友,They were friends +是有人自杀,It must be suicide. +有人死亡吗,Was anyone killed? +背包的主人,The owner of the backpack +它很重要吗,Was it important? +哭声是鬼吗,Was the wailing a demon? +爷爷生病了,Granddad was sick. +死的是狗狗,It was a dog. +主人是男的,The owner was a man +家人死了吗,Did the family member really die? +是帽子在哭,The hat was weeping. +它是鱼类吗,Was it a fish? +有人死掉吗,Did anyone die? +哭声哪里来,Where did the wail come from? +死者是瞎子,The victim was a blind man. +风吹的帽子,The wind blew cap +湖里有人吗,Is there someone in the lake? +是落水了吗,Was he drowned? +死的是主人,It was the master's death. +同学重要吗,Are your friends important? +有人死了吗,Was someone killed? +是意外落水,It was an accident. +男人死了吗,Was the man dead? +8十5=?,85=? +帽子的外观,The appearance of the hat +男人伤心吗,Was the man upset? +背包重要吗,Did your backpack matter? +她是动物吗,Was she an animal? +它是动物吗,Was it a animal? +有人落水了,Someone was in the water +你是男生吗,Are you a boy? +它失踪了吗,Was it lost? +湖底有剑吗,Were there swords in the bottom of the lake? +它是宠物吗,Was it a pet? +是溺水了吗,Was it drowning? +儿子死了吗,Was the son dead? +它是水草吗,Was it water plants? +它是鲨鱼吗,Was it a shark? +找到的是钱,What I found was money. +帽子有用吗,Did it work? +与甄有关吗,Does it have anything to do with Zhen? +是漂流瓶吗,Was it a drifting bottle? +石头有用吗,What's the use of the stone? +有人死了嗎,Was someone really killed? +湖边的谜影,The Enigma on the Lake's Edge +死者在度假,The dead were on vacation +死者去打鱼,The dead went to fish +有人死掉嘛,Someone did die. +死者挖宝藏,The dead were digging for treasure +是湖里遇难,They were lost at sea +甄有疾病吗,Was Zhen ill? +村長死了嗎,Did the village leader die? +是甄遇难了,It was probably Jia Yun who was in trouble. +甄是卧底吗,Was Jin a mole? +画作是甄的,The painting was by Zhen. +它是石头吗,Was it a stone? +死者是画家,The dead was a painter. +甄锐哭了吗,Did Zhen Rui cry? +死者去搭船,The dead were taken aboard the boat. +他是近视吗,Was he a nearsighted? +有���跳湖嗎,Did anyone jump into the lake? +是有珊瑚嘛,"It's made of coral, then." +东西在湖边,Things were on the edge of the lake. +是否有人死亡,Was anyone killed? +小孩迷路了吗,Was the child lost? +死者是他杀嘛,Was the victim killed in self-defence? +是凶手在哭吗,Was the killer crying? +是甄锐在哭吗,Was it Zhen Rui crying? +和哭声有关?,Did it have something to do with the sobs? +帽子是人的吗,Is the hat a person? +小孩是凶手吗,Was the child the murderer? +有人坠湖了吗,Did anyone fall into the lake? +小男孩还在吗,Is the boy still around? +他的死是意外,His death was an accident. +小孩是婴儿吗,Is the child a baby? +是死于坠湖吗,Was she killed by falling into the lake? +找到的是财富,What we found was wealth. +是小孩哭泣嘛,Was it a baby crying? +有人被杀了吗,Was someone killed? +有人意外死亡,Someone died unexpectedly +有人自杀了吗,Did anyone commit suicide? +现场有尸体吗,Were there bodies on the scene? +他们是仇人嘛,They were enemies. +死了谁重要吗,Who really matters? +那是甄在哭吗,Was it Zhen crying? +主人在研究它,The owner was studying it. +是谁落下的吗,Who could have left it here? +死的是自己?,Was it me? +甄锐是死了吗,Was Jing was dead? +有人在恶作剧,Someone was playing a prank. +哭是故意的?,Was it all staged? +主人带不走它,The master couldn't take it with him. +是死于溺亡吗,Was she drowned? +有人跳河了吗,Did anyone jump into the river? +小孩溺死了吗,Did the child drown? +是有人死了吗,Was it someone who had died? +是死在湖里吗,Did she die in the lake? +自杀还是他杀,Was it suicide or murder? +有凶手的名字,The murderer's name +它有特殊能力,It has special abilities +帽子是掉落的,The hat had fallen off. +湖里有动物吗,Are there animals in the lake? +有人去世了吗,Did someone die? +小孩是孤儿吗,Was the child an orphan? +主人想带上它,The owner wanted to take it with him. +是跳河死了吗,Did she drown in the river? +哭的人死了吗,Did the one who was crying die? +石头是墓碑吗,Were the stones tombstones? +帽子是村民吗,Was the hat of the villager? +男孩被杀害了,The boy was killed. +哭声是假的吗,Was the wailing fake? +是溺水身亡嘛,Was it drowning? +主人要写论文,The owner was writing a paper. +是死者女儿吗,Was it the daughter of the dead man? +主人在观察它,The owner was studying it. +找到的是尸体,What I found was a corpse. +是否有人游泳,Who is swimming? +它只能在这里,It can only be here +是婴儿死亡吗,Was it because of infant death? +嗯小孩在哭吗,Is the child crying? +是动物死亡吗,Was it a death of a living creature? +是意外死了吗,Was it an accident? +凶手是亲属吗,Was the murderer a relative? +死者的母亲 ,The Mother of the Dead +哭的人死了?,Did the one who was crying die? +死者的父亲 ,The Father of the Dead +是被哭死了吗,Was she dead from crying? +是村里的人吗,Were they villagers? +是意外死亡吗,Was it an accident? +他是为了救人,He was doing it to save someone. +哭泣的是男人,It was the man who was weeping. +死者是自杀吗,Was the victim suicide? +思念父亲吗?,Was it because of Father? +是本村人吗?,Were you a local? +是甄锐死了吗,Was it because of Zhen? +死亡的是女人,It was the woman who died. +他们家很贫穷,They were very poor +他们是夫妻吗,Were they married? +尸体在湖里吗,Was the body in the lake? +是在办丧事吗,Was it a funeral? +思念甄锐吗?,Was it because of Zhenru? +是溺水死亡吗,Was it drowning? +思念母亲吗?,Was it about her? +他们是母子吗,Were they mother and son? +帽子是甄的吗,Were those hats hers? +哭声是风声吗,Was that weeping wind? +死者被人杀了,The body had been killed. +死者埋在湖边,The corpse was buried at the edge of the lake. +为了纪念死者,To commemorate the dead +帽子是谁放的,Who put the hat there? +有人死亡吗?,Was anyone killed? +甄锐死了吗?,Was Jing really dead? +前一天是清明,It was the day before the Qingming Festival. +哭泣是伤心吗,Is crying sad? +有人遇难了吗,Did someone die? +是人的哭声嘛,Was it human wailing? +是小孩恶作剧,It was a prank. +死的是男人嘛,It was a man. +死者是他杀吗,Was the victim killed in self-defense? +帽子是凶手的,The hat was the murderer's. +是投湖死亡吗,Did she drown in the lake? +是溺水身亡吗,Was he drowned? +有人溺水了吗,Was someone drowning? +是否有人迷路,Were there any lost souls? +是溺水而亡吗,Did she drown? +他们是兄弟吗,Were they brothers? +男人跳湖了吗,Did the man jump into the lake? +他中毒死的吗,Was he poisoned? +他是淹死的吗,Was he drowned? +哭声是真的吗,Was that really a cry? +他是被杀的吗,Was he killed? +它是小白鼠吗,Was it a mouse? +那个人自杀了,The man had committed suicide +男人滑倒了吗,Did the man fall? +是他老婆的���,Was it his wife's? +是有人死亡吗,Was it someone who had died? +哭声是凶手的,The sobs were the murderer's. +是死者在哭 ,It was the dead one who was wailing. +是否有人跳湖,Was there a man in the lake? +是人的哭声吗,Was it human wailing? +尸体被搬走了,The corpse was taken away. +是小孩死了吗,Was it because the child was dead? +甄锐是男的吗,Was Jin is a boy? +哭泣的是女人,It was the woman who was weeping. +他自己服毒吗,Did he take his own life? +人是走丢了吗,Did people get lost? +小男孩跳湖了,The little boy jumped into the lake. +是一种动物吗,Was it a creature? +帽子是她的吗,Was the hat hers? +他们是兄妹吗,Were they brothers and sisters? +死者在湖里?,Was the body in the lake? +思念爷爷吗?,Did you miss Granddad? +有人受伤了吗,Were there any injuries? +他是想跳湖吗,Was he trying to jump into the lake? +石头上有血迹,There were bloody streaks on the stone. +他是在游泳吗,Was he swimming? +帽子是男人的,The hat was for the man. +小男孩的爸爸,The Father of the Little Boy +哭泣的是人吗,Is it crying that makes people cry? +与帽子有关吗,Does it have anything to do with my hat? +他有幻想症吗,Did he have a psychopathology? +是小孩在哭吗,Was it a baby crying? +是为了怀念吗,It was to remember. +小鱼去世了?,Did the little fish die? +为了死者嘛?,Why for the dead? +是被溺死的吗,Was she drowned? +他跳湖了吗?,Did he jump in the lake? +死者突发疾病,The victim had a sudden illness +有人死掉吗?,Was anyone killed? +家人溺水死亡,The drowning deaths of family members +是否有人梦游,Was someone in a trance? +主人失足落水,The master fell into the water +为死者哭泣吗,To weep for the dead? +甄锐要离开?,'He's going to leave?' +小男孩死了吗,Did the little boy die? +它是泥鳅吗?,Is it a loach? +是否有人离世,Was someone really dead? +人离开了吗?,Did they leave? +人跳河了吗?,Did anyone jump into the river? +是甄组长的嘛,Is it Team Leader Zhen's? +哭的是女生吗,Was it a girl who was crying? +死者受伤了吗,Was the dead person wounded? +是跳河死的吗,Was she drowned in the river? +是凶手放的吗,Was it the murderer's doing? +死者有心脏病,The victim had a heart attack +是小孩摔了吗,Was it a fall? +是一对情侣吗,Were they a couple? +哭泣声为何?,Why is she crying? +死者是男生吗,Was the victim a boy? +帽子是女人的,The hat was hers. +它是一条鱼吗,Was it a fish? +是小孩放的吗,Was it a child's? +帽子怎么来的,Where did the hat come from? +有人溺水了?,Someone's drowning? +小孩走丢了?,The child is lost? +脑子怎么来的,Where do brains come from? +他沉到湖底了,He sank to the bottom of the lake. +死者是女生吗,Was the victim a girl? +他受到了威胁,He was threatened +死者是电死的,The victim was electrocuted. +河边有人来过,Someone had been by the river. +小孩的哭声?,A baby's cry? +真人在哭泣吗,Is the Taoist weeping? +女人的哭声?,Was it her crying? +男人是村民吗,Was the man a village official? +有人故意放的,Someone was deliberately setting it off. +一共2人死了,Two people died in all. +乌龟是别人的,The turtle was his uncle's. +是为什么呢?,Why is that? +孩子是乞丐吗,Was the child a beggar? +死亡是意外吗,Was death an accident? +帽子是死者的,The hat was the corpse's. +有人跳湖来吗,Did anyone jump in the lake? +为家人哭泣吗,To cry for his family? +有人死了吗?,Was someone really killed? +是他的家人吗,Were they her family? +死者晒日光浴,The corpse was exposed to the sun. +湖里是有人吗,Is there someone in the lake? +它不想被抓住,It didn't want to be caught. +跟帽子有关吗,What does it have to do with the hat? +死者死在湖里,The body was found in the lake. +死者是冷死的,The body was frozen to death. +他父亲溺水了,His father had drowned +是死者哭嘛?,Was it the dead who were crying? +死著是被害嗎,Were they killed because they were a threat? +这个人死了吗,Was this person dead? +小男孩在求救,The boy was begging for help. +湖里有水草嘛,There are water plants in the lake. +哭声是死者的,The wails were the dead. +哭声是女人的,The wails were from a woman. +他找到了吗?,Did he find it? +湖底有东西吗,Was there something at the bottom of the lake? +失足落入水中,She fell into the water +当时下雨了吗,Was it raining at the time? +只死了一个人,Only one person was killed. +有人起了吗?,Was anyone else there? +有人跳湖了吗,Did anyone jump into the lake? +死者喜欢游泳,The dead liked swimming. +哭声是男孩吗,Was it the boy's cry? +晚上死过人吗,Did you die with someone else? +哭的是死者吗,Was it grief for the dead that caused her to cry? +它是漂流瓶吗,Is it a drifting bottle? +哭的是凶手吗,Was the murderer crying? +哭泣者是甄锐,The weeping one was Zhendao +是为��记念谁,What was it for? +哭泣人已死吗,Was the weeping man dead? +他遇到了人吗,Did he run into someone? +他妈妈不在了,His mother was dead +哭声是男是女,Was it a male or female voice? +我喜欢檀健次,I like Tan Jian Ci. +有没有人死了,Has anyone died? +哭的人是女人,The one weeping was a woman. +哭泣的人愧疚,The weeping person felt guilty. +湖里有东西吗,Is there something in the lake? +甄锐生病了?,Is Jingrui sick? +他们是兄弟嘛,"They were brothers, then." +湖里有小孩吗,Are there children in the lake? +哭声是风声么,Was that howling wind? +他们是父子嘛,"They're father and son, then." +死的是父亲嘛,It was Father who died. +是湖要没了?,Is the lake about to dry up? +有人去世了?,Someone died? +姐姐去世了?,Your sister is dead? +妹妹去世了?,Your sister is dead? +小狗去世了?,Is the dog dead? +哭的人是男人,The one weeping was a man. +它是稀有动物,It is a rare animal +死者不开心吗,Was the dead person unhappy? +是否有人跳河,Was there a swimmer in the river? +帽子是谁的?,Who's this hat of yours? +男孩是死了吗,Was the boy really dead? +是有人搏斗吗,Was it a struggle? +湖里有宝物吗,Is there treasure in the lake? +哭与风有关吗,Did we cry about the wind? +死者有梦游症,The dead had a dreamwalkers syndrome. +那个人死了吗,Was he dead? +小男孩死了嗎,Was the little boy really dead? +哭泣声是离别,The sobs were parting. +湖边有人住吗,Are there people living on the shore? +是人在哭泣吗,Was it people weeping? +是为别人哭吗,Was she crying for me? +它掉水里了吗,Did it fall into the water? +甄锐是凶手吗,Was Jing was the murderer? +有人淹死了吗,Did someone drown? +他们是哥弟吗,Were they brothers? +是不是有死者,Was it a corpse? +死者喜欢钓鱼,The deceased liked fishing. +它是美人鱼吗,Was it a mermaid? +是否有人遇害,Was there a murder? +它是一条大鱼,It was a big fish +甄有心脏病吗,Was Zhen with a heart condition? +他们是亲戚吗,Were they related to each other? +湖边照镜子?,To look in the lake? +那个东西很沉,That thing was very heavy. +是小男孩哭嗎,Was it the baby crying? +它是指物品吗,Was it about objects? +现场有尸体嘛,There was a corpse on the scene. +哭泣声是风声,The sobs were the wind. +他们是情侣嘛,They were a couple. +帽子是村民的吗,Were the hats of her own? +为了制造恐慌?,To create panic? +帽子的主人死了,The owner of the hat had died +帽子是黑色的吗,Was the hat black? +死者是哭泣的人,The dead were weeping people. +帽子是成人款吗,Were the hats for adults? +这个人跳湖了吗,Did this man jump into the lake? +他是意外死的吗,Was he killed by accident? +死的人是村民吗,Was it a villager? +石头里有妖怪吗,Was there a monster in the stone? +他们关系很密切,They were very close. +是小孩杀害的吗,Was it a child who killed her? +帽子是小孩的吗,"Were the hats yours, then?" +死者死在湖边吗,Was the body found on the shore? +他的家人死了嘛,His family was dead. +故事里有人死嘛,There's a man in the story who dies. +是死者的帽子吗,Was it her hat? +是凶手的帽子吗,Was it the murderer's hat? +死者是意外死亡,The victim was killed by accident. +小孩是落水了吗,Was the child in the water? +他与甄有关系嘛,"He had something to do with Zhen, didn't he?" +石头上有血迹吗,Were there bloodstains on the stone? +哭声是人哭的?,Was that human wailing? +是村庄的人吗?,Were they from the village? +他是窒息而死嘛,"He died of asphyxiation, right?" +那个人是好人嘛,Was that person a good person? +有人去打仗了吗,Did anyone go to war? +帽子主人搬家了,The hat owner had moved away +石头上有东西嘛,There's something on the stone. +帽子里有东西嘛,There's something in the hat. +是有人去世了吗,Was it someone who had died? +是为自己哭泣吗,Was she weeping for herself? +死去的人是溺水,The dead had drowned. +死者家庭圆满吗,Was the family of the deceased whole? +是为了妈妈哭么,Was it because of her? +湖边有人死了嘛,There's a dead person on the edge of the lake. +哭的人死了吗?,Did the one who was crying die? +故事里有人死吗,Did anyone die in the story? +帽子是纪念吗?,Were they a tribute? +小男孩想爸爸了,The little boy thought of his father. +小男孩去世了吗,Did the little boy die? +湖有特殊含义吗,Did the lake have a special meaning? +死亡原因是溺水,The cause of death was drowning. +是小男孩在哭么,Was it the little boy crying? +死的人是父亲吗,Was it Father who had died? +死者被淹死了?,Was the body drowned? +哭的是死者吗?,Was it grief for the dead that caused her to cry? +湖里面有尸体吗,Is there a corpse in the lake? +死亡原因重要吗,What really matters is the cause of death. +帽子上有血迹吗,Is there blood on the hat? +哭声是因为死者,The wails were from the dead. +帽子是死者的吗,Was the hat of the deceased? +是不是有人死了,Was it because someone had died? +帽子是凶手放的,The hat was left by the murderer. +小孩是流浪的吗,Was the child homeless? +有人坠河了吗?,Did anyone fall into the river? +是死者的孩子吗,Was it the child of the dead? +哭声是小孩子吗,Was that a baby crying? +是小孩的哭声吗,Was it a baby's cry? +哭声是女生吗?,Was that a girl's cry? +他俩关系重要吗,Did their relationship matter? +小男孩跳湖死了,The little boy jumped into the lake and died. +哭声是甄锐的吗,Was it Zhendao's voice? +是小男孩放的吗,Was it a boy's? +帽子是小男孩的,The hat was his. +人是自杀的吗?,Are people suicide? +哭泣声是男生?,Was it a boy crying? +是否出现了命案,Was there a murder case? +人是他杀的吗?,Was he killed by someone else? +帽子是整齐的吗,Were the hats all neatly arranged? +石头代表人的头,The stone represents the head. +爷爷还活着吗?,Is Granddad still alive? +小男孩是在祭奠,The little boy was there to mourn. +帽子是什么样子,What did her hat look like? +是有人受伤了吗,Was someone hurt? +小孩是死了吗?,Was the child really dead? +小男孩是弟弟吗,Was the boy your brother? +哭泣的是男的吗,Was it the man who was crying? +哭泣的人重要吗,Is it important that the weeping person is there? +小男孩遇害了吗,Did the little boy get killed? +帽子是男孩的吗,Was the hat his? +孩子是恶作剧吗,Was it a prank? +帽子之前丢了?,Was the hat stolen before you lost it? +帽子是别人的吗,Were those hats yours? +小男孩挨打了?,Was the boy whipped? +孩子是双胞胎吗,Were the children twins? +帽子是孩子的吗,Was the hat his child's? +帽子是女人的吗,Was the hat hers? +死者是要离开吗,Was the dead one going to leave? +河边是两个人吗,Were there two people by the river? +死者死于溺水吗,Was the victim drowned? +男孩是失踪了吗,Was the boy missing? +是凶手在祭奠吗,Was it the murderer at the funeral? +是男孩的妹妹吗,Was she his sister? +是男孩的母亲吗,Was she the mother? +是男孩的父亲吗,Was he the father? +哭泣的是男孩吗,Was it the boy who was crying? +帽子是甄锐的?,Was the hat his? +亲人是病死的吗,Were they all killed by the disease? +哭声是小男孩的,The wail was that of the boy. +湖边是否死过人,Did anyone die on the shore? +是为死者哭的吗,Was it to mourn the dead? +死者是否在湖里,Was the body in the lake? +死者是淹死的吗,Was the victim drowned? +是为死者哭嘛?,Was it to mourn the dead? +哭泣声是人哭嘛,Was that a human cry? +昨晚有两个人吗,Were there two people here last night? +是孩子的哭声嘛,Was it the baby's cry? +在场有第三人吗,Was there a third party present? +他们是表兄弟吗,Were they cousins? +帽子是村長的嗎,Was the hat of her father's? +哭声是男声吗?,Was the wailing a man's voice? +小朋友摔跤了吗,Did the child fall on his butt? +是小女孩在哭嘛,Was it a little girl crying? +哭声是因冤情?,Is the crying because of injustice? +有人死再湖裏?,Was there a corpse in the lake? +哭声是村名的吗,Was that weeping from the villagers? +为女人而哭泣吗,To cry for a woman? +帽子的主人是谁,Who was the owner of the hat? +死人是成年人吗,Were the dead adults? +有人放上去的吗,Was it brought in by someone? +祭奠的是爷爷吗,Was it a memorial service for Granddad? +爷爷喜欢钓鱼?,Did Granddad like fishing? +死者是村里人吗,Was the victim a village dweller? +是某人在湖边哭,It was someone weeping on the shore of the lake. +哭泣的人受伤了,The weeping person was injured. +帽子和哭泣有关,The hat was related to his tears. +哭泣的人恨甄锐,The weeping person hated Zhuan. +有人掉进水吗?,Was anyone in the water? +哭声是人为的吗,Was the wailing real? +小孩戴着帽子?,Was the child wearing a hat? +帽子与甄锐有关,The hat belonged to Zhen. +死者的女生吗?,Was it the girl's body? +湖里有人落水吗,Is someone in the lake? +是丢失的帽子吗,Was it her lost hat? +两人是男女朋友,The two of them were a couple. +小男孩生病了?,The little boy was sick? +小男孩是秃头?,The boy had a bald spot? +小男孩生病了吗,Was the boy sick? +他们是好朋友吗,Were they good friends? +死者是他的兄弟,The dead was his brother. +帽子是凶手的吗,Was the hat the murderer? +死者是他的姐妹,The dead was his sister. +离别的人死了吗,Did the people who had to say goodbye to each other die? +甄锐杀了男人吗,Did Zheng killed the man? +甄锐认识男人吗,Did Zhen recognize the man? +他是本村的人吗,Was he a local? +他是为情所伤吗,Was he hurt by love? +他是想念亲人吗,Was it because he was homesick? +男人认识甄锐吗,Does the man know Zhen Rui? +只有一个人死吗,Was there only one person killed? +帽子是哭的人吗,Is the hat weeping? +哭声是死者的吗,Was the weeping of the dead? +小男孩喜欢游泳,The little boy liked swimming. +哭泣和湖有关吗,Did we cry about the lake? +思念他自己吗?,Was it because he was thinking of himself? +这两人是亲人吗,Were the two of them related? +是为死者哭泣吗,Was it to weep for the dead? +帽子主人活着吗,Did the hat owner really live? +哭的人还活着吗,Is the one weeping alive? +是有人死了吗?,Was it someone who had died? +小男孩是哭丧嘛,The little boy was crying. +甄鋭认识死者吗,Did Jing recognize the body? +他是否已经死亡,Was he already dead? +哭泣声是男是女,Was it a male or female voice crying? +是小男孩哭泣吗,Was it the little boy crying? +骨灰撒到湖里嘛,To scatter ashes into the lake. +与哭声有关吗?,Did it have anything to do with the sobs? +哭声是真的吗?,Was that really a cry? +帽子来自村庄吗,Did the hat come from the village? +哭泣声是女声吗,Was the weeping a woman's voice? +死亡原因不重要,The cause of death was irrelevant. +死者是他的父亲,The dead was his father. +这个村有小孩吗,Is there a child in this village? +甄锐戴着帽子吗,Was Zhen wearing a hat? +男人戴着帽子吗,Did the man have a hat on? +哭是被吓到了?,Was it from being scared? +帽子是人的吗?,Is the hat really a part of a human? +有个甄庄的村子,There is a village called Zhenzhuang. +哭声是孩子的吗,Was that baby crying? +是帽子的主人吗,Was it the owner of the hat? +是孩子的哥哥吗,Was he her brother? +是孩子的亲人吗,Were they her relatives? +是孩子的父亲吗,Was he the child's father? +是孩子的母亲吗,Was she the mother? +帽子主人死了吗,Did the hat owner die? +帽子是人丢的吗,Was the hat abandoned? +小孩子跳湖了吗,Did the child jump into the lake? +村庄有小孩子吗,Did the village have any children? +小男孩去世了?,The boy was dead? +是要离开村庄?,Did she want to leave the village? +帽子是人戴的吗,Is a hat for people to wear? +是有人溺亡了吗,Was it a drowning? +是甄放的帽子吗,Was it Zhinv's hat? +是有人死亡了吗,Was someone really killed? +帽子是死者的 ,The hat was the corpse's. +是女人的哭声吗,Was it a woman's cry? +是死者的亲属 ,They are the relatives of the deceased. +是死者的儿子 ,The son of the deceased +小孩是跳河了吗,Was the child in the river? +小孩子还活着吗,Is the child still alive? +是他的妈妈给的,It was his mother's gift. +谁晚上去过湖边,Who had gone to the lake after dark? +是否是因为忌日,Was it because it was her deathday? +小孩还在现场吗,Was the child there then? +哭泣的人是凶手,The weeping one is the murderer. +河水是变红了吗,Was the river red now? +因为意外死亡吗,Was it an accident? +故意吸引甄看到,He deliberately attracted Zhuan's attention. +人是意外死的吗,Was it an accident that she died? +有人掉湖里了吗,Did someone fall into the lake? +是他的儿子吗?,Is he your son? +是为谁而哭的吗,Who were they weeping for? +甄加索是自杀吗,Was Zhen Zhesuo suicide? +它是一件物品吗,Was it an object? +死的人是自杀吗,Was the dead person suicide? +死的人会游泳吗,Did the dead swim? +它不让主人离开,It prevents the owner from leaving. +他是生物保护员,He was a nature protector. +是被人杀死的吗,Was he killed? +背包主人是学生,The bag owner was a student +他出现幻觉了吗,Did he have a delusion? +主人被它吓到了,The owner was frightened by it. +帽子是礼物OK,It's a gift. +帽子里有东西吗,Was there something in his hat? +是被淹死的吗?,Was she drowned? +它是一种幻觉吗,Was it a delusion? +主人没有看到它,The owner didn't see it. +尸体沉入了湖底,The corpse sank to the bottom of the lake. +“它”是海草吗,'What is it?' +他带不走这片湖,He couldn't take the lake with him. +背包是正常的吗,Were her backpack and her purse normal? +帽子是甄锐的吗,Was the hat his? +他是溺水死亡的,He drowned. +“它”是植物吗,'What is this?' +哭泣的人死了吗,Did the weeping person really die? +它是有生命的吗,Was it alive? +主人喜欢研究它,The owner studied it. +“它”是鱼类吗,'What is it?' +他掉河里了吗?,Did he fall into the river? +他的身份重要吗,Was he important? +他有被绑起来吗,Was he tied up? +它是什么重要吗,"What was it, really, that was so important?" +死者是他杀吗?,Was the victim killed in self-defense? +惊叫的人死了么,Did the people who screamed die? +死者去沙滩画画,The corpse was painting on the beach. +他想带走大海吗,He wanted to take the sea with him? +是意外死亡吗?,Was it an accident? +石头发出了声音,"Shit, he spoke." +他有先前病史吗,Did he have a history of illness before? +生物被困住了吗,Are the creatures trapped? +是小孩去世吗?,Was it because of the child's death? +他有得罪过人吗,Did he ever do anything wrong? +是和帽子告别吗,Was it time to say goodbye to her hat? +死者去沙滩睡觉,The dead slept on the beach. +它以前就在这里,It was here before. +它是什么很重要,What matters is what it is. +那个东西在湖底,That thing was at the bottom of the lake +他是溺水身亡吗,Was he drowned? +甄郝摸了水母 ,Zhen and Hào touched the water globes. +他喝了湖水而亡,He died from drinking the lake water. +哭的人是女生吗,Was the weeping girl a girl? +他接触到了毒素,He felt the poison. +曾经有人落水过,Someone had fallen in the water before +画作内容重要吗,Was the painting important? +甄锐认识他吗?,Did Jing recognized him? +是小孩子的父亲,The father of a child +有人被冤枉了吗,Was anyone wronged? +背包的主人死了,The owner of the backpack was dead +死的人是男生嘛,It was a boy who died. +“它”是动物吗,'What is this 'it' you keep talking about? +找到了但带不走,Found but couldn't take them +他在做一件好事,He was doing a good deed. +背包主人死了吗,Did the bagman die? +这个动物有毒吗,Is this animal poisonous? +找到的东西很沉,The things we found were very heavy. +落水的人死了吗,Was the man who fell in the water dead? +他是窒息而死吗,Was he suffocated to death? +他是被毒死的吗,Was he poisoned? +小孩子被遗弃了,A child was abandoned +是小男孩的哭声吗,Was it the little boy's cry? +背包的主人在钓鱼,The owner of the backpack was fishing +小男孩家人去世了,His family had died. +河边死的是对象?,Was the body by the river a target? +有人在干违法的事,Someone was doing something illegal +中毒原因是植物吗,What was the poisoning? Was it a plant? +帽子与哭声有关嘛,It all has to do with the sound of the hat. +帽子是她老公的吗,Was the hat her husband's? +是他的妻子在哭吗,Was it his wife crying? +哭泣的人是男生吗,Was the weeping one a boy? +帽子是村里人的吗,Were those hats ours? +帽子是他亲人的吗,Were the hats his relatives? +帽子是为了纪念?,Were they to remember someone? +哭的是死者恋人吗,Was it the lover of the deceased that she was crying for? +甄锐昨晚在湖边吗,Was Jin at the lake edge last night? +哭是为跳湖的人哭,Crying is for the drowning man. +死的是小男孩吗?,Was it the little boy? +帽子的主人死了吗,Did the owner of the hat die? +死者是死在湖边的,The body was found on the shore of the lake. +死者的死是意外吗,Was the death of the patient an accident? +现场有没有什么人,Were there any people on the scene? +是否是村子里的人,Were they villagers? +有人强迫他服毒吗,Did someone force him to drink poison? +甄昭容喜欢海龟吗,Did Zhen Zheng like sea turtles? +死者是窒息死亡吗,Was the victim suffocated? +他是在湖里死的吗,Was he drowned in the lake? +死者与哭声有关吗,Did the dead have anything to do with the sound of wailing? +案子与帽子有关吗,Did the case have anything to do with the hat? +是甄锐放的帽子吗,Was it Zhen's hat? +哭声是村里人的吗,Was that weeping from the villagers? +哭声是死者亲人的,The wails were the cries of the dead man's relatives. +村民认识哭泣者吗,Did the villagers recognize the weeping one? +男孩的亲人是人吗,Are the boy's relatives human? +哭泣声是小孩的吗,Was that baby crying? +死的是一个男人吗,Was it a man who died? +河边死的是朋友?,The one who was dead by the river was a friend of yours? +哭的是死者好友吗,Were the tears shed for the deceased friend? +帽子与哭声有关吗,Did the hat have anything to do with the sobs? +哭声是因为祭奠吗,"The wails were for the dead, were they?" +他们是兄弟关系吗,Were they brothers? +甄郝是下湖游泳吗,Did Zhen Hao swim in the lake? +那个人是否还活着,Was the man still alive? +死的人是他杀的?,Was he killed by another man? +河里是否有人死亡,Was there a body in the river? +死的人弟弟妹妹?,The dead brother and sister? +是男人在湖边哭嘛,Was it a man weeping on the shore of the lake? +死者是意外死亡吗,Was the victim killed by accident? +他的死和人有关吗,Was his death related to people? + 是有人死了吗,Was it someone who had died? +哭泣的人回家了吗,Did the weeping person go home? +帽子是重要信息吗,Was the hat important? +帽子是他自己的?,Was his hat his own? +是女人在湖边哭嘛,Was it a woman weeping on the shore of the lake? +“它”是个动物吗,'What is this 'it'? +他跳湖溺水而死吗,Did he drown in the lake? +小男孩受伤了吗?,Was the boy hurt? +是因为有人离开吗,It was because someone had left. +背包的主人遇害了,The owner of the backpack was killed. +死掉的人是自杀 ,People who have died by suicide are dead. +有人在祭拜死者吗,Were people offering sacrifices to the dead? +他的死因是溺水吗,Was his death from drowning? +是不是有人遇害了,Did someone get killed? +是有人推他的吗?,Was there someone pushing him? +爷爷死在了湖里?,Granddad drowned in the lake? +小男孩被欺负了吗,Was the boy being bullied? +小孩是不是跳湖了,Did the child fall into the lake? +是自愿落水的吗?,Did you fall in on your own? +哭泣声是人哭的吗,Was the weeping really human? +哭泣的人投湖了吗,Did the weeping person jump into the lake? +是因为帽子哭泣吗,Was it because the hat was crying? +是小男孩在哭吗?,Was it the little boy crying? +“它”是个凶兽吗,Was 'it' a beast? +哭泣的人是小孩吗,Was the weeping child a boy? +是人自杀前的哭声,The wails of the suicides +死者救了哭的人吗,Was the dead man saved by the one who cried? +是有人掉河里了嘛,Was it because someone fell into the river? +哭的人在小村庄吗,Was the weeping person in the village? +死的是村里的人吗,Was it one of the villagers? +故事里有人死了吗,Was there a death in the story? +哭声是其他人的吗,Was that other people's crying? +村子里的人死了嘛,People died in the village. +哭泣的人受伤了吗,Was the weeping person hurt? +孩子是留守儿童吗,Is the child a left-behind child? +帽子是某种信号吗,Was the hat a signal? +湖里的东西很重要,Things in the lake were very important. +帽子是小男孩的?,Was the hat his? +故事中有人死亡?,Was there someone killed in the story? +哭泣的人是女的吗,Was the weeping woman a girl? +村庄里有小孩子吗,Were there children in the village? +帽子是死者放的吗,Was the hat of the victim's? +是男生的孩子吗?,Was this boy your son? +甄锐就是那个男的,That was the man Jiaonniu was. +哭泣是人发出的吗,Is crying the human cry? +帽子的主人离开了,The hat owner left. +小男孩已经死了吗,Was the boy dead already? +帽子是小孩子的吗,Were those hats for the child? +帽子和甄有关系吗,Did the hat have anything to do with Zhen? +小男孩妈妈去世了,His mother had died. +小男孩爸爸去世了,His father had died. +帽子主人是自杀吗,Was the hat owner suicide? +帽子的主人去世了,The owner of the hat had died. +亲人的死是意外吗,Was the death of a loved one an accident? +第三个人是他孩子,The third was her child. +第三个人是他父亲,The third was his father. +亲人是正常死亡吗,Were your relatives killed in the ordinary course of their lives? +它是看见了什么吗,Did it see something? +死者死亡是意外吗,Was the death of the man an accident? +是因为溺水死的吗,Was it because of drowning? +湖里的东西很贵重,Things in the lake were very expensive. +哭泣和帽子有关吗,Did crying have anything to do with the hat? +是看到了湖哭泣吗,Did she see the lake weep? +他想抓住这个动物,He wanted to catch the animal +帽子是小男孩的吗,Was the hat his? +他的孩子是人吗?,Is his child a person? +他看到了这个生物,He saw the creature +是死者生前放的吗,Was it left by the dead man? +背包是他孩子的。,His backpack was his child. +帽子的主人在哭泣,The owner of the hat was weeping. +帽子真的是帽子吗,Is that really a hat? +他受到了袭击吗?,Did he get attacked? +帽子害死了死者吗,Did the hat kill the man? +哭泣声是小孩子的,The sobs were those of a child. +村子里有人失踪?,Someone's gone missing in the village? +他是否觉得愧疚?,Did he feel guilty? +他想把动物救上来,He wanted to rescue the animal. +他的死与动物有关,His death was related to animals. +甄锐为什么去湖边,Why did Zhen went to the lake? +是不是女人在哭泣,Was it because a woman was crying? +是不是男人在哭泣,Was it men crying? +是不是石头成精了,'Is it because the stone is a spirit?' +湖里的东西是鱼吗,Are the things in the lake fish? +思念他的朋友吗?,Was it because of his friend that he was so sad? +帽子是谁的重要吗,Who cares about the owner of the hat? +哭泣的人是老人吗,Was the weeping person an old man? +湖边曾经死过人吗,Was there a corpse on the shore once? +他父亲是意外死亡,His father died in an accident +是他的亲人死亡了,It was because of the death of a relative. +帽子属于小孩子嘛,Hats are for children. +甄锐和妻子离婚?,Did Zhuan was divorced by his wife? +甄郝是溺水死亡吗,Did Zhenshu get drowned? +帽子是坏消息吗?,Was the hat a bad omen? +他哭泣与湖有关吗,Did he cry about the lake? +帽子本来是好的吗,Was the hat originally good? +他当时是昏迷了吗,Was he unconscious at the time? +哭泣的人是真人吗,Was the weeping person a real person? +哭泣是因为难过吗,Crying is because I'm sad. +背包主人消失了吗,Did the bagman disappear? +他说误喝毒药了吗,"He said, Did you drink the poison by mistake?" +这个人是他的爱人,This man was her lover. +死的人是小孩子吗,Was it a child who died? +尸体在石头边吗?,Was the body beside the stone? +有人掉进河里了吗,Did someone fall into the river? +哭声是因为帽子吗,Was it the weeping hat? +哭泣的人离开了吗,Did the weeping person leave? +湖中的生物是人吗,Are the creatures in the lake people? +帽子跟甄锐有关吗,Did the hat have anything to do with Zhen? +哭声是因为死者吗,The wails were from the dead? +是小男孩的亲人吗,Were they the boy's relatives? +哭泣的人是村民吗,Was the weeping person a villager? +甄锐是哭泣的人吗,Was Jingru the one weeping? +孩子是被遗弃了吗,Was the child abandoned? +故事中有人死亡吗,Was there someone killed in the story? +是为甄锐哭泣的吗,Was it because he was weeping for Zhen? +第二天他跳湖了吗,Did he jump into the lake the next day? +是因为离别哭泣吗,Was it because of parting wept? +他是在湖里死了吗,Was he drowned in the lake? +是被动物杀死的吗,Were you killed by a beast? +死者是溺水而死吗,Was the victim drowned? +他父亲被人杀害了,His father had been killed. +他父亲为就他而死,He had died for him. +哭泣的人是孩子吗,Is the weeping one a child? +死者是被他杀的吗,Was the victim killed by him? +孩子的父母死了吗,Did the child's parents die? +背包的主人死了吗,Did the owner of the backpack die? +帽子的主人是死者,The owner of the hat was the deceased. +人是小男孩杀的吗,Was it a boy who killed her? +是有两个小男孩吗,Were there two boys? +前一天是死者忌日,It was the day of the deceased's death anniversary. +是哭泣的人杀得吗,Was it the weeping person who killed him? +这是什么样的帽子,What kind of hat was it? +是故意让甄发现吗,Was it a deliberate act to let her catch him? +这个帽子是死者的,This hat was the corpse's. +是因为离别哭的?,Was it because of the parting that she was crying? +是不小心落水的吗,Was it an accident? +有其他人在现场吗,Were there other people around? +甄锐要离开村庄?,Does Zhen Rui want to leave the village? +帽子是凶手的吗?,Was the hat the murderer's? +哭的是死者父母吗,Were you weeping for the dead parents? +帽子是他放到湖边,The hat was left on the shore. +是他的妈妈死了吗,Was it because his mother had died? +哭泣是为死的人嘛,Crying is for the dead. +湖里的生物受伤了,The creatures in the lake were injured. +是两个人去湖边嘛,Were the two of them going to the lake? +哭泣声是小孩子吗,Was that a child's cry? +是小朋友在哭吗?,Was it a child crying? +有人出现意外了吗,Did anyone have an accident? +帽子可以戴上吗?,Can I wear the hat? +哭声是小孩子的吗,Was that baby crying? +死亡地点是湖边吗,Was the location of his death on the shore? +小男孩相信神话吗,Did the little boy believe in the myth? +“它”是个生物吗,'What is this 'it'? +哭泣的人会游泳吗,Do people who cry swim? +哭泣的人还活着吗,Is the weeping person still alive? +石头有特别之处吗,What was special about the stone? +死的人是抽筋了吗,Was the dead person stiff? +帽子是落在那的?,Was the hat there all along? +它对于主人很重要,It was very important to the master. +是男孩还是女孩?,Was it a boy or a girl? +它是一种珍稀生物,It is a rare species. +帽子的主人跳湖了,The owner of the hat jumped into the lake. +帽子是哭泣的人的,The hat is the weeping man's. +它离开水就会死吗,Does it die if it's not in water? +它现在不能离开水,It can't leave the water. +甄加索有心脏病吗,Does Zhen Jiashuo have heart disease? +帽子是死者的吗?,Was the hat of the deceased? +帽子是作案工具吗,Was the hat a tool of the crime? +写纸条的人跳湖了,The person who wrote the note jumped into the lake. +最后小男孩死了吗,Did the little boy die in the end? +帽子的主人是男人,The owner of the hat was a man. +是为了父母哭泣吗,Were they weeping for me? +父亲的死因重要吗,Was Father's death really that important? +有人掉进过水里吗,Did anyone fall in the water? +帽子属于哭泣的人,The hat belonged to the weeping man. +帽子是哭的人的嘛,It's the hat of the weeping man. +它是主人研究对象,It is the object of the owner's study. +死的人是自杀吗?,Was the dead man suicide? +哭啼的人是男生吗,Was it a boy weeping? +帽子是风吹掉的?,Was the hat blown off by the wind? +帽子上面有血迹吗,Were there blood stains on the hat? +是小孩的哭声吗?,Was it a baby's cry? +主人观察它时落水,The old man observed it and fell in the water. +哭泣的人跳河了吗,Did the weeping person jump into the river? +是哀悼死者而哭吗,Was it to mourn the dead? +只有一个人死了吗,Was only one person dead? +哭泣的人是自杀吗,Was the weeping person suicide? +哭啼的人是女生吗,Was it a girl weeping? +他家人是溺水了吗,Did his family drown? +帽子是男孩的吗?,Was the hat his? +哭声是人发出的吗,Was the wailing human? +帽子主人去世了吗,Did the hat owner die? +帽子是小孩的吗?,Were those hats for the child? +帽子是村里的吗?,Were those hats yours? +哭泣的人跳湖了吗,Did the weeping person jump into the lake? +背包主人在潜水吗,Was the bagman a scuba diver? +他们是亲人关系吗,Were they related by blood? +是哭的人杀了人吗,Was it the one who was crying who killed someone? +湖里的动物死了吗,Were the animals in the lake dead? +车轮是凶手留下的,The wheel was the murderer's weapon. +帽子的主人生病了,The owner of the hat was sick. +为什么哭泣重要吗,Why is crying important? +他们是去湖边玩吗,Were they there to play on the shore of the lake? +是因为思念才哭吗,Was it because of missingshe cried? +帽子是哭泣人的吗,Was the hat crying? +哭泣的人是男生嘛,It was a boy crying. +他们走亲属关系吗,Did they use family connections? +哭泣的人是男人吗,Was the weeping man a man? +男孩子失踪了吗?,Was the boy really missing? +帽子的主人跳河了,The owner of the hat jumped in the river. +孩子是想念父母吗,Was the child missing her parents? +死者的骨灰在湖里,His ashes were floating in the lake. +是有人掉湖里了吗,Was someone in the lake? +哭泣的人是凶手?,The one weeping was the murderer? +他们去湖边钓鱼吗,Did they go fishing at the lake's edge? +他是为了找东西吗,Was he looking for something? +那个动物是鱼吗?,Was that animal a fish? +破帽子是死者的吗,Was the straw hat really the corpse's? +他们去湖边跑步吗,Did they run around the lake? +死的是他的孩子吗,Was it his child? +哭声和帽子有关吗,Did the wails have anything to do with the hat? +脑子是用来祭奠吗,"What is a brain for, really?" +村里的人都死了吗,Were all the villagers killed? +是因为摔倒而死吗,Did she die because she fell down? +哭泣的人是女人吗,Was the weeping woman a woman? +死者梦游去的沙滩,The corpse wandered off to the seashore. +死者凌晨去的沙滩,The body was found on the morning beach +还有其他人出现吗,Were there others? +破旧帽子是什么?,What was that old hat? +死者死了很长时间,The body had been dead for a long time. +小男孩家人死了?,Was the boy's family dead? +是村里的人在哭吗,Were the people of the village crying? +哭的人是村里人吗,Was it a village person crying? +别人没有看见尸体,No one had seen the body. +是有人掉到湖里嘛,Was it someone who fell into the lake? +是真的有人在哭吗,Were there really people crying? +帽子是哭泣者的吗,Was the hat of the weeping woman? +帽子的主人死了?,The owner of the hat was dead? +小男孩爸爸死了?,Did your father die? +甄是受刺激而死的,Zhen died from shock. +哭声是小男孩的吗,Was that the boy's cry? +他的死因是溺亡吗,Was his death from drowning? +落水的人上来了吗,Did the man who fell in the water come back up? +凶手的身份重要吗,Was the murderer's identity important? +昨晚有人在湖边么,Someone was on the shore last night. +死者是甄的朋友吗,Was the dead man a friend of yours? +是帽子的主人在哭,It was the owner of the hat who was weeping. +昨天晚上打雷了吗,Did it thunder last night? +帽子用来做过什么,What did the hat do? +哭泣声是人为的吗,Was the weeping real? +帽子是亲人送的?,Was the hat given to her by a relative? +有人远走他乡了吗,Did anyone leave her? +湖里的生物有毒吗,Are there poisonous creatures in the lake? +帽子是哭的人的吗,Was the hat of the weeping man? +它原本在实验室里,It was originally in the lab. +背包主人是好的吗,Is the bagman a good person? +哭泣的人死了吗?,Did the weeping person really die? +哭泣的人是女生吗,Was the weeping girl a girl? +他是在湖边死的吗,Was he killed on the shore of the lake? +甄与他的关系好嘛,Did Zhen get on well with him? +帽子是死去的人的,The hat belonged to the dead. +帽子是死的人的吗,Was the hat of the dead person? +是有人掉进去了吗,Was someone really dropped in? +背包主人是冒险家,The bag owner was a daredevil. +这个乌龟活了很久,This turtle lived a long time +石头是男人的头吗,Was the stone a man's head? +死者是死于意外吗,Was the victim killed in an accident? +背包主人是坏的吗,Is the bagman bad? +是一场恶作剧吗?,Was it a prank? +小男孩的爷爷死了,The old man's grandfather had died. +甄锐帮助过他吗?,Did he help me? +帽子和哭泣声相关,The hat and the sobs were related. +是甄锐的朋友吗?,"Was he your friend, then?" +死者是哭泣的人嘛,It was the weeping person who died. +小男孩是一个人吗,Was the boy alone? +湖里的生物带电吗,Are the creatures in the lake charged? +死者是小孩父亲吗,Was the dead man the father of the child? +它是生活在水里吗,Did it live in water? +哭泣的人是男的吗,Was the weeping one a man? +是否是死者的孩子,Was it the child of the dead man? +他哭是因为伤心嘛,He was crying because he was upset. +��真的有人再哭吗,Was it really someone else crying? +父亲昨天刚刚去世,Father had just died the day before. +孩子是被丢弃的吗,Was the child abandoned? +哭泣的人放的帽子,The weeping woman's hat +村庄有失踪人口吗,Did the village have a missing person problem? +早上几点发现的?,What time did you find it? +背包主人想偷乌龟,The bag owner wanted to steal the turtle +放帽子的是人吗?,Was it a person to take off the hat? +跟甄组长有关系吗,Is it related to Team Leader Zhen? +以前是否有人落水,Were there ever any drownings before? +小朋友戴着帽子?,A little boy with a hat? +是为了朋友哭泣吗,Was it because of a friend? +甄郝是被吓死的吗,Was it from fright that Jindao died? +和他的老师重要吗,Did it matter to him that his teacher was important? +小男孩想找到凶手,The little boy wanted to find the murderer. +纸条的信息重要吗,Was the message on the note important? +死者是小男孩吗?,Was the dead man a boy? +帽子来传递信息吗,Did the hat carry messages? +帽子属于死者吗?,Did the hat belong to the dead? +是哭泣的人杀的吗,Was it the one who killed her who cried? +背包的主人是人吗,Was the owner of the backpack a person? +湖里的生物是鱼吗,Are the creatures in the lake fish? +帽子与小孩有关吗,Did the hat have anything to do with the child? +帽子是定情信物吗,Was the wedding cap a symbol of their engagement? +背包的主人在附近吗,Is the owner of the backpack around here? +哭的人离开村子了吗,Did the weeping person leave the village? +他是来湖边钓鱼的吗,Was he fishing at the edge of the lake? +他是被水草缠住了吗,Was he caught in the water plants? +死者是失足落水的 ,The victim was drowned. +离别的两人是朋友嘛,The two people who were about to part ways were friends. +他是被人推下去的吗,Was he pushed down? +他是来湖边游泳的吗,Was he swimming at the edge of the lake? +那个东西是他自己的,That thing was his own. +哭声是甄发出来的吗,Was it Trinket who made the sound? +小男孩离家出走了?,The little boy ran away from home? +帽子的主人还活着吗,Was the owner of the hat still alive? +小孩子是村里的人嘛,"A child is a member of the village, you know." +背包的主人是他杀嘛,Was the man who owned the backpack killed? +湖里有人掉进去了吗,Was someone in the lake? +是有人把他捂死的吗,Was it someone who suffocated him? +湖边没有哭的人是吗,Were there no weeping figures by the lake? +爷爷在河边去世的?,Did Granddad die on the riverbank? +孩子是掉进湖里了吗,Was the child in the lake? +哭的声音是小孩的吗,Was that a baby's cry? +帽子的主人是女生吗,Was the owner of the hat a girl? +哭泣声是因为帽子吗,Was it the crying that came from the hat? +他想要得到这个生物,He wanted to get this creature +帽子坏了是噩耗吗?,Was it a terrible revelation when the hat was broken? +死的人是落水死的吗,Was the dead man drowned? +死者是当晚去世的吗,Was the victim dead that night? +村庄里的人犯法了嘛,Are people in the village criminals? +小孩半夜跑去湖边吗,Did the child run to the lake in the middle of the night? +背包的主人是自杀吗,Was the bag's owner suicide? +小男孩差点去世了?,The little boy almost died? +帽子的主人是甄锐吗,Is the owner of the hat Zhen Rui? +他喝了毒水导致死亡,He died from drinking the poison water +背包的主人沉在湖底,The owner of the backpack sank to the bottom of the lake +是路过的小女孩吗?,Was it that little girl who passed by? +故事中有两个小孩吗,Were there two children in the story? +帽子有特殊含义吗?,Did the hat have any special significance? +帽子的主人是男生吗,Was the owner of the hat a boy? +是小孩为别人哭泣吗,Was it a child crying for someone else? +帽子是代表思念的嘛,The hat represents longing. +小男孩是为了救爷爷,The boy was there to save Granddad. +小男孩掉进湖里了吗,Did the boy fall into the lake? +他被这个动物咬了吗,Was he bitten by the animal? +小孩是思念别人了吗,Was the child missing someone? +请问哭声是否在祭奠,Was the weeping coming from the funeral? +是他自己掉下去的吗,Was it him to fall off the swing? +它是水陆两栖动物吗,Was it a hermit crab? +死的那个人跳湖了吗,Did the dead man jump into the lake? +那个男人失去了亲人,The man had lost a loved one. +湖里的东西是活的吗,Are the things in the lake alive? +帽子是小孩父母的吗,Were the hat and pants her parents'? +背包的主人投湖了吗,Did the bag owner jump in the lake? +甄郝是自己下湖的吗,Did Zhen Hao go down the lake himself? +湖里的生物是水母吗,Are the creatures in the lake water plants? +帽子是故意放哪的吗,Did you put it there on purpose? +跟他的身体原因有关,There is something to do with his body. +哭泣是因为人死了?,Was it because he was dead? +背包的主人跳河了吗,Did the owner of the backpack jump in the river? +哭声是男孩还是女孩,Was it a girl's or a boy's? +他有精神上的疾病吗,Did he have a mental illness? +背包主人是它的主人,The bag owner was its owner. +是为了离别哭泣的吗,Were we crying because we were parting ways? +请问是否有人跳湖了,Did someone fall into the lake? +帽子是凶手留下的吗,Was the hat left by the murderer? +除了她还有其他人吗,Was there anyone else besides her? +帽子是哭声的人的?,Was the hat a weeping man's? +帽子是用来祭奠的吗,Did the hat have to be used for funerals? +它是主人的研究成果,It is the owner's research result. +小男孩是被绑架了吗,Was the boy kidnapped? +是制造事故现场吗?,Was it to create a scene at the scene of the accident? +小孩是看到什么了吗,Was the child looking at something? +甄锐的妻子去世了?,Did your wife die? +他是昏迷了才服毒吗,Was he unconscious when he took the poison? +帽子是哭泣之人的吗,Was the hat crying? +他是自己落水的吗?,Was it his own fault he fell in the water? +他是被它拖下水的吗,Was he dragged into the water by it? +死者是帽子的主人吗,Was the dead man the owner of the hat? +我是不是还没有猜完,Did I still have no idea? +这个帽子是大人的吗,Is this hat for an adult? +小男孩是有新帽子吗,Was the boy wearing a new hat? +帽子的主人是女的嘛,The owner of the hat was a woman. +哭声是否与帽子有关,Did the wails have anything to do with the hat? +故事中有没有人死亡,Was there a death in the story? +纸条是他提前写好的,The note had been written ahead of time. +湖里的生物是植物吗,Are the creatures in the lake plants? +纸条是他落水后写的,The note was written after he fell off the boat +湖里的生物是动物吗,Are the creatures in the lake animals? +湖中的生物是鱼吗?,Are the creatures in the lake fish? +和他的学习成绩有关,His grades were related to him. +哭声与帽子有关吗?,Did the wails have anything to do with the hat? +哭泣声是因为伤心吗,Was it because she was sad? +男孩对帽子有感情?,Did the boy have feelings for the hat? +主人因看到它而死吗,Did the owner die because he saw it? +帽子和哭声有关吗?,Did the hat have anything to do with his weeping? +帽子跟死的人有关吗,Did the hat have anything to do with the dead man? +帽子代表某个人吗?,Did the hat represent someone? +背包主人被沉湖了吗,Did the bagman drown? +背包的主人不会游泳,The owner of the backpack couldn't swim +哭声和帽子有关系吗,Did the wails have anything to do with the hat? +是否是因为帽子破了,Did it have something to do with the hole in my hat? +湖里某种生物有毒吗,Was there some kind of poisonous creature in the lake? +背包主人被分尸了吗,Was the bagman decapitated? +这个帽子是人类的吗,Was this hat human? +哭泣的声音是风声么,Was that weeping wind? +去湖边是有人约他的,Someone had invited him to the lake. +死的人是哥哥姐姐?,Was it your brother or sister? +哭泣声是人为的吗?,"Was the weeping real, or was it faked?" +是否有人遗失了帽子,Did someone lose his hat? +是甄锐要离开儿子?,Was it Zhen Rui who wanted to leave his son? +背包主人是来钓鱼的,The bagman was there to fish. +为什么去湖边不重要,It doesn't matter where you go on the lake. +他是有家人过世了吗,Was it because he had lost a family member? +甄郝是出现幻觉了吗,Was Zhen Hao having a hallucination? +请问哭声是在祭奠吗,Was that weeping at the funeral? +它原本和主人在一起,It had been with its owner all along. +河边死的人很重要?,What's so important about the dead bodies on the riverbank? +小孩是在湖边哭泣嘛,"The child was weeping by the lake, wasn't he?" +帽子的主人落水了吗,Did the owner of the hat drown? +哭泣的人落水自杀了,The weeping person drowned and committed suicide. +他是要找什么东西吗,Was he looking for something? +他是哭帽子太旧了吗,Was it because the hat was too old? +湖里的生物是水蛇吗,Are the creatures in the lake water snakes? +这个故事还有人死嘛,Was there a death in this story? +是帽子是迷惑人的吗,Were they the source of her fascination? +死的是帽子的主人吗,Was it the owner of the hat who died? +哭泣声来自于村民吗,Was the weeping coming from the villagers? +有人因为死者而哭 ,People wept for the dead. +哭哭泣声是女生吗?,Was that a girl's sobbing? +是湖里面的生物吗?,Were they fish in the lake? +他想把这个动物带走,He wanted to take the animal with him. +是死了很长时间了吗,Was it a long time since he had died? +帽子是他捡到的吗?,Was the hat his own? +背包的主人淹死了吗,Did the man who owned the backpack drown? +哭泣的人被伤害了吗,Did the weeping person get hurt? +哭泣的人身上有伤吗,Is there a wound on the person weeping? +小孩是误会什么事吗,Was the child just confused about something? +哭泣的人需要帮助吗,Does a weeping person need help? +有发生刑事案件吗?,Were there any crimes committed? +放帽子的人是小孩吗,Was the man who was putting the hat on a child? +是把帽子给别人吗?,Was it to take off his hat for him? +帽子是他人放的吗?,Were those hats yours? +他们的关系是朋友吗,Were they friends? +他们的关系是家人吗,Were they family? +死者是帽子的主人嘛,It was the owner of the hat. +破帽子是小孩子的吗,Was that little boy's cap?' +帽子的主人是在哭吗,Was the owner of the hat crying? +阵阵哭泣是我在哭吗,Cries in the wind were I weeping? +帽子是那位哭者的吗,Was the hat of the weeping man? +背包的主人在钓鱼吗,Was the man who owned the backpack fishing? +帽子主人是溺水了吗,Was the hat owner drowned? +是哭泣的人杀了人吗,Was it the weeping person who killed someone? +哭声是从村子来的吗,Was that weeping coming from the village? +请问哭泣声是女生吗,Was that a girl's cry? +哭声是村子里的人吗,Was that weeping from people in the village? +另外一个人是女生吗,Was the other one a girl? +死的人是意外落水嘛,The dead man was drowned. +哭声是因为有婴儿吗,Was the wailing from a baby? +帽子跟哭声有关系吗,Did the hat have anything to do with the sobs? +死者是一个小男孩?,Was the dead body a boy? +哭泣的是一个女人吗,Was it a woman who was weeping? +死者凌晨去沙滩散步,The body was found walking on the beach in the early morning. +哭泣的是一个男人吗,Was it a man who was weeping? +小男孩被父母骂了吗,Did the boy get scolded by his parents? +背包主人精神失常了,The bagman was mentally ill. +帽子是故意弄破的吗,Did you break the hat on purpose? +是否在湖里发现尸体,Did you find a body in the lake? +死者是小村庄的人吗,Was the dead man from the village? +背包主人去湖里研究,The bagman went to the lake to study +帽子是死人留下的吗,Were the hats of the dead? +是父亲死了儿子哭吗,Was it because the father had died and the son was weeping? +他要带走的是物品?,What did he want to take with him? +是儿子死了父亲哭吗,Was it because the son had died and the father wept? +甄昭容是想捉海龟吗,Was Jindao just trying to catch a sea turtle? +这个男人死于意外吗,Was this man killed in an accident? +死者凌晨去沙滩画画,The corpse had gone to the beach to paint in the early morning. +哭泣的人是跑了吗?,Was the weeping person running? +帽子是死的人的OK,The hat is the dead person's OK. +是哭泣的人杀了他吗,Was it the weeping person who killed him? +杀他的是他的妻子吗,Was it his wife who killed him? +帽子的主人摔跤了嘛,Was the owner of the hat wrestling? +是小朋友想念亲人吗,Was it because the child was missing a relative? +帽子是小男孩家人的,The hat was from the boy's family. +甄锐对哭泣的人不好,Zhen was not in the mood to comfort people who were crying. +哭泣的人是小男孩吗,Was the weeping boy? +是帽子的主人死了吗,Was it because the owner of the hat had died? +它到底是什么重要吗,What is it really worth? +帽子的主人是自杀吗,Was the owner of the hat suicide? +它在躲避背包的主人,It was running away from its owner's backpack. +帽子是否本来就破旧,Did the hat always look worn out? +它是后来被放生了吗,Were they set free later on? +哭泣的人在这附近吗,Was the weeping person nearby? +帽子是传递信息吗?,Was the hat a message? +他失去的是爱人吗?,Was it because he had lost his beloved? +他家人是意外死亡吗,Did his family die in an accident? +他失去的是儿子吗?,Was it because he had lost his son? +是因为这个村子哭吗,It was because of this village that people were crying. +他失去的是朋友吗?,Was it friendship that he had lost? +帽子是小孩放的吗?,Were the hats of the children yours? +孩子被水流冲走了吗,Was the child swept away by the water? +是人为发出的声音吗,Were they human voices? +死者是哭泣的人杀的,The victim was killed by a weeping man. +哭泣和村庄有关系吗,Did weeping have anything to do with the village? +帽子是孩子丢弃的吗,Was the hat discarded by the child? +哭泣和帽子有关系吗,Did crying have anything to do with the hat? +写纸条的人在湖里吗,Was the person who wrote the note in the lake? +甄是杀死他家人的人,Zhen was the one who killed her family. +它导致了有人落水吗,Did it cause anyone to drown? +是两个男人的故事吗,Was it a love story between two men? +哭泣与帽子有关吗?,Did crying have anything to do with the hat? +哭者是因为甄哭的?,Was the weeping because of Zhenduo's? +哭的是死者的亲友吗,Were the tears shed for the deceased? +主人死的地方重要吗,Was it important where the owner was buried? +帽子跟哭声有关吗?,Did the hat have anything to do with the sobs? +是为死去的人哭泣吗,Was it to weep for the dead? +背包主人是科研人员,The bag owner was a scientist +帽子是什么形状的?,What shape was her hat? +甄锐跟死者认识吗?,Did Zhen know the victim? +哭泣的人是村民吗?,Was the weeping person a villager? +哭泣声是小男孩的吗,Was that the boy's cry? +死去的人是意外溺水,The dead person drowned by accident +甄加索是意外死亡吗,Did Zhen Jiashuo die in an accident? +有人也听到了哭声吗,Did anyone else hear the wails? +帽子的主人是凶手吗,Was the owner of the hat the murderer? +帽子的主人是死者吗,Was the owner of the hat the victim? +村庄有丢失过孩子吗,Did the village ever lose a child? +丈夫去世留下的遗物,His Last Will and Testament +帽子是去世的人的吗,Was the hat of the deceased? +背包主人最后被救了,"Finally, the bagman was rescued." +两个人是情侣关系吗,Were the two of them a couple? +纸条是背包主人的吗,Was the note in the backpack? +哭泣的人跳江了是吗,Did a weeping person jump off the Jiaolong? +哭泣的人是女还是男,Was the weeping man or woman? +哭声是人类发出的吗,Was it human to cry? +哭泣声是活人发出的,The sobs were the sounds of the living. +死者怎么死的重要吗,What really matters is why he died. +尸体提前被人带走了,The corpse had been taken away by someone else. +背包主人是自杀了吗,Was the bagman suicide? +他们下去游泳了OK,They went swimming down there. +它是实验研究对象吗,Was it a research subject? +人是死去世很久了吗,How long has it been since people died? +帽子是被死者弄坏的,The hat had been damaged by the corpse. +帽子的主人离开了吗,Did the owner of the hat leave? +哭声的主人是男生吗,Was the weeping from the boy? +这个故事里面有鬼吗,Is there a ghost in this story? +死者是被人害死的嗎,Was the victim murdered? +帽子主人死在湖里吗,Did the hat owner drown in the lake? +甄去沙滩是为了画画,Zhen went to the beach to paint. +发出哭声的人死了吗,Was the person who was crying dead? +哭泣者离开村庄了吗,Did the weeping person leave the village? +小男孩的亲人生病了,The boy's own relatives were sick. +帽子是什么提示吗?,Was that a hint in his hat? +帽子是甄锐亲人的吗,Were the hat and the scarf hers? +小孩子是甄锐家的吗,Was the child Zhen's? +亲人是生病死亡的吗,Were your relatives sick and dead? +哭声是甄锐发出的吗,Was it Zhenshu's voice? +背包的主人死了吗?,Was the owner of the backpack dead? +死者是掉进河里了吗,Was the body in the river? +故事有第三个人存在,There was a third person in the story. +是小男孩在哭泣吗?,Was it the little boy crying? +小男孩还在村子里吗,Was the boy still in the village? +背包的主人不是自杀,The bag belonged to the suicide bomber. +夜晚河边只有一个人,The only person on the riverbank at night was me. +凶手作案手法不重要,The method in which the murderer committed his crime was irrelevant. +死者是意外坠水的?,Was the victim a drowning accident? +小男孩是甄锐捡的?,Was the little boy picked up by Zhen Rui? +甄郝是被人陷害的 ,Zhen Hao was set up. +有重要的东西在湖里,There's something important in the lake. +找到的是值钱的东西,What we found were things of value. +他自己结束了生命。,He ended his own life. +甄郝不知道水母有毒,Zhen Hao didn't know the jellyfish was poisonous. +哭泣声的人跳河了?,Did the weeping person jump into the river? +死的人是掉湖里了吗,Was the dead person in the lake? +帽子是小男孩的吗?,Was that boy's hat? +哭泣的人是个男孩子,The weeping one was a boy. +哭泣的人跳湖了吗?,Did the weeping person jump into the lake? +是有人落水死亡吗?,Was it a drowning? +是否有人相信超能力,Did anyone believe in superpowers? +车轮是甄自己留下的,The wheels were left by Zhen. +他们俩是情侣关系吗,Were the two of them a couple? +死亡与石头有关吗?,Does death have anything to do with stones? +小男孩是想妈妈了吗,Was the boy thinking of his mother? +他为什么离开重要吗,Why was it important for him to leave? +帽子是能指认凶手的,The hat could be used to identify the murderer. +帽子的主人是甄锐?,The owner of the hat was Zhennan? +小男孩祭奠的是人吗,Was the little boy offering a sacrifice to a human? +写纸条吗人还活着吗,To write a note? Is the person still alive? +是小男孩给别人的吗,Was it from the little boy? +帽子是死了的人的吗,Was the hat of the dead man? +这个人的死是意外吗,Was his death an accident? +有人在湖里去世了?,Someone died in the lake? +帽子是男孩的款式嘛,It's a boy's hat. +死者是意外坠湖吗?,Was the victim killed by accident? +想用哭声吓跑别人吗,Did you think you could scare them off with your sobs? +他是在保护珍稀动物,He was protecting a rare animal. +帽子说明那个人必死,The hat suggested that the man was about to die. +哭泣的人受了情伤吗,Is the weeping person hurt? +死人是小孩子的父亲,The dead were the fathers of the children. +爷爷奶奶外公外婆吗,"Granddad and Grandma, Great-Granddad and Great-Grandma?" +被哭泣的人死了吗?,Did the weeping person die? +哭声是死者发出的吗,Was the wail coming from the dead? +男人带帽子去的河边,The man went to the river with his hat on. +帽子是死者亲人放的,The hat was left by the victim's relatives. +帽子是凭空出现的吗,Did the hat just appear? +哭声是帽子发出来的,The sobs came from the hat. +哭声是人发出来的吗,Is it human to cry? +因为他爷爷生病去世,Because his grandfather had died of illness. +因为他爷爷去世了嘛,Because Granddad was dead. +“它”不能离开湖水,'It' can't leave the lake +帽子是爷爷生前的吗,Were those hats his grandfather's? +哭泣声是人发出的吗,Was the weeping coming from a human? +哭泣是因为被威胁吗,Was she crying because she was threatened? +她哭泣是感到痛苦吗,Was she crying because she was in pain? +帽子是哭泣的人的吗,Was the hat crying? +哭泣的声音是小孩吗,Was that a baby crying? +是帽子的主人哭的吗,Was it the owner of the hat who was crying? +那帽子是死者的吗?,Was that hat of the deceased? +甄锐认识哭泣的人吗,Did Jin recognize the person crying? +村庄的人害死了父亲,The villagers killed my father. +背包的人还活着吗?,Was the man in the backpack still alive? +是因为磕到头而死吗,Did she die because she was hit on the head? +帽子是属于死者的?,Was the hat of the deceased? +听到哭泣声的还有谁,Who else heard her weeping? +他的哭泣是为爱情吗,Was his weeping for love? +帽子的主人是男人吗,Was the owner of the hat a man? +死者突发心脏病死亡,The man died of a heart attack +他找到了湖里的东西,He found something in the lake. +背包的主人是落水了吗,Who was the owner of the backpack? +背包的主人还在水底吗,Was the owner of the backpack still underwater? +背包的主人是谁重要吗,Who was the owner of the backpack really mattered. +有东西掉进湖里了吗?,Was something dropped into the lake? +他是因为帽子破了哭吗,Was he crying because of the torn hat? +是有研究价值的东西吗,What was it that was worth researching? +湖水就是他要找的东西,The lake was the thing he was looking for. +湖里的东西有特异功能,Things in the lake had special powers. +湖里的东西之前属于他,Things in the lake belonged to him before. +帽子是哭声的主人的吗,Was the hat the owner of the weeping? +晚上有人拿着帽子哭吗,Was someone crying with a hat at night? +背包是意外丢在那里的,The backpack had been dropped off there by accident. +哭泣声是人哭出来的吗,Is the sound of crying really coming out of a human body? +帽子主人是意外死亡吗,Was the hat owner killed in an accident? +是有人在湖边自杀了嘛,Was it that someone had committed suicide on the shore? +小男孩是村長的孩子嗎,Was the boy the village chief's son? +也要有人在帽子旁边吗,Did they also need someone standing by his hat? +帽子是别送给孩子的吗,Were the hats for children? +哭泣声的主人在河里吗,Was the weeping coming from the river? +背包的主人是被杀了吗,Was the owner of the backpack killed? +遇到了他不想见的人吗,Did she meet someone she didn't want to see? +湖里的东西对他很重要,The things in the lake were very important to him. +哭声和这帽子有关吗?,Did the wails have anything to do with the hat? +他遇到了可怕的事情吗,Was he in a terrible situation? +小朋友亲人去世了吗?,Is your relative dead? +是因为有人去世才哭吗,Did we cry because someone had died? +哭泣的人是甄锐的儿子,The weeping one was the son of Zhennan. +是纸条导致主人消失吗,Did the note somehow cause the owner to disappear? +亲人是在湖边去世的吗,Were your relatives drowned on the shore? +帽子是小男孩母亲的?,Was the hat hers? +帽子是哭的人搞破的吗,Was the hat worn by the weeping man torn by tears? +背包的人是跳湖了吗?,Was the man who jumped into the lake really the one with the backpack? +是因为找到帽子哭的?,Did you cry because you found the hat? +小男孩祭奠的是自己吗,Was the little boy offering a sacrifice to himself? +死者死亡与石头有关吗,Did the dead die because of the stone? +帽子代表了某种约定吗,Did the hat represent some kind of agreement? +帽子是小男孩故意放的,The hat was deliberately placed by the little boy. +是小男孩要离开甄锐?,Was it the little boy who wanted to leave Zen? +帽子是孩子的家长的吗,Was the hat of the child's father? +有人从湖边离开村庄吗,Did anyone leave the village on the lake shore? +哭声与帽子有关系吗?,Did the wailing have anything to do with the hat? +祭奠的是自己的亲人吗,Were they being buried for their own relatives? +这个故事里有小孩子吗,Were there children in this story? +破旧的帽子是玩偶的吗,Was the old hat a toy? +背包的主人是男生吗?,Was the owner of the backpack a boy? +帽子是为了传递信息吗,Did the hat carry messages? +第三个人的死亡而哭泣,Crying after the death of the third person +小男孩是甄锐收养的?,Was the boy Jiaun's foster child? +小男孩是甄锐亲生的?,Was the boy Jia Noru's son? +小男孩是否被拐卖了?,Was the boy a runaway? +小男孩是甄锐的儿子?,Is the boy Jia Noru's son? +背包的主人还活着吗?,Was the owner of the backpack still alive? +小男孩把帽子找到的?,The little boy found the hat? +放帽子的人是想找人吗,The man who was trying to put his hat back on was looking for someone. +哭声是一个人的哭声吗,Was the wail one person's wail? +当天是孩子的忌日吗?,Was it her deathday? +是因为他的死亡哭泣吗,Was it because of his death that she wept? +帽子是哭泣的人放的吗,Was the hat crying people put on? +是否有人在夜晚出过门,Did anyone ever leave the house at night? +小男孩和甄锐有关系吗,Did the little boy have anything to do with Zhen Rui? +哭泣的人是美人鱼吗?,Was the weeping woman a mermaid? +是哭泣的人杀了死者吗,Was it the weeping person who killed the dead? +这顶帽子是死者的吗?,Was this hat of the deceased? +小男孩的亲人去世了吗,Did the boy's relative die? +男孩的亲人是去逝了吗,Were the boy's relatives dead? +哭泣声是帽子造成的吗,Was the weeping caused by the hat? +爷爷生前很疼爱小男孩,Granddad had always been very fond of the boy. +帽子是昨晚那个人的吗,Were those hats his?' +哭泣声是小男孩的吗?,Was that little boy's cry? +哭泣声是男的还是女的,Was it a man's or a woman's voice? +帽子对小男孩很重要吗,Did the hat matter to the boy? +有人把帽子掉到了河里,Someone dropped his hat into the river. +背包主人想把乌龟卖了,The bagman was thinking of selling the turtle. +哭泣的人认识小男孩吗,Did the weeping woman know the boy? +哭泣的人在为甄锐哭泣,The weeping person was mourning Zhendui. +帽子的主人还活着吗?,Was the owner of the hat still alive? +它是在水里生活动物吗,Was it a fish living in the water? +是不是有人遗失了帽子,Was it possible that someone had lost his hat? +男孩哭跟帽子有关吗?,Did the boy cry because of his cap? +爷爷是去世很久了吗?,Was Granddad really gone for so long? +是有人不小心杀了人吗,Was it an accident? +主人是发现了新的生物,The owner had discovered a new species. +是因为帽子破旧而哭吗,Was it because of the old state of the hat that she was crying? +是因为有人跳湖哭泣吗,It was because someone wept in the lake. +帽子的主人是刚死的吗,Was the owner of the hat just dead? +有人叫主人推到湖底了,"Someone shouted, 'The master's about to push you into the lake....'" +纸条和这次事件无关吗,Did the note have anything to do with this incident? +哭声是因为有人死了吗,Was the wailing because someone had died? +帽子是不是用来吓人的,Did the hat really scare people? +哭泣的人的父母健在吗,Were the parents of the weeping person still alive? +哭泣声和帽子有关系吗,Did the sobs have anything to do with the hat? +是还有人在男孩身边吗,Was there someone else with the boy? +是因为帽子旧了才哭?,Was it because the hat was old? +帽子是湖水冲上来的吗,Were the hats carried on the water? +哭泣的人是甄锐的弟弟,The weeping one was Jia Yun's brother +帽子的主人已经死了吗,Was the owner of the hat dead already? +男孩哭泣是因为亲情吗,The boy was crying because of his love for his mother. +背包的主人是名科学家,The owner of the backpack was a scientist +哭哭泣的人遇到了偷窃,A weeping person encountered a thief. +有动物在湖里淹死了吗,Did a creature drown in the lake? +背包的主人是个探险家,The owner of the backpack was a traveler +哭泣的人是甄锐的家人,The crying person is Zhen Rui's family member. +纸条是背包主人写的吗,Was the note written by the bag owner? +哭声是小孩子的哭声吗,Was it a baby's cry? +帽子是父亲给儿子的嘛,The hat was Father's. +破旧的帽子是小孩的吗,Was that old hat of his her father's? +哭声是风吹过的声音吗,Was that weeping a wind? +哭的原因是有人死了吗,Why did she cry? Was it because someone had died? +那个人是在湖边生活嘛,"That man lived on the shore of the lake, right?" +死者和哭泣的人是恋人,The dead and the weeping were lovers. +小男孩的家人去世了吗,Did the boy's family die? +死者死亡是因为帽子吗,Was the man dead because of his hat? +哭泣的人为了帽子哭吗,Did the weeping person cry because of the hat? +是为帽子的主人哭泣吗,Was it because the hat was crying for its owner? +帽子是为了掩盖什么吗,Were they there to hide something? +哭泣声是帽子发出的嘛,Was that the crying coming from the hat? +他与甄锐关系密切吗?,Did he have anything to do with Zhen Rui? +小男孩是为家长哭泣吗,Was the little boy crying for his father? +死者尸体在哪里重要吗,What really matters is where the corpse is. +儿子把父亲埋在了湖边,He buried his father at the edge of the lake. +背包的主人曾经杀过人,The owner of the backpack had killed someone before. +这个故事里还有别人吗,Was there someone else in this story? +那哭泣的人是他妈妈吗,Was that weeping her mother? +帽子是女孩的款式嘛?,Were those hats like the girl's? +帽子的主人是小男孩吗,Was the owner of the hat a boy? +死者是被哭泣的人杀的,The victim was killed by people who wept. +是因为财产纠纷死的吗,Did they die because of a property dispute? +死者是死在湖里了吗?,Was the body in the lake? +父亲失足摔在了石头上,Father fell off the stone and landed on the ground. +放帽子是为了祭奠死者,He put the hat on to pay his respects to the dead. +帽子说明那个人离开了,The hat told him that the man had left. +小男孩是帽子的主人吗,Was the boy the owner of the hat? +湖里的东西是他自己的,The things in the lake were his own. +哭声是否属于帽子主人,Was the wailing really from the hat owner? +帽子是死亡的人的物品,A man's hat is the object of death. +这两个人的关系重要吗,Did their relationship matter? +找到的是他遗失的物品,What I found was things he had lost +死者是哭泣的人的亲人,The dead were the relatives of those who had cried. +帽子是死的那个人的吗,Was the man in the hat really dead? +因为爷爷在海中生活过,Granddad had lived in the sea. +帽子主人主动来到河边,The hat owner came to the riverside on his own. +帽子的所有人还活着嘛,Were all those people still alive? +帽子的主人是钢琴师吗,Was the owner of the hat a pianist? +帽子和死者的死有关吗,Did the hat have anything to do with the death of the man? +背包的主人是窒息而亡,"The bag belonged to the victim, who had died from suffocation." +哭泣声是来自小孩子嘛,The sobs came from a child. +哭泣的人是为别人哭吗,Was the one weeping for someone else? +帽子是哭的那个人的吗,Was the hat of the one who had been weeping? +他想要去拿狐狸的东西,He wanted to get his hands on the fox's things. +他想要去拿湖里的东西,He wanted to go to the lake to get something. +帽子破了死者才死的吗,Did the broken hat cause the man to die? +死者是小男孩的爷爷嘛,"It was the boy's granddad, wasn't it?" +因为那个人死了才哭吗,Was it because the man was dead that he cried? +是一个小男孩的至亲吗,Was it a relative of a little boy? +帽子跟哭泣的人有关吗,Did the hat have anything to do with the weeping man? +这个帽子的主人活着吗,Was the owner of this hat still alive? +是他放了这顶帽子吗?,Was it him that put the hat there? +在湖边祭拜他的父亲嘛,To make a shrine to his father at the edge of the lake? +哭泣的人离开村庄了吗,Did the weeping person leave the village? +放帽子的人是村民吗?,Was the man who took off the hat a villager? +甄锐是放帽子的人嘛。,It was Jindun's job to put the hats on. +是因为帽子没了哭吗?,Did he cry because his hat was gone? +是这是在哭的人的亲人,It was the relatives of the weeping person. +哭泣声是男士的声音嘛,Was it the man's voice crying? +小孩子哭是因为难过吗,A child is crying because he's upset. +死者是小男孩的母亲吗,Was the dead woman the mother of the little boy? +难过是因为父母生气吗,It was because of his parents' anger. +背包里还有其他东西吗,What else was in my backpack? +他是因为甄锐而哭吗?,Was it because of Zhenru? +死者为什么死重要吗?,What's important is why he died. +哭泣的人知道死的是谁,The weeping person knew who had died. +帽子是怎么破的重要吗,"What's important is the state of the hat, not the hole in it." +哭泣声是帽子发出的吗,Was that weeping coming from the hat? +帽子的主人被欺负了吗,Was the owner of the hat being bullied? +帽子的主人是病死的吗,Was the owner of the hat sick when he died? +帽子的主人是哭泣的人,The owner of the hat was a weeping man. +他的哭泣是为某个人吗,Was his weeping for someone? +是因为帽子破了哭吗?,Was it because of the torn hat? +他亲眼目睹了死亡过程,He had witnessed the entire process of death. +哭的人是帽子的主人吗,Was the weeping man the owner of the hat? +帽子破损与石头有关吗,Did the hat have a crack because of the stone? +死者是小男孩的父亲吗,Was the dead man the father of the little boy? +他的家人是自然死亡嘛,"His family died naturally, then." +哭是因为有人掉湖了吗,"She was crying because someone had fallen into the lake, right?" +哭泣声是女士的声音嘛,Was that woman's voice crying? +帽子的出现是意外吗?,Did the appearance of the hat come as a surprise? +哭泣的人是来祭奠他吗,Was the weeping person there to mourn him? +是那个哭泣者的帽子吗,Was that woman's hat? +那帽子的主人是他杀吗,Was the owner of the hat killed? +帽子主人是小孩的朋友,The hat owner was a friend of the boy's. +帽子是哭泣的男人的吗,Was the hat of the weeping man? +哭泣的人还在村子里吗,Were people weeping in the village then? +哭泣的人掉湖里了吗?,Did the weeping person fall into the lake? +是死于石头的撞击伤吗,Was it from a stone impact? +河边的石头上是偶然吗,Were the stones on the riverbank a mere accident? +小男孩跟人发生的争执,The boy's quarrel with someone +是东西掉进湖里哭吗?,Was it because something had fallen into the lake and was crying? +它是背包主人的宠物吗,Was it the owner's pet? +帽子属于哭泣的人吗?,Did the hat belong to the weeping man? +帽子在石头上是偶然吗,Did the hat fall off the stone by chance? +它看见水中有什么了吗,What did it see in the water? +背包主人受到了惊吓吗,Was the bagman frightened? +放帽子的人是男的吗?,Was the man who took off the hat a man? +是有人死在湖里了吗?,Was someone really killed in the lake? +背包主人失足落水的吗,Was the bagman falling into the water? +是不是村子里的人死了,Did the people of the village die? +小男孩有亲人去世了吗,Was the boy the victim of a family tragedy? +哭泣的人是为了死者哭,The one weeping is for the dead. +是为了纪念他的亲人吗,Why did you do it for her? +小男孩是为了家人哭么,Was the little boy crying for his family? +帽子的主人是不在了吗,The owner of the hat was gone. +他们之间有血缘关系吗,Did they have a blood connection? +是帽子的主人去世了吗,Was the owner of the hat dead? +帽子是否和哭泣声有关,Did the hat have anything to do with her weeping? +这个小男孩是走丢了吗,Was this boy lost? +请问哭声是否是村民?,Was that weeping really from the villagers? +主人带走他是为了学业,The owner took him because he needed to study. +传出哭声的人死了吗?,Was the person who made the sound of crying dead? +哭声是死者发出的吗?,Was the wailing coming from the dead? +他是因为看到了什么吗,Was it because he saw something? +死去的人是被祭奠了吗,Were the dead being honored? +此人的死和湖是否有关,Was his death related to the lake? +主人失足落水与它有关,The fall from the water tower was related to the master. +帽子是故意放在那的嘛,Was it on purpose that the hat was left there? +帽子的主人是被谋杀吗,Was the owner of the hat murdered? +是因为死人了哭的吗?,Was it because of the dead? +哭泣声是人类发出的吗,Was it human to cry? +哭泣的人是想他父亲吗,Was the weeping person thinking of her father? +他是被别人灌毒药了吗,Was he poisoned by someone else? +请问哭声与帽子有关吗,Did the wailing have anything to do with the hat? +帽子是故意放在那的吗,Did you put the hat there on purpose? +死者已经去世很久了?,Was the dead man long dead? +哭泣的人和死者认识?,Do the living and the dead know each other? +那顶帽子是思的人的吗,Was that hat hers? +哭泣声是人发出来的吗,Was the crying coming from a human? +哭泣的人是死者的家属,The one weeping is the relative of the deceased. +帽子是哭泣的人的吗?,Was the hat crying? +哭泣的人是女孩子吗?,Was the weeping girl a girl? +小孩是与动物分别吗?,Was the child meant to be separated from the animals? +他是故意让甄看到吗?,Was it intentional that he let her see him like that? +这个帽子是别人的吗?,"Was this hat yours, then?" +他是在画画过程中死的,He died during the process of painting. +昨晚的人掉进湖里了么,Was someone drowned last night? +他去沙滩是和凶手见面,He went to the beach to meet the murderer. +是有人半夜在这钓鱼吗,Was it someone fishing at midnight? +哭泣的人是他们村的吗,Was the weeping person from the village? +惊呼声是背包主人的吗,Was it the voice of the bag owner? +是男人出去打工死了吗,Did the man really die while he was working in the city? +帽子是有人故意放的吗,Did the hat really belong to her? +哭泣声是死者发出的吗,Was the weeping coming from the dead? +哭泣声是人类的声音么,Was that weeping human voice? +帽子也是这个孩子的吗,"Were those hats his, too?" +尸体上带着破旧的帽子,The corpse was wearing a worn hat +甄认不认识凶手重要吗,Did it matter whether he knew the murderer? +请问帽子是村民放的吗,"'Is the hat yours, then?'" +他的子跟村民有关系吗,Did his son have something to do with the villagers? +放帽子是为了祭奠嘛?,Did you put the hat on to pay homage? +��里的生物咬了甄郝吗,Did the creatures in the lake bite Zhennan and Hailu? +甄郝是被水草缠住了吗,Was it because the water weed had tangled her up? +哭泣声是人传出来的嘛,It comes from people crying. +甄加索救助的是鲸鱼吗,Was Zhen Zhesuo helping a whale? +甄加索救助的是海龟吗,Was Zhen Zhesuo helping a sea turtle? +甄郝是不是中毒而死的,Did Zhen Hao die of poisoning? +哭是因为发现死人了?,Was it because I found a dead body? +哭泣声是小男孩哭的嘛,The sobs were those of the child. +小孩子是留守儿童吗?,Is the child a left-behind child? +死者是不是没有呼吸啊,Was the man really dead? +他是意外掉进湖里的吗,Was he thrown into the lake by accident? +哭泣是因为有人死亡了,Crying was because someone had died. +这个湖边发生过命案么,Was there a murder on the shore? +死的人是帽子的主人吗,Was the dead man the owner of the hat? +小男孩知道在办丧事吗,The boy knew what was going on. +甄加索是被人杀害的吗,Was Zhen Zhesuo murdered? +死者是村子里的人吗?,Was the dead man from the village? +哭泣的人看见有人死了,People who were weeping saw dead bodies. +湖里有毒的生物是蛇吗,Are poisonous creatures in the lake snakes? +哭是因为帽子没有了?,Was she crying because of the hat? +他掉下去之前就死了吗,Was he dead before he fell? +是小男孩为别人哭泣么,Was it the little boy crying for someone else? +他是想揭露什么事情吗,Was he trying to expose something? +凶手是在湖里杀他的吗,Was the murderer killed in the lake? +哭泣声是人发出来的嘛,"It's human to cry, right?" +戴帽子的人得病了吗?,Did the man with the hat have the disease? +死的人是下水游泳了吗,Was the dead person swimming in the water? +帽子是甄锐送他的吗?,Was the hat his? +是小孩以为甄锐要走吗,Was it because he thought I was going to leave? +湖里的生物蛰了甄郝吗,Did the creatures in the lake immobilize Zhuan and Hetao? +哭是因为没有帽子了吗,Was she crying because she didn't have a hat? +帽子是哭泣的人留下的,The hat was left by the weeping man. +死者是在湖里淹死的吗,Was the body drowned in the lake? +他是为了让人去找他吗,"He wanted to be found, right?" +他是想把帽子给甄锐吗,He wanted to give him his hat. +他是死了之后被抛尸吗,Was he killed and then thrown into the river? +是想让人发现帽子吗?,Did you want people to find the hat? +哭泣和这个村子有关嘛,"It all has to do with this village, right?" +哭泣的是帽子的主人吗,Was the weeping the owner of the hat? +哭泣声跟帽子有关系吗,Did the sobs have anything to do with the hat? +放帽子是为了纪念死者吗,Was it to remember the deceased? +是这个男人杀了这个人的,It was this man who killed the man. +是有人帽子丢了所以哭吗,Was it because of the man's hat? +放帽子的人是甄锐家人吗,Was the man who was taking off his hat actually the Zhen family servant? +哭泣的人是死者的爱人吗,Is the weeping person the lover of the deceased? +哭泣声音是男生还是女生,Was it a girl's or a boy's voice? +那是那个哭泣的人放的吗,Was it that person who was crying who set it off? +哭泣的人希望被别人发现,People who cry hope that someone will notice them. +帽子是昨晚被放在那的吗,Were those hats left there last night? +哭泣的人离开村庄了吗?,Did the weeping person leave the village? +背包的主人死前在游泳吗,Did the man who owned the backpack swim before he died? +哭泣的人是死者的家人吗,Is the weeping person the deceased's family member? +湖边是死者长眠的地方吗,Is the edge of the lake where the dead are buried? +是因为有人发现死者了吗,It was because someone had discovered the body. +哭泣的人希望被甄锐发现,People who were weeping hoped that Jing could find them. +哭泣声是因为有人死了吗,Was the weeping because someone had died? +是因为男人死了而哭泣吗,Did the man's death cause her to cry? +哭泣的人和甄锐关系很好,The person weeping was very close to Zhen. +抓乌龟是科研人员的任务,It was the research personnel's job to catch turtles. +哭泣的人是因为甄锐哭的,The one who was crying was Jindi. +小男孩特意去湖边哭的嘛,The little boy went to the lake to cry on purpose. +小男孩因为受伤所以哭嘛,The boy was crying because he was hurt. +哭泣的人是死者的朋友吗,Was the weeping person a friend of the deceased? +哭泣的人希望甄锐帮助他,The weeping person hoped that Jing could help him +背包的主人是意外死亡吗,Was the owner of the backpack murdered? +这个故事里有奇幻元素吗,Are there fantastical elements in this story? +哭泣的原因是为其他人吗,Why did she cry? +带帽子的人掉进水里了?,The one with the hat fell into the water? +背包是背包主人打翻的吗,Was the backpack overturned by its owner? +哭泣的人希望甄锐安慰���,The weeping person hoped that Jian could comfort him. +小孩与甄锐有过约定吗?,Was there a pact between the child and Zhen Rui? +小孩哭泣是因为父母吗?,Is the child crying because of his parents? +小孩估计是因为父母嘛。,The child probably thought it was because of her parents. +死的人是救了哭泣的人嘛,It's the one who dies who saves the one who's weeping. +小孩哭的那个人是死了吗,Was the baby crying that one dead? +死的人是被人推下湖了吗,Was the dead man pushed into the lake? +哭泣的声音性别是女的吗,Was the crying voice a girl? +他想把生物带回自己家吗,Was he trying to bring the biological material back to his own home? +帽子是哭的那个人的吗?,Was the hat of the one who had been crying? +死者怎么死的与案件有关,The cause of death is relevant to the case. +死者是因为疾病去世的吗,Was the man dead because of illness? +哭泣的人是死者的母亲吗,Was the weeping woman the mother of the deceased? +破旧的帽子是那个人的嘛,"That old hat was his, wasn't it?" +湖边和帽子主人有关系吗,Did the hat owner have anything to do with the lake? +小孩是以为要离开甄锐吗,"The child thought he was going to leave him, didn't he?" +之前有人在湖边溺水死了,Someone drowned at the edge of the lake before. +哭泣者在湖边滑倒了是吗,Was the weeping woman on her back on the shore? +帽子的主人是自然死亡吗,Was the owner of the hat naturally dead? +甄加索有身体上的疾病吗,Was Zhen Zhesuo sickly? +小孩哭泣是因为害怕吗?,Was the child crying because he was afraid? +哭的人和死的人有关系吗,Do the living and the dead have anything to do with each other? +哭泣的人是刚回到村庄吗,Was the weeping person back in the village just now? +湖里的东西不属于任何人,Things in the lake belonged to no one. +透气的人是回来报仇的吗,Were those people who could breathe were coming back to avenge themselves? +哭泣的人是回来报仇的吗,Was the weeping person coming back to avenge himself? +有人在找东西的时候落水,Someone drowned while looking for something +石头就是他要带走的东西,The stone was what he wanted to take with him. +画作是甄自己带过去的吗,Was the painting brought by Zhen himself? +哭泣者必须在晚上祭奠吗,Did the weeping person have to make a sacrifice at night? +这个村子每年都会死人吗,Does this village have people killed every year? +这个死了的人是自愿的吗,Was this person killed voluntarily? +死了的人有身材恐惧症吗,Did the dead have body anxiety? +死了的人有深海恐惧症吗,Did the dead have deep-sea phobias? +帽子主人是跳入湖中了吗,Was the hat owner drowned in the lake? +帽子主人是在湖中死亡吗,Was the hat owner drowned in the lake? +死的人是小男孩的亲人吗,Was the dead man a relative of the boy? +背包的主人是不慎落水吗,Was the owner of the backpack a victim of the accident? +帽子的主人还在小村庄吗,Was the owner of the hat still in the village? +人们没有找到背包主人吗,Did they not find the backpack owner? +帽子是用来伪造自杀的吗,"The hat was used to fake suicide, right?" +帽子主人的家人还活着吗,Were the owner's family still alive? +哭泣的人没有救死去的人,The one weeping is not the one who can save the dead. +家人是因为在湖里淹死了,They drowned in the lake. +这个乌龟不属于背包主人,This turtle was not the owner's. +背包主人想抓乌龟自己吃,The bagman wanted to eat the turtle himself. +甄昭容看到的是假海龟吗,Was it a fake turtle she saw? +有人把主人推到湖水里了,Someone pushed the owner into the lake. + 是想引起别人的注意吗,Did she want attention? +哭泣的人看见了男人被杀,The weeping woman saw the man killed. +小男孩是死去的人的孩子,The little boy was the child of the dead man. +哭泣的人知道有人死了吗,People who cry know that someone has died? +背包主人想带乌龟做研究,The bag owner wanted to take the turtle for research. +那个帽子是家人给他的嘛,Was that hat given to him by his family? +死者是前一天夜晚死的吗,Was the victim dead the night before? +帽子与哭泣声是否有关联,Did the hat have anything to do with her tears? +哭泣的人是放帽子的人吗,Was the weeping person the man who had taken off his hat? +帽子主人是被别人杀害吗,Was the hat owner murdered by someone else? +戴帽子的人要离开甄锐吗,Did the man want to leave Zhuan Rui? +帽子的主人是哭泣的人吗,Was the owner of the hat a weeping man? +他是因为心情不好而哭嘛,Was he crying because he was upset? +是有人因为丢了帽子哭吗,Were people crying because of their hats? +帽子的主人是这个村的吗,Was the owner of the hat from the village? +他的家人在小村庄死了嘛,His family was killed in the village. +帽子的主人是不是去世了,Was the owner of the hat dead? +写纸条的人被推��湖里吗,Was the person who wrote the note pushed into the lake? +除了甄组长还有第二个人,"Besides Team Leader Zhen, is there a second person?" +哭泣的人哭是因为帽子吗,Was the weeping because of the hat? +哭声和帽子是同一个人吗,Was the wailing and the hat the same person? +父亲在很多年之前就死了,Father had died many years before. +帽子是用来传递信息的吗,Did the hat carry messages? +昨天晚上是否有人遇害了,Did someone get killed last night? +帽子是为了祭奠死者的吗,Were the hats for the deceased? +哭泣的人是昨晚离开的吗,Was the weeping person who left last night? +哭泣的人是为帽子哭泣吗,Was the weeping person really crying about his cap? +这个别人是死者的妻子嘛,This other woman was the wife of the deceased? +帽子是死者留给哭泣者的,The hat was left by the dead to the mourners. +帽子是朋友送小男孩的吗,Was the hat your friend gave to the boy? +那个人是死亡人的家属吗,Was that the family of the dead person? +死亡的人是帽子的主人吗,Was the dead man the owner of the hat? +背包的主人是植物学家吗,Was the owner of the backpack a botanist? +帽子是随河流漂过来的吗,Were the hat and the river the same? +哭的人是突然触景生情吗,Was the weeping caused by a sudden encounter with a scene that evoked memories? +死者家属是为了报仇吗?,Were the victims seeking revenge? +找到的东西是什么重要吗,What was important was what we found. +背包的主人是意外落水吗,Was the owner of the backpack a victim of a freak accident? +背包的主人是来找它的吗,"The owner of the backpack was looking for it, right?" +背包的主人是来钓鱼的吗,Was the man who owned the backpack fishing? +惊叫的人是背包的主人嘛,It was the owner of the backpack who was screaming. +哭泣声是人为粉丝出的吗,Was the crying coming from human fans? +帽子是发出哭声的人的吗,Was the hat the one that was crying? +发出哭声的人是溺水了吗,The one who was crying was drowning? +甄郝是被别人推下水的吗,Was Zhenshu pushed into the water? +去世的是小男孩的朋友?,Was it his friend who had died? +背包的主人是动物学家吗,Was the owner of the backpack a zoologist? +他孩子是生物研究学生。,His son was a biology student. +小孩子认识帽子的主人吗,Does a child know who the owner of a hat is? +帽子的主人是否还活着?,Was the owner of the hat still alive? +哭泣者是帽子的主人吗?,Was the weeping man the owner of the hat? +当时小孩子遇到危险了吗,Were the children in danger at the time? +哭泣着是否是一名女性?,Was it a woman to cry? +小男孩想用哭泣声来吓人,The little boy thought that crying would frighten the monster. +背包的主人来湖边找东西,The owner of the backpack came to the lake to look for something. +背包的主人被水草缠住了,The owner of the backpack was tangled in the water plants. +背包里面还有其他东西吗,What else was there in the bag besides the compass? +哭泣声是戴帽子的人吗?,Was that the man's crying? +找到的东西是属于他的吗,Was what I found his? +是为帽子的主人哭泣吗?,Was it because the hat was crying for its owner? +小男孩不是甄锐亲生的?,The boy wasn't Trinket's son? +小男孩是在思念某人吗?,Was the boy missing someone? +没发现哭声还会死人吗?,What if I hadn't heard the crying and someone had really been killed? +帽子的主人发生了意外吗,Did the owner of the hat have an accident? +哭的人是村子里的人吗?,Was it one of the villagers crying? +湖里有毒的生物是动物吗,What are the poisonous creatures in the lake? +东西是不小心掉到湖里的,It was an accident that the things fell into the lake. +哭声是小孩子发出来的吗,Was that baby crying? +请问哭声是女人的哭声吗,Was that woman's cry? +背包的主人是意外死亡么,Was the owner of the backpack killed in an accident? +背包的主人是来找它的么,Who was the owner of the backpack? Was he looking for it? +它是背包的主人的爱人么,Was it the owner's lover? +它以前可以在陆地上生活,It used to be able to live on the land. +帽子是那个死的人的吗?,Was the hat of the dead man? +哭声是每天晚上都有吗?,Were the sobs heard every night? +那请问是有人掉进湖里吗,"So my question is, was there a person in the lake?" +请问家人是否在湖里去世,Did your family members drown in the lake? +背包主人为寻找它而死亡,The bagman died looking for it +哭声主人认识帽子主人吗,Did the wailing sound like the hat owner? +湖里的动物攻击小孩了吗,Did animals in the lake attack the children? +背包的主人是养了宠物吗,Was the owner of the backpack a pet owner? +他下水的工具在背包了吗,Were his tools in his backpack? +请问帽子是否也是村民的,I wonder if the hat was also the villagers'. +帽子是主人故意弄丢的吗,Was the hat really lost on purpose? +哭声是因为有人去世了吗,The wails were because someone had died. +背包的主人被别人杀了吗,Was the owner of the backpack killed by someone else? +死的人是小男孩的朋友吗,Was the dead man a friend of the boy's? +背包的主人是被它杀了吗,Who was the owner of the backpack? +死的人是他的爸爸妈妈?,Was it his father and mother? +这个帽子是他的亲人给的,This hat was given to him by a relative. +死者死亡的原因重要吗 ,What really matters is why he died. +给他这个帽子的人死了吗,Did the person who gave him that hat die? +哭泣的人是村子里的人嘛,The weeping one was a person from the village. +小男孩是想要搞恶作剧吗,Was the boy trying to play a prank on her? +为什么晚上小男孩一个人,Why does the little boy have to be alone at night? +哭泣声是帽子主人的吗?,Was that the owner's crying? +小男孩和去世的人认识?,Did the little boy know the dead man? +破旧的帽子是哭的人的嘛,It's the old hat of the weeping man. +去世的是小男孩的爷爷?,Was it Granddad who had died? +它是背包主人的研究对象,It is the subject of study for the backpack owner. +小男孩和他爸爸一起的吗,Were the boy and his father there together? +尖叫声是路人发出来的吗,Were those screams from onlookers? +帽子的主人是离开的人嘛,The owner of the hat was the one who left. +男孩是因为失恋了而哭?,Was the boy crying because of his breakup? +死的人是小男孩的家人吗,Was the dead man a relative of the boy? +帽子主人已经离开村庄了,The hat owner had already left the village. +哭泣的人是小男孩的朋友,The weeping boy was his friend. +是哭泣的人丢失的帽子吗,Was it the hat of the weeping woman? +哭声是从帽子中发出的吗,Was the wailing coming from his hat? +哭泣声是有人发出来的吗,Was the weeping coming from someone else? +帽子是哭泣的人捡到的吗,Was the hat found by the weeping man? +“它”导致背包主人落水,'It' caused the backpack owner to fall in the water +离开是为了保护哭泣的人,It was to protect the weeping one. +帽子是别人给小男孩的吗,Were those hats given to the boy by someone else? +帽子的哭泣的人留下的吗,Was it the weeping man's hat that left a message? +去世的原因是因为男孩吗,Was it because of the boy? +哭泣的人是帽子的主人吗,Was the weeping person the owner of the hat? +帽子是不是死去的亲人的,Was it a hat for the dead? +去逝的原因是因为意外吗,Was it an accident that she died? +看来湖边是因为报纸吗?,It looks like the shore was because of the newspapers. +帽子的主人是死于战争吗,Was the owner of the hat killed in the war? +是因为死者死了才哭的吗,Did the man really cry because he had died? +男孩身边的亲人是鬼魂吗,Were the boy's companions spirits? +背包主人是自愿下水的吗,Was the bagman willing to go in the water? +帽子对于死的人很重要吗,Did the hat matter to the dead? +湖边是亲人去逝的地方吗,Were the shores of the lake the places where loved ones had died? +哭泣的人是村庄里的人吗,Was the weeping person from the village? +他带着那个人去世了吗?,Did he bring the man to his death? +哭泣的人是为了某个人哭,The one weeping is for someone. +他要找的东西是活着吗?,Was he looking for a living thing? +纸条上的字是他写的吗?,Were the words on the note really his? +哭泣的人是早上离开的吗,Was the weeping person who left in the morning? +哭泣是因为要丢掉帽子吗,Was it because I was about to lose my hat? +帽子是用来栽赃陷害的吗,Was it to plant the seeds of slander and betrayal? +死者有什么自身疾病吗?,What was wrong with the dead man? +帽子的主人是死在湖里吗,Was the owner of the hat drowned in the lake? +帽子是被哭泣的人的吗?,Was the hat crying for help? +帽子是小男孩的朋友的吗,Was the hat a friend's? +在河边哭泣的人是死了吗,Was the man weeping by the river dead? +帽子和哭泣是同一个人吗,Was the man wearing the hat the same person as the one weeping? +他来湖边是因为纸条吗?,Was it just a visit to the lake? +哭的人最后是不是跳河了,Did the one who cried really jump into the river? +是这个哭泣者杀了人吗?,Was this weeping person the murderer? +哭声是帽子主人发出的吗,Was that the hat owner's weeping? +哭的人跟死的人有关系吗,Does the one weeping have anything to do with the one who has died? +死者的死亡地点是湖边吗,Was the location of the dead man's death by the lake? +请问哭声主人是否是村民,Who was the owner of the weeping sound? +哭声是为了祭奠某个人吗,Was it to mourn someone? +帽子的主人死因是石头吗,Was the owner of the hat killed by a stone? +死者是为了救儿子死的?,Was the man killed to save his son? +男生带不走的人是兄弟吗,Who is the person who the boy couldn't take with him? +因��小孩觉得他不是凶手,Because the child thought he was not the murderer. +背包主人被它推下水的吗,Was the bagman pushed into the water by the bear? +背包主人是他人杀害的吗,Was the bagman killed by someone else? +他是不小心掉下去的吧。,It must have been an accident. +帽子是小村庄居民的吗?,Were those hats of the villagers'? +帽子主人的好朋友离开了,The hat owner's good friend left. +哭泣的人知道死者死了吗,People who cry know that the dead have died. +是某人为帽子的主人哭吗,Was it because of the owner of a hat? +水中的东西是研究对象吗,Are the things in the water the subject of study? +死的人是村子里的人吗?,Was it one of the villagers? +夜晚的湖边是有两个人吗,Were there two people on the shore at night? +杀手是以为他自己投服死,The assassin thought he was dying. +死去的是男人的爱人吗?,Was it his lover that he had died for? +小男孩的父母被伤害了吗,Did the boy's parents get hurt? +死者是失足掉进水里的吗,Was the victim thrown into the water by falling off a cliff? +哭泣的人被甄锐欺负了吗,Was the weeping person being bullied by Zhen Rui? +哭泣的人是因伤心而哭吗,Was the weeping person really weeping because of his sorrow? +小男孩的亲人在湖上工作,The boy's relatives worked on the lake. +帽子是用来传递一种信息,The hat is used to convey a message +哭泣的人是小男孩的母亲,The weeping woman was the mother of the boy. +小男孩的亲人跳湖自杀了,The boy's relatives committed suicide by jumping into the lake. +那个死了的人是跳湖死的吗,Was the dead man thrown into the lake? +哭声和死的人是有关系的?,Is the sound of crying related to the dead? +死者的死因是自杀还是他杀,What was the cause of death? Suicide or murder? +发出哭声的人掉进过湖里吗,Was the person who was crying actually in the lake? +背包的主人是被推下湖的嘛,The one who owned the backpack was pushed into the lake. +哭泣者不得以才摘下帽子吗,Were the weeping ones not allowed to take off their hats until they had cried enough? +哭泣的人不小心也溺水死了,The person weeping drowned too. +哭泣者和死者有特殊关系吗,Do mourners have a special relationship with the dead? +哭泣者是在湖边祭奠死者吗,Were the weeping ones there to mourn the dead? +是想让某人故意看到帽子吗,Was it to make someone deliberately see the hat? +哭泣声是因为有人落水了吗,The sobs were because someone had fallen in the water. +是女人在祭奠自己的丈夫吗,Was it a woman mourning her husband? +把帽子放在那是在祭奠谁吗,Was it to pay tribute to someone? +哭泣的人跟帽子主人是夫妻,The weeping woman was the mistress of the hatmaker. +发出哭声的人受到了创伤吗,Was the person who cried injured? +是帽子的主人发出的声音嘛,Was it the voice of the hat owner? +小孩子是看到有人跳湖了吗,Was the child watching someone fall into the lake? +是纸条引背包主人来到这吗,Was the note the backpack owner came to us on? +背包主人是来湖边放生的吗,Was the bagman there to release something? +他的帽子与他的职业有关吗,Did his hat have anything to do with his job? +死的人是拿帽子而死的吗?,Was it because he was killed with his hat off? +甄昭容是想骑在海龟身上吗,Was Zhen Zhengrui really trying to ride on the turtle? +甄昭容害怕他看到的东西吗,Was she afraid of what he might see? +找到的东西导致了他的死亡,The things he found led to his death. +帽子是小男孩小时候带的?,Was the hat his little boy used to wear? +留下帽子是为了祭奠家人吗,Why did you leave your hat there? +帽子的主人怎么死的重要吗,What mattered was who killed the owner of the hat. +帽子是甄锐给哭泣者的吗?,"Was the hat hers, or had Zhen prepared it for her?" +小孩把石头当成某人了吗?,Was the child thinking that the stone was someone? +帽子的主人是甄锐的哥哥?,Was the owner of the hat Jiaonni's brother? +小孩把石头当成爸爸了吗?,Did the child think the stone was his father? +小孩把石头当成妈妈了吗?,Was the child thinking that the stone was her mother? +小孩把石头当成爷爷了吗?,Did the child think he was Granddad? +小男孩是想引起别人注意?,Was the boy trying to attract attention? +他为什么不解释跳湖重要吗,Why didn't he explain that jumping into the lake was important? +他跳湖是因为看到了什么吗,Was it because he saw something? +我想问你是人机还是真人啊,I wanted to ask if you were a robot or a real person. +死者是被哭泣的人杀害的吗,Was the victim killed by people weeping for him? +哭泣是因为看见死者被杀吗,Was it because he saw the corpse being killed? +放帽子是故意引人去湖边吗,Was it just a coincidence that she had put her hat down by the lake? +惊叫声是书包的主人叫的吗,Was it the owner of the bag who screamed? +小男孩想引起大家的注意吗,Was the boy trying to draw attention to himself? +是因为曾经有人死在湖里嘛,It was because someone had died in the lake. +哭泣人是因其他人死而哭吗,Is the weeping of the mourner caused by the deaths of others? +它是背包主人曾经的宠物吗,Was it the pet of the backpack owner at one time? +背包主人是要研究“它”吗,Was the bag owner studying 'it'? +死者不想让别人知道去沙滩,The dead didn't want others to know about the beach. +帽子的主人和小男孩有关吗,Did the owner of the hat have anything to do with the boy? +这个帽子和哭泣的人有关么,Does this hat have anything to do with the weeping person? +帽子的主人是要远离家乡吗,Was the owner of the hat trying to keep away from his hometown? +甄加索的死与他的画有关吗,Was Zhen Zhesuo's death related to his painting? +这一天也是有纪念意义的?,Was this day also significant? +与哭泣的人离别的人死了吗,Did the one who left the weeping person die? +请问哭泣声以往是否出现过,Did you hear the crying before? +找到的是他一直想要的东西,What I found was what he had always wanted. +小男孩不是帽子真正的主人,The little boy was not the hat's true owner. +是因为帽子坏了才哭的吗?,Was it because the hat was damaged that she was crying? +这个帽子的主人是村里的吗,Who was the owner of this hat? +它是和背包主人一起来的吗,Did she come with the bag owner? +帽子的主人在湖边死了对吗,Was the owner of the hat dead by the lake? +帽子的主人是甄锐的朋友?,Was the owner of the hat a friend of Zhen Rui's? +背包里面装的是生物样本吗,What was in the backpack were biological samples? +帽子的主人是村子里的人吗,Was the owner of the hat a resident of the village? +哭是因为那个人被人威胁了,He was crying because someone was threatening him. +请问帽子是村子里的人的吗,Were those hats all from the village? +我是不是还没问到关键问题,Was I still asking the wrong questions? +这个帽子是哭泣声的来源吗,Was this hat the source of the crying sound? +请问哭声是否是帽子发出的,Was that a man's voice crying out for his hat? +去世的亲人是喜欢去河边吗,Did the deceased person like to go to the riverside? +这个帽子是有人送给他的吗,Was this hat given to him by someone? +离开的人事实上已经去世了,Those who had left actually had died. +是它导致背包主人落水的吗,Was it because of this that the backpack owner fell in the water? +小男孩是和他爸爸一起的吗,Was the boy with his father all the time? +哭泣的人是因为死者哭泣吗,The one who weeps is not the one who has died. +哭泣的人是因为甄锐哭的吗,Was the person crying because of Zhen Rui? +小男孩是和他妈妈一起的吗,Was the boy with his mother? +哭泣的人是因为别人哭的吗,The one who cried was because someone else was crying? +帽子的主人磕在石头上了吗,Was the owner of the hat on the rocks? +被送帽子的那个人去世了么,Did the one who was sent to wear the hat die? +帽子是为了给某人做纪念么,Did you make my hat for someone? +死者与小男孩有血缘关系吗,Did the dead man have a blood relationship to the boy? +死者身上并无伤痕 对不对,"There were no signs of injury on the corpse, did you know?" +哭泣的人被父母找回去了吗,Were the weeping ones returned to their parents? +现场是不是也没有挣扎的技,Was there no struggle on the scene? +哭泣的人是死的人的朋友吗,Is the weeping person a friend of the dead? +他要带走的是人还是物品?,What did he want to take with him? +带走他是带走人还是物品?,Was it a person or a thing that he took with him? +带帽子的人和河水有关吗?,Did the man with the hat have anything to do with the river? +帽子是顺着河水漂过来的吗,Did the hat drift down the river on its own? +小男孩是为了帮助其他人吗,Was the boy trying to help someone else? +背包的主人是去河里了吗?,Was the owner of the backpack going to the river? +小男孩很喜欢那个石头吗?,Did the little boy like that stone? +小男孩是和家里人走散了吗,Was the boy lost on his way home from the market? +帽子是用来传递信息的吗?,Did the hat carry messages? +死者和哭泣的人的关系重要,The relationship between the dead and the mourners is important. +帽子的主人是死在村庄里吗,Was the owner of the hat killed in the village? +哭泣声与帽子是有关的吗?,Did the sobs have anything to do with the hat? +放帽子的人跟哭声有关吗?,Did the man who took off my hat have anything to do with the wailing? +帽子是被故意放在河边的吗,Did you put the hat on the riverbank on purpose? +背包主人是被野兽弄死的吗,Was the bag owner killed by a beast? +孩子是因为他掉入水了吗?,Was the child in the water because he fell in? +帽子是发出哭泣声的人的吗,Was the hat the one that was crying? +帽子是人为放置石头上的吗,Did the hat rest on the stones by itself? +帽子的主人在湖里死亡的吗,Did the owner of the hat drown in the lake? +帽子的主人在湖边死亡的吗,Was the owner of the hat dead on the shore of the lake? +背包主人是干什么的很重要,What his job was was very important. +孩子是不是有个弟弟或哥哥,Is there a brother or a cousin? +哭泣的原因和甄锐有关系吗,Did her crying have anything to do with Zhen Rui? +帽子的主人和甄锐有关系吗,Did the owner of the hat have anything to do with Zhen Rui? +家人不允许帽子在家里是吗,Were the servants against hats at home? +小男孩有家人淹死在湖中嘛,The little boy had a relative who drowned in the lake. +背包的主人是被拖下水的吗,Was the bagman dragged into the water by the eunuch? +是因为离开村子而哭泣的吗,Were they weeping because they were leaving the village? +哭泣的人认识帽子的主人吗,Did the weeping person know the owner of the hat? +有人看到背包主人下湖了吗,Did someone see the backpack owner go into the lake? +他与第三个人有血缘关系么,Did he have a blood relationship with the third person? +哭泣的人是因为小男孩哭吗,The one who was crying was the boy's mother. +第三个人和他的关系重要么,Who was the third person? +带不走的人是男孩的孩子吗,Was the boy's child the one who couldn't be taken along? +哭泣的人是因为帽子哭的吗,Was the weeping because of the hat? +有人员意外落水或者伤亡吗,Were there any casualties due to accidents or injuries? +哭泣的声音是小孩发出的吗,Was that child's cry? +那个哭声和帽子有关系吗?,Did the wailing have anything to do with the hat? +背包的主人发现了新生物吗,Did the owner of the backpack discover a new creature? +破旧的帽子与哭泣声有关吗,Did the old hat have anything to do with her tears? +发出哭泣声的人是女的吗?,Was it a woman who was crying? +哭泣声是死的人发出来的嘛,The sobs are those of the dead. +哭声是哪个人发出的重要吗,Was the wailing of one person important? +哭声是帽子的主人发出的吗,Was the wail coming from the hat's owner? +乌龟被科研人员盯上很久了,The turtle had been under surveillance by researchers for a long time. +破旧的帽子是哭泣的人的吗,Is that old hat of hers crying for help? +帽子是人为放在石头上的吗,Did the hat really rest on the stone? +帽子主人主动把帽子留下了,The hat owner offered to leave it for me. +哭的人是因为纪念日到了吗,The one weeping was because it was her wedding anniversary. +帽子是一个小男孩故意放的,The hat was left by a little boy. +为什么故意放在湖边重要吗,Why did you put it on the shore? +他在湖里看到了什么东西吗,Did he see something in the lake? +无法带它回去的原因重要吗,Was it important that I couldn't bring it back? +背包主人最后去哪了重要吗,Did it matter where the bagman went? +小男孩知道死者已经死了吗,Did the little boy know that the man was dead? +这个动物释放了毒素在水中,This animal released the poison into the water. +是有人夜晚坐在湖边哭吗?,Was it because someone wept at the edge of the lake at night? +帽子是为了祭奠死去的人吗,Were they worn to mourn the dead? +难过是因为帽子没带回家吗,It was because I didn't bring my hat home. +哭泣是为了思念死去的人吗,Was it to grieve for the dead? +湖里的东西是贵重的东西吗,Are the things in the lake valuable? +哭泣的人是刚知道他死了吗,Was the weeping person just now really the one who had just heard that he had died? +他是为了这个动物去到湖里,He went to the lake to see that animal. +哭泣的人帽子对死者很重要,The man's hat was very important to the dead. +背包是被故意放在哪里的吗,Was the backpack deliberately left there? +他在看到动物之前就在湖里,He had seen the animal before he got to the lake. +小孩子是忘记带走帽子了吗,Was the child just too tired to remember to take it with her? +湖边的石头下是死者的坟墓,Under the stones on the shore was the grave of the dead. +背包和纸条是同一个人的吗,Were the backpack and the note the work of the same person? +死者是因为发生了意外死的,The cause of death was an accident. +村民是不是不认识哭泣的人,Did the villagers think the weeping man was not there? +有人失去生命体征????,Some people had lost their life signs. +帽子是哭的人很重要的东西,The hat is an important thing for the weeping person. +帽子的主人在湖边死去的吗,Did the owner of the hat die on the shore of the lake? +这个村庄是不是有什么风俗,Is there something special about this village? +帽子的主人哭泣是因为离别,The owner of the hat was weeping because of parting. +帽子是来提示有人死的吗?,Were the hats meant to indicate that someone had died? +哭泣声是��孩子发出的吗?,Was that child's crying? +惊叫声是背包主人发出的吗,Was it the owner of the backpack who made the noise? +在哭的人跟死者有关系吗?,Does it matter if the one weeping is related to the deceased? +帽子留在这里,人是死了吗,"The hat was left here, was the person dead?" +哭泣的人在怀念帽子主人吗,Was the weeping person mourning the hat owner? +它以前和背包主人在一起吗,Was it with the bag owner before? +小男孩的父亲离开他了吗?,Did the boy's father leave him? +帽子留在石头上是故意的吗,Did she put the hat on the stone on purpose? +死亡是人为因素造成的吗?,Was death caused by human factors? +他哭泣是因为那个人死了吗,He was weeping because the man was dead? +村庄是一个很难逃离的地方,The village was a place that was hard to escape from. +哭的人是帽子主人的妻子吗,Was it the mistress of the hat who was crying? +是因为送他帽子的人死了吗,Was it because the man who gave him the hat was dead? +跳湖的人是因为意外死的吗,Was the person who jumped into the lake killed by accident? +帽子是甄锐送给哭泣的人的,The hat was given to the person crying by Zhen. +湖边死的是哭泣声的主人吗,Was the man who died on the edge of the lake the one who wept? +背包主人想把乌龟带回海里,The bag owner wanted to take the turtle back to the sea. +哭声是真的有人在哭泣吗?,Was the wailing really coming from someone crying? +小男孩哭泣是因为死者的死嘛,The little boy was weeping because the man had died. +死的人出来寻找小男孩,是吗,"People who had died were looking for the boy, right?" +小男孩是把石头当成墓碑吗?,Was the boy putting the stones there as markers? +那个小孩是在提示有好消息吗,Was that child giving me a sign? +它是因为水中的东西不走的吗,It must be because there's something in the water that doesn't want to go. +请问哭声主人是否是帽子主人,Is the voice you heard the owner of the hat? +放帽子的人跟甄锐有关系吗?,Was it related to the man who took off his hat? +死者和哭泣的人在湖边相遇吗,Did the dead and the mourners meet on the shore of the lake? +死了的这个人是这个村子的吗,Was the dead man from this village? +发出哭泣声是为了引起关注吗,Was it to attract attention? +哭的人和帽子的主人是情侣吗,Was the man who was crying her boyfriend? +帽子是别人送给这个孩子的吗,Were those hats given to this child by someone else? +死者是小男孩的爷爷或奶奶嘛,Was the dead man the boy's grandfather or grandmother? +哭泣的人是帽子主人的家人吗,Was the weeping person the owner's family? +死了的这个人是男人的朋友吗,Was the dead man a friend of the man's? +家人的去世与湖有没有关系?,Did the deaths of her family members have anything to do with the lake? +帽子对哭泣的人而言很重要吗,Did the hat matter to the person crying? +是他想让人故意发现帽子吗?,Was it because he wanted to be discovered by someone? +小男孩是因为帽子才哭的吗?,Was the boy crying because of the hat? +尖叫声是背包主人发出来的吗,Was that the backpack owner's scream? +死的人是为了救小男孩,是吗,"The dead had come to save the boy, right?" +湖中的生物是没有生命的吗?,Are the creatures in the lake without life? +帽子的主人与小孩子有关系吗,Did the owner of the hat have anything to do with the child? +这个帽子是哭的人重要之物么,Is this hat really so important that it can be cried over? +有人把声音主人的帽子拿走了,Someone took the hat off the voice owner's head. +有人哭是因为某些人死了吗?,Was it because people were crying that someone had died? +他放这顶帽子是为了什么事吗,Why did he put the hat there? +有男孩是故意放在石头上帽子,Some of the boys deliberately put their hats on the rocks. +这本来是他自导自演的一场戏,"This was, in fact, a self-written script." +帽子是为了提醒什么事儿吗?,Were they there to remind me of something? +是否帽子是因为是死者的遗物,Did the hat really belong to the deceased? +第二天哭泣的人回到村子了嘛,The weeping person returned to the village the next day. +哭泣是为了惦念帽子的主人吗,Was it to miss the owner of the hat? +湖里的东西是本来就在湖里的,What you see in the lake is what's already in the lake. +他吸入了湖里的东西导致死亡,He died after inhaling something from the lake. +他是为了这顶帽子的主人哭吗,Was he crying because of the owner of the hat? +他的死与湖里的生物有关系吗,Did his death have anything to do with the creatures in the lake? +哭泣的人第二天回到村子了吗,Did the weeping person return to the village the next day? +故事中除了小孩有第二个人吗,Was there another person besides the child in the story? +他怎么到湖里去的是不是重要,Did he really go to the lake? +哭��声是不是帽子主人的孩子,Was the crying really the child of the hatmaker? +帽子的主人在落入湖中了吗?,Did the owner of the hat drown in the lake? +昨天晚上湖边是不是有两个人,Were there two people on the shore at the edge of the lake last night? +帽子是哭泣的人的玩具上的吗,Were the hats toys for people crying? +帽子是发出哭泣声的人的吗?,Was the hat the one that was crying? +哭的人和死者的关系重要吗 ,Was the relationship between the mourner and the dead important? +哭泣的人跟帽子主人关系不好,The weeping woman had a bad relationship with the hatmaker. +请问帽子是哭声主人放的吗?,Did you put the crying sound on the hat? +帽子和发出哭声的是同一个人,The man with the hat and the one crying were the same person. +帽子主人哭泣是因为触情伤情,The hat owner was weeping because he was moved. +死者死前把帽子放在了石头上,The dead man had put his hat on the stone. +男人是因为头发没了所以哭嘛,It was because of his baldness that the man was crying. +哭声是从村庄了吗传来的吗?,Was the wailing coming from the village? +请问帽子和哭泣声是否有关系,I wonder if the hat and the sobs had anything to do with each other. +那天晚上有人在石头附近吗?,Was there someone near the stones that night? +甄昭容认为海龟有很大作用吗,Did Zhen Zhaoran think that the sea turtle was of great importance? +是因为那个人死了所以哭泣吗,Was it because he was dead that she was crying? +甄昭容是误把海龟当石头了吗,Was Zhen's mistake that she thought the turtle was a rock? +两个在湖边的人的关系重要吗,Did the relationship between the two people on the shore matter? +破旧的帽子是哭的人留下的嘛,It's the hat of the broken-down man. +去世的人的忌日就是当天晚上,The day of the dead is the night before. +帽子是哭泣的人放在石头上的,The hat was placed on the stone by the weeping man. +背包主人看见水中有什么了吗,Did the bag owner see something in the water? +这个男人送别的这个人死了吗,Was this man the person who had died? +哭泣的人是帽子主人的妈妈吗,Was the weeping woman the hat woman's mother? +戴帽子的人是与甄锐离别吗?,Was the man wearing a hat really the one who had left him? +哭泣的人是帽子主人的亲人吗,Was the weeping person a relative of the hat owner? +哭着的人和帽子主人是两个人,The weeping man and the hat owner were two different people. +甄加索救助的是搁浅的海豚吗,Was Zhen Zhesuo helping a stranded dolphin? +湖边除了帽子还有其他东西吗,Was there anything else besides her hat on the shore? +男生带不回去的人是家人吗?,Who were the people he couldn't bring back? +他是要离别了甄锐的伤心吗?,Was it because he was about to part ways with Zhenru that he was so sad? +哭泣的人是帽子主人的姐姐吗,Was the weeping woman the mistress's sister? +哭声是为了吸引村民的注意吗,Was the wailing really to attract the villagers' attention? +哭泣者无法在白天祭奠死者吗,Could the weeping person not have the opportunity to pay their respects to the dead in the daytime? +帽子是为了吸引他们的注意吗,Did the hat draw their attention? +是哭泣的人杀了帽子的主人吗,Was it the weeping person who killed the man who owned the hat? +小男孩是想念自己的亲人了吗,Was the boy missing his family? +死去的人是哭泣的人的姐姐吗,Was the dead person the sister of the weeping one? +他在湖边是来看他的儿子吗?,Was he there to see his son? +小男孩是因为要离家而哭泣吗,Was the little boy crying because he was about to leave home? +与哭泣的人离别的人是自杀吗,Is it suicide if the one who leaves the mourner to cry is the one who cries? +他家人是被别人故意杀害的吗,Were his family members murdered on purpose? +背包主人是因为落水窒息死的,The bag owner drowned from suffocation after falling in the river. +是男孩的父亲在看男孩哭泣吗,Was the father looking at the boy crying? +在他身边的人是男孩的亲人吗,Who were those people by his side? +哭泣声是因为有人掉进水里了,The sobs were because someone had fallen into the water. +死去的人死在哪里与案件有关,The place where the dead person died was relevant to the case. +科研人员之前抓过很多只乌龟,Researchers had caught many turtles before. +哭泣的人遇到了不幸的事情吗,Was the weeping person in for a shock? +乌龟被捉是科研人员临时起意,The turtle was caught by the researchers in a moment of impulse +哭泣声是为了掩盖某种声音么,Was the weeping meant to cover up something? +他来湖边是要找什么东西吗?,Was he here to look for something? +他要找的东西是他自己的吗?,Was what he was looking for something he owned? +小男孩是因为丢东西才哭的么,Was the boy crying because he lost something? +乌龟在背包主人眼里很���钱吗,Did the turtle really have value to the backpack owner? +死者是因为交通事故去世的吗,Was the victim killed in a traffic accident? +哭泣的人是为了纪念他父亲吗,Was the weeping person there to remember her father? +哭泣的人是帽子主人的儿子吗,Was the weeping man the son of the hat owner? +小男孩让大家以为这河死过人,The little boy made everyone think that the river had killed a human. +放帽子的人是要离开村里吗?,Was the man leaving the village? +死去的人是哭泣的人的母亲吗,Was the dead person the mother of the one who cried? +帽子的主人因为疾病死去的吗,Was the owner of the hat dead from illness? +死的人是不小心掉进水里的嘛,It was an accident that the dead man drowned. +死的人是被哭泣的人杀掉的吗,Was the dead man killed by the people weeping over him? +甄昭容是看到水中的倒影了吗,Did Zhen Zhao's gaze rest on the image in the water? +离开的人是这个男人的爱人吗,Was the one who left his lover? +他跳湖是以为湖里有什么东西,He jumped in the lake because he thought there was something there. +他是故意把背包放在湖边吗?,Did he put the backpack on the shore on purpose? +哭泣的人与死的人是双胞胎吗,Are the people who cry and the people who die twins? +发出哭声的是是因为丢失帽子,The wailing was because of the lost hat. +帽子是为了纪念帽子的主人吗,Did the hat serve as a memorial to the owner? +是不是甄锐逼死了帽子的主人,Was it because of Zhen's pressure that the owner of the hat was killed? +放帽子的人是甄锐的爱人吗?,Was the man who was returning the hat actually Zhen Rui's lover? +人哭泣的时候身边还有人吗?,Is there someone beside you when you cry? +小男孩为什么把帽子放在湖边,Why did the boy put his hat on the shore? +背包的主人是珍稀动物保护者,The owner of the backpack was a wildlife protector. +他的背包是被自己打翻了吗?,Was his backpack overturned by him? +帽子的主人是否与甄锐有关?,Was the owner of the hat related to Zhen Rui? +有人要拿走湖里的东西而落水,Someone was about to take something from the lake and fall in +村民是不是认识这个死去的人,Did the villagers know this dead man? +破旧的帽子是否与甄锐有关?,Was that old hat hers? +他是遇到了什么事情才哭的吗,Was he crying because of something? +哭泣的人和死的人不是一个人,The one who weeps is not the same as the dead. +哭泣的原因是否和甄锐有关?,Was it because of Zhenduo? +是死者的家属制造的哭声吗?,Was the crying sound made by the deceased's family? +帽子主人是在湖边才去世的吗,Was the hat owner really dead on the shore? +帽子是被小男孩放在河边的吗,Was the hat left by the boy on the riverbank? +是哭泣的人杀死了帽子的人吗,Was it the weeping person who killed the hat? +惊叫声是背包的主人发出来的,The scream came from the owner of the backpack. +是否有人在夜晚偷偷做什么事,Who does something secretly at night? +帽子是为了祭奠或者纪念某人吗,Did the hat have to be worn for a funeral or memorial service? +哭泣声的主人是因为帽子哭泣吗,Was the weeping coming from the hat? +帽子是离别的人放在石头上的吗,Was the hat left by the farewell? +哭泣的缘由是因为被人欺负吗?,Was it because she was being bullied that she cried? +哭是因为村里的人死了而伤心吗,Did she cry because the villagers had died? +甄昭容是需要用海龟来做什么呢,What was it that Jindao was using the sea turtle for? +湖边死的是哭泣声主人的家人吗,Was the man killed by the lake the owner's own family? +背包的主人知道它是一起来的吗,Did the bag's owner know that we had come together? +留下脑子是给哭泣的人一个念想,To leave a brain for someone to cry over was a gift. +是刮风引起的哭声吹来了帽子吗,Was the wailing wind bringing the hat in on a breeze? +帽子的主人是因为工作牺牲的吗,Was the owner of the hat killed in the job? +哭泣的人因为甄锐忽视他而哭泣,The weeping girl was crying because he had ignored her. +是哭泣的人把帽子放石头上的吗,Was it the weeping person who put the hat on the stone? +哭泣的人遇到的事情跟甄锐有关,Things that people cry about are related to Zhennan. +是小男孩的妈妈离开了小男孩吗,Was it the mother who left the boy? +帽子的主人是哭泣的人的亲人吗,Was the owner of the hat the weeping person's relative? +哭泣的人和帽子的主人分别了吗,Did the weeping man and the hat owner part ways? +小男孩是故意让别人看到帽子吗,Was the boy trying to make people see his hat? +帽子的主人把帽子留下后离开了,The owner left the hat with her and left. +帽子主人哭泣是因为爱人的离去,The hatmaker was weeping because he had lost his beloved. +背包主人落水与纸条内容有关吗,Did the man's fall into the water have anything to do with the note? +帽子故意放在湖边是为了祭奠吗,The hat was deliberately left on the shore to mourn. +是因为帽子主人死了才哭泣的吗,Did he cry because the hat owner had died? +破旧的帽子与湖水产生的声音吗,The sound of the old hat in the lake? +帽子是去世的亲人送给小男孩的,The hat was given to the boy by the deceased relative. +请问是否还有其他人听到哭泣声,Could it be that other people heard the weeping too? +哭泣的人是为帽子的主人哭泣吗,Was the weeping person really for the hat owner? +是因为它所以背包的主人落水了,It was because the bag owner had fallen into the water. +帽子主人和小男孩有血缘关系吗,Did the hat owner have a blood relationship with the boy? +这个死了的人是被他们逼死的吗,Was this man killed by them? +帽子的主人是溺死在这个湖里吗,Who was the owner of the hat? Was he drowned in this lake? +那个人逃离村庄是为了哭泣的人,The man fled the village to weep. +帽子的主人是因为朋友才哭的吗,Was the man crying because of his friend? +甄昭容是想要用海龟来做什么吗,Was Jinn's intention to use the sea turtle? +帽子的主人是因为家人才哭的吗,Was the owner of the hat crying because of his family? +破旧的帽子是哭泣声的主人的嘛,It's the broken hat that's crying. +帽子是小男孩用来玩耍的信号吗,Was the hat a signal for play? +死者是为了救孩子意外死亡的?,Was the victim killed in an accident trying to save his child? +小孩是因为朋友要走而哭泣吗?,Was the child crying because his friend was leaving? +有人看见背包的主人掉进湖里了,Someone saw the owner of the backpack fall into the lake. +哭泣声是因为要与小男孩离别吗,The sobs were because of parting with the little boy. +是因为帽子的主人死了所以哭吗,Was it because the owner of the hat had died? +夜晚的湖边是只有男孩一个人吗,Was the lake's edge alone at night for only the boy? +破旧的帽子是发出哭泣声的人的,The old hat was the weeping person. +小男孩亲人去世的地点是湖边吗,Was the location of the boy's deceased relative by the lake? +请问哭声主人祭奠的是家人吗?,Was the weeping for the dead? +哭泣的人是帽子的主人的孩子吗,Was the weeping person the owner's child? +帽子的主人是哭泣的人的父亲吗,Was the owner of the hat the father of the weeping man? +这天夜晚是小男孩亲人的祭日吗,Was it the night of the little boy's family's memorial service? +哭泣的人是帽子的主人的女儿吗,Was the weeping woman the owner's daughter? +小男孩的亲人是日在村庄里的吗,Were the boy's relatives living in the village every day? +哭泣的人是帽子的主人的儿子吗,Was the weeping man the son of the hat owner? +帽子是死了的这个人给男孩的吗,Was the hat of the dead man for the boy? +帽子是因为被风吹到石头上的吗,Was the hat blown onto the stone by the wind? +脑子的主人和哭泣的人有关系吗,Does the owner of the brain have anything to do with the weeping person? +帽子是小男孩故意放在湖边的嘛,Was the hat deliberately placed by the little boy by the lake? +爷爷答应小男孩要一起来湖边?,Did Granddad agree to come to the lake with the boy? +去世的人是因为救小男孩死的?,Did the man die because he saved the boy? +哭泣的人是和恋人分离而哭的吗,Was the weeping person really crying for his lost lover? +背包的主人很想带“它”回去吗,Was the bag owner thinking of taking the bear back with him? +他曾帮过甄锐或甄锐帮过他吗?,Did he ever help Zheng Rui or did Zheng Rui ever help him? +帽子的主人是哭泣的人的家人吗,Was the owner of the hat the family of the weeping man? +甄昭容希望与海龟做些什么事吗,Was Jinn wanted to do something with the sea turtle? +帽子的主人是哭泣的人的妈妈吗,Was the owner of the hat the mother of the weeping man? +帽子是哭泣的人放在石头上的吗,Was the hat placed on the stone by the weeping man? +他是带自己的孩子来研究生物吗,Was he there to study biology with his own child? +死去的人是哭泣的人推入水中的,The dead are carried in by weeping people. +他很愧疚,所以来看他的孩子。,He felt guilty and came to see her. +发出哭泣声因为心爱的人跳河了,Crying because her beloved had jumped into the river +小男孩哭泣是因为想念某个人吗,The little boy was crying because he missed someone. +哭泣的人是帽子的主人的朋友吗,Was the weeping person a friend of the hat owner's? +哭泣的人的帽子是别人给他的吗,Was the man's hat someone else's? +爷爷生前经常带小男孩在湖边玩,Granddad used to take the boy to the lake to play. +爷爷为了救小男孩掉进湖里了吗,Did Granddad fall into the lake to save the boy? +爷爷奶奶外公外婆去世很久了吗,How long have Granddad and Grandma and Great-Granddad and Great-Grandma been dead? +男孩是���为亲人去逝而哭泣的吗,Was the boy crying because of the death of a relative? +是有人故意把帽子放在河边吗?,Was it an intentional prank? +死者去世的时候戴着这顶帽子吗,Did the man wear this hat when he died? +帽子是为了让人们去找凶手的吗,Did the hat have the purpose of helping people find the murderer? +哭声是捂嘴的时候死者发出的吗,Was the sound of the wails coming from the mouth of the dead? +哭泣的人是帽子的主人的亲人吗,Was the weeping person the owner's relative? +夜晚在男孩身边的人是去逝了吗,Who was it that was by his side at night? +哭啼声是甄庄的村子里发出来的,The wails were coming from the village of Zhen Zhu. +小男孩想用哭声造成某种影响吗,Was the little boy trying to create an effect with his sobs? +甄昭容是想要海龟身上的东西吗,Was Zhen's desire for the turtle's skin really to take the things inside it? +哭泣的人是帽子的主人的妻子吗,Was the weeping woman the owner's wife? +哭声主人是否以为帽子主人去世,Did the wailing sound like the hat owner had died? +帽子的主人和哭泣的人有关系吗,Did the owner of the hat have anything to do with the weeping man? +他下水所需要的工具在背包里吗,Did he have all the tools he needed in his backpack? +留纸条是为了让更多的人帮他吗,He left the note to get more people to help him. +哭泣的人是帽子的主人的妈妈吗,Was the weeping woman the owner's mother? +请问哭声主人是否认识帽子村民,"'Is the shout yours, hatman?" +小孩子把帽子放在湖边是为了玩吗,Was the child just playing on the shore? +男孩子因为亲近的人要离开而哭泣,The boy wept because his beloved friend was about to leave. +哭泣的人是因为小男孩死了而哭吗,Was the weeping of the woman because the little boy was dead? +帽子是孩子为了纪念死者留下的?,Was the hat left by the child to remember the dead? +除发出哭泣声的小孩还有其他人吗,Was there anyone else besides the crying child? +哭是因为死者死了 所以伤心吗?,Did the tears come because the dead had died? +为了让大家去查死者去世的真相?,To get people to investigate the truth behind the victim's death? +帽子放在石头上是因为帽子湿了吗,The hat was on the stone because it was wet. +哭泣声的主人与死者有血缘关系吗,Was the weeping from the corpse related to the dead? +破旧的帽子是很重要的人送的吗?,Did people of lowly station give her a worn-out hat? +破旧的帽子是为了吸引人们注意吗,Was the old hat there to attract attention? +他离开村子是为了调查他的死因吗,He left the village to investigate his death? +帽子的主人是哭泣的人的爸爸吗?,Was the owner of the hat the father of the weeping man? +这个死了的人是被村民们献祭了吗,Was this dead man sacrificed by the villagers? +那个死去的人去世的原因是落水吗,Was the dead man's death from drowning? +小男孩是因为思念家人所以哭的嘛,The little boy was crying because he was homesick. +甄加索救助的是搁浅的海洋生物吗,Was Zhen Zhesuo helping stranded marine life? +帽子是不是为了让村民们感到恐慌,Did the hat make the villagers feel scared? +在他哭泣时是否遭到某种物理伤害,Did he suffer any physical harm while he was crying? +因为他的帽子丢了,在寻找帽子吗,He was looking for his hat. +背包的主人是有东西掉进湖里了吗,Was the owner of the backpack something had fallen into the lake? +小男孩去世的家人是他的爸爸吗?,Were the boy's dead family members his father? +帽子主人留下帽子是希望做个纪念,The hat owner left it for a memorial. +破旧的帽子是那个哭啼的男生的吗,Was that old hat of the crying boy? +背包被打翻是背包主人刻意为之吗,Was it intentional for the backpack to be turned over? +孩子是想利用哭声吸引人到湖边吗,Was the child crying to draw attention to the lake? +他想把生物送到能受到保护的地方,He wanted to send the biological material to a place where it could be protected. +他是被他要找的东西拽下去的吗?,Was he pulled down by the object he was looking for? +背包的主人是为了带走它下水的吗,Was the bag owner there to take it off the shore? +背包的主人落水的原因是“它”吗,Was the owner of the backpack drowned because of 'it'? +哭泣的人和帽子的主人是一个人吗,Was the weeping man the owner of the hat? +放帽子的人和哭泣的不是一个人吗,Wasn't the man who was crying and the one who was putting on his hat not the same person? +背包主人要带它回去的原因重要吗,Did the bag owner have a good reason for taking it with her? +哭泣的人与帽子主人之间有关系吗,Did the weeping man have anything to do with the hat owner? +小男孩哭是因为他有家人去世了吗,The little boy was crying because he had lost a family member. +是因为要舍弃掉某样东西哭的吗?,Did she cry because she had to let go of something? +破旧的帽子是小孩的思念的信物吗,Was the old hat a symbol of his longing? +是背包主人在抓它不小心落水的吗,Was it the owner of the backpack who dropped it into the water? +是放帽子的人和哭泣的人分别是吗,Were the weeping one and the man who was putting on the hat different people? +哭泣的人看见有人死了留下了帽子,A weeping person saw a dead body and left a hat. +这个帽子是那个人很重要的东西吗,Was this hat an important thing to him? +与哭泣的人离别的人是死于意外吗,Was the person who left the weeping person dead in an accident? +他抱着他孩子的骨灰一起死的吗?,Did he die with his child's ashes? +帽子主人来到河边是为了纪念某人,The hat owner came to the river to honor someone. +帽子是为了给哭泣的人传递信息;,The hat was used to convey messages to people weeping. +帽子是一个小男孩的 故意留下的,The hat was left by a little boy. +男人是因为帽子太破旧了才哭的吗,Was the man crying because of the old state of his hat? +帽子的主人和跳湖的人是好朋友吗,Was the owner of the hat a friend of the man who jumped into the lake? +和小男孩有关系的人死在了湖里?,People who had something to do with the boy were all drowned in the lake? +是背包的主人的好朋友去世了吗?,Was it the owner of my backpack's best friend who had died? +小男孩是因为亲人的死而哭泣的吗,Was the little boy crying because of the death of a relative? +哭泣的人是为了祭奠帽子的主人吗,Was the weeping person there to mourn the owner of the hat? +破旧的帽子是小男孩以前的帽子吗,Was that old hat his grandfather's? +哭泣的人跟帽子的主人是亲戚吗?,Was the weeping man related to the hat owner? +哭声是源于失去生命体征生前的?,The wails were emitted by the lifeless body? +哭泣的人和放帽子的是同一个人吗,Was the weeping man the same as the man who had left his hat? +帽子的主人和哭泣的对象是情侣嘛,The owner of the hat and the object of her tears were a couple. +小男孩是从小在这个村庄长大的嘛,The boy must have been born in this village. +哭泣的人离开的时候碰到甄锐了吗,Did he see him when he left? +小男孩故意把帽子放在石头上的吗,Was the boy trying to put his hat on the rock on purpose? +帽子本来是要送给甄锐的礼物吗?,Was it supposed to be a gift for Zhen Rui? +小男孩去世的家人是他的爷爷吗?,Were the boy's dead relatives his grandfather? +哭泣的声音是帽子的主人传来的么,Was the sound of the weeping coming from the hat? +背包的主人是不小心掉进湖里的嘛,The owner of the backpack must have fallen into the lake by accident. +和小男孩有关系的动物死在了湖里?,What has to do with the boy's death? +放帽子是因为帽子是那个女生送的吗,She took off her hat because the hat was given to her by the girl? +发出哭泣声的人是小村庄里的人吗?,Was it the people of the village who were weeping? +他们是在湖边分开所以那个人哭的吗,"They split up at the edge of the lake, so that person must have been crying." +帽子和帽子的主人死亡原因有关系吗,Did the death of the hat owner have anything to do with the death of the hat? +帽子的主人和哭泣的人是恋人关系吗,Was the man wearing the hat her boyfriend? +哭泣的人第二天早晨故意不带走帽子,The weeping woman left her hat at home the next morning. +夜晚在男孩身边的人对男孩很重要吗,Did the people around him at night matter to the boy? +那个小孩是嗯那我们知道是不好的消,"The little boy said, 'Ain't that bad?" +请问哭声主人和家人在湖边长大的吗,'Were the voices of the weeping ones raised by the family on the shore of the lake? +小男孩想让家人以为自己死了,是吗,"The boy wanted to make his family think he was dead, was he?" +背包的主人是被“它”逼的落水的吗,Was the owner of the backpack forced to jump in the water by the monster? +“它”不愿和背包的主人离开森林吗,'What if the bear doesn't want to leave with the man?' +背包主人与动物或者人发生了争斗吗,Did the bagman fight with the animal or the human? +夜晚在男孩身边的人是当晚去逝的吗,Who was by his side at night was he who had died that very night? +甄昭容希望像海龟一样能在水里游泳,Zhen wanted to swim like a sea turtle. +帽子对于两个人来说是重要的东西吗,Did hats matter to the two of them? +放帽子的人是因为帽子破了而哭吗?,Was the man crying because his hat was torn? +哭泣的人和帽子的主人是同一个人吗,Was the weeping man the owner of the hat? +哭泣的人希望别人发现是他在哭泣吗,Did the person weeping hope that someone would notice that he was weeping? +是村庄里的人把帽子放在石头上的吗,Were the villagers the ones who put the hat on the stone? +故意放在湖边是为了显得有人来过吗,She had put it on the shore of the lake to make it look like someone had been there. +湖边的石头是死了的这个人的墓碑吗,Was the stone at the edge of the lake the man's tombstone? +帽子的主人因不可抗力因素去世的吗,Was the owner of the hat killed by an unforeseen force? +和小男孩有关系的物品掉进了湖里?,Something related to the boy fell into the lake? +留纸条是为了让大家知道有新生物吗,The purpose was to let people know that there were new creatures. +小孩半夜跑去湖边攻击湖里的动物吗,Did the child attack animals in the lake at night? +背包的主人是无意发现湖里的生物的,The owner of the backpack was by chance observing the aquatic life in the lake. +哭泣的人看到帽子想起死者所以哭泣,People who wept saw the hat and cried out of grief. +帽子的主人和跳湖的人是父子关系吗,Was the owner of the hat and the man who jumped into the lake father and son? +是因为要和另外一个人分开哭的吗?,Was it because we had to separate from another person to cry? +哭泣的人和帽子的主人是同一个吗?,Was the weeping man the owner of the hat? +甄昭容跳湖是因为误以为湖水很浅吗,Was it because she thought the lake was shallow? +甄郝是窒息而亡 或者是中毒而亡 ,Either he died of suffocation or poisoning. +放帽子的原因是为了纪念死去的人吗,The reason for taking off my hat was to remember the dead? +他说这顶帽子是想让某一个人注意到,He said he wanted to catch someone's attention with that hat. +有一个小男孩为祭奠他的爷爷而哭泣,A little boy was weeping for his grandfather. +请问祭奠之人是否曾经在湖里去世?,Was the person you were offering a sacrifice to really drowned in the lake? +背包里是装的能带走湖里东西的工具,The bag was filled with tools that could be used to take things from the lake. +是因为有人拿走了帽子所以哭的吗?,Did she cry because someone took her hat away? +死去的人的死因跟帽子的主人有关吗,Did the death of the man have something to do with the owner of the hat? +甄昭容捉海龟是他跳入湖中的原因吗吗,Was it because of this that Jinniang took the sea turtle with him when he jumped into the lake? +那个哭泣的人和死去的人是爱人关系吗,Was that weeping person her lover? +帽子的主人和放帽子的人是同一个人嘛,Was the owner of the hat and the person who put it away the same person? +哭泣的人是因为和甄锐闹矛盾才哭泣的,People weep because of conflict with Zhenru. +放帽子的人和帽子的主人是同一个人吗,Was the man who put the hat on the same person who owned the hat? +背包主人到湖边是为了采取生物样本吗,Was the bagman at the lake to take biological samples? +是河边冲走人了然后留下来的帽子吗?,Was it the hat that washed away the person on the riverbank and was left behind? +帽子放在湖边是为了吸引其他人去看吗,The hat was left on the shore to attract other people to look at it. +甄郝是喜欢潜水, 发现好看的生物 ,Zhen and Hào liked scuba diving and discovered beautiful creatures. +甄郝被湖里有毒的水母蛰中,导致死亡,Zhen Hao was stung by water mussels in the lake and died. +帽子的主人 和哭泣的人是一对情侣吗,Was the owner of the hat and the weeping person a couple? +帽子的所有人刚刚死亡还是死亡很久了,The man who wore the hat had just died or had been dead for a long time. +这个安静的夜晚是帽子主人的纪念日吗,Was this peaceful night her day? +哭泣的人是因为帽子的主人死去了吗?,Was the weeping because the owner of the hat had died? +哭泣的人之所以哭是因为想到帽子主人,People cry because they think of the hat owner. +与哭泣的人离别的人是哭泣的人的朋友吗,Is the person who leaves the weeping person a friend of the weeping person? +有人故意把帽子放在湖边然后误导了死者,Someone deliberately left a hat on the shore and then killed the man. +放在石头上的帽子这是为了让别人发现吗,"The hat on the stone was put there to be discovered, right?" +哭泣的人是与哭泣的人离别的人的哥哥吗,Was the weeping person the brother of the weeping person? +哭泣的人是与哭泣的人离别的人的弟弟吗,Is the weeping person the brother of the weeping person? +小孩子把帽子放在湖边是为了救小动物吗,Was the child trying to save a small animal by putting the hat on the shore? +帽子是与哭泣的人离别的那个人的物品吗,Was the hat the one who said goodbye to the weeping person? +湖边曾经死的人对于帽子的主人很重要吗,Did the dead people on the edge of the lake matter to the hat owner? +男的在那哭是因为那是他们认识的地方吗,The man was crying because it was the place they knew. +帽子放在湖边是为了达成死者最后的意愿,The hat was left on the shore to carry out the last wish of the deceased. +甄昭容是误把湖中的海龟当成游泳圈了吗,Was Zhen's mistake that she thought the turtle was a swimming ring? +有一个小男孩在湖边为祭奠他的爷爷哭泣,A little boy was weeping at the edge of the lake for his grandfather. +小男孩把帽子放在石头人纪念死去的爷爷,The little boy put the hat on the stone man. +帽子的主人和哭泣声的主人是恋人关系吗,Was the owner of the hat and the weeping owner of the voice lovers? +有人在湖边放了帽子然后怀念帽子的主人,Someone left a hat on the shore and began to miss the owner. +哭泣的人是因为帽子的主人死了而哭泣吗,Was the weeping because the owner of the hat had died? +小男孩留下帽子是想给去世的家人的吗?,Was the boy leaving his hat because he wanted to honor his deceased relatives? +他写下纸条就是想让别人发现湖里的生物,He wrote the message on the note so that someone would find it. +故意放在湖边是为了提醒大家小心溺水?,She put it on the shore to remind people to be careful of drowning? +是因为男生的疏忽而导致他孩子去世的吗?,Was it because of the boy's neglect that his child died? +帽子的主人留下帽子是为了纪念死去的人吗,Was the owner of the hat trying to remember the dead by leaving it behind? +哭泣的原因是那个人做了对不起别人的事吗,The reason for her tears was that he had done something wrong to others? +是之前在河边有人死了,所以有人来祭奠?,Was it because someone died by the river before and people came to pay their respects? +昨天晚上有人来河边逛,看到这顶熟悉帽子,Someone came to the riverside last night and saw the familiar hat. +男孩把帽子放在湖边是为了寻找他的亲人吗,Was the boy looking for his relatives at the lake? +哭泣的人是因为帽子的主人死了所以哭泣吗,Was the weeping because the owner of the hat had died? +帽子在小男孩跟甄锐发生冲突的时候坏掉了,The hat had broken when Trinket and Zhinni had their argument. +帽子的主人留下帽子是为了纪念跳河的人吗,Was the owner of the hat trying to remember the person who had jumped into the river? +放帽子的人是因为失去了重要的人而哭吗?,Was the man crying because he had lost someone important? +与哭泣的人离别的人是被哭泣的人杀掉的嘛,The one who left the weeping person was killed by the weeping person. +小男孩为什么故意把帽子放在湖边重要吗?,Why did the boy put his hat on the shore? +哭泣的人是因为想被别人发现而留下帽子的吗,Was the weeping person really crying because she wanted to be discovered? +小孩子把破帽子放在湖边是为了买新的帽子吗,Was the child putting the broken hat on the shore to buy a new one? +小男孩的爷爷去世了,小男孩来河边纪念爷爷,"The old man's grandfather had died, and the boy came to the river to remember him." +是哭泣声主人的家人送给哭泣声主人的帽子吗,Was it the weeping sound that the mistress had sent to the weeping hat? +他要离别了,所以把帽子留在村里做纪念吗?,He left it there because he was about to leave? +是因为“它”太大所以背包主人无法带回去吗,Was it because the bag was too big that the owner couldn't take it home? +男孩把帽子放在湖边的目的是为了纪念亲人吗,The boy put the hat on the shore of the lake to remember his relatives. +帽子是小男孩从家里带过来,故意放在哪里的,"The boy had brought the hat with him from home, and he had left it in a place where no one would notice it." +帽子放在故意放在湖边是死者要求小男孩做的,"The hat was left on purpose on the shore, as the victim had instructed the boy." +小男孩来村庄是为了调查亲人死亡的真相的嘛,The little boy came to the village to investigate the truth behind his father's death. +是因为小男孩的帽子不小心被石头划坏了而哭吗,Was it because the little boy's hat had been scratched by a stone and was crying? +帽子是一个小男孩的,哭是为了祭奠死去的爷爷,"The hat was a boy's, and he was weeping because he was mourning his dead grandfather." +背包的主人是在捡湖里东西的时候掉进水里的嘛,The owner of the backpack was probably drowned when he went to pick up something in the lake. +小孩想爷爷了,看到石头以为是爷爷,所以哭泣,"The child was thinking of Granddad, and seeing the stone, thought it was Granddad, and was weeping." +甄郝下水游泳碰到了水里有毒的东西,导致死亡,"Zhen Hao swam into the water and encountered something poisonous, leading to his death." +哭泣声的主人和破旧的帽子的主人是同一个人吗,Was the weeping voice the same as the old hat? +爷爷生了很严重的病 小男孩离开是为了救爷爷,Granddad was very sick. The boy left to save Granddad. +与哭泣的人离别的人是哭泣的人的父亲或母亲吗,Is it the person who is saying goodbye to the weeping one who is the weeping one's father or mother? +小男孩把帽子放在湖边是为了告诉人们什么事情吗,Was the boy putting his hat on the shore to tell people something? +甄为了救助一个东西而进行了剧烈运动突发心脏病,Jin went out for a jog to rescue something and had a heart attack. +哭泣的人是因为知道帽子的主人要死了才哭泣的吗,Was the weeping of the person who had just lost his hat because he knew the owner was about to die? +与哭泣的人离别的人与哭泣的人之间有血缘关系吗,Does a person who weeps with a person who weeps have a blood relationship with that person? +他带孩子来湖边也就生物,但没想到他还是掉了。,"He brought the child to the lake, but it was only a matter of time before he lost her." +发出哭泣声的人和拥有破旧帽子的人是同一个人吗,Was the person weeping the same as the man with the old hat? +帽子的主人留下帽子是因为帽子是死去的人送的吗,The owner left the hat because it was given to him by the dead person? +小男孩故意把帽子就在那里,是为了让村民发现他,The boy had deliberately left his hat there so that the villagers would notice him. +小男孩晚上在河边的石头上放着爷爷帽子,思念他,The little boy put Granddad's hat on the stones by the river at night and thought about him. +帽子故意放在河边是为了让人觉得自己掉下去了吗,The hat was deliberately left on the riverbank so that people would think I had fallen in? +帽子的主人去世了,深夜有人在湖边吊念他而哭泣,"The owner of the hat had died, and at night someone wept on the shore of the lake remembering him." +小男孩爷爷去世,帽子是爷爷的,哭声是在怀念爷爷,The little boy's grandfather had died. The hat was his grandfather's. The wails were a lament for him. +帽子的主人把帽子留在石头上是为了纪念自己的朋友,The owner of the hat had left it on the stone as a memorial to his friend. +小男孩故意把帽子放在湖边是为了让村里的人发现?,The boy put his hat on the shore of the lake to attract attention from the villagers? +他不能不带回去,那个东西是因为那个东西不愿意吗?,He couldn't bring it back without it. Was it because of that thing that he didn't want to bring it back? +因为他是生物研究的,但是他并没有救下自己的孩子。,"Because he was a biologist, he had not saved his own child." +甄为了救助一个东西,而进行了剧烈运动,突发心脏病,"Jin went out for a run to rescue something, and had a heart attack." +把帽子放在湖边是想让别人认为帽子的主人已经死了吗,Was it because he wanted people to think the owner of the hat was dead that he left it on the shore? +是男生叫他的孩子在湖边等他,但是没想到他孩子掉湖了,"It was a boy calling out to him on the shore, but he didn't expect the boy to fall in the lake." +背包的主人在试图带走找到的东西的过程中不慎失足落水,The owner of the backpack nearly fell into the water while trying to take something with him. +背包被打翻是因为背包主人与他人争斗时不小心乱翻的吗,Was the backpack overturned because the owner of the backpack was fighting with someone and was fumbling for his things? +小男孩的亲人死了,到河边哭泣并带着亲人的帽子祭奠亲人,"The boy's relative had died, and he wept at the river's edge and wore the hat of the dead relative as he paid his respects." +甄加索救助搁浅在海边的海豚,剧烈运动导致心脏病发死亡,"Zhen Zhesuo saved a stranded dolphin, which caused his heart attack and death." +帽子主人的家人死了,他半夜来到湖边哭泣,并留下帽子祭奠家人,"The owner of the hat had lost his family in a car accident. He came to the lake in the middle of the night to cry, and left the hat as a tribute to his family." +他很愧疚,所以他把背包及字条,放在了湖边,想给他孩子看到。,"He felt guilty, so he put the backpack and the note on the shore, hoping she would see it." +帽子的主人死了,友人很伤心,在河边哭泣,最后将帽子留在河边,"The owner of the hat had died, and the friend was very sad. He wept by the river and left the hat there." +有人把帽子放在石头上。哭泣的人以为他认识的人掉进水里了所以哭泣,Someone laid his hat on the stone and the weeping person thought that the person he was crying for had fallen into the water. +帽子的主人因与朋友离别非常伤心在河边哭泣但帽子放在石头上忘记了,"The owner of the hat was very sad to be leaving his friend and was weeping by the river, but forgot to put it on the stone." +一个男孩的爷爷去世了,这是男孩怀念他爷爷,把他爷爷的帽子留在这里,The grandfather of a boy had just died. The boy was mourning his grandfather and left his hat here. +小男孩把帽子放在湖边是为了纪念以前去世的人 也是小男孩发出的哭声,"The boy put the hat on the shore to remember the dead, and it was also his weeping." +死者的亲人在晚上祭奠死者,哭泣,传出了阵阵哭泣声,把帽子放在了湖边,"The mourners gathered at night to pay their respects to the dead, weeping, and the sound of their weeping could be heard floating on the lake." +小男孩家人有一顶帽子,家人去世之后小男孩在河边放下帽子,哭泣怀念家人,"The little boy's family had a hat. After his family died, he put the hat on the riverbank and wept, remembering them." +小男孩把帽子放在湖边是为了让父亲看见了来接他,但小男孩不知道父亲已经死了,"The boy put his hat on the shore so that his father could see him, but he didn't know that his father was dead." +小男孩想爷爷了,带着爷爷的遗物(帽子)来到湖边祭奠爷爷,他非常难过的哭了起来,The little boy was very sad about Granddad's death and brought his hat to the lake to pay his respects. He cried bitterly. +科研人员想要以乌龟做研究,在他发现湖里乌龟时,他想要抓住乌龟 却不慎落水,最终因窒息而死,"The researchers wanted to study turtles, but when they found them in the lake, they wanted to catch them but fell in the water and died of suffocation." +是因为哭泣的人犯了什么错要受到惩罚 那个人为了保护哭泣的人选择跳湖离开 让哭泣的人免受惩罚,"It was because the one who cried had committed a sin that he was punished. The one who protected the crying person chose to jump into the lake to save him, so that the crying person would not be punished." +是小男孩的爷爷告诉小男孩在湖边的石头上放什么东西,小男孩的爷爷去世之后能够收到那个东西吗?,"Was it the old man's grandfather who told the boy to put something on the rocks by the lake, and would the old man's grandfather be able to receive the object after he died?" +当天是小男孩亲人的忌日,于是小男孩太过于思念亲人,就带了曾经的帽子去河边,并把帽子留在了河边,"It was the day of the family's dead people's birthdays, so the little boy was too sad to bear. He took his old hat to the river and left it there." +给他帽子的亲人死了,所以帽子是他很珍贵的东西,那天他坐在石头上因为离别哭泣,走之前留下帽子做祭奠,"The person who gave him the hat had died, so the hat was very dear to him. He sat on the stone because he was weeping at his friend's funeral, and left the hat as a sign of his farewell." +这天是村子里某人的忌日,他的孩子在湖边纪念他,他很难过,离开时还把死者的遗物帽子留在了湖边的石头上,"It was the day of the man's death, and his child was at the lake to remember him. He was very sad, and left the hat of the deceased on the stone at the lake's edge." +小男孩的爷爷去世了,小男孩因为想念爷爷,在爷爷教他钓鱼的湖边伤心的哭了,又把爷爷的帽子放在湖边当作祭奠,The boy's grandfather had died. The boy was so sad that he cried at the fishing lake where Granddad had taught him how to fish. He laid Granddad's hat on the lake as a tribute. +一天晚上,小男孩走在湖边,今天是他的亲人的祭日,他十分伤心,为了纪念自己的亲人,将自己的帽子放在了河边,"One night, the little boy walked along the shore of the lake. It was the day of the funeral for his family. He was very sad. To remember his family, he laid his hat on the shore." +在那个安静的夜晚一个小男孩在河边哭泣,原因是他有一个至亲身亡,小男孩为了纪念他在河边放了一顶破旧的帽子,"On that quiet night, a little boy was weeping by the river. The reason was that his beloved uncle had just died. The little boy put a broken hat on the riverbank as a memorial." +背包的主人来找他一直想要的东西,找到了却带不走,于是他写了个纸条放在这里,却不慎失足落水,他因为不会游泳溺水而亡,"The owner of the backpack came to look for something he had been wanting all along. He found it, but couldn't take it with him. So he wrote a note and left it here. But he fell into the water and drowned." +有一个小男孩,他妈妈送了他一顶帽子,他很开心。突然有一天他妈妈走了,没留下任何言语,他很伤心,在湖边哭泣,把帽子遗弃在湖边。,"One little boy had a mother who gave him a hat. He was very happy. One day, his mother left him and didn't say a word. He was very sad. He cried at the edge of the lake and left the hat on the shore." +在远离城市喧嚣的海边小屋,一天清晨,邻居发现甄加索僵卧在沙滩上,已无生命迹象。现场没有发现任何打斗的迹象。请问甄加索的死因是什么?,"In the quiet seaside cottage of a neighbor, a morning in which a body was found on the beach, the cause of death was never determined." +小男孩与爷爷从小生活在一起,爷爷经常与小男孩在湖边坐着聊天吹风,后来爷爷去世了,小男生就带着爷爷的帽子来祭拜爷爷,哭���是小男孩想起爷爷才哭,"The boy had grown up with Granddad, and they sat on the shore of the lake chatting and blowing the wind. After Granddad's death, the boy wore his hat to pay his respects." +小男孩的父亲要外出,但不能带着他,于是把他托给邻居照顾。临走前把自己的帽子送给了小男孩。小男孩很伤心,夜晚到湖边悄悄哭泣并把帽子遗弃在湖边,"The boy's father was going to leave him with a neighbor, but he couldn't take him with him. So he left the boy with a neighbor and gave him his hat. The boy was very upset and cried quietly by the lake at night, leaving the hat on the shore." +小男孩从小和爷爷生活在一起,后来去了大城市,在后来小男孩的爷爷死了,小男孩带着他爷爷送的帽子在河边纪念他爷爷 ,然后把帽子放在河边做了分别,"The boy had lived with Granddad all his life, and then, when he was grown, he had gone to the big city. When Granddad had died, the boy had taken his grandfather's hat to the river to remember him, and then had put the hat on the riverbank and said goodbye." +背包的主人是搞生物研究的人,他发现了很罕见稀有的海洋生物,但他不能带回去研究,不然这个生物就会是去价值,在试图观察的时候,脚一滑掉进了湖里,The owner of the backpack was a biologist who had discovered a rare and unusual marine creature. But he couldn't take it back with him because he would have to sell it to get the money to study it. He slipped on a patch of ice and fell into the lake. +爷爷答应小男孩等病好了一起来湖边玩,但是爷爷没好起来去世了,帽子是爷爷留下的,甄锐把帽子放在河边的石头上,帽子代替爷爷完成了和小男孩的诺言,所以小男孩哭了,"Granddad agreed to wait until he was better. But Granddad didn't recover, and he died. The hat was Granddad's. Zhen put it on the stone at the river's edge, where it stood in place of Granddad. So the little boy cried." +在一个安静的夜晚,小村庄里的一个小男孩的爷爷去世了,小男孩很伤心,他跑到湖边哭泣,并且留下了自己的帽子在湖边的石头上,他希望爷爷能够收到自己的帽子,以此寄托自己的思念之情。,"One night, in a quiet village, the grandfather of a little boy died. The little boy was very sad. He ran to the lake and wept. He left his hat on the stone at the lake's edge, hoping that his grandfather would receive it and be able to comfort him." +在一个安静的夜晚,小村庄的湖边突然传来了阵阵哭泣声。第二天早晨,村长甄锐发现湖边的石头上放着一顶破旧的帽子,但没有人知道这顶帽子是从哪里来的,哭泣声又是为何。请还原故事真相。,"One night, in a quiet village, a weeping sound could be heard coming from the edge of the village lake. The next morning, the village chairman, Zheng Rui, found a broken hat on the shore. But no one knew where it came from or why it was weeping." +湖边发生了一起奇怪的事件,正在散步的甄昭容突然跳入湖中,但他并不会游泳。幸运的是,甄昭容被及时救起,没有发生意外。然而,他拒绝解释跳湖的原因,只是满脸困惑。请问甄昭容跳湖的原因?,"A strange incident occurred on the edge of the lake. While walking, Zhuan Shangrong suddenly jumped into the lake. He didn't know how to swim, but he was saved in time and no one was injured. However, he refused to explain the reason for his jump, only looking confused. What was the reason for his jump?" +这顶帽子属于一个小男孩的。小男孩小时候和爷爷一起生活,爷爷教他钓鱼游泳,后来小男孩长大了回到城市和父母生活。去年小男孩的爷爷去世了,今年小男孩回到村庄想起爷爷非常伤心,就把爷爷送他的帽子放在河边祭奠爷爷,"The hat belonged to a little boy. The boy lived with Granddad when he was young, and Granddad taught him how to fish and swim. Then the boy grew up and moved to the city with his parents. Last year Granddad died, and this year the boy returned to the village to remember Granddad. He put the hat he gave Granddad on the riverbank to honor him." +一个宁静的午后,湖边突然传来了惊叫声。人们跑过去发现,湖边石头上静静躺着一个打翻的背包和一张奇怪的纸条。纸条上写着:“它就在这里,但我无法带它回去。”人们搜寻了周围,但什么也没有发现,背包的主人也不知所踪。,"A peaceful afternoon, a loud scream suddenly came from the edge of the lake. People rushed over to find a disheveled backpack and a strange note. The note read, 'It's here, but I can't bring it back.' People searched around, but found nothing. The backpack's owner was nowhere to be found." +一个宁静的夏日午后,湖边突然传来一声惊呼。人们跑过去查看,发现一名男子面朝下漂浮在湖面上,已经没有了呼吸。警方调查后发现,死者甄郝身上并无明显伤痕,现场���没有挣扎的迹象。那么,究竟是什么原因导致了甄郝的死亡?,"One peaceful summer afternoon, a loud cry was heard coming from the shore. People rushed over to investigate. They found a man floating face down in the lake, dead. The police investigated and found that there were no obvious signs of injury on the body of the victim, and no signs of struggle either. So, what was the cause of death?" +真相揭晓,原来甄昭容在湖边散步时,看到湖面上有一个奇怪的影子。他误以为是一只巨大的海龟,心想:“这么大的海龟,一定能卖个好价钱!”在金钱的诱惑下,甄昭容一时冲动跳入湖中,想要捕捉这只“海龟”。然而,当他跳入水中后,却发现那只是一个漂浮在湖面上的大树干,让他哭笑不得。,"The truth was revealed. It turned out that during her walk along the shore of the lake, Jinn had seen a strange shadow on the water. He thought it was a huge turtle, and he was thinking, 'Such a huge turtle must be worth a lot of money!' The money was so tempting that Jinn jumped into the water in a moment of impulsive desire. But when he jumped into the water, he found that it was only a floating tree trunk, which made him laugh and cry." +原来,甄郝是一名生物学家,他在湖边研究一种罕见的湖底生物。在潜水观察时,他发现了一种奇特的生物——一种会释放神经毒素的水母。这种水母的毒素可以使人在短时间内瘫痪,甚至死亡。不幸的是,在甄郝观察这种水母时,不慎被水母的触手缠绕,毒素侵入他的体内,导致他窒息而死。而这一切,都在湖边静静地发生了,无人知晓。,"It turned out that Zhen Hào was a biologist. He studied a rare aquatic creature that lived in the bottom of the lake. When he went diving to observe it, he discovered a strange creature— one that released neurotoxins. This neurotoxin paralyzed people in a matter of minutes, even killing them. Unfortunately, while studying this creature, he was accidentally wrapped in the tentacle of a water plant, and the neurotoxin entered his body, causing him to suffocate and die. All of this happened right in front of him, and no one knew about it." +原来,这顶破旧的帽子属于一个小男孩,他小时候与爷爷在湖边生活。爷爷教他钓鱼、游泳,还告诉他湖中的海龟是他们的朋友。后来,小男孩随父母去了城市生活,但每年夏天都会回到村子探望爷爷。然而,去年夏天,爷爷因病去世,小男孩伤心欲绝。今年夏天,他回到村子,来到湖边,想起和爷爷的美好回忆,忍不住哭泣。他将爷爷的帽子放在湖边的石头上,希望能让爷爷的在天之灵得到安慰。那晚的哭泣声正是小男孩在祭莫他亲爱的爷爷。,"It turned out that the old hat belonged to a little boy who used to live with Granddad on the shore of the lake. Granddad taught him how to fish and swim, and told him that the turtles in the lake were their friends. When the boy's parents moved to the city, he would visit Granddad every summer. But last year, Granddad died of a stroke. The boy was heartbroken. This year, he returned to the village and came to the shore of the lake, where he remembered all the wonderful times he had with Granddad. He couldn't help crying. He placed the hat on the stone and hoped that Granddad's spirit would be comforted. That night's tears were the boy's in memory of his dear grandfather." +原来,湖边是一个学校的生物研究小组经常进行野外考察的地方。背包的主人是一位对湖中生物充满好奇的学生。他在湖边发现了一只稀有的湖龟,但由于湖龟属于保护动物,他无法私自将其带回去。他在纸条上记录了自己的发现,并准备将这个消息告诉他的研究小组。然而,在他离开去寻找同组的伙伴时,不小心滑入湖中,因不会游泳而遭遇了不幸。而湖龟在他跌入水中时受到了惊吓,悄悄潜入了湖中深处。那张纸条和打翻的背包成为了这个谜团的唯一线索。 ,"It turned out that the backpack belonged to a student who was fascinated by the creatures in the lake. He found a rare lake turtle on the shore and decided to take it home. However, he was unable to take it with him because turtles are protected animals. He wrote down his discovery on a piece of paper and planned to tell his research group. But when he left to look for his research partner, he slipped into the lake and drowned. The turtle, frightened by the noise, swam into the depths of the lake. The piece of paper and the overturned backpack were the only clues to the mystery." +甄加索是一位热爱自然的画家,他每年都会来到这个海边小屋寻找灵感。在他生命的最后几天,他一直在创作一幅描绘海洋生物的画作。在画即将完成的前一天晚上,他骑着自行车外出,打算在海边观赏夜景。然而,他在沙滩上意外发现了一只搁浅的海豚,为了救助这只海豚��他耗费了极大的体力,最终成功将其送回海中。筋疲力尽的甄加索在沙滩上睡着了,由于他患有严重的心脏病,却未告知旁人,在寒冷的海风中,他的心脏停止了跳动。因此,警方在现场只发现了车轮痕迹和未完成的画作,而没有发现任何他杀的迹象。,"Zhen Zhesao was a nature-loving painter who came to this coastal cottage every year to find inspiration. In his final days, he was working on a painting of marine life. The day before the painting was finished, he went out on his bike to watch the night scene at the beach. However, he found a stranded dolphin on the beach and spent a lot of energy trying to rescue it. Exhausted, he fell asleep on the beach, having a heart condition that was so severe that he didn't tell anyone about it. The only evidence of his death was the tire tracks and the unfinished painting."