import os import re import math import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as mtick import seaborn as sns import nltk import evaluate meteor = evaluate.load("meteor") print(f"loading: {__file__}") # final version pattern_excessive_whitespaces = re.compile(r"\s{5,}") pattern_text_repetitions = re.compile(r"(.{5}.*)\s*((\1)\s*)+", re.M | re.DOTALL) def del_excessive_whitespaces(text, debug=False): count = 0 if isinstance(text, str): if debug: print("----detect excessive whitespaces----") count = len(text) text = pattern_excessive_whitespaces.sub("", text) count -= len(text) if debug and count: print(f"removed excessive whitespaces: {count}") return text, count # final version for repetition detection def detect_text_repetitions(text, debug=False): count = 0 if isinstance(text, str): if debug: print("----detect text repetitions----") matches = pattern_text_repetitions.finditer(text) for match in matches: if debug: print(match) for groupNum in range(0, len(match.groups())): groupNum = groupNum + 1 print( "Group {groupNum} found at {start}-{end}: `{group}`".format( groupNum=groupNum, start=match.start(groupNum), end=match.end(groupNum),, ) ) start, end = match.span() count += end - start return count def detect_repetitions(text, debug=False): text, count_excessive_whitespaces = del_excessive_whitespaces(text, debug=debug) count_text_repetitions = detect_text_repetitions(text, debug=debug) total_repetitions = count_excessive_whitespaces + count_text_repetitions result = (count_excessive_whitespaces, count_text_repetitions, total_repetitions) if debug: print(result) return result def detect_scores(text, debug=False): newline_score, repetition_score, total_repetitions = detect_repetitions( text, debug=debug ) return pd.Series([newline_score, repetition_score, total_repetitions]) def load_with_newline_and_repetition_scores(result_file, force_recalculate=False): print(f"loading result file: {result_file}") df = pd.read_csv(result_file, comment="#", on_bad_lines="warn") if ( force_recalculate or "newline_score" not in df.columns or "repetition_score" not in df.columns or "total_repetitions" not in df.columns ): df[["newline_score", "repetition_score", "total_repetitions"]] = df[ "answer" ].apply(detect_scores) df.to_csv(result_file, index=False) return df def replace_last(source_string, old_string, new_string): head, _sep, tail = source_string.rpartition(old_string) return head + new_string + tail def load_for_repetition_penalty( csv_result_file, repetition_penalty, force_recalculate=False ): result_file = replace_last( csv_result_file, ".csv", f"_RP_{repetition_penalty:.3f}.csv" ) return load_with_newline_and_repetition_scores( result_file, force_recalculate=force_recalculate ) def calc_adjusted_performance(f, r): return f / math.log10(10 + r) def calculate_adjusted_performance(row): r = row["total_repetitions"] adjusted_precision = calc_adjusted_performance(row["precision"], r) adjusted_recall = calc_adjusted_performance(row["recall"], r) return pd.Series([adjusted_precision, adjusted_recall]) def load_performance_df(csv_result_file, repetition_penalty): result_file = replace_last( csv_result_file, ".csv", f"_RP_{repetition_penalty:.3f}-t2_evaluated.json" ) result_file = result_file.replace("/results/", "/eval/") print(f"loading json file: {result_file}") df = pd.read_json(result_file) return df def calculate_performance_score_v1( csv_result_file, repetition_penalty, force_recalculate=False ): result_file = replace_last( csv_result_file, ".csv", f"_RP_{repetition_penalty:.3f}.csv" ) print(f"loading result file: {result_file}") df = pd.read_csv(result_file, comment="#", on_bad_lines="warn") if force_recalculate or "f2" in df.columns or "f1" not in df.columns: df.drop( columns=[ "precision", "recall", "f1", "f2", "entities_in_answer", "entities_in_question", ], errors="ignore", inplace=True, ) perf_df = load_performance_df(csv_result_file, repetition_penalty) filtered_df = perf_df[perf_df["id"].isin(df["id"])] perf_df = filtered_df.reset_index(drop=True) print(f"perf_df len: {len(perf_df)}") # print(perf_df.head()) df["eval_gemini_1.0_pro"] = perf_df["eval_gemini_1.0_pro"] df["precision"] = perf_df["score"].apply(lambda x: x[0]) df["recall"] = perf_df["score"].apply(lambda x: x[1]) df["f1"] = perf_df["score"].apply(lambda x: x[2]) df[["adjusted_precision", "adjusted_recall"]] = df.apply( calculate_adjusted_performance, axis=1 ) df.to_csv(result_file, index=False) print(f"performance scores saved to result file: {result_file}") print(f"df len: {len(df)}") return df ref_df = pd.read_csv( "./data/results/gpt-3.5-turbo_non_rag.csv", comment="#", on_bad_lines="warn" ) def calculate_performance_score( csv_result_file, repetition_penalty, force_recalculate=False ): result_file = replace_last( csv_result_file, ".csv", f"_RP_{repetition_penalty:.3f}.csv" ) re_creating = False if os.path.exists(result_file): print(f"loading result file: {result_file}") df = pd.read_csv(result_file, comment="#", on_bad_lines="warn") else: print(f"re-creating result file: {result_file}") df = pd.DataFrame() force_recalculate = True if force_recalculate or "f2" in df.columns or "f1" not in df.columns: df.drop( columns=[ "precision", "recall", "f1", "f2", "entities_in_answer", "entities_in_question", "word_count", ], errors="ignore", inplace=True, ) perf_df = load_performance_df(csv_result_file, repetition_penalty) filtered_df = perf_df[perf_df["id"].isin(ref_df["id"])] perf_df = filtered_df.reset_index(drop=True) print(f"perf_df len: {len(perf_df)}") if len(perf_df) != len(ref_df): print(f"error: len(perf_df) != {len(ref_df)}") missing_ids = [ id for id in ref_df["id"].unique() if id not in perf_df["id"].unique() ] print(f"missing_ids: {missing_ids}") # print(perf_df.head()) df["id"] = perf_df["id"] df["question"] = perf_df["question"] df["answer"] = perf_df["pred_answer"] df["word_count"] = df["answer"].apply( lambda x: len(nltk.word_tokenize(x)) if isinstance(x, str) else 0 ) df["ground_truth"] = perf_df["ground_truth"] df[["newline_score", "repetition_score", "total_repetitions"]] = df[ "answer" ].apply(detect_scores) df["eval_gemini_1.0_pro"] = perf_df["eval_gemini_1.0_pro"] df["precision"] = perf_df["score"].apply(lambda x: x[0]) df["recall"] = perf_df["score"].apply(lambda x: x[1]) df["f1"] = perf_df["score"].apply(lambda x: x[2]) df[["adjusted_precision", "adjusted_recall"]] = df.apply( calculate_adjusted_performance, axis=1 ) df.to_csv(result_file, index=False) print(f"performance scores saved to result file: {result_file}") print(f"df len: {len(df)}") return df def adjust_perf_scores_with_repetition_penalty(result, precision, recall): newline_score = [ df["newline_score"].mean() for df in result["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] repetition_score = [ df["repetition_score"].mean() for df in result["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] precision = [ f / math.log10(10 + n + r) for f, n, r in zip(precision, newline_score, repetition_score) ] recall = [ f / math.log10(10 + n + r) for f, n, r in zip(recall, newline_score, repetition_score) ] return precision, recall def plot_performance_scores( result, models=None, title="Performance", ): if models is None: models = result.keys() for model in models: print(f"model: {model}") df = result[model]["df_overall"] # Calculate the statistics precision = [ df["precision"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] recall = [ df["recall"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] f1 = [2 * (p * r) / (p + r) for p, r in zip(precision, recall)] best_f1 = max(f1) best_f1_index = f1.index(best_f1) precision, recall = adjust_perf_scores_with_repetition_penalty( result[model], precision, recall ) afrp = [2 * (p * r) / (p + r) for p, r in zip(precision, recall)] # f1 = [df["f1"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"]] best_afrp = max(afrp) best_afrp_index = afrp.index(best_afrp) adjusted_precision = [ df["adjusted_precision"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] adjusted_recall = [ df["adjusted_recall"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] afrp2 = [ 2 * (p * r) / (p + r) for p, r in zip(adjusted_precision, adjusted_recall) ] best_afrp2 = max(afrp2) best_afrp2_index = afrp2.index(best_afrp2) repetition_penalties = list(df["repetition_penalty"]) # line plot for precision, recall, f1 plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.axvspan( repetition_penalties[best_f1_index] - 0.01, repetition_penalties[best_f1_index] + 0.01, alpha=0.5, edgecolor="none", facecolor="blue", ) # plt.axvspan( # repetition_penalties[best_afrp2_index] - 0.01, # repetition_penalties[best_afrp2_index] + 0.01, # alpha=0.5, # edgecolor="none", # facecolor="green", # ) plt.axvspan( repetition_penalties[best_afrp_index] - 0.01, repetition_penalties[best_afrp_index] + 0.01, alpha=0.5, edgecolor="none", facecolor="orange", ) plt.plot(repetition_penalties, f1, label="F1", marker="D", color="blue") # plt.plot( # repetition_penalties, # afrp2, # label="Per-question RAP - F1", # marker="s", # color="green", # ) plt.plot( repetition_penalties, afrp, label="RAP - F1", marker="o", color="orange", ) plt.xlabel("Repetition Penalties") plt.ylabel("Score") # plt.xlim(0.99, 1.31) # y in percentage plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.PercentFormatter(1.0)) plt.title(f"{model} {title}") plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5), loc="center left") def plot_best_afrp( result, models=None, title="Models with Best RAP - F1", ref_result=None, ): # Initialize lists to store the statistics model_names = [] best_f1 = [] best_afrp = [] best_repetition_penalty = [] best_mtr = [] if models is None: models = result.keys() for model in models: print(f"model: {model}") df = result[model]["df_overall"] # Calculate the statistics precision = [ df["precision"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] recall = [ df["recall"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] # f1 = [df["f1"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"]] f1 = [2 * (p * r) / (p + r) for p, r in zip(precision, recall)] newline_score = [ df["newline_score"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] # print(f"newline_score: {newline_score}") repetition_score = [ df["repetition_score"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] # print(f"repetition_score: {repetition_score}") afrp = [ f / math.log10(10 + n + r) for f, n, r in zip(f1, newline_score, repetition_score) ] best_afrp.append(max(afrp)) best_afrp_index = afrp.index(best_afrp[-1]) best_repetition_penalty.append(df["repetition_penalty"][best_afrp_index]) best_f1.append(f1[best_afrp_index]) best_mtr.append( newline_score[best_afrp_index] + repetition_score[best_afrp_index] ) # print( # f"best repetition penalty: {best_repetition_penalty[-1]}, best afrp: {best_afrp[-1]}, f1: {best_f1[-1]}" # ) df = result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"][best_afrp_index] model_names.append( f"{model} (RP={best_repetition_penalty[-1]})" ) # Add the model name to the list if ref_result is not None: print("ref_result:", ref_result) for model in ref_result.keys(): model_names.append(model) df = pd.read_csv(ref_result[model]) # df = df[df["id"].isin(wikidata_df["id"])] p = df["precision"].mean() r = df["recall"].mean() f1 = 2 * p * r / (p + r) if p + r > 0 else 0 best_f1.append(f1) best_afrp.append(f1) best_mtr.append(0) print("model_names:", model_names) # print("best_f1:", best_f1) # print("best_afrp:", best_afrp) # Create a DataFrame with the statistics data = pd.DataFrame( { "Model": model_names, "RAP - F1": best_afrp, "F1": best_f1, } ) # Melt the DataFrame to a long format data_melted = data.melt(id_vars="Model", var_name="Metric", value_name="Score") # Pivot the DataFrame to a wide format data_pivoted = data_melted.pivot(index="Metric", columns="Model", values="Score") # make sure the columns are following the order of the models data_pivoted = data_pivoted[model_names] # make sure three groups in the order of precision, recall, f1 data_pivoted = data_pivoted.reindex(["RAP - F1", "F1"]) # Plot the statistics plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6)) ax = data_pivoted.plot(kind="bar", ax=plt.gca(), width=0.9) plt.title(title) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5), loc="center left") # Set the rotation of the x-axis labels to 0 degrees plt.xticks(rotation=0) # Format the y-axis to display as percentage ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.PercentFormatter(1.0)) # get the max value of the y-axis a1 = max(best_afrp) a2 = max(best_f1) max_value = max([a1, a2]) * 1.12 print("max_value:", max_value) # Set the y-axis limit up to 70% ax.set_ylim(0, max_value) # Add the values above each bar for p in ax.patches: ax.annotate( f"{p.get_height() * 100:.1f}", (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2.0, p.get_height()), ha="center", va="bottom", xytext=(0, 10), textcoords="offset points", rotation=90, ) return data_pivoted, best_mtr def plot_best_performance( result, models=None, title="Models with Best F1 Score", adjusted_f1=False, ref_result=None, ): # Initialize lists to store the statistics model_names = [] best_precision = [] best_recall = [] best_f1 = [] best_repetition_penalty = [] best_mtr = [] if models is None: models = result.keys() for model in models: print(f"model: {model}") df = result[model]["df_overall"] # Calculate the statistics precision = [ df["precision"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] recall = [ df["recall"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] newline_score = [ df["newline_score"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] repetition_score = [ df["repetition_score"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] if adjusted_f1: precision, recall = adjust_perf_scores_with_repetition_penalty( result[model], precision, recall ) # f1 = [df["f1"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"]] f1 = [2 * (p * r) / (p + r) for p, r in zip(precision, recall)] best_f1.append(max(f1)) best_f1_index = f1.index(best_f1[-1]) best_repetition_penalty.append(df["repetition_penalty"][best_f1_index]) best_precision.append(precision[best_f1_index]) best_recall.append(recall[best_f1_index]) best_mtr.append(newline_score[best_f1_index] + repetition_score[best_f1_index]) print( f"best repetition penalty: {best_repetition_penalty[-1]}, best f1: {best_f1[-1]}, precision: {best_precision[-1]}, recall: {best_recall[-1]}" ) df = result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"][best_f1_index] model_names.append( f"{model} (RP={best_repetition_penalty[-1]})" ) # Add the model name to the list # print sum for columns: newline_score, repetition_score print( f"newline_score: {df['newline_score'].sum()}, repetition_score: {df['repetition_score'].sum()}" ) if ref_result is not None: print("ref_result:", ref_result) for model in ref_result.keys(): model_names.append(model) df = pd.read_csv(ref_result[model]) # df = df[df["id"].isin(wikidata_df["id"])] best_precision.append(df["precision"].mean()) best_recall.append(df["recall"].mean()) f1 = ( 2 * (best_precision[-1] * best_recall[-1]) / (best_precision[-1] + best_recall[-1]) ) # best_f1.append(df["f1"].mean()) best_f1.append(f1) best_mtr.append(0) # Create a DataFrame with the statistics data = ( pd.DataFrame( { "Model": model_names, "Adjusted Precision with RP": best_precision, "Adjusted Recall with RP": best_recall, "Adjusted F1 with RP": best_f1, } ) if adjusted_f1 else pd.DataFrame( { "Model": model_names, "Precision": best_precision, "Recall": best_recall, "F1": best_f1, } ) ) columns = list(data.columns) # Melt the DataFrame to a long format data_melted = data.melt(id_vars="Model", var_name="Metric", value_name="Score") # Pivot the DataFrame to a wide format data_pivoted = data_melted.pivot(index="Metric", columns="Model", values="Score") # make sure the columns are following the order of the models data_pivoted = data_pivoted[model_names] # make sure three groups in the order of precision, recall, f1 data_pivoted = data_pivoted.reindex(columns[1:]) # Plot the statistics plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) ax = data_pivoted.plot(kind="bar", ax=plt.gca(), width=0.9) plt.title(title) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5), loc="center left") # Set the rotation of the x-axis labels to 0 degrees plt.xticks(rotation=0) # Format the y-axis to display as percentage ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.PercentFormatter(1.0)) # get the max value of the y-axis a1 = max(best_precision) a2 = max(best_recall) a3 = max(best_f1) max_value = max([a1, a2, a3]) * 1.12 print("max_value:", max_value) # Set the y-axis limit up to 70% ax.set_ylim(0, max_value) # Add the values above each bar for p in ax.patches: ax.annotate( f"{p.get_height() * 100:.1f}", (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2.0, p.get_height()), ha="center", va="bottom", xytext=(0, 10), textcoords="offset points", rotation=90, ) return data_pivoted, best_mtr def plot_best_performance_ms_macro( result, models=None, title="Models with Best RAP - Performance", ref_result=None, skip_generic_prompt=False, include_adjusted_performance=True, ): # Initialize lists to store the statistics model_names = [] best_f1 = [] best_afrp = [] best_repetition_penalty = [] best_bleu1 = [] best_rougeL = [] best_mtr = [] if models is None: models = result.keys() for model in models: if skip_generic_prompt and "generic prompt" in model: continue print(f"model: {model}") df = result[model]["df_overall"] # Calculate the statistics bleu1 = [x for x in df["bleu1"]] rougeL = [x for x in df["rougeL"]] f1 = [2 * (p * r) / (p + r) for p, r in zip(bleu1, rougeL)] newline_score = [ df["newline_score"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] # print(f"newline_score: {newline_score}") repetition_score = [ df["repetition_score"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] # print(f"repetition_score: {repetition_score}") afrp = [ f / math.log10(10 + n + r) for f, n, r in zip(f1, newline_score, repetition_score) ] best_afrp.append(max(afrp if include_adjusted_performance else f1)) best_afrp_index = ( afrp.index(best_afrp[-1]) if include_adjusted_performance else f1.index(best_afrp[-1]) ) best_repetition_penalty.append(df["repetition_penalty"][best_afrp_index]) best_f1.append(f1[best_afrp_index]) best_bleu1.append(bleu1[best_afrp_index]) best_rougeL.append(rougeL[best_afrp_index]) best_mtr.append( newline_score[best_afrp_index] + repetition_score[best_afrp_index] ) # print( # f"best repetition penalty: {best_repetition_penalty[-1]}, best afrp: {best_afrp[-1]}, f1: {best_f1[-1]}" # ) df = result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"][best_afrp_index] model_names.append( f"{model} (RP={best_repetition_penalty[-1]})" ) # Add the model name to the list if ref_result is not None: print("ref_result:", ref_result) for model in ref_result.keys(): model_names.append(model) df = pd.read_csv(ref_result[model], comment="#", on_bad_lines="warn") # df = df[df["id"].isin(wikidata_df["id"])] p = df["bleu1"][0] best_bleu1.append(p) r = df["rougeL"][0] best_rougeL.append(r) f1 = 2 * p * r / (p + r) if p + r > 0 else 0 best_f1.append(f1) best_afrp.append(f1) best_mtr.append(0) # print("model_names:", model_names) # print("best_f1:", best_f1) # print("best_afrp:", best_afrp) # Create a DataFrame with the statistics data = ( pd.DataFrame( { "Model": model_names, "RAP - Perf Score": best_afrp, "Overall Perf Score": best_f1, } ) if include_adjusted_performance else pd.DataFrame( { "Model": model_names, "Bleu-1": best_bleu1, "Rouge-L": best_rougeL, "Overall Perf Score": best_f1, } ) ) # Melt the DataFrame to a long format data_melted = data.melt(id_vars="Model", var_name="Metric", value_name="Score") # Pivot the DataFrame to a wide format data_pivoted = data_melted.pivot(index="Metric", columns="Model", values="Score") # make sure the columns are following the order of the models data_pivoted = data_pivoted[model_names] columns = list(data.columns) data_pivoted = data_pivoted.reindex(columns[1:]) # Plot the statistics plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) ax = data_pivoted.plot(kind="bar", ax=plt.gca(), width=0.9) plt.title(title) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5), loc="center left") # Set the rotation of the x-axis labels to 0 degrees plt.xticks(rotation=0) # Format the y-axis to display as percentage ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.PercentFormatter(1.0)) # get the max value of the y-axis a1 = max(best_afrp) a2 = max(best_f1) a3 = max(best_bleu1) a4 = max(best_rougeL) max_value = ( max([a1, a2] if include_adjusted_performance else [a1, a2, a3, a4]) * 1.12 ) print("max_value:", max_value) # Set the y-axis limit up to 70% ax.set_ylim(0, max_value) # Add the values above each bar for p in ax.patches: ax.annotate( f"{p.get_height() * 100:.1f}", (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2.0, p.get_height()), ha="center", va="bottom", xytext=(0, 10), textcoords="offset points", rotation=90, ) return data_pivoted, best_mtr all_open_source_models = [ "gemma-1.1-2b-it", "Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct", "gemma-1.1-7b-it", "Llama-2-7b-chat-hf", "Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2", "Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct", "Llama-2-13b-chat-hf", "Llama-2-70b-chat-hf", "Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct", ] non_rag_csv_result_files = [ "./data/results/gemma-1.1-2b-it_wd_non_rag.csv", # gemma-1.1-2b-it "./data/results/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct_wd_non_rag_batch_16.csv", # Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct(batch size:16) "./data/results/gemma-1.1-7b-it_wd_non_rag.csv", # gemma-1.1-7b-it "./data/results/Tune_2024-04-09_09-19-22.csv", # Llama-2-7b-chat-hf "./data/results/Tune_2024-04-16_12-24-27.csv.csv", # Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 "./data/results/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct_wd_non_rag.csv", # Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct "./data/results/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct_wd_1_non_rag.csv", # Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct "./data/results/Tune_2024-04-10_16-53-38.csv", # Llama-2-13b-chat-hf "./data/results/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf_wd_non_rag.csv", # Llama-2-70b-chat-hf "./data/results/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct_wd_non_rag.csv", # Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct ] rag_csv_result_files = [ "./data/results/gemma-1.1-2b-it_wd.csv", # gemma-1.1-2b-it "./data/results/gemma-1.1-2b-it_wd_true.csv", # gemma-1.1-2b-it(true) "./data/results/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct_wd_rag_batch_4.csv", # Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct(batch size:16) "./data/results/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct_wd_true.csv", # Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct(batch size:16) "./data/results/gemma-1.1-7b-it_wd.csv", # gemma-1.1-7b-it "./data/results/gemma-1.1-7b-it_wd_true.csv", # gemma-1.1-7b-it(true) "./data/results/Tune_2024-03-20_15-35-37.csv", # Llama-2-7b-chat-hf "./data/results/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf_wd_true.csv", # Llama-2-7b-chat-hf(true) "./data/results/Tune_2024-03-29_11-28-20.csv", # Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 "./data/results/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2_wd_true.csv", # Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2(true) "./data/results/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct_wd.csv", # Meta-Llama-3-8b-instruct "./data/results/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct_wd_true.csv", # Meta-Llama-3-8b-instruct(true) "./data/results/Tune_2024-03-25_23-32-57.csv", # Llama-2-13b-chat-hf "./data/results/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf_wd_true.csv", # Llama-2-13b-chat-hf(true) "./data/results/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf_wd.csv", # Llama-2-70b-chat-hf "./data/results/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf_wd_true.csv", # Llama-2-70b-chat-hf "./data/results/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct_wd.csv", # Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct "./data/results/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct_wd_true.csv", # Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct(true) ] df_ms_macro = pd.read_json("./data/datasets/ms_macro.json") def load_for_repetition_penalty_ms_macro( csv_result_file, repetition_penalty, force_recalculate=False ): result_file = replace_last( csv_result_file, ".csv", f"_RP_{repetition_penalty:.3f}.csv" ) df = load_with_newline_and_repetition_scores( result_file, force_recalculate=force_recalculate ) if len(df) != len(df_ms_macro): print(f"error: len(df) != {len(df_ms_macro)}") missing_ids = [ id for id in df_ms_macro["id"].unique() if id not in df["id"].unique() ] print(f"missing_ids: {missing_ids}") if df["ground_truth"][0] != str(df_ms_macro["wellFormedAnswers"][0]): df["ground_truth"] = df_ms_macro["wellFormedAnswers"] print("ground_truth updated for:", result_file) df.to_csv(result_file, index=False) return df # MS MACRO def plot_performance_scores_ms_macro( result, models=None, title="Performance", ): if models is None: models = result.keys() for model in models: print(f"model: {model}") df = result[model]["df_overall"] # print(result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"][0].describe()) # Calculate the statistics bleu1 = list(df["bleu1"]) rougeL = list(df["rougeL"]) f1 = [2 * (p * r) / (p + r) for p, r in zip(bleu1, rougeL)] best_f1 = max(f1) best_f1_index = f1.index(best_f1) bleu1, rougeL = adjust_perf_scores_with_repetition_penalty( result[model], bleu1, rougeL ) afrp = [2 * (p * r) / (p + r) for p, r in zip(bleu1, rougeL)] # f1 = [df["f1"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"]] best_afrp = max(afrp) best_afrp_index = afrp.index(best_afrp) repetition_penalties = list(df["repetition_penalty"]) # line plot for precision, recall, f1 plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.axvspan( repetition_penalties[best_f1_index] - 0.01, repetition_penalties[best_f1_index] + 0.01, alpha=0.5, edgecolor="none", facecolor="blue", ) plt.axvspan( repetition_penalties[best_afrp_index] - 0.01, repetition_penalties[best_afrp_index] + 0.01, alpha=0.5, edgecolor="none", facecolor="orange", ) plt.plot( repetition_penalties, f1, label="Overall Perf Score", marker="D", color="blue", ) plt.plot( repetition_penalties, afrp, label="RAP - Perf Score", marker="o", color="orange", ) plt.xlabel("Repetition Penalties") plt.ylabel("Score") # plt.xlim(0.99, 1.31) # y in percentage plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.PercentFormatter(1.0)) plt.title(f"{model} {title}") plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5), loc="center left") def plot_repetition_factors(result, groups): for group in groups: # Plot the statistics plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) max_value = 0 for model in result.keys(): if not group in model.lower(): continue print(f"model: {model}") df = result[model]["df_overall"] repetition_panelties = [ repetition_penalty for repetition_penalty in df["repetition_penalty"] ] mean_score = [ # math.log10(10 + df["total_repetitions"].mean()) df["total_repetitions"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] sns.lineplot(x=repetition_panelties, y=mean_score, label=model) new_max = max(mean_score) if new_max > max_value: max_value = new_max max_value = max_value * 1.05 # if max_value < 1.5: # max_value = 1.5 # set ylimit plt.ylim(0, max_value) # show grid plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel("Repetition Penalties") plt.ylabel("Mean Total Repetitions") plt.title("Mean Total Repetitions vs Repetition Penalties") plt.legend() def plot_repetition_factors_by_group(result, group_filter=None): markers = ["D", "o", "s", "x"] colors = ["blue", "orange", "green", "red"] # Plot the statistics plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) index = 0 max_value = 0 for model in result.keys(): if group_filter is not None and group_filter not in model: continue print(f"model: {model}") df = result[model]["df_overall"] repetition_panelties = [ repetition_penalty for repetition_penalty in df["repetition_penalty"] ] # Calculate the statistics mean_score = [ # math.log10(10 + df["total_repetitions"].mean()) df["total_repetitions"].mean() for df in result[model]["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] if len(mean_score) != len(repetition_panelties): print( f"model: {model} has different length of repetition penalties and mean score" ) print("repetition_panelties:", len(repetition_panelties)) print("mean_score:", len(mean_score)) continue new_max = max(mean_score) if new_max > max_value: max_value = new_max sns.lineplot( x=repetition_panelties, y=mean_score, label=model, marker=markers[index], color=colors[index], ) index += 1 max_value = max_value * 1.05 # if max_value < 1.5: # max_value = 1.5 # set ylimit plt.ylim(0, max_value) max_value = 0 plt.xlabel("Repetition Penalties") plt.ylabel("Mean Total Repetitions") plt.title("Mean Total Repetitions vs Repetition Penalties") plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5), loc="center left") ms_marco_csv_result_files = [ "data/results/gemma-1.1-2b-it_mm_true_false.csv", "data/results/gemma-1.1-2b-it_mm_true.csv", "data/results/gemma-1.1-2b-it_mm_true_false_non_rag.csv", "data/results/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct_mm_false.csv", "data/results/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct_mm_true.csv", "data/results/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct_mm_non_rag.csv", "data/results/gemma-1.1-7b-it_mm_false.csv", "data/results/gemma-1.1-7b-it_mm_true.csv", "data/results/gemma-1.1-7b-it_mm_non_rag.csv", "data/results/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf_mm_true_false.csv", "data/results/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf_mm_true.csv", "data/results/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf_mm_true_false_non_rag.csv", "data/results/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2_mm_false.csv", "data/results/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2_mm_true.csv", "data/results/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2_mm_non_rag.csv", "data/results/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct_mm_true_false.csv", "data/results/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct_mm_true.csv", "data/results/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct_mm_true_false_non_rag.csv", "data/results/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf_mm_false.csv", "data/results/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf_mm_true.csv", "data/results/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf_mm_non_rag.csv", "data/results/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf_mm_false.csv", "data/results/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf_mm_true.csv", "data/results/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf_mm_non_rag.csv", "data/results/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct_mm_false.csv", "data/results/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct_mm_true.csv", "data/results/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct_mm_non_rag.csv", ] webqsp_csv_result_files = [] webqsp_model_result_counts = {} def find_model_name(file_path): df = pd.read_csv(file_path, comment="#", on_bad_lines="warn") return df["model"][0] def add_file(file): model_name = find_model_name(file) if "(generic prompt)" not in model_name: webqsp_csv_result_files.append(file) if model_name not in webqsp_model_result_counts: webqsp_model_result_counts[model_name] = 1 else: webqsp_model_result_counts[model_name] += 1 last_model_name = None non_rag_index = 0 for csv_result_file in rag_csv_result_files: try: model_name = find_model_name(csv_result_file) # print(f"processing model: {model_name} - {csv_result_file}") if last_model_name != model_name and last_model_name is not None: while non_rag_index < len(non_rag_csv_result_files): # print(f"processing non-rag file - {file}") file = non_rag_csv_result_files[non_rag_index] non_model_name = find_model_name(file) if non_model_name.startswith(last_model_name): add_file(file) non_rag_index += 1 else: break add_file(csv_result_file) last_model_name = model_name except FileNotFoundError as e: print("\terror processing file: ", csv_result_file, e) continue for file in non_rag_csv_result_files[non_rag_index:]: add_file(file) def calc_rap_scores(result, precision="precision", recall="recall"): newline_score = [ df["newline_score"].mean() for df in result["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] repetition_score = [ df["repetition_score"].mean() for df in result["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] if precision in result["df_list_repetition_penalty"][0].columns: precision = [ df[precision].mean() for df in result["df_list_repetition_penalty"] ] recall = [df[recall].mean() for df in result["df_list_repetition_penalty"]] else: precision = result["df_overall"][precision] recall = result["df_overall"][recall] f1 = [2 * (p * r) / (p + r) for p, r in zip(precision, recall)] rap = [ f / math.log10(10 + n + r) for f, n, r in zip(f1, newline_score, repetition_score) ] return newline_score, repetition_score, f1, rap def load_webqsp_result(csv_result_files, force_recalculate=False): model_name_exts = { "true": "(RAG - Chat Template)", "wd": "(RAG - Generic Prompt)", "rag": "(Non-RAG)", } result = {} for i, csv_result_file in enumerate(csv_result_files): try: df = pd.read_csv(csv_result_file) parts = re.split(r"[_\.]", csv_result_file) if parts[-2] in model_name_exts.keys(): key = parts[-2] elif csv_result_file in non_rag_csv_result_files: key = "rag" else: key = "wd" model_name = f'{df["model"][0]}{model_name_exts[key]}' dfs = [ calculate_performance_score( csv_result_file, repetition_penalty, force_recalculate=force_recalculate, ) for repetition_penalty in df["repetition_penalty"] ] answer_lens = [] for df_rpp in dfs: df_rpp["answer_len"] = df_rpp["answer"].apply( lambda x: len(x) if isinstance(x, str) else 0 ) answer_lens.append(df_rpp["answer_len"].mean()) result[model_name] = { "df_overall": df, "df_list_repetition_penalty": dfs, "file": csv_result_file, } newline_score, repetition_score, perf, rap = calc_rap_scores( result[model_name] ) df["newline_score"] = newline_score df["repetition_score"] = repetition_score df["total_repetitions"] = df["newline_score"] + df["repetition_score"] df["answer_len"] = answer_lens df["perf"] = perf df["rap"] = rap except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") return result def load_ms_marco_result(csv_result_files, force_recalculate=False): model_name_exts = { "true": "(RAG - Chat Template)", "false": "(RAG - Generic Prompt)", "rag": "(Non-RAG)", } result = {} for csv_result_file in csv_result_files: try: df = pd.read_csv(csv_result_file) parts = re.split(r"[_\.]", csv_result_file) model_name = f'{df["model"][0]}{model_name_exts[parts[-2]]}' print(f"\tmodel_name: {model_name}") dfs = [ load_for_repetition_penalty_ms_macro( csv_result_file, repetition_penalty, force_recalculate=force_recalculate, ) for repetition_penalty in df["repetition_penalty"] ] answer_lens = [] for df_rpp in dfs: df_rpp["answer_len"] = df_rpp["answer"].apply( lambda x: len(x) if isinstance(x, str) else 0 ) answer_lens.append(df_rpp["answer_len"].mean()) result[model_name] = { "df_overall": df, "df_list_repetition_penalty": dfs, "file": csv_result_file, } newline_score, repetition_score, perf, rap = calc_rap_scores( result[model_name], precision="bleu1", recall="rougeL", ) df["newline_score"] = newline_score df["repetition_score"] = repetition_score df["total_repetitions"] = df["newline_score"] + df["repetition_score"] df["answer_len"] = answer_lens df["perf"] = perf df["rap"] = rap except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") return result def load_ms_marco_result_v2(csv_result_files, force_recalculate=False): model_name_exts = { "true": "(RAG - Chat Template)", "false": "(RAG - Generic Prompt)", "rag": "(Non-RAG)", } result = {} for csv_result_file in csv_result_files: try: df = pd.read_csv(csv_result_file) parts = re.split(r"[_\.]", csv_result_file) model_name = f'{df["model"][0]}{model_name_exts[parts[-2]]}' print(f"\tmodel_name: {model_name}") dfs = [ load_for_repetition_penalty_ms_macro( csv_result_file, repetition_penalty, force_recalculate=force_recalculate, ) for repetition_penalty in df["repetition_penalty"] ] answer_lens = [] for df_rpp in dfs: df_rpp["answer_len"] = df_rpp["answer"].apply( lambda x: len(x) if isinstance(x, str) else 0 ) answer_lens.append(df_rpp["answer_len"].mean()) df["answer_len"] = answer_lens meteor_scores = [] for df_rpp in dfs: meteor_score = meteor.compute( predictions=df_rpp["answer"], references=df_rpp["ground_truth"] )["meteor"] meteor_scores.append(meteor_score) df["meteor_scores"] = meteor_scores result[model_name] = { "df_overall": df, "df_list_repetition_penalty": dfs, "file": csv_result_file, } newline_score, repetition_score, perf, rap = calc_rap_scores( result[model_name], precision="meteor_scores", recall="meteor_scores", ) df["newline_score"] = newline_score df["repetition_score"] = repetition_score df["total_repetitions"] = df["newline_score"] + df["repetition_score"] df["perf"] = perf df["rap"] = rap except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") return result