import argparse # from transformers import AutoTokenizer import torch import os import numpy as np import os # Additional import for gradio import gradio as gr import open3d as o3d import plotly.graph_objects as go import time import logging def farthest_point_sample(point, npoint): """ Input: xyz: pointcloud data, [N, D] npoint: number of samples Return: centroids: sampled pointcloud index, [npoint, D] """ N, D = point.shape xyz = point[:,:3] centroids = np.zeros((npoint,)) distance = np.ones((N,)) * 1e10 farthest = np.random.randint(0, N) for i in range(npoint): centroids[i] = farthest centroid = xyz[farthest, :] dist = np.sum((xyz - centroid) ** 2, -1) mask = dist < distance distance[mask] = dist[mask] farthest = np.argmax(distance, -1) point = point[centroids.astype(np.int32)] return point def pc_norm(pc): """ pc: NxC, return NxC """ xyz = pc[:, :3] other_feature = pc[:, 3:] centroid = np.mean(xyz, axis=0) xyz = xyz - centroid m = np.max(np.sqrt(np.sum(xyz ** 2, axis=1))) xyz = xyz / m pc = np.concatenate((xyz, other_feature), axis=1) return pc def change_input_method(input_method): if input_method == 'File': result = [gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False)] elif input_method == 'Object ID': result = [gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True)] return result def start_conversation(args): print("[INFO] Starting conversation...") logging.warning("Starting conversation...") while True: print("-" * 80) logging.warning("-" * 80) # Reset the conversation template # conv.reset() def confirm_point_cloud(point_cloud_input, answer_time): objects = None data = None # object_id_input = object_id_input.strip() print("%" * 80) logging.warning("%" * 80) file = print(f"Uploading file: {file}.") logging.warning(f"Uploading file: {file}.") print("%" * 80) logging.warning("%" * 80) manual_no_color = "no_color" in file try: if '.ply' in file: pcd = points = np.asarray(pcd.points) # xyz colors = np.asarray(pcd.colors) # rgb, if available # * if no colors actually, empty array if colors.size == 0: colors = None elif '.npy' in file: data = np.load(file) if data.shape[1] >= 3: points = data[:, :3] else: raise ValueError("Input array has the wrong shape. Expected: [N, 3]. Got: {}.".format(data.shape)) colors = None if data.shape[1] < 6 else data[:, 3:6] else: raise ValueError("Not supported data format.") # error except Exception as e: print(f"[ERROR] {e}") logging.warning(f"[ERROR] {e}") return None, None, answer_time, None if manual_no_color: colors = None if colors is not None: # * if colors in range(0-1) if np.max(colors) <= 1: color_data = np.multiply(colors, 255).astype(int) # Convert float values (0-1) to integers (0-255) # * if colors in range(0-255) elif np.max(colors) <= 255: color_data = colors.astype(int) else: color_data = np.zeros_like(points).astype(int) # Default to black color if RGB information is not available colors = color_data.astype(np.float32) / 255 # model input is (0-1) # Convert the RGB color data to a list of RGB strings in the format 'rgb(r, g, b)' color_strings = ['rgb({},{},{})'.format(r, g, b) for r, g, b in color_data] fig = go.Figure( data=[ go.Scatter3d( x=points[:, 0], y=points[:, 1], z=points[:, 2], mode='markers', marker=dict( size=1.2, color=color_strings, # Use the list of RGB strings for the marker colors ) ) ], layout=dict( scene=dict( xaxis=dict(visible=False), yaxis=dict(visible=False), zaxis=dict(visible=False) ), paper_bgcolor='rgb(255,255,255)' # Set the background color to dark gray 50, 50, 50 ), ) points = np.concatenate((points, colors), axis=1) if 8192 < points.shape[0]: points = farthest_point_sample(points, 8192) point_clouds = pc_norm(points) point_clouds = torch.from_numpy(point_clouds).unsqueeze_(0).to(torch.float32) answer_time = 0 return fig, answer_time, point_clouds with gr.Blocks() as demo: answer_time = gr.State(value=0) point_clouds = gr.State(value=None) # conv_state = gr.State(value=conv.copy()) gr.Markdown( """ # PointCloud Visualization 👀 """ ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): point_cloud_input = gr.File(visible = True, label="Upload Point Cloud File (PLY, NPY)") output = gr.Plot() btn = gr.Button(value="Confirm Point Cloud"), inputs=[point_cloud_input, answer_time], outputs=[output, answer_time, point_clouds]) # input_choice.change(change_input_method, input_choice, [point_cloud_input, object_id_input]) #, [text_input, chatbot], [text_input, chatbot], queue=False).then(answer_generate, [chatbot, answer_time, point_clouds, conv_state], chatbot).then(lambda x : x+1, answer_time, answer_time) demo.queue() demo.launch(server_port=args.port, share=True) # server_port=7832, share=True if __name__ == "__main__": # ! To release this demo in public, make sure to start in a place where no important data is stored. # ! Please check 1. the lanuch dir 2. the tmp dir (GRADIO_TEMP_DIR) # ! refer to parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--model-name", type=str, \ default="RunsenXu/PointLLM_7B_v1.2") parser.add_argument("--data_path", type=str, default="data/objaverse_data", required=False) parser.add_argument("--pointnum", type=int, default=8192) parser.add_argument("--log_file", type=str, default="serving_workdirs/serving_log.txt") parser.add_argument("--tmp_dir", type=str, default="serving_workdirs/tmp") # For gradio parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=7810) args = parser.parse_args() # * make serving dirs os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.log_file), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(args.tmp_dir, exist_ok=True) # * add the current time for log name args.log_file = args.log_file.replace(".txt", f"_{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S', time.localtime())}.txt") logging.basicConfig( filename=args.log_file, level=logging.WARNING, # * default gradio is info, so use warning format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) logging.warning("-----New Run-----") logging.warning(f"args: {args}") print("-----New Run-----") print(f"[INFO] Args: {args}") # * set env variable GRADIO_TEMP_DIR to args.tmp_dir os.environ["GRADIO_TEMP_DIR"] = args.tmp_dir # model, tokenizer, point_backbone_config, keywords, mm_use_point_start_end, conv = init_model(args) start_conversation(args)