WORDING =\ { 'python_not_supported': 'Python version is not supported, upgrade to {version} or higher', 'ffmpeg_not_installed': 'FFMpeg is not installed', 'install_dependency_help': 'select the variant of {dependency} to install', 'skip_venv_help': 'skip the virtual environment check', 'source_help': 'select a source image', 'target_help': 'select a target image or video', 'output_help': 'specify the output file or directory', 'frame_processors_help': 'choose from the available frame processors (choices: {choices}, ...)', 'frame_processor_model_help': 'choose the model for the frame processor', 'frame_processor_blend_help': 'specify the blend amount for the frame processor', 'face_debugger_items_help': 'specify the face debugger items (choices: {choices})', 'ui_layouts_help': 'choose from the available ui layouts (choices: {choices}, ...)', 'keep_fps_help': 'preserve the frames per second (fps) of the target', 'keep_temp_help': 'retain temporary frames after processing', 'skip_audio_help': 'omit audio from the target', 'face_analyser_order_help': 'specify the order used for the face analyser', 'face_analyser_age_help': 'specify the age used for the face analyser', 'face_analyser_gender_help': 'specify the gender used for the face analyser', 'face_detector_model_help': 'specify the model used for the face detector', 'face_detector_size_help': 'specify the size threshold used for the face detector', 'face_detector_score_help': 'specify the score threshold used for the face detector', 'face_selector_mode_help': 'specify the mode for the face selector', 'reference_face_position_help': 'specify the position of the reference face', 'reference_face_distance_help': 'specify the distance between the reference face and the target face', 'reference_frame_number_help': 'specify the number of the reference frame', 'face_mask_types_help': 'choose from the available face mask types (choices: {choices})', 'face_mask_blur_help': 'specify the blur amount for face mask', 'face_mask_padding_help': 'specify the face mask padding (top, right, bottom, left) in percent', 'face_mask_regions_help': 'choose from the available face mask regions (choices: {choices})', 'trim_frame_start_help': 'specify the start frame for extraction', 'trim_frame_end_help': 'specify the end frame for extraction', 'temp_frame_format_help': 'specify the image format used for frame extraction', 'temp_frame_quality_help': 'specify the image quality used for frame extraction', 'output_image_quality_help': 'specify the quality used for the output image', 'output_video_encoder_help': 'specify the encoder used for the output video', 'output_video_quality_help': 'specify the quality used for the output video', 'max_memory_help': 'specify the maximum amount of ram to be used (in gb)', 'execution_providers_help': 'choose from the available execution providers (choices: {choices}, ...)', 'execution_thread_count_help': 'specify the number of execution threads', 'execution_queue_count_help': 'specify the number of execution queries', 'skip_download_help': 'omit automate downloads and lookups', 'headless_help': 'run the program in headless mode', 'log_level_help': 'choose from the available log levels', 'creating_temp': 'Creating temporary resources', 'extracting_frames_fps': 'Extracting frames with {fps} FPS', 'analysing': 'Analysing', 'processing': 'Processing', 'downloading': 'Downloading', 'temp_frames_not_found': 'Temporary frames not found', 'compressing_image': 'Compressing image', 'compressing_image_failed': 'Compressing image failed', 'merging_video_fps': 'Merging video with {fps} FPS', 'merging_video_failed': 'Merging video failed', 'skipping_audio': 'Skipping audio', 'restoring_audio': 'Restoring audio', 'restoring_audio_skipped': 'Restoring audio skipped', 'clearing_temp': 'Clearing temporary resources', 'processing_image_succeed': 'Processing to image succeed', 'processing_image_failed': 'Processing to image failed', 'processing_video_succeed': 'Processing to video succeed', 'processing_video_failed': 'Processing to video failed', 'model_download_not_done': 'Download of the model is not done', 'model_file_not_present': 'File of the model is not present', 'select_image_source': 'Select an image for source path', 'select_image_or_video_target': 'Select an image or video for target path', 'select_file_or_directory_output': 'Select an file or directory for output path', 'no_source_face_detected': 'No source face detected', 'frame_processor_not_loaded': 'Frame processor {frame_processor} could not be loaded', 'frame_processor_not_implemented': 'Frame processor {frame_processor} not implemented correctly', 'ui_layout_not_loaded': 'UI layout {ui_layout} could not be loaded', 'ui_layout_not_implemented': 'UI layout {ui_layout} not implemented correctly', 'stream_not_loaded': 'Stream {stream_mode} could not be loaded', 'donate_button_label': 'DONATE', 'start_button_label': 'START', 'stop_button_label': 'STOP', 'clear_button_label': 'CLEAR', 'benchmark_runs_checkbox_group_label': 'BENCHMARK RUNS', 'benchmark_results_dataframe_label': 'BENCHMARK RESULTS', 'benchmark_cycles_slider_label': 'BENCHMARK CYCLES', 'execution_providers_checkbox_group_label': 'EXECUTION PROVIDERS', 'execution_thread_count_slider_label': 'EXECUTION THREAD COUNT', 'execution_queue_count_slider_label': 'EXECUTION QUEUE COUNT', 'face_analyser_order_dropdown_label': 'FACE ANALYSER ORDER', 'face_analyser_age_dropdown_label': 'FACE ANALYSER AGE', 'face_analyser_gender_dropdown_label': 'FACE ANALYSER GENDER', 'face_detector_model_dropdown_label': 'FACE DETECTOR MODEL', 'face_detector_size_dropdown_label': 'FACE DETECTOR SIZE', 'face_detector_score_slider_label': 'FACE DETECTOR SCORE', 'face_selector_mode_dropdown_label': 'FACE SELECTOR MODE', 'reference_face_gallery_label': 'REFERENCE FACE', 'reference_face_distance_slider_label': 'REFERENCE FACE DISTANCE', 'face_mask_types_checkbox_group_label': 'FACE MASK TYPES', 'face_mask_blur_slider_label': 'FACE MASK BLUR', 'face_mask_padding_top_slider_label': 'FACE MASK PADDING TOP', 'face_mask_padding_bottom_slider_label': 'FACE MASK PADDING BOTTOM', 'face_mask_padding_left_slider_label': 'FACE MASK PADDING LEFT', 'face_mask_padding_right_slider_label': 'FACE MASK PADDING RIGHT', 'face_mask_region_checkbox_group_label': 'FACE MASK REGIONS', 'max_memory_slider_label': 'MAX MEMORY', 'output_image_or_video_label': 'OUTPUT', 'output_path_textbox_label': 'OUTPUT PATH', 'output_image_quality_slider_label': 'OUTPUT IMAGE QUALITY', 'output_video_encoder_dropdown_label': 'OUTPUT VIDEO ENCODER', 'output_video_quality_slider_label': 'OUTPUT VIDEO QUALITY', 'preview_image_label': 'PREVIEW', 'preview_frame_slider_label': 'PREVIEW FRAME', 'frame_processors_checkbox_group_label': 'FRAME PROCESSORS', 'face_swapper_model_dropdown_label': 'FACE SWAPPER MODEL', 'face_enhancer_model_dropdown_label': 'FACE ENHANCER MODEL', 'face_enhancer_blend_slider_label': 'FACE ENHANCER BLEND', 'frame_enhancer_model_dropdown_label': 'FRAME ENHANCER MODEL', 'frame_enhancer_blend_slider_label': 'FRAME ENHANCER BLEND', 'face_debugger_items_checkbox_group_label': 'FACE DEBUGGER ITEMS', 'common_options_checkbox_group_label': 'OPTIONS', 'temp_frame_format_dropdown_label': 'TEMP FRAME FORMAT', 'temp_frame_quality_slider_label': 'TEMP FRAME QUALITY', 'trim_frame_start_slider_label': 'TRIM FRAME START', 'trim_frame_end_slider_label': 'TRIM FRAME END', 'source_file_label': 'SOURCE', 'target_file_label': 'TARGET', 'webcam_image_label': 'WEBCAM', 'webcam_mode_radio_label': 'WEBCAM MODE', 'webcam_resolution_dropdown': 'WEBCAM RESOLUTION', 'webcam_fps_slider': 'WEBCAM FPS', 'point': '.', 'comma': ',', 'colon': ':', 'question_mark': '?', 'exclamation_mark': '!' } def get(key : str) -> str: return WORDING[key]