class Translation(object): ERROR = "ERROR : {}" START_TEXT = """Hi {}, I'm URL X Uploader! You can upload HTTP/HTTPS direct link, Using this bot! /help for more details!""" FORMAT_SELECTION = "Select the desired format: file size might be approximate \nIf you want to set custom thumbnail, send photo before or quickly after tapping on any of the below buttons.\nYou can use /deletethumbnail to delete the auto-generated thumbnail." SET_CUSTOM_USERNAME_PASSWORD = """If you want to download premium videos, provide in the following format: URL | filename | username | password""" DOWNLOAD_START = "📥Downloading..." UPLOAD_START = "📤Uploading..." RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT = "Downloaded in {} seconds.\nDetected File Size: {}\nSorry. But, I cannot upload files greater than 2GB due to Telegram API limitations." AFTER_SUCCESSFUL_UPLOAD_MSG = "Thanks for using @Uploader_X_bot\n\nJoin : @url_upload_bots" AFTER_SUCCESSFUL_UPLOAD_MSG_WITH_TS = "Downloaded in {} seconds.\nUploaded in {} seconds.\n\n@Uploader_X_Bot" SAVED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "Custom video / file thumbnail saved. This image will be used in the video / file." DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "✅ Custom thumbnail cleared succesfully." CUSTOM_CAPTION_UL_FILE = "{}" NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND = "ERROR...\nYouTubeDL said: {}" HELP_USER = """How to Use Me? Follow These steps! 1. Send url (example.domain/File.mp4 | New Filename.mp4). 2. Send Image As Custom Thumbnail (Optional). 3. Select the button. SVideo - Give File as video with Screenshots DFile - Give File (video) as file with Screenshots Video - Give File as video without Screenshots File - Give File without Screenshots If bot didn't respond, contact @imseldrith""" REPLY_TO_MEDIA_ALBUM_TO_GEN_THUMB = "Reply /generatecustomthumbnail to a media album, to generate custom thumbail" ERR_ONLY_TWO_MEDIA_IN_ALBUM = """Media Album should contain only two photos. Please re-send the media album, and then try again, or send only two photos in an album." You can use /rename command after receiving file to rename it with custom thumbnail support. """ CANCEL_STR = "Process Cancelled" ZIP_UPLOADED_STR = "Uploaded {} files in {} seconds" SLOW_URL_DECED = "Gosh that seems to be a very slow URL. Since you were screwing my home, I am in no mood to download this file. Meanwhile, why don't you try this:==> and get me a fast URL so that I can upload to Telegram, without me slowing down for other users." ERROR_YTDLP = "please report this issue on . Make sure you are using the latest version; see on how to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include its complete output."