import os class Config(object): # get a token from @BotFather BOT_TOKEN = os.environ.get("BOT_TOKEN", "5960829910:AAEsIxTBQoRNBbcPZGuF84eFujA3xIGm-hw") # The Telegram API things API_ID = int(os.environ.get("API_ID", 2276460)) API_HASH = os.environ.get("API_HASH","1ee636feaecb523f12c844416dda70e3") # Get these values from # the download location, where the HTTP Server runs DOWNLOAD_LOCATION = "./DOWNLOADS" # Telegram maximum file upload size MAX_FILE_SIZE = 50000000 TG_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 4194304000 #2097152000 FREE_USER_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 50000000 # chunk size that should be used with requests CHUNK_SIZE = int(128) # default thumbnail to be used in the videos # proxy for accessing youtube-dl in GeoRestricted Areas # Get your own proxy from HTTP_PROXY = "" # maximum message length in Telegram MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 4096 # set timeout for subprocess PROCESS_MAX_TIMEOUT = 3600 # your telegram id OWNER_ID = int(os.environ.get("OWNER_ID", "1361863347")) SESSION_NAME = "UPLOADER-X-BOT" # database uri (mongodb) DATABASE_URL = os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL", "mongodb+srv://") MAX_RESULTS = "50" PREMIUM_USER = os.environ.get("PREMIUM_USER")