import streamlit as st from transformers import pipeline # Load the sentiment classifier model distilled_student_sentiment_classifier = pipeline( model="lxyuan/distilbert-base-multilingual-cased-sentiments-student", return_all_scores=True ) # Define the Streamlit app def main(): # Add a title to the app st.title("DistilBERT Sentiment Analysis") # Add a text input field for user input user_input = st.text_input("Enter text:") # Perform sentiment analysis when the user submits input if st.button("Analyze"): # Perform sentiment analysis on the input text result = distilled_student_sentiment_classifier(user_input) # Display the sentiment analysis results st.write("Sentiment Analysis Results:") for item in result: st.write(f"Label: {item['label']}, Score: {item['score']}") # Run the Streamlit app if __name__ == "__main__": main()