import streamlit as st from PIL import Image from gtts import gTTS import easyocr reader = easyocr.Reader(['en']) # this needs to run only once to load the model into memory from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator st.title('Multilingual Image Translator and Reader') image_file = st.file_uploader("Upload Images", type=["png","jpg","jpeg"]) def pdf_to_text(Img_Language,image_path,Language): image_path = # text = pytesseract.image_to_string(image_path,lang = Img_Language,config=path_to_tesseract) result = reader.readtext(image_path,detail = 0) text = " ".join(result) # text = " ".join(text.split()) text = GoogleTranslator(source='auto', target=Language).translate(text) myobj = gTTS(text=text, lang=Language,tld='', slow=False)"test.wav") return "test.wav",text # return text d1 = {"Hindi":'hin','Marathi':'mar','English':'eng','Sanskrit':'san'} d2 = {"Hindi":'hi','Marathi':'mr','English':'en'} lang1 = ['English',"Hindi",'Marathi','Sanskrit'] lang = ["Hindi",'Marathi','English'] choice1 = st.sidebar.selectbox("Image_Language",lang1) choice2 = st.sidebar.selectbox("Translated_Language",lang) if image_file is not None: st.image(image_file) A,T = pdf_to_text(d1[choice1] ,image_file,d2[choice2]) st.write(T)