import streamlit as st import os from PIL import Image import time from import * from fastai.learner import load_learner def GetLabel(img): return img.split('-')[0] #Load the Learner (Exported from ipnyb file with learn.export() ) learn = load_learner('export.pkl') #Classify image def classify_image(cl_img): img = st.image(img) pred, _ , _ = learn.predict(img) return pred st.set_page_config(page_title="PyTorch Food Classifier - FastAI 2022", page_icon=":robot:") st.header("PyTorch Food Classifier") file_up = st.file_uploader("Upload Your Food Image Below", type=["jpg","png"]) if st.button('Run Model'): st.write("Button Pressed") cl_done = classify_image(file_up) st.write(f"Your food is: {cl_done}")