import torch import os import imageio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import glob import random from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from src import const from src.molecule_builder import get_bond_order def save_xyz_file(path, one_hot, positions, node_mask, names, is_geom, suffix=''): idx2atom = const.GEOM_IDX2ATOM if is_geom else const.IDX2ATOM for batch_i in range(one_hot.size(0)): mask = node_mask[batch_i].squeeze() n_atoms = mask.sum() atom_idx = torch.where(mask)[0] f = open(os.path.join(path, f'{names[batch_i]}_{suffix}.xyz'), "w") f.write("%d\n\n" % n_atoms) atoms = torch.argmax(one_hot[batch_i], dim=1) for atom_i in atom_idx: atom = atoms[atom_i].item() atom = idx2atom[atom] f.write("%s %.9f %.9f %.9f\n" % ( atom, positions[batch_i, atom_i, 0], positions[batch_i, atom_i, 1], positions[batch_i, atom_i, 2] )) f.close() def load_xyz_files(path, suffix=''): files = [] for fname in os.listdir(path): if fname.endswith(f'_{suffix}.xyz'): files.append(fname) files = sorted(files, key=lambda f: -int(f.replace(f'_{suffix}.xyz', '').split('_')[-1])) return [os.path.join(path, fname) for fname in files] def load_molecule_xyz(file, is_geom): atom2idx = const.GEOM_ATOM2IDX if is_geom else const.ATOM2IDX idx2atom = const.GEOM_IDX2ATOM if is_geom else const.IDX2ATOM with open(file, encoding='utf8') as f: n_atoms = int(f.readline()) one_hot = torch.zeros(n_atoms, len(idx2atom)) charges = torch.zeros(n_atoms, 1) positions = torch.zeros(n_atoms, 3) f.readline() atoms = f.readlines() for i in range(n_atoms): atom = atoms[i].split(' ') atom_type = atom[0] one_hot[i, atom2idx[atom_type]] = 1 position = torch.Tensor([float(e) for e in atom[1:]]) positions[i, :] = position return positions, one_hot, charges def draw_sphere(ax, x, y, z, size, color, alpha): u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100) xs = size * np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v)) ys = size * np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v)) #* 0.8 zs = size * np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v)) ax.plot_surface(x + xs, y + ys, z + zs, rstride=2, cstride=2, color=color, alpha=alpha) def plot_molecule(ax, positions, atom_type, alpha, spheres_3d, hex_bg_color, is_geom, fragment_mask=None): x = positions[:, 0] y = positions[:, 1] z = positions[:, 2] # Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Flourine idx2atom = const.GEOM_IDX2ATOM if is_geom else const.IDX2ATOM colors_dic = np.array(const.COLORS) radius_dic = np.array(const.RADII) area_dic = 1500 * radius_dic ** 2 areas = area_dic[atom_type] radii = radius_dic[atom_type] colors = colors_dic[atom_type] if fragment_mask is None: fragment_mask = torch.ones(len(x)) for i in range(len(x)): for j in range(i + 1, len(x)): p1 = np.array([x[i], y[i], z[i]]) p2 = np.array([x[j], y[j], z[j]]) dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((p1 - p2) ** 2)) atom1, atom2 = idx2atom[atom_type[i]], idx2atom[atom_type[j]] draw_edge_int = get_bond_order(atom1, atom2, dist) line_width = (3 - 2) * 2 * 2 draw_edge = draw_edge_int > 0 if draw_edge: if draw_edge_int == 4: linewidth_factor = 1.5 else: linewidth_factor = 1 linewidth_factor *= 0.5 ax.plot( [x[i], x[j]], [y[i], y[j]], [z[i], z[j]], linewidth=line_width * linewidth_factor * 2, c=hex_bg_color, alpha=alpha ) # from pdb import set_trace # set_trace() if spheres_3d: # idx = torch.where(fragment_mask[:len(x)] == 0)[0] # ax.scatter( # x[idx], # y[idx], # z[idx], # alpha=0.9 * alpha, # edgecolors='#FCBA03', # facecolors='none', # linewidths=2, # s=900 # ) for i, j, k, s, c, f in zip(x, y, z, radii, colors, fragment_mask): if f == 1: alpha = 1.0 draw_sphere(ax, i.item(), j.item(), k.item(), 0.5 * s, c, alpha) else: ax.scatter(x, y, z, s=areas, alpha=0.9 * alpha, c=colors) def plot_data3d(positions, atom_type, is_geom, camera_elev=0, camera_azim=0, save_path=None, spheres_3d=False, bg='black', alpha=1., fragment_mask=None): black = (0, 0, 0) white = (1, 1, 1) hex_bg_color = '#FFFFFF' if bg == 'black' else '#000000' #'#666666' fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d') ax.set_aspect('auto') ax.view_init(elev=camera_elev, azim=camera_azim) if bg == 'black': ax.set_facecolor(black) else: ax.set_facecolor(white) ax.xaxis.pane.set_alpha(0) ax.yaxis.pane.set_alpha(0) ax.zaxis.pane.set_alpha(0) ax._axis3don = False if bg == 'black': ax.w_xaxis.line.set_color("black") else: ax.w_xaxis.line.set_color("white") plot_molecule( ax, positions, atom_type, alpha, spheres_3d, hex_bg_color, is_geom=is_geom, fragment_mask=fragment_mask ) max_value = positions.abs().max().item() axis_lim = min(40, max(max_value / 1.5 + 0.3, 3.2)) ax.set_xlim(-axis_lim, axis_lim) ax.set_ylim(-axis_lim, axis_lim) ax.set_zlim(-axis_lim, axis_lim) dpi = 120 if spheres_3d else 50 if save_path is not None: plt.savefig(save_path, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.0, dpi=dpi) # plt.savefig(save_path, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.0, dpi=dpi, transparent=True) if spheres_3d: img = imageio.imread(save_path) img_brighter = np.clip(img * 1.4, 0, 255).astype('uint8') imageio.imsave(save_path, img_brighter) else: plt.close() def visualize_chain( path, spheres_3d=False, bg="black", alpha=1.0, wandb=None, mode="chain", is_geom=False, fragment_mask=None ): files = load_xyz_files(path) save_paths = [] # Fit PCA to the final molecule – to obtain the best orientation for visualization positions, one_hot, charges = load_molecule_xyz(files[-1], is_geom=is_geom) pca = PCA(n_components=3) for i in range(len(files)): file = files[i] positions, one_hot, charges = load_molecule_xyz(file, is_geom=is_geom) atom_type = torch.argmax(one_hot, dim=1).numpy() # Transform positions of each frame according to the best orientation of the last frame positions = pca.transform(positions) positions = torch.tensor(positions) fn = file[:-4] + '.png' plot_data3d( positions, atom_type, save_path=fn, spheres_3d=spheres_3d, alpha=alpha, bg=bg, camera_elev=90, camera_azim=90, is_geom=is_geom, fragment_mask=fragment_mask, ) save_paths.append(fn) imgs = [imageio.imread(fn) for fn in save_paths] dirname = os.path.dirname(save_paths[0]) gif_path = dirname + '/output.gif' imageio.mimsave(gif_path, imgs, subrectangles=True) if wandb is not None: wandb.log({mode: [wandb.Video(gif_path, caption=gif_path)]})