#@title import numpy as np import gradio as gr def inmm(init_image, prompt): (w,h) = init_image.size if w>h : init_image = init_image.crop(((w - h) // 2,0,(w-h)//2 + h,h)) init_image = init_image.resize(512,512) with autocast("cuda"): image = pipe([prompt], num_inference_steps=50, guidance_scale=7, init_image=init_image)["sample"] return image[0] demo = gr.Interface(inmm, inputs=[gr.Image(shape=(512, 512),type="pil"),gr.Textbox(lines=2, placeholder="どんな絵が欲しいか",value ="a heartwarming and calming landscape drawing in style")], outputs="image", examples=[["a_img.png", "A heartwarming Canadian wheat field scene in style, some houses, silos, and a lake in the distance"], ["c_img.png","A heartwarming Landscape on the lake, scenery mirrored on the lake, in style"]]) demo.launch()