import pytest from tests.utils import wrap_test_forked @pytest.mark.parametrize("local_server", [False, True]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("persist", [True, False]) @wrap_test_forked def test_readme_example(local_server, persist): if local_server: from src.gen import main main(base_model='llama', chat=True, gradio=True, num_beams=1, block_gradio_exit=False, verbose=True) # self-contained example used for readme, to be copied to if changed, setting local_server = True at first import os # The file can be copied from h2ogpt repo and used with local gradio_client for example use from gradio_utils.grclient import GradioClient h2ogpt_key = os.getenv('H2OGPT_KEY') or os.getenv('H2OGPT_H2OGPT_KEY') if local_server: host = "" else: host = "" client = GradioClient(host, h2ogpt_key=h2ogpt_key, persist=persist) models = client.list_models() print(models) print(client.question("Who are you?", model=models[0])) print(client.question("What did I just ask?", model=models[0])) if persist: assert len(client.chat_conversation) == 2 assert client.chat_conversation[-1][1] == "You just asked: Who are you?" or \ client.chat_conversation[-1][1] == "You just asked: \"Who are you?\"" # LLM print(client.question("Who are you?", model=models[0])) url = "" # Q/A print(client.query("What is whisper?", url=url, model=models[0])) # summarization (map_reduce over all pages if top_k_docs=-1) print(client.summarize(url=url, top_k_docs=3, model=models[0])) # extraction (map per page) print(client.extract(url=url, top_k_docs=3, model=models[0])) # summarization (map_reduce over all pages if top_k_docs=-1) print(client.summarize(query="List all names", url=url, top_k_docs=3, model=models[0])) # extraction (map per page) print(client.extract(query="Give valid JSON for any names.", url=url, top_k_docs=3, model=models[0])) if persist: assert len(client.chat_conversation) == 8