import ast import os import time import uuid from collections import deque from log import logger def decode(x, encoding_name="cl100k_base"): try: import tiktoken encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name) return encoding.decode(x) except ImportError: return '' def encode(x, encoding_name="cl100k_base"): try: import tiktoken encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name) return encoding.encode(x, disallowed_special=()) except ImportError: return [] def count_tokens(x, encoding_name="cl100k_base"): try: import tiktoken encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name) return len(encoding.encode(x, disallowed_special=())) except ImportError: return 0 def get_gradio_client(): try: from gradio_utils.grclient import GradioClient as Client concurrent_client = True except ImportError: print("Using slower gradio API, for speed ensure gradio_utils/ exists.") from gradio_client import Client concurrent_client = False gradio_prefix = os.getenv('GRADIO_PREFIX', 'http') gradio_host = os.getenv('GRADIO_SERVER_HOST', 'localhost') gradio_port = int(os.getenv('GRADIO_SERVER_PORT', '7860')) gradio_url = f'{gradio_prefix}://{gradio_host}:{gradio_port}' print("Getting gradio client at %s" % gradio_url, flush=True) client = Client(gradio_url) if concurrent_client: client.setup() return client gradio_client = get_gradio_client() def get_client(): # concurrent gradio client if hasattr(gradio_client, 'clone'): client = gradio_client.clone() else: print( "re-get to ensure concurrency ok, slower if API is large, for speed ensure gradio_utils/ exists.") client = get_gradio_client() return client def get_response(instruction, gen_kwargs, verbose=False, chunk_response=True, stream_output=False): import ast kwargs = dict(instruction=instruction) if os.getenv('GRADIO_H2OGPT_H2OGPT_KEY'): kwargs.update(dict(h2ogpt_key=os.getenv('GRADIO_H2OGPT_H2OGPT_KEY'))) # max_tokens=16 for text completion by default gen_kwargs['max_new_tokens'] = gen_kwargs.pop('max_new_tokens', gen_kwargs.pop('max_tokens', 256)) gen_kwargs['visible_models'] = gen_kwargs.pop('visible_models', gen_kwargs.pop('model', 0)) # be more like OpenAI, only temperature, not do_sample, to control gen_kwargs['temperature'] = gen_kwargs.pop('temperature', 0.0) # unlike OpenAI, default to not random # if gen_kwargs['temperature'] > 0.0: # let temperature control sampling gen_kwargs['do_sample'] = True elif gen_kwargs['top_p'] != 1.0: # let top_p control sampling gen_kwargs['do_sample'] = True if gen_kwargs.get('top_k') == 1 and gen_kwargs.get('temperature') == 0.0: logger.warning("Sampling with top_k=1 has no effect if top_k=1 and temperature=0") else: # no sampling, make consistent gen_kwargs['top_p'] = 1.0 gen_kwargs['top_k'] = 1 if gen_kwargs.get('repetition_penalty', 1) == 1 and gen_kwargs.get('presence_penalty', 0.0) != 0.0: # then user using presence_penalty, convert to repetition_penalty for h2oGPT # presence_penalty=(repetition_penalty - 1.0) * 2.0 + 0.0, # so good default gen_kwargs['repetition_penalty'] = 0.5 * (gen_kwargs['presence_penalty'] - 0.0) + 1.0 kwargs.update(**gen_kwargs) # concurrent gradio client client = get_client() if stream_output: job = client.submit(str(dict(kwargs)), api_name='/submit_nochat_api') job_outputs_num = 0 last_response = '' while not job.done(): outputs_list = job.communicator.job.outputs job_outputs_num_new = len(outputs_list[job_outputs_num:]) for num in range(job_outputs_num_new): res = outputs_list[job_outputs_num + num] res = ast.literal_eval(res) if verbose:'Stream %d: %s\n\n %s\n\n' % (num, res['response'], res)) else:'Stream %d' % (job_outputs_num + num)) response = res['response'] chunk = response[len(last_response):] if chunk_response: if chunk: yield chunk else: yield response last_response = response job_outputs_num += job_outputs_num_new time.sleep(0.01) outputs_list = job.outputs() job_outputs_num_new = len(outputs_list[job_outputs_num:]) res = {} for num in range(job_outputs_num_new): res = outputs_list[job_outputs_num + num] res = ast.literal_eval(res) if verbose:'Final Stream %d: %s\n\n%s\n\n' % (num, res['response'], res)) else:'Final Stream %d' % (job_outputs_num + num)) response = res['response'] chunk = response[len(last_response):] if chunk_response: if chunk: yield chunk else: yield response last_response = response job_outputs_num += job_outputs_num_new"total job_outputs_num=%d" % job_outputs_num) else: res = client.predict(str(dict(kwargs)), api_name='/submit_nochat_api') res = ast.literal_eval(res) yield res['response'] def convert_messages_to_structure(messages): """ Convert a list of messages with roles and content into a structured format. Parameters: messages (list of dicts): A list where each dict contains 'role' and 'content' keys. Variables: structure: dict: A dictionary with 'instruction', 'system_message', and 'history' keys. Returns """ structure = { "instruction": None, "system_message": None, "history": [] } for message in messages: role = message.get("role") assert role, "Missing role" content = message.get("content") assert content, "Missing content" if role == "function": raise NotImplementedError("role: function not implemented") if role == "user" and structure["instruction"] is None: # The first user message is considered as the instruction structure["instruction"] = content elif role == "system" and structure["system_message"] is None: # The first system message is considered as the system message structure["system_message"] = content elif role == "user" or role == "assistant": # All subsequent user and assistant messages are part of the history if structure["history"] and structure["history"][-1][0] == "user" and role == "assistant": # Pair the assistant response with the last user message structure["history"][-1] = (structure["history"][-1][1], content) else: # Add a new pair to the history structure["history"].append(("user", content) if role == "user" else ("assistant", content)) return structure['instruction'], structure['system_message'], structure['history'] def chat_completion_action(body: dict, stream_output=False) -> dict: messages = body.get('messages', []) object_type = 'chat.completions' if not stream_output else 'chat.completions.chunk' created_time = int(time.time()) req_id = "chat_cmpl_id-%s" % str(uuid.uuid4()) resp_list = 'choices' gen_kwargs = body instruction, system_message, history = convert_messages_to_structure(messages) gen_kwargs.update({ 'system_prompt': system_message, 'chat_conversation': history, 'stream_output': stream_output }) def chat_streaming_chunk(content): # begin streaming chunk = { "id": req_id, "object": object_type, "created": created_time, "model": '', resp_list: [{ "index": 0, "finish_reason": None, "message": {'role': 'assistant', 'content': content}, "delta": {'role': 'assistant', 'content': content}, }], } return chunk if stream_output: yield chat_streaming_chunk('') token_count = count_tokens(instruction) generator = get_response(instruction, gen_kwargs, chunk_response=stream_output, stream_output=stream_output) answer = '' for chunk in generator: if stream_output: answer += chunk chat_chunk = chat_streaming_chunk(chunk) yield chat_chunk else: answer = chunk completion_token_count = count_tokens(answer) stop_reason = "stop" if stream_output: chunk = chat_streaming_chunk('') chunk[resp_list][0]['finish_reason'] = stop_reason chunk['usage'] = { "prompt_tokens": token_count, "completion_tokens": completion_token_count, "total_tokens": token_count + completion_token_count } yield chunk else: resp = { "id": req_id, "object": object_type, "created": created_time, "model": '', resp_list: [{ "index": 0, "finish_reason": stop_reason, "message": {"role": "assistant", "content": answer} }], "usage": { "prompt_tokens": token_count, "completion_tokens": completion_token_count, "total_tokens": token_count + completion_token_count } } yield resp def completions_action(body: dict, stream_output=False): object_type = 'text_completion.chunk' if stream_output else 'text_completion' created_time = int(time.time()) res_id = "res_id-%s" % str(uuid.uuid4()) resp_list = 'choices' prompt_str = 'prompt' assert prompt_str in body, "Missing prompt" gen_kwargs = body gen_kwargs['stream_output'] = stream_output if not stream_output: prompt_arg = body[prompt_str] if isinstance(prompt_arg, str) or (isinstance(prompt_arg, list) and isinstance(prompt_arg[0], int)): prompt_arg = [prompt_arg] resp_list_data = [] total_completion_token_count = 0 total_prompt_token_count = 0 for idx, prompt in enumerate(prompt_arg, start=0): token_count = count_tokens(prompt) total_prompt_token_count += token_count response = deque(get_response(prompt, gen_kwargs), maxlen=1).pop() completion_token_count = count_tokens(response) total_completion_token_count += completion_token_count stop_reason = "stop" res_idx = { "index": idx, "finish_reason": stop_reason, "text": response, "logprobs": None, } resp_list_data.extend([res_idx]) res_dict = { "id": res_id, "object": object_type, "created": created_time, "model": '', resp_list: resp_list_data, "usage": { "prompt_tokens": total_prompt_token_count, "completion_tokens": total_completion_token_count, "total_tokens": total_prompt_token_count + total_completion_token_count } } yield res_dict else: prompt = body[prompt_str] token_count = count_tokens(prompt) def text_streaming_chunk(content): # begin streaming chunk = { "id": res_id, "object": object_type, "created": created_time, "model": '', resp_list: [{ "index": 0, "finish_reason": None, "text": content, "logprobs": None, }], } return chunk generator = get_response(prompt, gen_kwargs, chunk_response=stream_output, stream_output=stream_output) response = '' for chunk in generator: response += chunk yield_chunk = text_streaming_chunk(chunk) yield yield_chunk completion_token_count = count_tokens(response) stop_reason = "stop" chunk = text_streaming_chunk('') chunk[resp_list][0]["finish_reason"] = stop_reason chunk["usage"] = { "prompt_tokens": token_count, "completion_tokens": completion_token_count, "total_tokens": token_count + completion_token_count } yield chunk def chat_completions(body: dict) -> dict: generator = chat_completion_action(body, stream_output=False) return deque(generator, maxlen=1).pop() def stream_chat_completions(body: dict): for resp in chat_completion_action(body, stream_output=True): yield resp def completions(body: dict) -> dict: generator = completions_action(body, stream_output=False) return deque(generator, maxlen=1).pop() def stream_completions(body: dict): for resp in completions_action(body, stream_output=True): yield resp def get_model_info(): # concurrent gradio client client = get_client() model_dict = ast.literal_eval(client.predict(api_name='/model_names')) return dict(model_names=model_dict[0]) def get_model_list(): # concurrent gradio client client = get_client() model_dict = ast.literal_eval(client.predict(api_name='/model_names')) base_models = [x['base_model'] for x in model_dict] return dict(model_names=base_models)