# h2oGPT Client A Python thin-client for h2oGPT. ## Prerequisites - Python 3.8+ If you don't have Python 3.8 in your system, you can use [Conda](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/index.html). ```bash conda create -n h2ogpt_client_build -y conda activate h2ogpt_client_build conda install python=3.8 -y ``` ## Download Client Wheel Install the latest nightly wheel from S3. ```bash pip install https://s3.amazonaws.com/artifacts.h2o.ai/snapshots/ai/h2o/h2ogpt_client/latest-nightly/h2ogpt_client-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl ``` Nightly releases can also be found [here](https://github.com/h2oai/h2ogpt/releases) ## Build Client Wheel If want to build fresh wheel from main branch instead of getting nightly, follow these instructions. ### Setup :information_source: [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org) is used as the build tool. ```shell rm -rf client/.poetry/ make -C client setup ``` ### Build ```shell make -C client build ``` Distribution wheel file can be found in the `client/dist` directory. This wheel can be installed in the primary h2oGPT environment or any other environment, e.g. ```bash pip uninstall -y h2ogpt_client pip install client/dist/h2ogpt_client-*-py3-none-any.whl ``` ## Usage Based upon [test code](tests/test_client.py) and test code `test_readme_example`: ```python def test_readme_example(local_server): import os import asyncio from h2ogpt_client import Client if local_server: client = Client("") else: h2ogpt_key = os.getenv("H2OGPT_KEY") or os.getenv("H2OGPT_H2OGPT_KEY") if h2ogpt_key is None: return # if you have API key for public instance: client = Client("https://gpt.h2o.ai", h2ogpt_key=h2ogpt_key) # Text completion text_completion = client.text_completion.create() response = asyncio.run(text_completion.complete("Hello world")) print("asyncio text completion response: %s" % response) # Text completion: synchronous response = text_completion.complete_sync("Hello world") print("sync text completion response: %s" % response) # Chat completion chat_completion = client.chat_completion.create() reply = asyncio.run(chat_completion.chat("Hey!")) print("asyncio text completion user: %s gpt: %s" % (reply["user"], reply["gpt"])) chat_history = chat_completion.chat_history() print("chat_history: %s" % chat_history) # Chat completion: synchronous reply = chat_completion.chat_sync("Hey!") print("sync chat completion gpt: %s" % reply["gpt"]) test_readme_example(local_server=True) ``` :warning: **Note**: Client APIs are still evolving. Hence, APIs can be changed without prior warnings. ## Development Guide ### Test In an h2oGPT environment with the client installed, can run tests that test client and server. ### Test with h2oGPT env 1. Install test dependencies of the Client into the h2oGPT Python environment. ```shell make -C client setup_test ``` 2. Run the tests with h2oGPT. ```shell pytest client/tests/ ``` #### Test with an existing h2oGPT server If you already have a running h2oGPT server, then set the `H2OGPT_SERVER` environment variable to use it for testing. ```shell make H2OGPT_SERVER="" -C client test ```