title: YOLOv3
emoji: ⚡
colorFrom: red
colorTo: gray
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.24.1
app_file: app.py
pinned: false
license: mit

This repository relies on the submodule (back-end)
HuggingFace Spaces requires a file with requirements as `requirements.txt`
and app code as `app.py` in the root directory.
To rely on the submodule, I linked `gradio_requirements.txt` to `requirements.txt`
and import from `gradio_app.py` to `app.py`.

## Requirements

More info:
* [Back-end code](https://github.com/v-iashin/WebsiteYOLO)
* [Submit an issue](https://github.com/v-iashin/WebsiteYOLO/issues)
* [Building it without Gradio](https://iashin.ai/how_did_you_build_your_detector)
* [Contact me](https://iashin.ai/)