import sys from functools import partial import torch from torch import nn from torch.autograd import Function as Function from .attention import MultiScaleAttention, attention_pool from .common import Mlp, TwoStreamFusion, drop_path from .utils import round_width class ReversibleMViT(nn.Module): """ Reversible model builder. This builds the reversible transformer encoder and allows reversible training. Karttikeya Mangalam, Haoqi Fan, Yanghao Li, Chao-Yuan Wu, Bo Xiong, Christoph Feichtenhofer, Jitendra Malik "Reversible Vision Transformers" """ def __init__(self, config, model): """ The `__init__` method of any subclass should also contain these arguments. Args: cfg (CfgNode): model building configs, details are in the comments of the config file. model (nn.Module): parent MViT module this module forms a reversible encoder in. """ super().__init__() self.cfg = config embed_dim = self.cfg.MVIT.EMBED_DIM depth = self.cfg.MVIT.DEPTH num_heads = self.cfg.MVIT.NUM_HEADS mlp_ratio = self.cfg.MVIT.MLP_RATIO qkv_bias = self.cfg.MVIT.QKV_BIAS drop_path_rate = self.cfg.MVIT.DROPPATH_RATE self.dropout = config.MVIT.DROPOUT_RATE self.pre_q_fusion = self.cfg.MVIT.REV.PRE_Q_FUSION dpr = [ x.item() for x in torch.linspace(0, drop_path_rate, depth) ] # stochastic depth decay rule input_size = model.patch_dims self.layers = nn.ModuleList([]) self.no_custom_backward = False if self.cfg.MVIT.NORM == "layernorm": norm_layer = partial(nn.LayerNorm, eps=1e-6) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only supports layernorm.") dim_mul, head_mul = torch.ones(depth + 1), torch.ones(depth + 1) for i in range(len(self.cfg.MVIT.DIM_MUL)): dim_mul[self.cfg.MVIT.DIM_MUL[i][0]] = self.cfg.MVIT.DIM_MUL[i][1] for i in range(len(self.cfg.MVIT.HEAD_MUL)): head_mul[self.cfg.MVIT.HEAD_MUL[i][0]] = self.cfg.MVIT.HEAD_MUL[i][ 1 ] pool_q = model.pool_q pool_kv = model.pool_kv stride_q = model.stride_q stride_kv = model.stride_kv for i in range(depth): num_heads = round_width(num_heads, head_mul[i]) # Upsampling inside the MHPA, input to the Q-pooling block is lower C dimension # This localizes the feature changes in a single block, making more computation reversible. embed_dim = round_width( embed_dim, dim_mul[i - 1] if i > 0 else 1.0, divisor=num_heads ) dim_out = round_width( embed_dim, dim_mul[i], divisor=round_width(num_heads, head_mul[i + 1]), ) if i in self.cfg.MVIT.REV.BUFFER_LAYERS: layer_type = StageTransitionBlock input_mult = 2 if "concat" in self.pre_q_fusion else 1 else: layer_type = ReversibleBlock input_mult = 1 dimout_correction = ( 2 if (input_mult == 2 and "concat" in self.pre_q_fusion) else 1 ) self.layers.append( layer_type( dim=embed_dim * input_mult, # added only for concat fusion before Qpooling layers input_size=input_size, dim_out=dim_out * input_mult // dimout_correction, num_heads=num_heads, cfg=self.cfg, mlp_ratio=mlp_ratio, qkv_bias=qkv_bias, drop_path=dpr[i], norm_layer=norm_layer, kernel_q=pool_q[i] if len(pool_q) > i else [], kernel_kv=pool_kv[i] if len(pool_kv) > i else [], stride_q=stride_q[i] if len(stride_q) > i else [], stride_kv=stride_kv[i] if len(stride_kv) > i else [], layer_id=i, pre_q_fusion=self.pre_q_fusion, ) ) # F is the attention block self.layers[-1].F.thw = input_size if len(stride_q[i]) > 0: input_size = [ size // stride for size, stride in zip(input_size, stride_q[i]) ] embed_dim = dim_out @staticmethod def vanilla_backward(h, layers, buffer): """ Using rev layers without rev backpropagation. Debugging purposes only. Activated with self.no_custom_backward. """ # split into hidden states (h) and attention_output (a) h, a = torch.chunk(h, 2, dim=-1) for _, layer in enumerate(layers): a, h = layer(a, h) return[a, h], dim=-1) def forward(self, x): # process the layers in a reversible stack and an irreversible stack. stack = [] for l_i in range(len(self.layers)): if isinstance(self.layers[l_i], StageTransitionBlock): stack.append(("StageTransition", l_i)) else: if len(stack) == 0 or stack[-1][0] == "StageTransition": stack.append(("Reversible", [])) stack[-1][1].append(l_i) for layer_seq in stack: if layer_seq[0] == "StageTransition": x = self.layers[layer_seq[1]](x) else: x =[x, x], dim=-1) # no need for custom backprop in eval/model stat log if not or self.no_custom_backward: executing_fn = ReversibleMViT.vanilla_backward else: executing_fn = RevBackProp.apply x = executing_fn( x, self.layers[layer_seq[1][0] : layer_seq[1][-1] + 1], [], # buffer activations ) # Apply dropout x = nn.functional.dropout(x, p=self.dropout, return x class RevBackProp(Function): """ Custom Backpropagation function to allow (A) flusing memory in foward and (B) activation recomputation reversibly in backward for gradient calculation. Inspired by """ @staticmethod def forward( ctx, x, layers, buffer_layers, # List of layer ids for int activation to buffer ): """ Reversible Forward pass. Any intermediate activations from `buffer_layers` are cached in ctx for forward pass. This is not necessary for standard usecases. Each reversible layer implements its own forward pass logic. """ buffer_layers.sort() X_1, X_2 = torch.chunk(x, 2, dim=-1) intermediate = [] for layer in layers: X_1, X_2 = layer(X_1, X_2) if layer.layer_id in buffer_layers: intermediate.extend([X_1.detach(), X_2.detach()]) if len(buffer_layers) == 0: all_tensors = [X_1.detach(), X_2.detach()] else: intermediate = [torch.LongTensor(buffer_layers), *intermediate] all_tensors = [X_1.detach(), X_2.detach(), *intermediate] ctx.save_for_backward(*all_tensors) ctx.layers = layers return[X_1, X_2], dim=-1) @staticmethod def backward(ctx, dx): """ Reversible Backward pass. Any intermediate activations from `buffer_layers` are recovered from ctx. Each layer implements its own loic for backward pass (both activation recomputation and grad calculation). """ dX_1, dX_2 = torch.chunk(dx, 2, dim=-1) # retrieve params from ctx for backward X_1, X_2, *int_tensors = ctx.saved_tensors # no buffering if len(int_tensors) != 0: buffer_layers = int_tensors[0].tolist() else: buffer_layers = [] layers = ctx.layers for _, layer in enumerate(layers[::-1]): if layer.layer_id in buffer_layers: X_1, X_2, dX_1, dX_2 = layer.backward_pass( Y_1=int_tensors[ buffer_layers.index(layer.layer_id) * 2 + 1 ], Y_2=int_tensors[ buffer_layers.index(layer.layer_id) * 2 + 2 ], dY_1=dX_1, dY_2=dX_2, ) else: X_1, X_2, dX_1, dX_2 = layer.backward_pass( Y_1=X_1, Y_2=X_2, dY_1=dX_1, dY_2=dX_2, ) dx =[dX_1, dX_2], dim=-1) del int_tensors del dX_1, dX_2, X_1, X_2 return dx, None, None class StageTransitionBlock(nn.Module): """ Blocks for changing the feature dimensions in MViT (using Q-pooling). See Section 3.3.1 in paper for details. """ def __init__( self, dim, input_size, dim_out, num_heads, mlp_ratio, qkv_bias, drop_path, kernel_q, kernel_kv, stride_q, stride_kv, cfg, norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm, pre_q_fusion=None, layer_id=0, ): """ Uses the same structure of F and G functions as Reversible Block except without using reversible forward (and backward) pass. """ super().__init__() self.drop_path_rate = drop_path embed_dim = dim self.F = AttentionSubBlock( dim=embed_dim, input_size=input_size, num_heads=num_heads, cfg=cfg, dim_out=dim_out, kernel_q=kernel_q, kernel_kv=kernel_kv, stride_q=stride_q, stride_kv=stride_kv, norm_layer=norm_layer, ) self.G = MLPSubblock( dim=dim_out, mlp_ratio=mlp_ratio, norm_layer=norm_layer, ) self.layer_id = layer_id self.is_proj = False self.has_cls_embed = cfg.MVIT.CLS_EMBED_ON self.is_conv = False self.pool_first = cfg.MVIT.POOL_FIRST self.mode = cfg.MVIT.MODE self.pre_q_fuse = TwoStreamFusion(pre_q_fusion, dim=dim) if cfg.MVIT.REV.RES_PATH == "max": self.res_conv = False self.pool_skip = nn.MaxPool3d( # self.attention.attn.pool_q.kernel_size, [s + 1 if s > 1 else s for s in self.F.attn.pool_q.stride], self.F.attn.pool_q.stride, [int(k // 2) for k in self.F.attn.pool_q.stride], # self.attention.attn.pool_q.padding, ceil_mode=False, ) elif cfg.MVIT.REV.RES_PATH == "conv": self.res_conv = True else: raise NotImplementedError # Add a linear projection in residual branch if embed_dim != dim_out: self.is_proj = True self.res_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, dim_out, bias=True) def forward( self, x, ): """ Forward logic is similar to MultiScaleBlock with Q-pooling. """ x = self.pre_q_fuse(x) # fork tensor for residual connections x_res = x # This uses conv to pool the residual hidden features # but done before pooling only if not pool_first if self.is_proj and not self.pool_first: x_res = self.res_proj(x_res) if self.res_conv: # Pooling the hidden features with the same conv as Q N, L, C = x_res.shape # This handling is the same as that of q in MultiScaleAttention if self.mode == "conv_unshared": fold_dim = 1 else: fold_dim = self.F.attn.num_heads # Output is (B, N, L, C) x_res = x_res.reshape(N, L, fold_dim, C // fold_dim).permute( 0, 2, 1, 3 ) x_res, _ = attention_pool( x_res, self.F.attn.pool_q, # thw_shape = self.attention.attn.thw, thw_shape=self.F.thw, has_cls_embed=self.has_cls_embed, norm=self.F.attn.norm_q if hasattr(self.F.attn, "norm_q") else None, ) x_res = x_res.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(N, x_res.shape[2], C) else: # Pooling the hidden features with max op x_res, _ = attention_pool( x_res, self.pool_skip, thw_shape=self.F.attn.thw, has_cls_embed=self.has_cls_embed, ) # If pool_first then project to higher dim now if self.is_proj and self.pool_first: x_res = self.res_proj(x_res) x = self.F(x) x = x_res + x x = x + self.G(x) x = drop_path(x, drop_prob=self.drop_path_rate, return x class ReversibleBlock(nn.Module): """ Reversible Blocks for Reversible Vision Transformer and also for state-preserving blocks in Reversible MViT. See Section 3.3.2 in paper for details. """ def __init__( self, dim, input_size, dim_out, num_heads, mlp_ratio, qkv_bias, drop_path, kernel_q, kernel_kv, stride_q, stride_kv, cfg, norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm, layer_id=0, **kwargs ): """ Block is composed entirely of function F (Attention sub-block) and G (MLP sub-block) including layernorm. """ super().__init__() self.drop_path_rate = drop_path self.F = AttentionSubBlock( dim=dim, input_size=input_size, num_heads=num_heads, cfg=cfg, dim_out=dim_out, kernel_q=kernel_q, kernel_kv=kernel_kv, stride_q=stride_q, stride_kv=stride_kv, norm_layer=norm_layer, ) self.G = MLPSubblock( dim=dim, mlp_ratio=mlp_ratio, norm_layer=norm_layer, ) self.layer_id = layer_id self.seeds = {} def seed_cuda(self, key): """ Fix seeds to allow for stochastic elements such as dropout to be reproduced exactly in activation recomputation in the backward pass. """ # randomize seeds # use cuda generator if available if ( hasattr(torch.cuda, "default_generators") and len(torch.cuda.default_generators) > 0 ): # GPU device_idx = torch.cuda.current_device() seed = torch.cuda.default_generators[device_idx].seed() else: # CPU seed = int(torch.seed() % sys.maxsize) self.seeds[key] = seed torch.manual_seed(self.seeds[key]) def forward(self, X_1, X_2): """ forward pass equations: Y_1 = X_1 + Attention(X_2), F = Attention Y_2 = X_2 + MLP(Y_1), G = MLP """ self.seed_cuda("attn") # Y_1 : attn_output f_X_2 = self.F(X_2) self.seed_cuda("droppath") f_X_2_dropped = drop_path( f_X_2, drop_prob=self.drop_path_rate, ) # Y_1 = X_1 + f(X_2) Y_1 = X_1 + f_X_2_dropped # free memory del X_1 self.seed_cuda("FFN") g_Y_1 = self.G(Y_1) torch.manual_seed(self.seeds["droppath"]) g_Y_1_dropped = drop_path( g_Y_1, drop_prob=self.drop_path_rate, ) # Y_2 = X_2 + g(Y_1) Y_2 = X_2 + g_Y_1_dropped del X_2 return Y_1, Y_2 def backward_pass( self, Y_1, Y_2, dY_1, dY_2, ): """ equation for activation recomputation: X_2 = Y_2 - G(Y_1), G = MLP X_1 = Y_1 - F(X_2), F = Attention """ # temporarily record intermediate activation for G # and use them for gradient calculcation of G with torch.enable_grad(): Y_1.requires_grad = True torch.manual_seed(self.seeds["FFN"]) g_Y_1 = self.G(Y_1) torch.manual_seed(self.seeds["droppath"]) g_Y_1 = drop_path( g_Y_1, drop_prob=self.drop_path_rate, ) g_Y_1.backward(dY_2, retain_graph=True) # activation recomputation is by design and not part of # the computation graph in forward pass. with torch.no_grad(): X_2 = Y_2 - g_Y_1 del g_Y_1 dY_1 = dY_1 + Y_1.grad Y_1.grad = None # record F activations and calc gradients on F with torch.enable_grad(): X_2.requires_grad = True torch.manual_seed(self.seeds["attn"]) f_X_2 = self.F(X_2) torch.manual_seed(self.seeds["droppath"]) f_X_2 = drop_path( f_X_2, drop_prob=self.drop_path_rate, ) f_X_2.backward(dY_1, retain_graph=True) # propagate reverse computed acitvations at the start of # the previou block for backprop.s with torch.no_grad(): X_1 = Y_1 - f_X_2 del f_X_2, Y_1 dY_2 = dY_2 + X_2.grad X_2.grad = None X_2 = X_2.detach() return X_1, X_2, dY_1, dY_2 class MLPSubblock(nn.Module): """ This creates the function G such that the entire block can be expressed as F(G(X)). Includes pre-LayerNorm. """ def __init__( self, dim, mlp_ratio, norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm, ): super().__init__() self.norm = norm_layer(dim, eps=1e-6, elementwise_affine=True) mlp_hidden_dim = int(dim * mlp_ratio) self.mlp = Mlp( in_features=dim, hidden_features=mlp_hidden_dim, act_layer=nn.GELU, ) def forward(self, x): return self.mlp(self.norm(x)) class AttentionSubBlock(nn.Module): """ This creates the function F such that the entire block can be expressed as F(G(X)). Includes pre-LayerNorm. """ def __init__( self, dim, input_size, num_heads, cfg, dim_out=None, kernel_q=(1, 1, 1), kernel_kv=(1, 1, 1), stride_q=(1, 1, 1), stride_kv=(1, 1, 1), norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm, ): super().__init__() self.norm = norm_layer(dim, eps=1e-6, elementwise_affine=True) # This will be set externally during init self.thw = None # the actual attention details are the same as Multiscale # attention for MViTv2 (with channel up=projection inside block) # can also implement no upprojection attention for vanilla ViT self.attn = MultiScaleAttention( dim, dim_out, input_size=input_size, num_heads=num_heads, kernel_q=kernel_q, kernel_kv=kernel_kv, stride_q=stride_q, stride_kv=stride_kv, norm_layer=norm_layer, drop_rate=cfg.MVIT.DROPOUT_RATE, qkv_bias=cfg.MVIT.QKV_BIAS, has_cls_embed=cfg.MVIT.CLS_EMBED_ON, mode=cfg.MVIT.MODE, pool_first=cfg.MVIT.POOL_FIRST, rel_pos_spatial=cfg.MVIT.REL_POS_SPATIAL, rel_pos_temporal=cfg.MVIT.REL_POS_TEMPORAL, rel_pos_zero_init=cfg.MVIT.REL_POS_ZERO_INIT, residual_pooling=cfg.MVIT.RESIDUAL_POOLING, separate_qkv=cfg.MVIT.SEPARATE_QKV, ) def forward(self, x): out, _ = self.attn(self.norm(x), self.thw) return out