/* * Copyright (C) 2023, Inria * GRAPHDECO research group, https://team.inria.fr/graphdeco * All rights reserved. * * This software is free for non-commercial, research and evaluation use * under the terms of the LICENSE.md file. * * For inquiries contact george.drettakis@inria.fr */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include std::tuple RasterizeGaussiansCUDA( const torch::Tensor &background, const torch::Tensor &means3D, const torch::Tensor &colors, const torch::Tensor &opacity, const torch::Tensor &scales, const torch::Tensor &rotations, const float scale_modifier, const torch::Tensor &cov3D_precomp, const torch::Tensor &viewmatrix, const torch::Tensor &projmatrix, const float tan_fovx, const float tan_fovy, const int image_height, const int image_width, const torch::Tensor &sh, const int degree, const torch::Tensor &campos, const bool prefiltered, const bool debug); std::tuple RasterizeGaussiansBackwardCUDA( const torch::Tensor &background, const torch::Tensor &means3D, const torch::Tensor &radii, const torch::Tensor &colors, const torch::Tensor &scales, const torch::Tensor &rotations, const float scale_modifier, const torch::Tensor &cov3D_precomp, const torch::Tensor &viewmatrix, const torch::Tensor &projmatrix, const float tan_fovx, const float tan_fovy, const torch::Tensor &dL_dout_color, const torch::Tensor &sh, const int degree, const torch::Tensor &campos, const torch::Tensor &geomBuffer, const int R, const torch::Tensor &binningBuffer, const torch::Tensor &imageBuffer, const bool debug); torch::Tensor markVisible(torch::Tensor &means3D, torch::Tensor &viewmatrix, torch::Tensor &projmatrix);