#!/bin/bash # Author : Bing # Script follows here: # Define a function to clear chromium browser cache clear_cache() { rm -rf ~/.cache/chromium } # Define a function to load a web page using chromium browser load_page() { # The first argument is the web page url url=$1 # Open the url in a new tab of chromium browser chromium --new-tab $url --window-position=0,0 --window-size=700,500 } # Define a function to move the mouse and click the left button using xdotool move_and_click() { # The first argument is the x coordinate x=$1 # The second argument is the y coordinate y=$2 # Move the mouse to the given coordinates xdotool mousemove $x $y # Click the left button xdotool click 1 } # Define a function to type some characters and press enter using xdotool type_and_enter() { # The first argument is the characters to type chars=$1 # Type the characters xdotool type "$chars" # Press enter xdotool key Return } # Define a function to kill all chromium browser windows kill_chromium() { # Find the process id of chromium browser pid=$(pgrep chromium) # Kill the process kill $pid } # Define a function to wait for some seconds wait_for() { # The first argument is the number of seconds to wait seconds=$1 # Sleep for the given seconds sleep $seconds } # Define an infinite loop while true do # Clear chromium browser cache clear_cache # Load the first web page #load_page "https://www.bing.com/turing/captcha/challenge" /home/user/Desktop/myshell/openchall.sh & # Wait for 15 seconds wait_for 15 # Move the mouse and click the left button move_and_click 80 210 # Wait for 5 seconds wait_for 5 # Load the second web page load_page "https://www.bing.com/search?q=Bing+AI&showconv=1&FORM=hpcodx" # Wait for 5 seconds wait_for 5 # Move the mouse and click the left button move_and_click 400 490 # Type AI and press enter type_and_enter "AI" # Wait for 5 seconds wait_for 5 # Kill all chromium browser windows kill_chromium # Wait for 50 minutes wait_for 3000 # Go back to the beginning of the loop done