import type { SerializedRenderResult } from "quicktype-core"; import { quicktype, InputData, JSONSchemaInput, FetchingJSONSchemaStore } from "quicktype-core"; import * as fs from "node:fs/promises"; import { existsSync as pathExists } from "node:fs"; import * as path from "node:path/posix"; import ts from "typescript"; const TYPESCRIPT_HEADER_FILE = ` /** * Inference code generated from the JSON schema spec in ./spec * * Using src/scripts/inference-codegen */ `; const PYTHON_HEADER_FILE = ` # Inference code generated from the JSON schema spec in @huggingface/tasks. # # See: # - script: # - specs: `; const PYTHON_DIR = "./.python_generated"; const rootDirFinder = function (): string { let currentPath = path.normalize(import.meta.url); while (currentPath !== "/") { if (pathExists(path.join(currentPath, "package.json"))) { return currentPath; } currentPath = path.normalize(path.join(currentPath, "..")); } return "/"; }; /** * * @param taskId The ID of the task for which we are generating code * @param taskSpecDir The path to the directory where the input.json & output.json files are * @param allSpecFiles An array of paths to all the tasks specs. Allows resolving cross-file references ($ref). */ async function buildInputData(taskId: string, taskSpecDir: string, allSpecFiles: string[]): Promise { const schema = new JSONSchemaInput(new FetchingJSONSchemaStore(), [], allSpecFiles); await schema.addSource({ name: `${taskId}-input`, schema: await fs.readFile(`${taskSpecDir}/input.json`, { encoding: "utf-8" }), }); await schema.addSource({ name: `${taskId}-output`, schema: await fs.readFile(`${taskSpecDir}/output.json`, { encoding: "utf-8" }), }); if (taskId === "text-generation" || taskId === "chat-completion") { await schema.addSource({ name: `${taskId}-stream-output`, schema: await fs.readFile(`${taskSpecDir}/stream_output.json`, { encoding: "utf-8" }), }); } const inputData = new InputData(); inputData.addInput(schema); return inputData; } async function generateTypescript(inputData: InputData): Promise { return await quicktype({ inputData, lang: "typescript", alphabetizeProperties: true, indentation: "\t", rendererOptions: { "just-types": true, "nice-property-names": false, "prefer-unions": true, "prefer-const-values": true, "prefer-unknown": true, "explicit-unions": true, "runtime-typecheck": false, }, }); } async function generatePython(inputData: InputData): Promise { return await quicktype({ inputData, lang: "python", alphabetizeProperties: true, rendererOptions: { "just-types": true, "nice-property-names": true, "python-version": "3.7", }, }); } /** * quicktype is unable to generate "top-level array types" that are defined in the output spec: * We have to use the TypeScript API to generate those types when required. * This hacky function: * - looks for the generated interface for output types * - renames it with a `Element` suffix * - generates type alias in the form `export type = Element[]; * * And writes that to the `inference.ts` file * */ async function postProcessOutput(path2generated: string, outputSpec: Record): Promise { const source = ts.createSourceFile( path.basename(path2generated), await fs.readFile(path2generated, { encoding: "utf-8" }), ts.ScriptTarget.ES2022 ); const exportedName = outputSpec.title; if (outputSpec.type !== "array" || typeof exportedName !== "string") { console.log(" Nothing to do"); return; } const topLevelNodes = source.getChildAt(0).getChildren(); const hasTypeAlias = topLevelNodes.some( (node) => node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration && (node as ts.TypeAliasDeclaration).name.escapedText === exportedName ); if (hasTypeAlias) { return; } const interfaceDeclaration = topLevelNodes.find((node): node is ts.InterfaceDeclaration => { if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration) { return (node as ts.InterfaceDeclaration).name.getText(source) === exportedName; } return false; }); if (!interfaceDeclaration) { console.log(" Nothing to do"); return; } console.log(" Inserting top-level array type alias..."); const updatedInterface = ts.factory.updateInterfaceDeclaration( interfaceDeclaration, interfaceDeclaration.modifiers, ts.factory.createIdentifier( + "Element"), interfaceDeclaration.typeParameters, interfaceDeclaration.heritageClauses, interfaceDeclaration.members ); const arrayDeclaration = ts.factory.createTypeAliasDeclaration( [ts.factory.createModifier(ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword)], exportedName, undefined, ts.factory.createArrayTypeNode(ts.factory.createTypeReferenceNode( ); const printer = ts.createPrinter(); const newNodes = ts.factory.createNodeArray([ ...topLevelNodes.filter((node) => node !== interfaceDeclaration), arrayDeclaration, updatedInterface, ]); await fs.writeFile(path2generated, printer.printList(ts.ListFormat.MultiLine, newNodes, source), { flag: "w+", encoding: "utf-8", }); return; } const rootDir = rootDirFinder(); const tasksDir = path.join(rootDir, "src", "tasks"); const allTasks = await Promise.all( (await fs.readdir(tasksDir, { withFileTypes: true })) .filter((entry) => entry.isDirectory()) .filter((entry) => !== "placeholder") .map(async (entry) => ({ task:, dirPath: path.join(entry.path, })) ); const allSpecFiles = [ path.join(tasksDir, "common-definitions.json"), ...allTasks .flatMap(({ dirPath }) => [path.join(dirPath, "spec", "input.json"), path.join(dirPath, "spec", "output.json")]) .filter((filepath) => pathExists(filepath)), ]; for (const { task, dirPath } of allTasks) { const taskSpecDir = path.join(dirPath, "spec"); if (!(pathExists(path.join(taskSpecDir, "input.json")) && pathExists(path.join(taskSpecDir, "output.json")))) { console.debug(`No spec found for task ${task} - skipping`); continue; } console.debug(`✨ Generating types for task`, task); console.debug(" 📦 Building input data"); const inputData = await buildInputData(task, taskSpecDir, allSpecFiles); console.debug(" 🏭 Generating typescript code"); { const { lines } = await generateTypescript(inputData); await fs.writeFile(`${dirPath}/inference.ts`, [TYPESCRIPT_HEADER_FILE, ...lines].join(`\n`), { flag: "w+", encoding: "utf-8", }); } const outputSpec = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(`${taskSpecDir}/output.json`, { encoding: "utf-8" })); console.log(" 🩹 Post-processing the generated code"); await postProcessOutput(`${dirPath}/inference.ts`, outputSpec); console.debug(" 🏭 Generating Python code"); { const { lines } = await generatePython(inputData); const pythonFilename = `${task}.py`.replace(/-/g, "_"); const pythonPath = `${PYTHON_DIR}/${pythonFilename}`; await fs.mkdir(PYTHON_DIR, { recursive: true }); await fs.writeFile(pythonPath, [PYTHON_HEADER_FILE, ...lines].join(`\n`), { flag: "w+", encoding: "utf-8", }); } } console.debug("✅ All done!");