/** * Represents tokens that our language understands in parsing. */ export const TOKEN_TYPES = Object.freeze({ Text: "Text", // The text between Jinja statements or expressions NumericLiteral: "NumericLiteral", // e.g., 123 BooleanLiteral: "BooleanLiteral", // true or false StringLiteral: "StringLiteral", // 'string' Identifier: "Identifier", // Variables, functions, etc. Equals: "Equals", // = OpenParen: "OpenParen", // ( CloseParen: "CloseParen", // ) OpenStatement: "OpenStatement", // {% CloseStatement: "CloseStatement", // %} OpenExpression: "OpenExpression", // {{ CloseExpression: "CloseExpression", // }} OpenSquareBracket: "OpenSquareBracket", // [ CloseSquareBracket: "CloseSquareBracket", // ] Comma: "Comma", // , Dot: "Dot", // . Colon: "Colon", // : Pipe: "Pipe", // | CallOperator: "CallOperator", // () AdditiveBinaryOperator: "AdditiveBinaryOperator", // + - MultiplicativeBinaryOperator: "MultiplicativeBinaryOperator", // * / % ComparisonBinaryOperator: "ComparisonBinaryOperator", // < > <= >= == != UnaryOperator: "UnaryOperator", // ! - + // Keywords Set: "Set", If: "If", For: "For", In: "In", Is: "Is", NotIn: "NotIn", Else: "Else", EndIf: "EndIf", ElseIf: "ElseIf", EndFor: "EndFor", And: "And", Or: "Or", Not: "UnaryOperator", }); export type TokenType = keyof typeof TOKEN_TYPES; /** * Constant lookup for keywords and known identifiers + symbols. */ const KEYWORDS = Object.freeze({ set: TOKEN_TYPES.Set, for: TOKEN_TYPES.For, in: TOKEN_TYPES.In, is: TOKEN_TYPES.Is, if: TOKEN_TYPES.If, else: TOKEN_TYPES.Else, endif: TOKEN_TYPES.EndIf, elif: TOKEN_TYPES.ElseIf, endfor: TOKEN_TYPES.EndFor, and: TOKEN_TYPES.And, or: TOKEN_TYPES.Or, not: TOKEN_TYPES.Not, "not in": TOKEN_TYPES.NotIn, // Literals true: TOKEN_TYPES.BooleanLiteral, false: TOKEN_TYPES.BooleanLiteral, }); /** * Represents a single token in the template. */ export class Token { /** * Constructs a new Token. * @param {string} value The raw value as seen inside the source code. * @param {TokenType} type The type of token. */ constructor( public value: string, public type: TokenType ) {} } function isWord(char: string): boolean { return /\w/.test(char); } function isInteger(char: string): boolean { return /[0-9]/.test(char); } /** * A data structure which contains a list of rules to test */ const ORDERED_MAPPING_TABLE: [string, TokenType][] = [ // Control sequences ["{%", TOKEN_TYPES.OpenStatement], ["%}", TOKEN_TYPES.CloseStatement], ["{{", TOKEN_TYPES.OpenExpression], ["}}", TOKEN_TYPES.CloseExpression], // Single character tokens ["(", TOKEN_TYPES.OpenParen], [")", TOKEN_TYPES.CloseParen], ["[", TOKEN_TYPES.OpenSquareBracket], ["]", TOKEN_TYPES.CloseSquareBracket], [",", TOKEN_TYPES.Comma], [".", TOKEN_TYPES.Dot], [":", TOKEN_TYPES.Colon], ["|", TOKEN_TYPES.Pipe], // Comparison operators ["<=", TOKEN_TYPES.ComparisonBinaryOperator], [">=", TOKEN_TYPES.ComparisonBinaryOperator], ["==", TOKEN_TYPES.ComparisonBinaryOperator], ["!=", TOKEN_TYPES.ComparisonBinaryOperator], ["<", TOKEN_TYPES.ComparisonBinaryOperator], [">", TOKEN_TYPES.ComparisonBinaryOperator], // Arithmetic operators ["+", TOKEN_TYPES.AdditiveBinaryOperator], ["-", TOKEN_TYPES.AdditiveBinaryOperator], ["*", TOKEN_TYPES.MultiplicativeBinaryOperator], ["/", TOKEN_TYPES.MultiplicativeBinaryOperator], ["%", TOKEN_TYPES.MultiplicativeBinaryOperator], // Assignment operator ["=", TOKEN_TYPES.Equals], ]; const ESCAPE_CHARACTERS = new Map([ ["n", "\n"], // New line ["t", "\t"], // Horizontal tab ["r", "\r"], // Carriage return ["b", "\b"], // Backspace ["f", "\f"], // Form feed ["v", "\v"], // Vertical tab ["'", "'"], // Single quote ['"', '"'], // Double quote ["\\", "\\"], // Backslash ]); export interface PreprocessOptions { trim_blocks?: boolean; lstrip_blocks?: boolean; } function preprocess(template: string, options: PreprocessOptions = {}): string { // According to https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/3.0.x/templates/#whitespace-control // In the default configuration: // - a single trailing newline is stripped if present // - other whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines etc.) is returned unchanged if (template.endsWith("\n")) { template = template.slice(0, -1); } if (options.trim_blocks) { // If an application configures Jinja to trim_blocks, the first newline after // a template tag is removed automatically (like in PHP). template = template.replace(/%}\n/g, "%}"); } if (options.lstrip_blocks) { // The lstrip_blocks option can also be set to strip tabs and spaces from the // beginning of a line to the start of a block. (Nothing will be stripped if // there are other characters before the start of the block.) template = template.replace(/^[ \t]*{%/gm, "{%"); } return template .replace(/-%}\s*/g, "%}") .replace(/\s*{%-/g, "{%") .replace(/-}}\s*/g, "}}") .replace(/\s*{{-/g, "{{"); } /** * Generate a list of tokens from a source string. */ export function tokenize(source: string, options: PreprocessOptions = {}): Token[] { const tokens: Token[] = []; const src: string = preprocess(source, options); let cursorPosition = 0; const consumeWhile = (predicate: (char: string) => boolean): string => { let str = ""; while (predicate(src[cursorPosition])) { // Check for escaped characters if (src[cursorPosition] === "\\") { // Consume the backslash ++cursorPosition; // Check for end of input if (cursorPosition >= src.length) throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected end of input"); // Add the escaped character const escaped = src[cursorPosition++]; const unescaped = ESCAPE_CHARACTERS.get(escaped); if (unescaped === undefined) { throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected escaped character: ${escaped}`); } str += unescaped; continue; } str += src[cursorPosition++]; if (cursorPosition >= src.length) throw new SyntaxError("Unexpected end of input"); } return str; }; // Build each token until end of input main: while (cursorPosition < src.length) { // First, consume all text that is outside of a Jinja statement or expression const lastTokenType = tokens.at(-1)?.type; if ( lastTokenType === undefined || lastTokenType === TOKEN_TYPES.CloseStatement || lastTokenType === TOKEN_TYPES.CloseExpression ) { let text = ""; while ( cursorPosition < src.length && // Keep going until we hit the next Jinja statement or expression !(src[cursorPosition] === "{" && (src[cursorPosition + 1] === "%" || src[cursorPosition + 1] === "{")) ) { // Consume text text += src[cursorPosition++]; } // There is some text to add if (text.length > 0) { tokens.push(new Token(text, TOKEN_TYPES.Text)); continue; } } // Consume (and ignore) all whitespace inside Jinja statements or expressions consumeWhile((char) => /\s/.test(char)); // Handle multi-character tokens const char = src[cursorPosition]; // Check for unary operators if (char === "-" || char === "+") { const lastTokenType = tokens.at(-1)?.type; if (lastTokenType === TOKEN_TYPES.Text || lastTokenType === undefined) { throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character: ${char}`); } switch (lastTokenType) { case TOKEN_TYPES.Identifier: case TOKEN_TYPES.NumericLiteral: case TOKEN_TYPES.BooleanLiteral: case TOKEN_TYPES.StringLiteral: case TOKEN_TYPES.CloseParen: case TOKEN_TYPES.CloseSquareBracket: // Part of a binary operator // a - 1, 1 - 1, true - 1, "apple" - 1, (1) - 1, a[1] - 1 // Continue parsing normally break; default: { // Is part of a unary operator // (-1), [-1], (1 + -1), not -1, -apple ++cursorPosition; // consume the unary operator // Check for numbers following the unary operator const num = consumeWhile(isInteger); tokens.push( new Token(`${char}${num}`, num.length > 0 ? TOKEN_TYPES.NumericLiteral : TOKEN_TYPES.UnaryOperator) ); continue; } } } // Try to match one of the tokens in the mapping table for (const [char, token] of ORDERED_MAPPING_TABLE) { const slice = src.slice(cursorPosition, cursorPosition + char.length); if (slice === char) { tokens.push(new Token(char, token)); cursorPosition += char.length; continue main; } } if (char === "'") { ++cursorPosition; // Skip the opening quote const str = consumeWhile((char) => char !== "'"); tokens.push(new Token(str, TOKEN_TYPES.StringLiteral)); ++cursorPosition; // Skip the closing quote continue; } if (isInteger(char)) { const num = consumeWhile(isInteger); tokens.push(new Token(num, TOKEN_TYPES.NumericLiteral)); continue; } if (isWord(char)) { const word = consumeWhile(isWord); // Check for special/reserved keywords // NOTE: We use Object.hasOwn() to avoid matching `.toString()` and other Object methods const type = Object.hasOwn(KEYWORDS, word) ? KEYWORDS[word as keyof typeof KEYWORDS] : TOKEN_TYPES.Identifier; // Special case of not in: // If the previous token was a "not", and this token is "in" // then we want to combine them into a single token if (type === TOKEN_TYPES.In && tokens.at(-1)?.type === TOKEN_TYPES.Not) { tokens.pop(); tokens.push(new Token("not in", TOKEN_TYPES.NotIn)); } else { tokens.push(new Token(word, type)); } continue; } throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected character: ${char}`); } return tokens; }