import { isUrl } from "./isUrl"; /** * We want to make calls to the huggingface hub the least possible, eg if * someone is calling Inference Endpoints 1000 times per second, we don't want * to make 1000 calls to the hub to get the task name. */ const taskCache = new Map(); const CACHE_DURATION = 10 * 60 * 1000; const MAX_CACHE_ITEMS = 1000; export const HF_HUB_URL = ""; export interface DefaultTaskOptions { fetch?: typeof fetch; } /** * Get the default task. Use a LRU cache of 1000 items with 10 minutes expiration * to avoid making too many calls to the HF hub. * * @returns The default task for the model, or `null` if it was impossible to get it */ export async function getDefaultTask( model: string, accessToken: string | undefined, options?: DefaultTaskOptions ): Promise { if (isUrl(model)) { return null; } const key = `${model}:${accessToken}`; let cachedTask = taskCache.get(key); if (cachedTask && < new Date( - CACHE_DURATION)) { taskCache.delete(key); cachedTask = undefined; } if (cachedTask === undefined) { const modelTask = await (options?.fetch ?? fetch)(`${HF_HUB_URL}/api/models/${model}?expand[]=pipeline_tag`, { headers: accessToken ? { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` } : {}, }) .then((resp) => resp.json()) .then((json) => json.pipeline_tag) .catch(() => null); if (!modelTask) { return null; } cachedTask = { task: modelTask, date: new Date() }; taskCache.set(key, { task: modelTask, date: new Date() }); if (taskCache.size > MAX_CACHE_ITEMS) { taskCache.delete(taskCache.keys().next().value); } } return cachedTask.task; }