import { readFileSync, writeFileSync, appendFileSync, readdirSync } from "node:fs"; |
import { TASKS_DATA } from "@huggingface/tasks"; |
const tasks = Object.keys(TASKS_DATA) |
.sort() |
.filter((task) => task !== "other"); |
let types = readFileSync("./src/types.ts", "utf-8"); |
types = types.replace(/import.* "@huggingface\/tasks";\n/g, ""); |
types = types.replace(' Exclude<PipelineType, "other">', ["", ...tasks.map((task) => `"${task}"`)].join("\n\t| ")); |
if (types.includes("PipelineType") || types.includes("@huggingface/tasks")) { |
console.log(types); |
console.error("Failed to parse types.ts"); |
process.exit(1); |
} |
writeFileSync("./dist/index.d.ts", types + "\n"); |
appendFileSync("./dist/index.d.ts", "export class InferenceOutputError extends TypeError {}" + "\n"); |
const dirs = readdirSync("./src/tasks"); |
const fns: string[] = []; |
for (const dir of dirs) { |
if (dir.endsWith(".ts")) { |
continue; |
} |
const files = readdirSync(`./src/tasks/${dir}`); |
for (const file of files) { |
if (!file.endsWith(".ts")) { |
continue; |
} |
const fileContent = readFileSync(`./src/tasks/${dir}/${file}`, "utf-8"); |
for (const type of extractTypesAndInterfaces(fileContent)) { |
appendFileSync("./dist/index.d.ts", type + "\n"); |
} |
for (const fn of extractAsyncFunctions(fileContent)) { |
appendFileSync("./dist/index.d.ts", fn + "\n"); |
fns.push(fn); |
} |
} |
} |
appendFileSync( |
"./dist/index.d.ts", |
`export class HfInference { |
\tconstructor(accessToken?: string, defaultOptions?: Options); |
\t/** |
\t * Returns copy of HfInference tied to a specified endpoint. |
\t */ |
\tendpoint(endpointUrl: string): HfInferenceEndpoint; |
` + |
fns |
.map( |
(fn) => |
`${fn |
.replace(/args: [a-zA-Z]+/, (args) => `args: Omit<${args.slice("args: ".length)}, 'accessToken'>`) |
.replace("export function ", "") |
.split("\n") |
.map((line) => "\t" + line) |
.join("\n")}` |
) |
.join("\n") + |
"\n}\n" |
); |
appendFileSync( |
"./dist/index.d.ts", |
`export class HfInferenceEndpoint {\n\tconstructor(endpointUrl: string, accessToken?: string, defaultOptions?: Options);\n` + |
fns |
.map( |
(fn) => |
`${fn |
.replace(/args: [a-zA-Z]+/, (args) => `args: Omit<${args.slice("args: ".length)}, 'accessToken' | 'model'>`) |
.replace("export function ", "") |
.split("\n") |
.map((line) => "\t" + line) |
.join("\n")}` |
) |
.join("\n") + |
"\n}\n" |
); |
function* extractTypesAndInterfaces(fileContent: string): Iterable<string> { |
let index = 0; |
for (const kind of ["type", "interface"]) { |
while (true) { |
index = fileContent.indexOf(`export ${kind} `, index); |
const initialIndex = index; |
if (index === -1) { |
break; |
} |
let bracketOpen = 0; |
dance: for (let i = index; i < fileContent.length; i++) { |
switch (fileContent[i]) { |
case "{": |
bracketOpen++; |
break; |
case "}": |
bracketOpen--; |
if (bracketOpen === 0 && kind === "interface") { |
if (fileContent[index - 2] === "/" && fileContent[index - 3] === "*") { |
index = fileContent.lastIndexOf("/*", index); |
} |
yield fileContent.slice(index, i + 1); |
index = i + 1; |
break dance; |
} |
break; |
case ";": |
if (bracketOpen === 0) { |
if (fileContent[index - 2] === "/" && fileContent[index - 3] === "*") { |
index = fileContent.lastIndexOf("/*", index); |
} |
yield fileContent.slice(index, i + 1); |
index = i + 1; |
break dance; |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
if (initialIndex === index) { |
console.error("Failed to parse fileContent", fileContent.slice(index, index + 100)); |
process.exit(1); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
function* extractAsyncFunctions(fileContent: string): Iterable<string> { |
let index = 0; |
while (true) { |
index = fileContent.indexOf(`export async function`, index); |
if (index === -1) { |
break; |
} |
const typeBegin = fileContent.indexOf("): ", index); |
if (typeBegin === -1) { |
console.error("Failed to parse fileContent", fileContent.slice(index, index + 100)); |
process.exit(1); |
} |
const typeEnd = fileContent.indexOf(" {", typeBegin); |
if (typeEnd === -1) { |
console.error("Failed to parse fileContent", fileContent.slice(index, index + 100)); |
process.exit(1); |
} |
if (fileContent[index - 2] === "/" && fileContent[index - 3] === "*") { |
index = fileContent.lastIndexOf("/*", index); |
} |
yield fileContent |
.slice(index, typeEnd) |
.replace("export async ", "export ") |
.replace("export function*", "export function") |
.trim() + ";"; |
index = typeEnd; |
} |
} |
for (const distPath of ["./dist/index.js", "./dist/index.cjs"]) { |
writeFileSync(distPath, '/// <reference path="./index.d.ts" />\n' + readFileSync(distPath, "utf-8")); |
} |