import json import re from pathlib import Path import requests import streamlit as st import yaml from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from streamlit_ace import st_ace from streamlit_tags import st_tags # exact same regex as in the Hub server. Please keep in sync. REGEX_YAML_BLOCK = re.compile(r"---[\n\r]+([\S\s]*?)[\n\r]+---[\n\r]") with open("languages.json") as f: lang2name = json.load(f) def try_parse_yaml(yaml_block): try: metadata = yaml.load(yaml_block, yaml.SafeLoader) except yaml.YAMLError as e: print("Error while parsing the metadata YAML:") if hasattr(e, "problem_mark"): if e.context is not None: st.error( str(e.problem_mark) + "\n " + str(e.problem) + " " + str(e.context) + "\nPlease correct the and retry." ) else: st.error( str(e.problem_mark) + "\n " + str(e.problem) + "\nPlease correct the and retry." ) else: st.error( "Something went wrong while parsing the metadata. " "Make sure it's written according to the YAML spec!" ) return None return metadata def main(): st.markdown("# The 🤗 Speech Bench Metrics Editor") st.markdown("This tool will help you report the evaluation metrics for all of your speech recognition models. " "Follow the steps and watch your models appear on the [Speech Bench Leaderboard](!") st.markdown("## 1. Load your model's metadata") st.markdown("Enter your model's path below.") model_id = st.text_input("", placeholder="/") if not model_id.strip(): st.stop() try: readme_path = hf_hub_download(model_id, filename="") except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: st.error( f"ERROR:{model_id}/blob/main/ " f"not found, make sure you've entered a correct model path and created a model card for it!" ) st.stop() content = Path(readme_path).read_text() match = if match: meta_yaml = else: st.error( "ERROR: Couldn't find the metadata section inside your model's ``. Do you have some basic metadata " "enclosed in `---` as described in [the Hub documentation](" ) st.stop() metadata = try_parse_yaml(meta_yaml) if metadata is None: st.stop() else: st.success("Successfully loaded the metadata!") with st.expander("Inspect the parsed metadata for debugging"): st.json(metadata) st.markdown("## 2. Edit the data") ############################ # LANGUAGES ############################ st.markdown("### Language(s)") st.markdown( "For each spoken language that your model handles, enter an " "[ISO 639-1]( language code, or " "find an appropriate alternative from " "[our list here]( " "When in doubt, use the most generic language code, e.g. `en` instead of `en-GB` and `en-US`." ) st.markdown("*Example*: `en, gsw, pt-BR`") metadata["language"] = metadata["language"] if "language" in metadata else [] metadata["language"] = ( metadata["language"] if isinstance(metadata["language"], list) else [metadata["language"]] ) languages = st_tags( label="", text="add more if needed, and press enter", value=metadata["language"], key=model_id+"_langs" ) lang_names = [lang2name[lang] if lang in lang2name else lang for lang in languages] st.markdown("These languages will be parsed by the leaderboard as: ") st.code(", ".join(lang_names)) metadata["language"] = languages ############################ # TRAIN DATASETS ############################ st.markdown("### Training dataset(s)") st.markdown( "List the datasets that your model was **trained** on. " "If the datasets aren't published on the Hub yet, just add their names anyway." ) st.markdown( "*Example*: `librispeech_asr, mozilla-foundation/common_voice_8_0, my_custom_youtube_dataset`" ) if "datasets" not in metadata: metadata["datasets"] = [] train_datasets = st_tags( label="", text="add more if needed, and press enter", value=metadata["datasets"], key=model_id+"_train_dataset" ) if "common_voice" in train_datasets: st.warning( "WARNING: `common_voice` is deprecated, please replace it with its equivalent: " "`mozilla-foundation/common_voice_6_1`" ) metadata["datasets"] = train_datasets ############################ # MODEL NAME ############################ st.markdown("### Model name") st.markdown("Enter a pretty name for your model.") st.markdown("*Example*: `XLS-R Wav2Vec2 LM Spanish by Jane Doe`") if "model-index" not in metadata: metadata["model-index"] = [{}] if "name" not in ["model-index"][0]: metadata["model-index"][0]["name"] = model_id.split("/")[-1] model_name = st.text_input("", value=metadata["model-index"][0]["name"]) metadata["model-index"][0]["name"] = model_name ############################ # EVAL RESULTS ############################ st.markdown("### Evaluation results") st.markdown( "To edit the metrics, you can either use the YAML editor below, or add new metrics using the handy " "form under it." ) if "results" not in metadata["model-index"][0]: metadata["model-index"][0]["results"] = [] results_editor = st.empty() with results_editor: results_yaml = yaml.dump( metadata["model-index"][0]["results"], sort_keys=False, line_break="\n" ) results_yaml = st_ace(value=results_yaml, language="yaml") metadata["model-index"][0]["results"] = try_parse_yaml(results_yaml) dataset_path_kwargs = {} dataset_name_kwargs = {} if ( len(metadata["model-index"][0]["results"]) > 0 and "dataset" in metadata["model-index"][0]["results"][0] ): if "type" in metadata["model-index"][0]["results"][0]["dataset"]: dataset_path_kwargs["value"] = metadata["model-index"][0]["results"][0][ "dataset" ]["type"] if "name" in metadata["model-index"][0]["results"][0]["dataset"]: dataset_name_kwargs["value"] = metadata["model-index"][0]["results"][0][ "dataset" ]["name"] with st.form(key="eval_form"): dataset_path = st.text_input( label="Dataset path / id", placeholder="mozilla-foundation/common_voice_8_0", **dataset_path_kwargs, ) dataset_name = st.text_input( label="A pretty name for the dataset. Examples: 'Common Voice 9.0 (French)', 'LibriSpeech (clean)'", placeholder="Common Voice 8.0 (French)", **dataset_name_kwargs, ) dataset_config = st.text_input( label="Dataset configuration. Examples: clean, other, en, pt-BR", placeholder="en", ) dataset_language_kwargs = {"value": languages[0]} if len(languages) > 0 else {} dataset_language = st.text_input( label="Dataset language. Examples: en, pt-BR", placeholder="en", **dataset_language_kwargs ) dataset_split = st.text_input( label="Dataset split. Examples: test, validation", value="test", placeholder="test", ) metric2name = {"wer": "Word Error Rate", "cer": "Character Error Rate"} metric_type = st.selectbox( label="Metric", options=["wer", "cer"], format_func=lambda key: metric2name[key], ) metric_name = st.text_input( label="A pretty name for the metric. Example: Test WER (+LM)", placeholder="Test WER", value="Test WER", ) metric_value = st.text_input( label="Metric value. Use values in range 0.0 to 100.0.", placeholder="12.34", ) # try: # metric_value = float(metric_value) # except ValueError: # st.error( # f"Couldn't parse `{metric_value}`. Make sure it's a number from 0.0 to 100.0" # ) submitted = st.form_submit_button("Add metric") if ( submitted and dataset_name and dataset_path and dataset_config and dataset_split and dataset_language and metric_name and metric_type and metric_value ): metric = { "name": metric_name, "type": metric_type, "value": metric_value, } # first, try to find an existing dataset+config record to add a new metric to it updated_existing = False for existing_result in metadata["model-index"][0]["results"]: existing_dataset = existing_result["dataset"] if ( existing_dataset["type"] == dataset_path and "config" in existing_dataset and existing_dataset["config"] == dataset_config and "split" in existing_dataset and existing_dataset["split"] == dataset_split ): if "metrics" not in existing_result: existing_result["metrics"] = [] existing_result["metrics"].append(metric) updated_existing = True break # if no dataset+config results found, create a new one if not updated_existing: result = { "task": { "name": "Automatic Speech Recognition", "type": "automatic-speech-recognition", }, "dataset": { "name": dataset_name, "type": dataset_path, "config": dataset_config, "split": dataset_split, "args": {"language": dataset_language}, }, "metrics": [metric], } metadata["model-index"][0]["results"].append(result) # update the code editor with results_editor: results_yaml = yaml.dump( metadata["model-index"][0]["results"], sort_keys=False, line_break="\n", ) results_yaml = st_ace(value=results_yaml, language="yaml") metadata["model-index"][0]["results"] = try_parse_yaml(results_yaml) st.success( f"Added the metric for {dataset_path} - {dataset_config}! " f"Check the result in the YAML editor above." ) elif submitted: st.error( f"Make sure that you've filled the whole form before clicking 'Add metric'!" ) ############################ # FINAL YAML ############################ st.markdown("## 3. Copy the generated metadata") st.markdown( "Copy the YAML from below and replace the metadata at the top of your model's here: " f"{model_id}/edit/main/" ) st.markdown("For mor info on the metadata schema please refer to " "") new_yaml = yaml.dump(metadata, sort_keys=False, line_break="\n") st.markdown(f"```yaml\n---\n{new_yaml}---\n```") if __name__ == "__main__": main()