# Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import statistics import json import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import streamlit as st from st_aggrid import AgGrid, GridOptionsBuilder from .dataset_utils import HF_DESC_FIELD, HF_FEATURE_FIELD, HF_LABEL_FIELD st.set_option('deprecation.showPyplotGlobalUse', False) _HAS_CACHE = json.load(open("cache_dir/has_cache.json")) def sidebar_header(): st.sidebar.markdown( """ This demo showcases the [dataset measures as we develop them](https://huggingface.co/blog/data-measurements-tool). Right now this has a few pre-loaded datasets for which you can: - view some general statistics about the text vocabulary, lengths, labels - explore some distributional statistics to assess properties of the language - view some comparison statistics and overview of the text distribution The tool is in development, and will keep growing in utility and functionality 🤗🚧 """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) def sidebar_selection(ds_name_to_dict, column_id): # ds_names = list(ds_name_to_dict.keys()) ds_names = list(_HAS_CACHE.keys()) with st.sidebar.expander(f"Choose dataset and field {column_id}", expanded=True): # choose a dataset to analyze ds_name = st.selectbox( f"Choose dataset to explore{column_id}:", ds_names, index=ds_names.index("hate_speech18"), ) # choose a config to analyze ds_configs = ds_name_to_dict[ds_name] if ds_name == "c4": config_names = ['en','en.noblocklist','realnewslike'] else: config_names = list(ds_configs.keys()) config_names = list(_HAS_CACHE[ds_name].keys()) config_name = st.selectbox( f"Choose configuration{column_id}:", config_names, index=0, ) # choose a subset of num_examples # TODO: Handling for multiple text features ds_config = ds_configs[config_name] # text_features = ds_config[HF_FEATURE_FIELD]["string"] text_features = [tuple(text_field.split('-')) for text_field in _HAS_CACHE[ds_name][config_name]] # TODO @yacine: Explain what this is doing and why eg tp[0] could = "id" text_field = st.selectbox( f"Which text feature from the{column_id} dataset would you like to analyze?", [("text",)] if ds_name == "c4" else [tp for tp in text_features if tp[0] != "id"], ) # Choose a split and dataset size # avail_splits = list(ds_config["splits"].keys()) avail_splits = list(_HAS_CACHE[ds_name][config_name]['-'.join(text_field)].keys()) # 12.Nov note: Removing "test" because those should not be examined # without discussion of pros and cons, which we haven't done yet. if "test" in avail_splits: avail_splits.remove("test") split = st.selectbox( f"Which split from the{column_id} dataset would you like to analyze?", avail_splits, index=0, ) label_field, label_names = ( ds_name_to_dict[ds_name][config_name][HF_FEATURE_FIELD][HF_LABEL_FIELD][0] if len( ds_name_to_dict[ds_name][config_name][HF_FEATURE_FIELD][HF_LABEL_FIELD] ) > 0 else ((), []) ) return { "dset_name": ds_name, "dset_config": config_name, "split_name": split, "text_field": text_field, "label_field": label_field, "label_names": label_names, } def expander_header(dstats, ds_name_to_dict, column_id): with st.expander(f"Dataset Description{column_id}"): st.markdown( ds_name_to_dict[dstats.dset_name][dstats.dset_config][HF_DESC_FIELD] ) st.dataframe(dstats.dset_peek) def expander_general_stats(dstats, column_id): with st.expander(f"General Text Statistics{column_id}"): st.caption( "Use this widget to check whether the terms you see most represented" " in the dataset make sense for the goals of the dataset." ) if dstats.total_words == 0: st.markdown("Eh oh...not finding the file I need. 😭 Probably it will be there soon. 🤞 Check back later!") else: st.markdown("There are {0} total words".format(str(dstats.total_words))) st.markdown( "There are {0} words after removing closed " "class words".format(str(dstats.total_open_words)) ) st.markdown( "The most common " "[open class words](https://dictionary.apa.org/open-class-words) " "and their counts are: " ) st.dataframe(dstats.sorted_top_vocab_df) st.markdown( "There are {0} missing values in the dataset.".format( str(dstats.text_nan_count) ) ) if dstats.dedup_total > 0: st.markdown( "There are {0} duplicate items in the dataset. " "For more information about the duplicates, " "click the 'Duplicates' tab below.".format(str(dstats.dedup_total)) ) else: st.markdown("There are 0 duplicate items in the dataset. ") ### Show the label distribution from the datasets def expander_label_distribution(fig_labels, column_id): with st.expander(f"Label Distribution{column_id}", expanded=False): st.caption( "Use this widget to see how balanced the labels in your dataset are." ) if fig_labels is not None: st.plotly_chart(fig_labels, use_container_width=True) else: st.markdown("No labels were found in the dataset") def expander_text_lengths(dstats, column_id): _TEXT_LENGTH_CAPTION = ( "Use this widget to identify outliers, particularly suspiciously long outliers." ) with st.expander(f"Text Lengths{column_id}", expanded=False): st.caption(_TEXT_LENGTH_CAPTION) st.markdown( "Below, you can see how the lengths of the text instances in your dataset are distributed." ) st.markdown( "Any unexpected peaks or valleys in the distribution may help to identify instances you want to remove or augment." ) st.markdown( "### Here is the relative frequency of different text lengths in your dataset:" ) try: st.image(dstats.fig_tok_length_png) except: st.pyplot(dstats.fig_tok_length, use_container_width=True) st.markdown( "The average length of text instances is **" + str(dstats.avg_length) + " words**, with a standard deviation of **" + str(dstats.std_length) + "**." ) # This is quite a large file and is breaking our ability to navigate the app development. # Just passing if it's not already there for launch v0 if dstats.length_df is not None: start_id_show_lengths = st.selectbox( "Show examples of length:", sorted(dstats.length_df["length"].unique().tolist()), key=f"select_show_length_{column_id}", ) st.table( dstats.length_df[ dstats.length_df["length"] == start_id_show_lengths ].set_index("length") ) ### Third, use a sentence embedding model def expander_text_embeddings( text_dset, fig_tree, node_list, embeddings, text_field, column_id ): with st.expander(f"Text Embedding Clusters{column_id}", expanded=False): _EMBEDDINGS_CAPTION = """ ### Hierarchical Clustering of Text Fields Taking in the diversity of text represented in a dataset can be challenging when it is made up of hundreds to thousands of sentences. Grouping these text items based on a measure of similarity can help users gain some insights into their distribution. The following figure shows a hierarchical clustering of the text fields in the dataset based on a [Sentence-Transformer](https://hf.co/sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2) model. Clusters are merged if any of the embeddings in cluster A has a dot product with any of the embeddings or with the centroid of cluster B higher than a threshold (one threshold per level, from 0.5 to 0.95). To explore the clusters, you can: - hover over a node to see the 5 most representative examples (deduplicated) - enter an example in the text box below to see which clusters it is most similar to - select a cluster by ID to show all of its examples """ st.markdown(_EMBEDDINGS_CAPTION) st.plotly_chart(fig_tree, use_container_width=True) st.markdown("---\n") if st.checkbox( label="Enter text to see nearest clusters", key=f"search_clusters_{column_id}", ): compare_example = st.text_area( label="Enter some text here to see which of the clusters in the dataset it is closest to", key=f"search_cluster_input_{column_id}", ) if compare_example != "": paths_to_leaves = embeddings.cached_clusters.get( compare_example, embeddings.find_cluster_beam(compare_example, beam_size=50), ) clusters_intro = "" if paths_to_leaves[0][1] < 0.3: clusters_intro += ( "**Warning: no close clusters found (best score <0.3). **" ) clusters_intro += "The closest clusters to the text entered aboce are:" st.markdown(clusters_intro) for path, score in paths_to_leaves[:5]: example = text_dset[ node_list[path[-1]]["sorted_examples_centroid"][0][0] ][text_field][:256] st.write( f"Cluster {path[-1]:5d} | Score: {score:.3f} \n Example: {example}" ) show_node_default = paths_to_leaves[0][0][-1] else: show_node_default = len(node_list) // 2 else: show_node_default = len(node_list) // 2 st.markdown("---\n") if text_dset is None: st.markdown("Missing source text to show, check back later!") else: show_node = st.selectbox( f"Choose a leaf node to explore in the{column_id} dataset:", range(len(node_list)), index=show_node_default, ) node = node_list[show_node] start_id = st.slider( f"Show closest sentences in cluster to the centroid{column_id} starting at index:", 0, len(node["sorted_examples_centroid"]) - 5, value=0, step=5, ) for sid, sim in node["sorted_examples_centroid"][start_id : start_id + 5]: # only show the first 4 lines and the first 10000 characters show_text = text_dset[sid][text_field][:10000] show_text = "\n".join(show_text.split("\n")[:4]) st.text(f"{sim:.3f} \t {show_text}") ### Then, show duplicates def expander_text_duplicates(dstats, column_id): # TODO: Saving/loading figure with st.expander(f"Text Duplicates{column_id}", expanded=False): st.caption( "Use this widget to identify text strings that appear more than once." ) st.markdown( "A model's training and testing may be negatively affected by unwarranted duplicates ([Lee et al., 2021](https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.06499))." ) st.markdown("------") st.write( "### Here is the list of all the duplicated items and their counts in your dataset:" ) if dstats.dup_counts_df is None or dstats.dup_counts_df.empty: st.write("There are no duplicates in this dataset! 🥳") else: st.dataframe(dstats.dup_counts_df.reset_index(drop=True)) def expander_npmi_description(min_vocab): _NPMI_CAPTION = ( "Use this widget to identify problematic biases and stereotypes in your data." ) _NPMI_CAPTION1 = """ nPMI scores for a word help to identify potentially problematic associations, ranked by how close the association is.""" _NPMI_CAPTION2 = """ nPMI bias scores for paired words help to identify how word associations are skewed between the selected selected words ([Aka et al., 2021](https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.03417)). """ st.caption(_NPMI_CAPTION) st.markdown(_NPMI_CAPTION1) st.markdown(_NPMI_CAPTION2) st.markdown(" ") st.markdown( "You can select from gender and sexual orientation " "identity terms that appear in the dataset at least %s " "times." % min_vocab ) st.markdown( "The resulting ranked words are those that co-occur with both " "identity terms. " ) st.markdown( "The more *positive* the score, the more associated the word is with the first identity term. " "The more *negative* the score, the more associated the word is with the second identity term." ) ### Finally, show Zipf stuff def expander_zipf(z, zipf_fig, column_id): with st.expander( f"Vocabulary Distribution{column_id}: Zipf's Law Fit", expanded=False ): try: _ZIPF_CAPTION = """This shows how close the observed language is to an ideal natural language distribution following [Zipf's law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zipf%27s_law), calculated by minimizing the [Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov%E2%80%93Smirnov_test).""" powerlaw_eq = r"""p(x) \propto x^{- \alpha}""" zipf_summary = ( "The optimal alpha based on this dataset is: **" + str(round(z.alpha, 2)) + "**, with a KS distance of: **" + str(round(z.distance, 2)) ) zipf_summary += ( "**. This was fit with a minimum rank value of: **" + str(int(z.xmin)) + "**, which is the optimal rank *beyond which* the scaling regime of the power law fits best." ) alpha_warning = "Your alpha value is a bit on the high side, which means that the distribution over words in this dataset is a bit unnatural. This could be due to non-language items throughout the dataset." xmin_warning = "The minimum rank for this fit is a bit on the high side, which means that the frequencies of your most common words aren't distributed as would be expected by Zipf's law." fit_results_table = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( { r"Alpha:": [str("%.2f" % z.alpha)], "KS distance:": [str("%.2f" % z.distance)], "Min rank:": [str("%s" % int(z.xmin))], }, columns=["Results"], orient="index", ) fit_results_table.index.name = column_id st.caption( "Use this widget for the counts of different words in your dataset, measuring the difference between the observed count and the expected count under Zipf's law." ) st.markdown(_ZIPF_CAPTION) st.write( """ A Zipfian distribution follows the power law: $p(x) \propto x^{-α}$ with an ideal α value of 1.""" ) st.markdown( "In general, an alpha greater than 2 or a minimum rank greater than 10 (take with a grain of salt) means that your distribution is relativaly _unnatural_ for natural language. This can be a sign of mixed artefacts in the dataset, such as HTML markup." ) st.markdown( "Below, you can see the counts of each word in your dataset vs. the expected number of counts following a Zipfian distribution." ) st.markdown("-----") st.write("### Here is your dataset's Zipf results:") st.dataframe(fit_results_table) st.write(zipf_summary) # TODO: Nice UI version of the content in the comments. # st.markdown("\nThe KS test p-value is < %.2f" % z.ks_test.pvalue) # if z.ks_test.pvalue < 0.01: # st.markdown( # "\n Great news! Your data fits a powerlaw with a minimum KS " "distance of %.4f" % z.distance) # else: # st.markdown("\n Sadly, your data does not fit a powerlaw. =(") # st.markdown("Checking the goodness of fit of our observed distribution") # st.markdown("to the hypothesized power law distribution") # st.markdown("using a Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test.") st.plotly_chart(zipf_fig, use_container_width=True) if z.alpha > 2: st.markdown(alpha_warning) if z.xmin > 5: st.markdown(xmin_warning) except: st.write("Under construction! 😱 🚧") ### Finally finally finally, show nPMI stuff. def npmi_widget(npmi_stats, min_vocab, column_id): """ Part of the main app, but uses a user interaction so pulled out as its own f'n. :param use_cache: :param column_id: :param npmi_stats: :param min_vocab: :return: """ with st.expander(f"Word Association{column_id}: nPMI", expanded=False): try: if len(npmi_stats.available_terms) > 0: expander_npmi_description(min_vocab) st.markdown("-----") term1 = st.selectbox( f"What is the first term you want to select?{column_id}", npmi_stats.available_terms, ) term2 = st.selectbox( f"What is the second term you want to select?{column_id}", reversed(npmi_stats.available_terms), ) # We calculate/grab nPMI data based on a canonical (alphabetic) # subgroup ordering. subgroup_pair = sorted([term1, term2]) try: joint_npmi_df = npmi_stats.load_or_prepare_joint_npmi(subgroup_pair) npmi_show(joint_npmi_df) except KeyError: st.markdown( "**WARNING!** The nPMI for these terms has not been pre-computed, please re-run caching." ) else: st.markdown( "No words found co-occurring with both of the selected identity terms." ) except: st.write("Under construction! 😱 🚧") def npmi_show(paired_results): if paired_results.empty: st.markdown("No words that co-occur enough times for results! Or there's a 🐛. Or we're still computing this one. 🤷") else: s = pd.DataFrame(paired_results.sort_values(by="npmi-bias", ascending=True)) # s.columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([['npmi','npmi','npmi','count', 'count'],['bias','man','straight','man','straight']]) s.index.name = "word" npmi_cols = s.filter(like="npmi").columns count_cols = s.filter(like="count").columns if s.shape[0] > 10000: bias_thres = max(abs(s["npmi-bias"][5000]), abs(s["npmi-bias"][-5000])) print(f"filtering with bias threshold: {bias_thres}") s_filtered = s[s["npmi-bias"].abs() > bias_thres] else: s_filtered = s # TODO: This is very different look than the duplicates table above. Should probably standardize. cm = sns.palplot(sns.diverging_palette(270, 36, s=99, l=48, n=16)) out_df = ( s_filtered.style.background_gradient(subset=npmi_cols, cmap=cm) .format(subset=npmi_cols, formatter="{:,.3f}") .format(subset=count_cols, formatter=int) .set_properties( subset=count_cols, **{"width": "10em", "text-align": "center"} ) .set_properties(**{"align": "center"}) .set_caption( "nPMI scores and co-occurence counts between the selected identity terms and the words they both co-occur with" ) ) # s = pd.read_excel("output.xlsx", index_col="word") st.write("### Here is your dataset's nPMI results:") st.dataframe(out_df) ### Dumping unused functions here for now ### Second, show the distribution of text perplexities def expander_text_perplexities(text_label_df, sorted_sents_loss, fig_loss): with st.expander("Show text perplexities A", expanded=False): st.markdown("### Text perplexities A") st.plotly_chart(fig_loss, use_container_width=True) start_id_show_loss = st.slider( "Show highest perplexity sentences in A starting at index:", 0, text_label_df.shape[0] - 5, value=0, step=5, ) for lss, sent in sorted_sents_loss[start_id_show_loss : start_id_show_loss + 5]: st.text(f"{lss:.3f} {sent}")