import asyncio import glob import os import pathlib import random import discord from gradio_client import Client from PIL import Image from discord.ui import Button, View HF_TOKEN = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN") deepfloydif_client = Client("huggingface-projects/IF", HF_TOKEN) BOT_USER_ID = 1086256910572986469 if os.getenv("TEST_ENV", False) else 1102236653545861151 DEEPFLOYDIF_CHANNEL_ID = 1121834257959092234 if os.getenv("TEST_ENV", False) else 1119313215675973714 def deepfloydif_generate64_inference(prompt): """Generates four images based on a prompt""" negative_prompt = "" seed = random.randint(0, 1000) number_of_images = 4 guidance_scale = 7 custom_timesteps_1 = "smart50" number_of_inference_steps = 50 ( stage_1_images, stage_1_param_path, path_for_upscale256_upscaling, ) = deepfloydif_client.predict( prompt, negative_prompt, seed, number_of_images, guidance_scale, custom_timesteps_1, number_of_inference_steps, api_name="/generate64", ) return [stage_1_images, stage_1_param_path, path_for_upscale256_upscaling] def deepfloydif_upscale256_inference(index, path_for_upscale256_upscaling): """Upscales one of the images from deepfloydif_generate64_inference based on the chosen index""" selected_index_for_upscale256 = index seed_2 = 0 guidance_scale_2 = 4 custom_timesteps_2 = "smart50" number_of_inference_steps_2 = 50 result_path = deepfloydif_client.predict( path_for_upscale256_upscaling, selected_index_for_upscale256, seed_2, guidance_scale_2, custom_timesteps_2, number_of_inference_steps_2, api_name="/upscale256", ) return result_path def deepfloydif_upscale1024_inference(index, path_for_upscale256_upscaling, prompt): """Upscales to stage 2, then stage 3""" selected_index_for_upscale256 = index seed_2 = 0 # default seed for stage 2 256 upscaling guidance_scale_2 = 4 # default for stage 2 custom_timesteps_2 = "smart50" # default for stage 2 number_of_inference_steps_2 = 50 # default for stage 2 negative_prompt = "" # empty (not used, could add in the future) seed_3 = 0 # default for stage 3 1024 upscaling guidance_scale_3 = 9 # default for stage 3 number_of_inference_steps_3 = 40 # default for stage 3 result_path = deepfloydif_client.predict( path_for_upscale256_upscaling, selected_index_for_upscale256, seed_2, guidance_scale_2, custom_timesteps_2, number_of_inference_steps_2, prompt, negative_prompt, seed_3, guidance_scale_3, number_of_inference_steps_3, api_name="/upscale1024", ) return result_path def load_image(png_files, stage_1_images): """Opens images as variables so we can combine them later""" results = [] for file in png_files: png_path = os.path.join(stage_1_images, file) results.append( return results def combine_images(png_files, stage_1_images, partial_path): if os.environ.get("TEST_ENV") == "True": print("Combining images for deepfloydif_generate64") images = load_image(png_files, stage_1_images) combined_image ="RGB", (images[0].width * 2, images[0].height * 2)) combined_image.paste(images[0], (0, 0)) combined_image.paste(images[1], (images[0].width, 0)) combined_image.paste(images[2], (0, images[0].height)) combined_image.paste(images[3], (images[0].width, images[0].height)) combined_image_path = os.path.join(stage_1_images, f"{partial_path}.png") return combined_image_path async def deepfloydif_generate64(ctx, prompt, client): """DeepfloydIF command (generate images with realistic text using slash commands)""" try: if != BOT_USER_ID: if == DEEPFLOYDIF_CHANNEL_ID: if os.environ.get("TEST_ENV") == "True": print("Safety checks passed for deepfloydif_generate64") channel = client.get_channel(DEEPFLOYDIF_CHANNEL_ID) # interaction.response message can't be used to create a thread, so we create another message message = await ctx.send(f"**{prompt}** - {} ") loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() result = await loop.run_in_executor(None, deepfloydif_generate64_inference, prompt) stage_1_images = result[0] path_for_upscale256_upscaling = result[2] partial_path = pathlib.Path(path_for_upscale256_upscaling).name png_files = list(glob.glob(f"{stage_1_images}/**/*.png")) if png_files: await message.delete() combined_image_path = combine_images(png_files, stage_1_images, partial_path) if os.environ.get("TEST_ENV") == "True": print("Images combined for deepfloydif_generate64") with as img: width, height = img.size new_width = width * 3 new_height = height * 3 resized_img = img.resize((new_width, new_height)) x2_combined_image_path = combined_image_path # making image bigger, more readable with open(x2_combined_image_path, "rb") as f: # was combined_image_path button1 = Button(custom_id="0", emoji="↖") button2 = Button(custom_id="1", emoji="↗") button3 = Button(custom_id="2", emoji="↙") button4 = Button(custom_id="3", emoji="↘") async def button_callback(interaction): index = int(["custom_id"]) # 0,1,2,3 await interaction.response.send_message( f"{interaction.user.mention} ", ephemeral=True ) result_path = await deepfloydif_upscale256(index, path_for_upscale256_upscaling) # create and use upscale 1024 button with open(result_path, "rb") as f: upscale1024 = Button( label="High-quality upscale (x4)", custom_id=str(index) ) # "0", "1" etc upscale1024.callback = upscale1024_callback view = View(timeout=None) view.add_item(upscale1024) await interaction.delete_original_response() await channel.send( content=( f"{interaction.user.mention} Here is the upscaled image! Click the button" " to upscale even more!" ), file=discord.File(f, f"{prompt}.png"), view=view, ) async def upscale1024_callback(interaction): index = int(["custom_id"]) await interaction.response.send_message( f"{interaction.user.mention} ", ephemeral=True ) result_path = await deepfloydif_upscale1024(index, path_for_upscale256_upscaling, prompt) with open(result_path, "rb") as f: await interaction.delete_original_response() await channel.send( content=f"{interaction.user.mention} Here's your high-quality x16 image!", file=discord.File(f, f"{prompt}.png"), ) button1.callback = button_callback button2.callback = button_callback button3.callback = button_callback button4.callback = button_callback view = View(timeout=None) view.add_item(button1) view.add_item(button2) view.add_item(button3) view.add_item(button4) # could store this message as combined_image_dfif in case it's useful for future testing await channel.send( f"**{prompt}** - {} Click a button to upscale! (make larger + enhance" " quality)", file=discord.File(f, f"{partial_path}.png"), view=view, ) else: await ctx.send(f"{} No PNG files were found, cannot post them!") except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") async def deepfloydif_upscale256(index: int, path_for_upscale256_upscaling): """upscaling function for images generated using /deepfloydif""" try: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() result_path = await loop.run_in_executor( None, deepfloydif_upscale256_inference, index, path_for_upscale256_upscaling ) return result_path except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") async def deepfloydif_upscale1024(index: int, path_for_upscale256_upscaling, prompt): """upscaling function for images generated using /deepfloydif""" try: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() result_path = await loop.run_in_executor( None, deepfloydif_upscale1024_inference, index, path_for_upscale256_upscaling, prompt ) return result_path except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}")