import os import random import threading import discord import gradio as gr from discord import app_commands from discord.ext import commands # HF GUILD SETTINGS MY_GUILD_ID = 1077674588122648679 if os.getenv("TEST_ENV", False) else 879548962464493619 MY_GUILD = discord.Object(id=MY_GUILD_ID) DISCORD_TOKEN = os.environ.get("DISCORD_TOKEN", None) class Bot(commands.Bot): """This structure allows slash commands to work instantly.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__(command_prefix="/", intents=discord.Intents.all()) async def setup_hook(self): await self.tree.sync(guild=discord.Object(MY_GUILD_ID)) print(f"Synced slash commands for {self.user}.") client = Bot() @client.event async def on_ready(): print(f"Logged in as {client.user} (ID: {})") print("------") def run_bot(): threading.Thread(target=run_bot).start() """This allows us to run the Discord bot in a Python thread""" with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown(""" # Huggingbots Server This space hosts the huggingbots discord bot. Currently supported models are Falcon and DeepfloydIF """) demo.queue(concurrency_count=100) demo.queue(max_size=100) demo.launch()